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Seabrook, TX

Miramar Park

Permanent course
2.675(based on 18 reviews)
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Miramar Park reviews

5 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.5 years 161 played 142 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Could be a diamond in the rough, instead it's just rough 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 31, 2018 Played the course:once


Miramar Park is on a pretty piece of land, and the course runs through some trails, a field, and... canal? on the back of the property.

Distances are all pretty good. It starts off with a couple short holes, but kind of stretches out after that.

The park staff is very friendly, and supportive of the disc golf community.


So much of this round was disappointing. At the time of this review, the pictures (from 2009) are so outdated they are misleading. Some of the fairways are barely more than the gravel path through the woods, and some of those don't make great fairways.

Navigation was a little hard. Mainly because i couldn't find one of the baskets. I just played the holes I could find, and they were ok.

Holes whichever-go-by-the-canal are a little overgrown, especially the one that goes away from the road.

Tee pads were gravel with boards at the front. They could be a little slippery, and small.

Other Thoughts:

Overall this course barely scraped a 2 in my book, and that's mainly because it wasn't so terrible. I could understand that this course was probably a beauty in its prime. Right now it's just like a course someone kind of forgot about.

There's a nice field with trees I passed on my way in, and was excited to play in that area, but the course never ventured to that area. It would be a great space for an expansion, or redesign
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4 1
Pizza God
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 36.6 years 1861 played 636 reviews
1.00 star(s)

What a horrible course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 28, 2017 Played the course:once


It has decent baskets
a few of the holes are interesting if there are no other park users


what a dangerous course for the first 4 holes. You are just asking for a lawsuit.
then you have boring open shots with a little challenge to them to not loose your disc.
could not find anything marking hole 6 tee box.

Other Thoughts:

What a miserable round, seriously, I got majorly stuck in a brier patch, then got eaten alive by mosquitoes. Lost one disc and almost lost another.
Hole 1, you can't see the basket, but this is just a big hyzer shot. At least you can see if anyone is coming down the trail.
Hole 2, long hole that you can't see the basket, nor can you see if anyone is coming down the path. For me, I freaking turned over my disc and threw it into the backyard. I got lucky, it was 2 foot from the fence and I was able to use a stick to get it back. (there is some space under the fence)
Hole 3, again, another hyzer shot, however if you are long, you can't see if anyone is walking down the path.

Hole 4, now this one is really bad in so many ways. You have to throw a perfect shot that turns over without hyzering out too much. Might be a good hole if it were not for the walking path, again, you can't see if anyone is on it. Now if you are like me and don't throw a good shot, I was trying to lay up and threw it straight into the worst briers I have ever climbed into. I blame Jeff Ash, if that were not a brainwave disc, i would have just left it. DO NOT LAND ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE PATH.

Hole 5 is a nice little ace run, just don't overthrow it to the right, I guess the tide was in, there was water/marsh behind the basket.

I could not find anything marking a tee for hole 6, so I threw from next to the bench were a bald spot was. I guess that was the tee.

Hole 7, dang it, I threw a DX rock and it did not hold the line, fell off to the left into the water next to the bridge. Water was too deep and dirty to find and i was not about to get in to find a cheap disc. Something else I noticed, it looked like this hole is surrounded by water sometimes. The ground looked like a marsh.

Hole 8 was the exact same shot, almost even the same distance. I was so worried about loosing another roc, I threw it into the rough on the right :p

Hole 9, boring

I was also eaten alive by mosquitoes. Bring bug spray.

Would I play here again? NO, you could not pay me to play this course again. I have better things to do like watching grass grow or the bumper rusting.
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5 0
Experience: 19.1 years 214 played 7 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Good for a neighborhood 9-holer 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 26, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Quiet park, very low traffic by golfers or even walkers and runners.

Main tees for each hole are easy to find.

Course is technical. Water in play on two holes (sometimes more, depending on tide and weather).

Discs that go into the water are not too hard to find. If you know where your disc is, come back when the tide is low, and be willing to wade in the mud, and you should find it.

Basket placements are generally very interesting. Some holes favor lefties or flicks more than RHBH throwers, which is unusual for a small neighborhood course like this.

