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Evansville, IN

Mesker Park

4.015(based on 43 reviews)
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Mesker Park reviews

12 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 1.3 years 21 played 15 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Woods/Park Golf Fusion

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 22, 2024 Played the course:once


Mesker park is a very solid disc golf course on the west side of Evansville, IN. It is 5672 ft. par 57 from the regular tees, and 4671 ft. par 54 from the short tees. This review is about the shorts, since I was taking a new player with me. (Plus, let's be honest, the short tees are more fun anyway.)


+FUN HOLES: Not one hole disappoints on this course. There is a good, solid mix of partially wooded and mostly wooded holes here. The lines are well set up, and lots of good risk/reward. Shot shaping is required.

+TERRAIN: The elevation in southern Indiana makes this course what it is. Lots of rolling hills with trees make this course unique. Not a cornfield course by any means.

+TWO TEE LOCATIONS: As I mentioned earlier, there are long and short tees on most holes. I always appreciate it when this is the case, since having such makes it so all players have something to enjoy.

+PROXIMITY TO MESKER WOODS: I have yet to play Mesker Woods, but it's definitely a plus having these two courses so close to each other.

+BASKETS: The baskets are Dynamic Discs Veterans in great condition. I don't care what Gannon Buhr thinks about these, they catch wonderfully.

BENCHES: There are benches next to most tees, which is, of course, nice.


-PARK ROAD: This road winds throughout the course, and while it is not used often, if a car were to use it, a safety hazard would be present.

-ZOO: Mesker park is right next to a zoo. The reason this is a con is hole 16, which runs right up against the zoo wall. If you throw your disc in there, good luck getting it back. If the 6ft tall, barbed wire fence doesn't get you, the lions and tigers and bears (oh my!) definitely will.

Other Thoughts:

=O.B.: If you don't like O.B, then either don't play with it or don't play here. Anywhere on or over the road is O.B on most holes.

=Mesker Park is an all-around excellent course that checks all the right boxes. If you are looking for a championship level course, keep looking, but if you are looking for some fun disc golf, you found it! This course isn't the destination, but along with Mesker Woods, (I assume), it's the attraction you drive 2 hours out of your way to play.
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16 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.4 years 1162 played 739 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 22, 2024 Played the course:once


Mesker park DGC is a really fun and nicely designed 18 hole course. This is one of two 18 hole courses in the park, the other being Mesker Woods just to the west. Mesker park is the more standard, park style of the two. The two courses compliment each as other nicely by offering contrasting styles.

The course weaves through moderately wooded and hilly terrain for the entire round. There's a good mixture of different shots off the tee. Left, right and straight shots going both up and downhill. There's not really any flat holes out here.

The baskets are white Dynamic Veteran's. These are all in great shape and caught nicely. There's a single basket and pin placement per hole.

Concrete tees on every hole. These are decent sized and get the job done. There's two tee pads on some of the holes but not all of them.

The design is well done out here. The flow of the course works well. There's not much for longer transitions from hole to hole. I didn't have to spend any time searching out there today. They also did a great job of incorporating trees into play on every hole. There's not a single wide open hole out here. You're going to need to shape a shot for every drive, even if it's only a couple trees to miss. The park road runs through the course and plays as OB too.

The tee signs are really solid. The feature a nice looking hole map which shows both tee locations and even the next or nearby tees in spots. I kind of like the idea of showing the next tees actual location on the signs rather than arrows. I understand it isn't always possible but it gives you a better sense of where to go next. In addition to that they have the hole #, Par and distances from both tees and a description of any OB that could come into play.

The park was very clean and there were numerous benches by the tees which is awesome for a hilly course like this. Just a pretty park in general. Free to play and permanent as well.


Lots of erosion out here. It's understandable as I'm sure this places gets a lot of traffic. But it's worth noting since there'll be some trip hazards and super unpredictable ground play.

