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Fairplay, SC

Lakeside DGC

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Lakeside DGC reviews

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Diamond level trusted reviewer
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Experience: 20.4 years 616 played 568 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Fun Play in Fairplay 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 23, 2020 Played the course:once


Lakeside offers an interesting layout alongside Lake Hartwell. An 18-hole, six basket design creates strolls back and forth the small plot of land.
- It's impressive to find a full 18-hole layout on about 4 acres of land. With that condensed of a space, there will be lots of overlap. But, the course designer does an excellent job of creating as much variance as possible.
- Course has six baskets - two in the woods and four essentially all in the open. One wooded basket has four holes playing to it, including the first 3, one holes is played to twice, and the others three times each.
- Course feels and plays like two different ones from the wooded portion to the open. The wooded holes have the lake as a backdrop, creating some amazing views. On holes #2 & 3, you're teeing off just steps from the edge of the water. Gordon says for tournaments, the tee is actually from the pontoon boat. Stunning!
- Holes #1 - 4 are great being in the woods. Three holes play to an island green. For three holes ranging around 200 - 225, this was actually a tough layout due to crosswinds. Being next to the lake, I suspect the crosswinds are a common situation.
- The crosswinds also create an added obstacle throughout all of the open holes. On the two longest layouts - #5 & 13 - you're throwing parallel to the road. On #13 & 18, which has you throwing towards the road from alongside the house, two discs ended up landing in or across the road. And on both of those shots, a car drove by with the disc in midflight. Eek!
- Two solid par 4s - #4 and 13. #4 is a tight, wooded, station-to-station layout. With two good shots, or possibly a little good luck, around and through the trees, and you'll have a nice birdie putt. Or, you may be playing plinko and scrambling for bogey. #13 is just a 500-foot layout that's in the open for the initial 90% of the layout before approaching the basket in the woods.
- Great host. I think the best part of my round was the company. Gordon's a friendly, outgoing guy. You can tell he's passionate about disc golf. He's the guy who seems like an old friend even though you've just met. His commentary and insights into the course made my round more enjoyable.


The multiple holes to a single basket layout is not everyone's cup of tea. It's not something most people would want to play every day. It is an adjustment.
- Along those lines, the negatives of such a layout. Multiple holes feel similar. #2, 3, and 14 have similar vibes, with each having a slightly different angle approaching the basket. Other holes feel similar as you may be approaching the same basket from different angles. 250 feet is still 250 feet.
- You're walking the length of a hole just to tee off, turn around, and head back towards the basket from where you just started.
- Course is virtually impossible to navigate blindly. You will need a course guide; although, you need a course guide anyways seeing how it is private property.
- Due to a lack of space, it's maybe not the most challenging of layouts. Part of the wooded land is public space so no clearing is allowed there. Still, I think anyone would be hard pressed to create a more challenging or varied layout in this amount of space.
- The dangers of the road. As mentioned above, you're waiting for cars to pass and/or throwing with extreme caution when playing parallel to it. It's not the busiest of roads. But when cars are zipping by at 55, a disc in midflight seems like it's floating forever.
- It's a 15 minute drive back to the gas stations and fast food joints. Make sure you grab your drinks and snacks when you hop off the interstate.

Other Thoughts:

Lakeside is a fun course. It's not the greatest nor the most challenging. It's a fun place for a laid back round.
- Holes #2 & 3 have a moving tee dependent upon the water level. Wherever the water ends, you're throwing 10 feet from that point. Play this course during a drought and it's suddenly a long shot. Play after days of heavy rain and it's not so bad. Gordon pointed out that the hole typically varies in length by about 10 - 20 feet.
- I wish there were more holes in the woods. Playing on a (relatively) warm October afternoon, it got hot fast. It's got to be brutal playing in the middle of summers, in mid 90s temps vs low-to-mid 80s.
- There's a small but active group of regulars who play here. You enjoy hearing locals discuss rounds from weeks earlier.
- There's an impaled disc on a tree in front of the first tee. Turns out someone threw at just the right angle, at just the right speed that the impalement was 100% natural. At that point, the disc needs to become a part of the course's lore.
- Gordon lovingly has named the basket on the raised hill as Katherine in tribute to a Stephen King novel. Weird things happen with that basket so goes the tale.
- I enjoyed the island green layout. Second best basket location, IMO. It's a good spot that you could pick anywhere to throw from for temp hole layouts.
- You won't be able to play a speed round here. You will get to enjoy a fun, casual round. Gamesmanship is encouraged but it's overshadowed by a celebration of the game. A good course to check out if you're looking for something different.
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