Course flows very well from the main tees. Hole 1 starts right by the parking area and the park sign, you can't miss it. Hole 9 finishes just around the corner.

Lots of shade on about half of the course.

Elevation! The hills here are part of what makes this a 3.0 instead of a 2.5 for me. Unfortunately, the best hill at the park is only used for alternate tee boxes, and there is no official tee box at the top. But there are multiple pins all visible from the hill, so you can stand up there and throw down hill on all points of the compass!

City of Seabrook has a good parks department. Basket 4 is missing at the time I am writing this but I expect they will replace it. They have been timely with responding to vandalism in the past.

You might see some rabbits or even a group of deer here.


Most tee boxes are gravel and can get slippery.

Half of of the alternate teeboxes are somewhat "commando" and really only playable by locals or course regulars.

Holes 1 and 2 have tight fairways partly because of the public swimming pool and residential area to the right. Stray shots will definitely go over the fences.

Lots of brush (Depending on time of year) can make losing discs common. If you don't have great control on your drive, come expecting to maybe lose a disc or two. If that bothers you, don't come here at all.

Some of the brush has nasty thorns.

No water fountain/bathroom nearby. There is a bathroom at the skate park across the street but last time I tried to use it it was locked up in the middle of the day.

Mosquitoes.... oh the mosquitos.

Other Thoughts:

This generally is not a good course for beginners, especially if they are playing alone. If they have an experienced friend or "course guide" with them then they should give it a shot. There is just too much to frustrate you here if you can't keep it in the fairway.

That being said, playing a good round here is really fun and I almost always enjoy this course now.

For non-locals, I would not recommend driving a long way to Seabrook just to play Miramar. Maybe if you are exploring other things in the area, like NASA or the Kemah Boardwalk or Clear Lake, then it might be worth a stop. Or if you are playing a few courses in our part of town in one day - Taylor Lake Village, Bayou Bend, or Jenkins.

Plan ahead and bring some bug spray, and maybe a cheap floating disc, and you will have a good time.
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5 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.5 years 299 played 209 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 13, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


-This is a very nice technical 9 hole course that is in a very easy to find location near Kemah board walk.
-A few of the holes like #6 have very interesting pin placements that makes the player shape lines with their disc. No holes are straight shots to the basket without obstacles so this course is not as boring as some other 9 holers that are simply pitch and putt type courses.
-The course is fairly quiet and does not see a lot players. I have never seen another player here.


-This was mosquito heaven, even in October it was the worst mosquito fest I have seen in a long time.
-When I have gone the tee pads were not in super bad shape but I can understand after a good rain or excessive use they may become severely rutted and muddy.
-One tee sign was missing which is a plus but some of the signs were completely useless and illegible.
-The small creek on #7 and #8 seems like it could swallow up discs pretty well. Beware.

Other Thoughts:

This is a fun little course to play at. When I first came here I competey missed the first tee and walked towards the 9 basket where a small cement pad is. I shot from that pad to the fifth basket about 275' away and thought that was the first hole. Even though it wasn't the first hole I still play this "10th hole" as a a warm up.

This course defintely beat Burke Crenshaw when it comes to 9 hole courses in this area, this is a good course to come to before Taylor Lake Village or after a day at Kemah Boardwalk.
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7 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.1 years 164 played 26 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Seabrook DG Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 2, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


*Very easy to navigate this course.
*Actually has some hills/terrain.
*Nice area with long winding fairways.
* Park is well kept. Clean as far as Ive seen. People actually throw their beer cans in the trash. Love to see that people actually show some respect for this course.
*Fairways are distinct and true.
* Benches every few holes.
*Ample parking
*Map of course on site
*All baskets are in good shape
*Rabbits are everywhere....i stopped counting after 20 so the fact that there is wildlife is always a pro.
*Course has distance, but not too much making it a fun course...or like i said a warm up course.


* Basket on Hole 4 has been stolen. I will update once the basket in reinstalled or replaced.

* Holes five,seven, and eight play along a flood plain. Hole seven is especially notorious for having mud all around the pin. Hole five you have to worry about if you over shoot the pin by about ten to twenty feet.

* Tee boxes need some TLC. They are pretty routed on some holes.