Lots of OB with the park road winding through a over the place. This kind of pinches off some of the fairways.

There's potential for a lost disc out here but it'd be pretty tough to do besides throwing one over the barbed wire fence that runs along the right side of hole 16. There are a couple blind from the tee baskets but the brush wasn't real thick and doesn't look to ever be. I haven't seen it in the summer though.

Hole 9 is a beautiful looking hole with the stone bridge. The problem is that the bridge is in use by walkers. The pin is tucked on the other side of the creek only about 15 feet from the bridge. Terrible idea to put a basket there.

Other Thoughts:

I'm glad we took the 30 minute drive down here to play these two courses before heading north. This was less up my alley than the other more wooded courses but was still a very fun round. This place is definitely worth a visit if you're ever down this way. Very good course with the extra benefit of having another one onsite.
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17 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 5.2 years 184 played 131 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Classic look and Feel

Reviewed: Played on:May 29, 2023 Played the course:5+ times


1) Initial impressions are a solid "almost" entirely disc golf dedicated park. Lots of mature old growth trees, well manicured, ample parking near Hole #1, in the middle of the course by a shelter house with bathrooms, and at the top of the course near the adjacent Mesker Woods course. Park definitely shows it's age but has a strong club presence that keeps its very clean and taken care of.

2) All tee pads are textured concrete and in good shape for their age, newly installed tee signs show all relevant information and color photo of hole, most holes have a long and short tee pad, new Prodigy baskets installed throughout the course. There are multiple layouts to choose from including the long AM worlds layout from 2022 that incorporates both Mesker Park and portions of Mesker Woods nearby which allows you to choose the level at which you want to challenge yourself.

3) Short layout is very beginner friendly and a wonderful course to get someone started as the distances and lines needed to hit aren't overwhelming but still provide a nice challenge. Very scoreable and can be played quickly. Great first course and probably one of the reasons Evansville has such a strong community of juniors and female disc golfers.

4) Long layout ups the difficulty in both distances and lines in a moderately wooded setting. While still very scoreable, the challenge presented is noticeably higher. This layout definitely favors the RHBH so if you are a sidearm player or only LHBH and want to work on your turnover woods game, try this layout.

5) Very solid use of elevation change, tricky greens with roll away potential, and smart placement of tee pads where at least one tree blocks the preferred easy line. There are a couple access roads that snake through the park that provide a sort of natural OB to help shape holes and increase the difficulty as well.

6) There are some extremely picturesque holes on this course due to the old rock masonry bridges strewn throughout.

7) Multiple ace runs throughout, especially from the short tees.

8) Though it doesn't have a Pro shop on site, Busler's Gas station less than half a mile down the road provides a lost and found for discs found on the two mesker courses, as well as a large shop for brand new discs and accessories including Bags, carts, baskets, etc. A very impressive selection indeed.


1) This course, while extremely fun, is on the lower end of difficulty and feels like it is a holdover from the era of 7 speed drivers being the fastest discs on the market. There is very little in the way of remaining space to expand the course. It however will remain as a great beginner/recreational course for years to come.

2) The Zoo, yes there is a zoo enclosure down the entire side of 16's fairway. Discs sent over the fence may take some effort to get back as there are signs posted everywhere not to climb the fence. The Zoo crew does occasionally check the property and try to return discs, but there is no promise you will get yours back. This is compounded by the fact that this hole plays 395 ft downhill the entire way, sloping left to right towards the Zoo fence and almost requiring a RHBH hyzer directly at or over the fence at the start of the flight.

3) There is some very thick underbrush that divides the center and sides of the course. Full of thorns and poison ivy and it does come into play on a few holes if you take a tree kick. This is only a small negative as it adds difficulty to the course, but nobody likes being buried in the nasty stuff if they can help it.

4) Very compact course on a small piece of property, well loved and often full of people. Fairways run very close to one another and there is always something or someone to be watching out for. Several blind shots that you will need to ensure the coast is clear before throwing from the tee.

5) Not the best course to play after the leaves fall. There is so many trees that the fairways are usually covered in a dense coating of leaves making finding discs in the winter months extremely difficult. Lost many discs over the years in the middle of fairways only to be reunited later on by good samaritans.

Other Thoughts:

Overall a VERY solid course for all skill levels. Good enough to be selected as an AM worlds course and held up well to the top amateurs in the world. Benefits from sitting on the same property as Mesker Woods (a more challenging even more densely wooded course) and gives you a two for one special if you come visit. Evansville definitely has a lot going for it with multiple very good to excellent courses with a short driving distance. If Evansville isn't on your radar for a disc golf trip, it should be. There are different levels of difficulty and style of play all over the area and most are done extremely well.
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3 0
Experience: 6.3 years 4 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Good Stuff 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 13, 2018 Played the course:once


Excellent change of elevations. Good diversity of open and technical shots. Most of the Par 3's are too long for my arm, but technical enough to keep the fun in it. Definitely need both side arm and backhand shots in your arsenal....or have a good divesity of over/under discs! A must play if travelling to Evansville.


Some of the tee pads could use some renewing, but still decent enough to not hinder one's form. Some people out there need to learn that our parks aren't to be used as trash cans, but the park as a whole is pretty clean. Maybe we all do our part and pick up the trash as we play!

Other Thoughts:

Many thanks to all involved that work hard to keep Mesker a great place to play! You all are heros in my book!
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3 2
Experience: 8.8 years 6 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Trees 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 20, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


You have trees, hills and small creek plus next to a zoo. Nice area.
Baskets in great shape.
You start and end by the parking lot.
A practice goal at the start.
I like the sign in station along with the rules board. Me being a newbee
The coarse is easy to follow and would recommend.


Bathrooms were locked up, not sure if always?
Really no other cons
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4 1
Experience: 15.2 years 38 played 23 reviews
4.00 star(s)

A Solid Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 18, 2015 Played the course:once


1 - Elevation changes galore!
2 - Mostly shaded.
3 - Logical layout and well marked.
4 - Overall clean of litter.


1 - Roadway comes into play a quite a few times.
2 - A bad shot can send your disc into some pretty thick undergrowth.

Other Thoughts:

The course seems to strike a balance and make both the distance players and the technical players happy.
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4 0
Experience: 14.3 years 63 played 25 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Mesker the Impresser 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 3, 2015 Played the course:once


-Great park for disc golf
-Elevation is showcased really well here.
-Variety of hole types is excellent and multiple tee pads on most holes
-Pretty good tee signs and a bench at all tee pads.


-The main park road comes into play quite a bit, with lots of cars driving through the park
-A few tee pads are sloped making run-up's frustrating at times
-Noticed a few shady people hanging out in their cars all over the park.

Other Thoughts:

I was very impressed with this course. For a first timer navigation was not too bad. The next tee was labeled on every tee sign referenced to the basket. The tee pads were perfect condition and length, but the non level ones were occasionally a problem for driving. The road come into play way too much for how busy it can get. I truly enjoyed all the variety here and there were 2-3 holes that I felt were just awesome. Over all I just loved the playability of this course. I will definitely play this course again if I am in the area.
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6 0
Experience: 6 played 6 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Mesker Park 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 3, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


*A clean and Beautiful park!
Mature trees, stone bridges, & easy parking. Benches and trash cans sprinkled throughout.
*Great elevation changes throughout the course that add to the challenge of almost every hole.
*practice putting basket with distance markers on the ground
*Great tee signs and easy navigation, some alternate tee pads on several holes as well
* Good combination of short, long, right, left..you are required to throw a wide variety of shots
*Baskets seem a bit old, but absolutely work as they should and catch well
* A few solid ace opportunities with the shorter holes, but can still punish a bad drive.
*Requires some decision making and risk/ reward type shots with sloping greens, thick woods, and OB


*There are a few park roads that run throughout the course and help to define OB lines. you occasional have to wait for a car to pass, but this large beautiful park is used primarily for disc golf, so I'm not going to complain to much about that.
* The biggest issue with me is a few of the tee pads are not level. They are in excellent shape and great size, but in my opinion you shouldn't have to run up hill or down on a developed tee pad.
*the woods can be very thick on several holes and will punish bad shots. I think that's ok, but its never fun to stop playing and search for a disc in poison ivy.