* Hole six has no tee box to speak of... More so just a grassy one on a knoll that you could possibly sprain/twist an ankle if you are not careful.

* Jogging path must be shared and observed when playing. I have never really had any problems with anyone except this last time that i was out. but it was only one person and i allowed the jogging to jog through before throwing.

*Not so much a con but rather a side note... Course has decent distance giving the area it covers. But i highly suggest if you think distance is a con on this course...play hole one to hole two's pin. and play hole four to hole nine's pin. that should give you enough distance if you think this course needs a major distance factor.

* Tee signs missing from a few boxes. Although there are distances marked on the posts.

Other Thoughts:

Miramar is a really nice Nine hole course that is great for a warm up before heading over to TLDGC (Taylor Lake DG course). This course has ample parking and is very clean. The fairways are very distinct and easy to navigate. The pros for this course as i listed above i feel out weigh the cons heavily. This course is well kept and in a good neighborhood. I feel that this course is great someone who to just have some fun. Not a course for serious players. But this course does stand out as having some really nice fairways, and some hidden additional holes. Those of course are playing some holes from the tee box to other pins. For example: hole four could have an extended length by playing to hole nines pin. The great thing is is that you can use your imagination to create a few extra holes. I have been able to come up with 18. I am currently working on posting the map of how i complete 18 on the website and at the course. But back to the review..... I really think that most if not everyone could really appreciate what this course has to offer if you go check it out. I really like how TLDGC is only three miles away max. So you can really get in a days workout with throwing some plastic! :)

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1 1
Experience: 16.3 years 13 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Sub Par 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 3, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


Good for skilled throwers. Maps very well detailed.


Mosquitoes can be over bearing at times. This course is too easy to loose a disc. I am a decent disc golfer and I go with other pretty decent guys. In 2 rounds we lost 5 disc, and they were on throws that were not that off.

Other Thoughts:

The map and post markers are very well placed and show exactly where the basket is. The water is NASTY on #7 and #8. I wouldnt advise going in after it. Use a stick if you can. Mud is at least 1 foot deep under the water. Will probably not play this course when I can drive to Tom Bass.
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6 2
Ringo Desthstar
Experience: 16.6 years 7 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

As hard as playing 18 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 26, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


For a nine hole course you get a lot of different throws from the tees. I can't think of another course that has as many good thumber holes and that is good for the course. I like #6, that is the best hole on the course.


A lot fo the holes run along a jogging path and sometomes you have to wait for people to walk threir dogs until you can throw. Holes 7 & 8 are pretty dull but the locals like to skip them and play made up holes in the big field that are fun.

Other Thoughts:

I heard the course was harder before the hurricane last year and if thats true then it must have been near impossible. Its a hard course now, but still fun to play. The alt tees are hard to find especially on #3 and $5.
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6 1
Experience: 2 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

my favorite 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 1, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


This course is very fun. The front four is in thick woods and the back five open up for some great distance shots. Also, holes range in style, from a straight shot, to both hyzer and anhyzer coming into play. New tees for (almost) every hole make for a different shot everytime you play! Also, a great place to see some nature, deer, birds, rabbits, coons, skunks, possums, and other coastal wildlife are abundant.


Mosquitos, snakes, and water hazzards are a constant threat, especailly on holes 5-8. Lots of lost disks, the potential on every hole. Also, the woods have been cleared in some spots after hurricane Ike, making for some muddy areas after a good rain, but the trash has all been cleared.

Other Thoughts:

This is my favorite course in the area. I can drive 20 minutes east or south to go to Jack Brooks or Tom Bass (respectively) but i choose Miramar for its atmosphere. The neighborhood around is always busy in the evenings and makes you feel safe, even when its getting dark..

ALSO GREAT place to see the fireworks from Kemah on the Fourth of July!!
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6 1
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 19.6 years 107 played 25 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Stones Throw from Kemah 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 20, 2009 Played the course:once


This is a decent little course just over the bridge from the Kemah Boardwalk. It provides a fair amount of variation for most holes with tight shots through trees and a few open holes that exceed 300ft. I liked the fact that the little elevation that the course has is at least used and this provides some enjoyable shots. It resides literally a 100 yds from Galveston bay and I'm sure can be quite nice in the evening.


Since the park is on a pretty small piece of land the course is very tight. It is not an exagerration to say that one must keep there heads on a swivel while playing this course, because there is real danger of being hit. The teeboxes are gravel and are in average shape at best. The day I played it was dry, but this course looks like it could be mosquito city with just a little rain. Some of the holes like 2 and 4 seem more about luck and less about skill and will punish you greatly for shots that are just a little off line. Holes 7 and 8 are mirror images of each other and are also disc eaters with a deep, muddle canal between them. A few of the tee signs are gone.

Other Thoughts:

I played this course during a tournament and although I had a good time I also always felt cramped. Its not often that while playing disc golf that I fear getting hit in the face with a disc but here on a busy day it is a very real reality. The people that live down this way dont have a lot of options and seem to love the course. For me unless Im going down to get some seafood in Kemah, Id rather just go to Jack Brooks about 20 minutes away.
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2 14
Experience: 16.4 years 13 played 3 reviews
2.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 22, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Some tight shots. Quick to play. Usually not very busy.


Small, doesn't offer too much variety. Really only 1 or 2 holes where you need to take out a driver. Hasn't been very well taken care of over the past few years so the rough is really rough and it's not fun to go looking for a disc in there.
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11 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.9 years 288 played 154 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Locals Love It 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 21, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Decent DGA double chain baskets and attempts to install decent tee boxes for the main tees. Reasonable shot variety with two lefty, two righty, and five mostly straight shots. Although the righty holes are mainly just that because of some fade at the end of the fairway. The tee signs are typical DGA signs that do a reasonable job of conveying the hole. Distances are mostly close except #3. While holes #7 and #8 are identical with the exception of wind direction they offer a decent RHBH challenge to keep your discs dry playing in close proximity to woods or drainage ditch. There are restroom facilities close by and the course has better than average shade for Houston courses.


Biggest con is baskets and subsequent tees too close together endangering players of getting hit. Gravel tee pads do not offer the best footing. Alternate tees are marked with only small bricks or a narrow board flush in the ground... very hard to find unless you have a local show them to you. Several tee signs are missing. The tee box for #6 isn't a nice box like the others. Several of the alt tees are pretty lame with the intent being just to provide a shorter shot. Navigation from #6 to #7 may be confusing because #9's tee looks like the next obvious hole to play, but keep walking past that to find #7.

Other Thoughts:

The past couple hurricanes have opened up some lines that didn't exist before and widened some fairways. You can significantly increase the challenge of this course by playing OB rules for the ditches that typically contain some water. While certainly not the most challenging of courses Miramar Park does have a good fun factor and I can see why locals like this course a lot. However, this course would not be a good destination course for advanced travelers.
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1 9
Experience: 16.1 years 6 played 6 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Bring your bug spray 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 7, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


It is a good course to work on finesse game. Holes are laid out nice and make you work on not getting into the woods.


All the freaking bugs!! Bring your bug spray or get malaria. Other then that the holes feet markers don't match up with the hole when you get to them. Also, need to watch out for 7 and 8 because they are by water and not a fun time to dig out a disc.

Other Thoughts:

It is a good course, not one you just go and chuck your disc's all over. it makes you work your disc's.
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9 2
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.8 years 230 played 33 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Challenging Short Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 18, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


For a short course Miramar packs in a lot of different challenges. The majority of the holes require a good straight drive, either through trees or next to water. The open holes offer a lot of different paths to the basket. The open field makes good use of the hills and playing the big hill to the 9th basket is a great way to end a round.

The damage from Ike is pretty much repaired now. Holes 3 & 4 are now much more open.


Holes 7 & 8 are almost identical as they border either side of a waterway. The water is nasty with about 12 inches of mud at the bottom that smells awful.

Other Thoughts:

Not a beginners course, but loads of fun. Probably the most challenging 9 hole course in the area. Highly recommended.
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12 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.6 years 156 played 142 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Ho Hum... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 14, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


Many holes play low and tight, which force even the best players to be accurate if they want birdies. The baskets are in average shape and overall the course is easy to navigate. Holes one through four have an abundance of trees to throw through, which can also provide some decent shade in the summer months.