Other Thoughts:

Overall the Pros greatly outnumber the Cons and I highly recommend playing Mesker Park. Its design is a bit "old school" with the fact that you can reach almost every hole with a great drive. With that said, its a very fun and challenging course that rewards accurate throws. One of my favorites in Indiana and the tri-state area.
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2 0
Experience: 13.4 years 60 played 25 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Must play course if visiting or living in Evansville 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 26, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


Beautiful park with good mix of open-ish and wooded lines. Great use of elevation changes and distance.
Multiple tee pads on several holes.
Good signage and well maintained course.
Extremely fun and challenging course.


Be careful when playing rounds in the fall because you may still lose a disc in the middle of a typically open fairway simply because of the multitude of leaves covering the ground.

Be careful of the OB over the fence into the zoo, have had a couple shots skip off a tree or grip-locked that bounced off the top of the fence and stayed in bounds but gave me heart-failure every time it happened.

Other Thoughts:

Definitely one of my all time favorite courses for the scenery and challenging layout.
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5 2
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 15.5 years 793 played 112 reviews
4.50 star(s)

First course I ever played. 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 8, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


Great design.
Alternate pads on a few holes.
The old stone bridges look phenomenal!
Cool noises from the zoo.
Located on the old German side of town.
Good mix of holes from ace runs to longer challenging holes.
Plenty of elevation.
Several "fast greens".
Island hole 14 created by park roads.


Tons of OB!!!!
The rough is really rough.
Hole 8 is getting too easy with all the extra clearing.

Other Thoughts:

This course rewards the smart accurate players. Bring your long bomber friend to this course to demoralize him.
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5 0
Experience: 23.3 years 63 played 18 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Nice Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 5, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


- Wide Variety of shots (FH,BH, Tunnel, Open, Skip-shots)
- Tricky OB on many holes causing increased inmportance of accuracy, even on the long ones
- Fair rough. You lose a shot getting out of the woods, but you can still save a 4, which is how I think woods, not OB, should be.
- Good course flow. Aside from 2 holes I found everything without a map very easily.
- The tee signs show the next tee location as well as most baskets had an arrow to the next tee.
- Tee pads were plenty long for the hole.
- Multiple trashcans and benches throughout the park.
- There was a line for deuce on every hole but the long right turn into the trees. It may have been a tough line, but it was evident even my first time playing.


- Road, while helping increase difficulty by being OB, is also a bit of a hindrance. I had to wait quite a few times for cars to go by due to playing around lunch time.
- A few Tee Pads weren't level, and my run-up was uphill. Always throws me off.

Other Thoughts:

I don't really see how the Zoo fence comes into play, without throwing a realyl bad shot. Throw a RHFH and it's not in play on 16. It'd take a pretty bad overthrow on 18 to have it in play as well.

Very fun course. Felt like an old-school course due to layout, which I like, but had some length which I also like. The long hole with the hard right turn (#8) is a bit of a crapshoot to get a deuce, but there is a nice path for an easy 3.

It was a quick play, which i enjoy as well. I could definitely see opportunities for low scores with great drives.