The park has wastebaskets at most holes. Facilities are relatively close, and the park is stroller friendly. One of the biggest perks of the course may be if you were just visiting the area, you could get in a round of golf, and then hit the Kemah Boardwalk or Space Center Houston when you're through.



The map with yardage at the beginning of the course does not match up with the tee box yardage; so many times one is left to guess how far the pin may actually be. Only a pole remains of the tee box signs on holes five and six.

The bigger issues with the tee boxes however, are that they are set up way to close to the pin from the previous hole, and the tight packed gravel offers little footing for decent drives. I hit tee box four when aiming at the third pin both times I played. Holes seven and eight, which are separated by a 15' gully with water, also have the potential to get someone hit on a busy day.

With all the holes averaging just under 300', there is no real distance variation. There is also a huge hill that isn't utilized on hole five, which by flat Houston standards I consider almost a sin not to use.

WORST HOLE/S: #7; #8

Other Thoughts:

Miramar Park has a few technical holes that provide a good challenge for even skilled players, but the holes are repetitiously straight with little imagination. Four holes have water incorporated throughout their fairways, but it isn't a real issue on holes two or three. Seven and eight are really the only holes where you can lose a disc in the murky gulf water, but conservative play should keep a person safe even here.

Miramar isn't a horrible course, and I believe it compares well to the course in Gwen Hurska Park north of the Woodlands. However, the ho hum of it's layout is nothing to get excited about. As with the plantation course, if you lived in the area, playing it would keep your disc golf needs satisfied, but Miramar Park is nothing to go out of your way for.
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14 3
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.4 years 59 played 13 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Near the Kemah Boardwalk 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 26, 2009 Played the course:once


Course is quite tight and quite challenging. Really makes you think about each shot. Tight holes in the beginning, and the back half of the course really opens up . Great course if you want to get in a quick game. Very close to the Kemah Boardwalk. 5 minutes from great food and fun. The local players are happy to show you the alt. tees makeing this an 18 hole course.


#1 and #2 are very close to the city pool and some houses and you could loose a disc. #7-8 are carbon copies of each other and both have water running next to the fairway, and its quite easy to loose a disc in the water on these holes.

Other Thoughts:

This is a nice course to hit if you are going to be in the area. Its only a 5 minute drive from the course to the famous Kemah Boardwalk where they have a roller coaster, rides,and great restaurants. Its a great way to have some disc golf, and end the day with a great dinner, some good drinks, and lots of fun at the Boardwalk. Its also a close course if you are going to be taking the family to NASA. Its only about 7 miles away.
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4 2
Experience: 20.6 years 19 played 7 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Where did they go? 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 16, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Makes you pull out the Polaris LS for the straight down the line shots, tight curves good workout for your bag in general


water hazards, tall grass in areas and when it rains it gets very very muddy. Baskets 1 and 9 are missing and are represented by sticks in the ground

Other Thoughts:

This course can make you look like a pro or a rookie, theres no medium here. Its not one of my favorites but when i need a good slice of humble pie i go to miramar.
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6 1
Experience: 19.8 years 1 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fun at Miramar 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 7, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Right down the road from work. Nice small course that Is nice to play. Some hard straight shots as well as a few water shots make this a fun course.


Ike damaged has been repaired. Other than tee box at hole 3 is missing, some course markers are gone and the water hazard on holes 7 & 8 still eat discs its in great shape.

Other Thoughts:

Its good to see that Seabrook was able to fix this course so fast. I still see a lot of damage in the neighborhood, but the park looks great. I would suggest people go and spend some time on the course and some money at the boardwalk.
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8 0
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 23, 2008 Played the course:never


A well rounded course with a nice mix of holes. Didn't see any other disk golfers for the 5 hours I was playing. Allowed me the chance to play a few alternate holes centered around a large hill.


Holes #7 and #8 run adjacent to a ditch of water about 2 feet deep and 5 feet wide. Mostly irretrievable due to the mud. Lost 2 disks total in this ditch. Also on hole #2 there is a line of fences from houses on the right be careful not to any discs over.

Other Thoughts:

Overall enjoyable.
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