I would highly recommend playing this course if you are in Evansville. I will be trying to play here every time i'm in town for business from now on.
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4 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.2 years 50 played 22 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Get It Early... It gets you late! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 26, 2013 Played the course:once


1. The Park the course is located in is very nice
2. Long Concrete tee Pads
3. Multiple Tee on some of the more difficult holes
4. Excellent signs with great hole maps
5. Great mix of distance and elevation on the course. There are some short par 3 holes where putter can be thrown while some par 3's require you to throw the disc 360 feet.
6. There is a very good mix of shots as well. You will need all the shots to get around here. Turns, Fades, Backhand, Forehands, and any other specialty shot you can come up with. This place will TEST your game.
7. Hole 9 is a thing of beauty.
8. The course had great flow to it. Not many long walks and it just seemed to make sense.
9 Bench/Stumps to sit on are available on most tee boxes.
10. The course has at least 2 or 3 memorable holes.
11. You will hear the animals from the zoo.


1. The roads came into play several times during the round.
2, Hole 8 from the back in general. I just don't understand how anyone can consistently make par on this hole from the back. During the summer, the gap to fit it in is very tight for a 465 ft par 3.
3. Your discs can be very difficult to find off the beaten path. We didn't lose any, but we searched for awhile a couple of times.
4. This course is NOT for beginners.

Other Thoughts:

As I stated in the title of this review, you need to get this course early. The first 2-3 holes are the easier holes on the course. After that, It will take some really quality disc golf to make a birdie. I really enjoyed the challenge of this course. There was nothing ordinary about it. You won't set any personal scoring records on this course, but it will give you plenty of chances to throw shots that can be talked about for quite some time. I drove 90 miles one way to play it, and I will do it again.
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3 3
DG addict24
Experience: 13 years 29 played 18 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Messy Mesker 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 26, 2013 Played the course:once


Long tee pads, places to sit at every hole, signs to help with navigation, and good tee signs. A lot of elevation changes that really change your shots a lot. A lot of nice technical shots, but also has enough length (from the long tees) to bring your big arm. Need backhands, forehands, and to be able to get out of trouble. Very tough course where you better bring your A game to score.


My main problem with this course is the "rough". Especially on the back nine, you could hit a tree and kick into the woods, or just hyzer/turn into the woods and then you were in trouble. The underbrush on the holes were terrible, and I probably spent as much time looking for discs as I did playing disc golf. I'm all for punishing bad shots, but that shouldn't be done on the ground, there should be trees and leaves up high to punish you, not all the stuff on the ground. That doesn't effect your shot, it just makes it harder to find your disc so it shouldn't be there. Also a few of the holes felt gimmicky, especially 8, If they had put the basket down at the bottom of the hill, say on the other side of the trees, near the bridge, it would have been one of my favorite holes of all time. But instead they stuck it 100 ft back in the woods to the right, with a random gap that still has trees in the middle of it that you have to slide through. To me it takes away all shot at the basket, even if thrown perfectly. The road (which seemed pretty busy) was also in the way on too many of the holes.

Other Thoughts:

While I was playing, I could see the course had the potential to be great, and most of the holes were 4.0 holes. But a 2 or 3 of them made me wonder what the designer was expecting me to do when he made it. There were also too many struggles that didn't necessarily deal with the hole layout. Update: Much better course in the fall/winter had a much more enjoyable time then. Moving my rating up .5
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3 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.1 years 42 played 38 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Definitely worth a play 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 4, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


- The available land is quite hilly, and the course design makes good use of the topography.
- Good variety of holes. Longer, shorter, left, right, uphill, downhill. Hole design didn't feel repetitive.
- Large concrete teepads were in good shape.
- High quality baskets.
- Good signs which include distance and topographical map of hole.
- Flow from hole to hole was very good, we had no trouble navigating the course as first timers.
- Practice putting basket.
- Course loops back around to the parking lot after hole 11.
- Some holes had benches and/or stumps to take a load off.
- The park it's located in was attractive and looked to be well maintained.
- Has some memorable holes, most notably hole 9.


-While you can practice putting, there's really nowhere to warm up your arm or practice driving before your round.
-On many holes there exists the possibility of hitting a car or person on the road or walking path. Be aware of your surroundings.
-I am not a fan of manufacturing more difficulty by adding artificial obstacles like mandos and OB areas. If I need to stay on a fairway, then I infinitely prefer some trees/bushes/obstacles that force me to stay on that fairway. There is lots of OB on this course.

Other Thoughts:

- This course is good enough to drive a few hours to play. There are some other solid courses in the surrounding area to pair it with and make a very enjoyable day trip.
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5 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 15.7 years 1512 played 480 reviews
4.00 star(s)

A solid design and fun course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 17, 2013 Played the course:once


1) Dual tees allow for a different challenge and layout.
2) Concrete tees are always appreciated.
3) Signs have Hole #, Par, Distance, Next Tee location, and a map of the hole.
4) There are plenty of benches and garbage cans available on this course.
5) I love seeing old concrete and stone structures from whatever the land used to be used for. They give a lot of charm to courses and are simply attractive. The stone bridge on #9 was a nice feature.
6) I kept hearing zoo animals throughout the entire round. I am not sure what animals they were, but it was enjoyable soundtrack to my round. I felt like at any time and animal might come crawling out of the woods after me. I laughed aloud when I heard one of the animals MEOWING.
7) Island green is a unique idea, something I have seen from time to time.
8) Elevation changes on this course were great and very enjoyable. It is a lot of fun to throw down the slopes and see how the disc acts differently. Throwing uphill is equally the opposite. It is not fun to throw uphill because you cannot really enjoy the flight.
9) Mulch was used in a few locations to help cover up the bare soil. It could be used in more places, but at least they are addressing the worst of the areas. It looks like a pile of mulch at the bottom of the hill may be used by the local club.
10) Excellent distance variation on this course with 200's, 300's, and 400's. There is a big variety of how they play also because of the elevation changes.
11) Shot selection is huge. You need everything here so be prepared.
12) Directionals were located under the basket to help move you from hole to hole.
13) Awesome variety of foliage density. There were some fairly open holes, some with key trees to force specific shots, some with multiple lines, and then some tighter more dense woods too. There is nothing super tight, but it doesn't feel like that because the elevation alters your throws too. You need to be very precise.
14) Practice basket is available along with some picnic tables near the parking lot. There is a kiosk available for disc golf posting also.


1) While the island green was unique, I didn't like how close the basket was to the roads. There were 2 roads in play with this basket location. I have said it before . . . I prefer sustainability and safety to cool and unique ideas. I have no idea how many vehicles pass through here, but it could be an issue and that is why this is a con. There is a potential problem and that is all that matters.
2) The wooded holes are very messy. Lots of leaves and broken branches on the ground make for a messy appearance. The turf obviously suffers from the shade that these trees create as well as the cover the leaves provide in the off-season.
3) This course is a tough walk because of the combination of slick spots, bare soil, and the extreme elevation change that happens on some of the holes.
4) Because of the elevation change, there are a few places where you might be in danger of a poorly thrown disc. The roads are also in play on half a dozen holes.
5) I would say this course is far from beginner friendly. Although there are shorter teepads available some of the time, there also is a lot of challenge just because of the way the holes play. I guess it would be a good exposure to someone who is not a first timers to show exactly what this sport can be all about.

Other Thoughts:

I had a great time on this course. There are plenty of great throws and a great variety of shots and hole types. I would not bring a beginner here, but someone who has been playing for a little while wanting to be truly challenged might enjoy the new exposures this course can provide. The elevation changes, the shot shaping required, the way elevation changes disc flights. All in all this would be a good experience for those who are hooked on the sport, just not for first timers or those who do not play a lot already. I am sure the club works hard on this course, but leaf removal would go a long way to making the turf on this course better. Aside from that, an all around great experience, I am glad I stopped in Evansville.
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2 1
Experience: 14 years 49 played 15 reviews
4.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 7, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Great variety of shots. Visually pleasing and technically difficult. Great parking and practice area.


OB right on hole 16 and 18 over fence is annoying. Nothing like clipping a tree and loosing a disc you can see on the otherside of the fence. Poison Ivy!

Other Thoughts:

This course is the course I learned to play on so my opinion is going to be swayed but I love this course.
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4 2
Experience: 19.1 years 136 played 59 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Must Play In Evansville 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 1, 2012 Played the course:once


A lot of things. This course was fun. You start off and there is a nice literature rack at Hole 1 tee. The signage is good enough you got the idea where the hole was. Great Teepads. Design was phenomenal. Lanscape use was very intelligent. Great use of elevation. Dual Teepads on some holes always a bonus to have dual teepads. Really Neat bridges. Hole 9 is top two picturesque (hole 18 Oak park in witchita). course flow was easy to follow except to find 8 long teepad


OB and sidewalks at first no biggie but towards the end you cross a lot of roads and walking paths. one of the pins is really close to warm up area. Hole 8 is very illogical hole from teepad no real route to hole really cool green though.

Other Thoughts:

This course was so much fun, we posed for putting pictures on 9's green you have to a cobblestone bridge to the green is beautiful.
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1 5
Experience: 13.4 years 13 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Mesker Park Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 5, 2012 Played the course:once


Great layout.
A number of the shots have alternate pads. Didnt use them, but they were in good positions.
The holes varied enough to keep it interesting.


Cars parked along some of the holes had me pulling my shots.
Lots of traffic in and out.
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2 6
Experience: 24.3 years 13 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Public park, maturing nicely 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 22, 2011 Played the course:once


Set in public park, with lots of mature trees and canopy. Marked well with all concrete tee pads, very little vandelism to signs. Easy to follow and ends where it begins. Not extremely lenghtly or time consuming to find or play.


Why is it OOB to go over a road, when 2 holes later, you're asked to drive over the same road? Almost lost several discs in the unmowed, low areas.

Other Thoughts:

The previously posted reviews are pretty accurate.
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8 0
Experience: 16.3 years 46 played 7 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Beautiful Park with a Challenge 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 22, 2011 Played the course:once


- Located in a beautiful, manicured park
- Practice Basket
- Map/Board of Information near Practice Basket
- Tee Signs are informative and colorful
- Big, clean Teepads
- 2 cobblestone bridges through the park
- Alternate Tee pads on a handful of holes
- Signs pointing the way to the next hole
- Benches/Something to sit upon on EVERY hole
- Various elevation changes across the course (uphill, downhill, ravines)
- Mature trees with limited underbrush
- Lots of OB because of a winding park road, and therefore making some holes more challenging
- Distances allow for some ace runs and deuce opportunities
- Also a few holes where a player can rip a driver


- Possibly more trashcans around the course
- Some walks between holes force players to trackback/cross part of another hole
- A number of shots require players to shoot across/along the park road (dangerous)
- Limited parking may be a problem for a tournament
- The Zoo Fence around 15 & 16 can pose a problem if you happen to throw over it

Other Thoughts:

Overall, this course is an excellent play because of the various elevation changes and OB. The mature trees really give some of the holes multiple lanes because there is no underbrush. With the mix of distance and wooded holes, this course is moderately challenging but not killer.

Some Memorable Holes:
#2 is a 258 foot shot over a small ravine and up a steep hill
#5 is a 429 foot shot down a moderately sloping hill with beautiful scenery.
#9 is only a 225 foot shot but it is across a rock/cobblestone bridge.
#14 is a 294 foot shot into a triangle shaped landing zone with OB on all sides.

Final Verdict:
This course is a must play for people in the area and those traveling through. This course has everything you want: ace runs, deuces, and some longer holes to rip it on. So stop on by and enjoy a memorable round at a great park.
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