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Weaverville, NC

North Buncombe High School NT DGC

Permanent course
1.55(based on 3 reviews)
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North Buncombe High School NT DGC reviews

8 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.6 years 321 played 303 reviews
0.50 star(s)

Didn't Work 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 20, 2021 Played the course:once


-There's some solid elevation use. First hole was relatively playable. #7 was playable too and is a solid uphill hole perched on the hill and guarded by a couple trees.

-The land is large with nice topography and room for some fun open holes. On a day that isn't busy, it probably wouldn't hurt to try and throw a singles event if enough people show up and bring baskets. Unlikely to occur, but definitely possible.


-It didn't work. This school course was and is a lost cause. No one ever speaks about this course. It's not terribly designed, but there's no variety in hole distance and it's painfully overgrown even when it isn't summer. It isn't interesting and its fame was nothing but the quick flash of one out of millions of sparklers sparked at a backyard barbecue on Independence Day. It goes out in two minutes without a second use. This course is even less relevant than Dane Cook's failed music career and failed comedy performances back in 2010. And no, he wasn't ever funny.

-Many limbs and thorns growing out of the ground. This isn't what we want to happen. For a course to decay, yet stick around. Not a good example of the game when it is the lost cause that it is. It's discouraging for new players because they'll want to be able to reach short holes around 150' but they likely won't because of vanished fairways.

-The open area near the ball fields looks much more interesting and it's much more clear. There aren't any holes out there. Land restrictions are always a pain. Whoever was involved in placing those restrictions here: Screw you. I hope you get hit with a max weight driver!

-The tee diagram for #8 is missing. It's pretty close to the parking lot, so I thought it was #1. #1 is straight toward the ball field and to the right. If you don't want to lose discs, just forget what I said in the previous sentence. Better yet if you like it when disc golf is enjoyable, just forget what I said in the sentence before what is now the previous one.

Other Thoughts:

-The topography and land are ideal for a temp course. Don't know about 18 holes, but then again maybe. I think if the approval to use the land was given for a day of disc golf, there would be a fun made up course.

-Weaverville could use a disc golf course. This didn't work out. Mars Hill is a very fun 18 holer that I tend to enjoy even more every time I play it. Luckily that course isn't far away, but I do think we need to see a new 18 holer somewhere around in Weaverville. Probably won't be here at North Buncombe, but it could be somewhere. Lets make it happen!
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9 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.3 years 616 played 565 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Taking the Nature Trail philosophy too far. 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 1, 2015 Played the course:once


North Buncombe HS has potential to be an enjoyable nine-hole course. It's a solid, wooded, short nine-hole layout that has, sadly, been ignored.
- The course was in horrible condition when I played. Grass and weeds were waste high or taller throughout the nine holes. Multiple throws that landed in the middle of the fairway took several minutes to find because the grass was so tall. That disclaimer aside, I'm focusing on the course's layout and the potential it has to offer.
- This could be, and should be, a fun nine-hole layout. The course plays entirely in the woods and gives some good practice to approach and mid-range throws.
- This should be a great beginners' course. The average hole length is 145 feet, with the longest only 170 feet. Fairways are plenty wide for the hole lengths, so even very casual players should be able to be aggressive.
- There is actually a good variety of layouts. There are two good downhill holes (#1 & 8), one really good uphill hole (#7), good dogleg layouts (#1, 4 & 5) and others with nice basket placements protected by trees (#2 & 9).
- This is a total ace run/birdie-fest course for casual players and above. I carried 3 discs with me, and that was at least one too many. Take away the time searching for 'lost' discs in the fairway, I knocked out the nine holes in about 15 minutes.
- Awesome tee signs. It's a signature of the Nature Trail courses, and this was no exception. Add to that, this course is easy to navigate and anyone can find their way through the course.


Simply put, the course can't be played in the state it was when I played. I know this is a Nature Trail course, but they're taking the 'nature' part a bit too far in its current state.
- Take a look at the pictures of the course. That's what this course should be like. The fact I was looking up at several weeds makes it seem like nothing had been cut since those pictures were taken 17 months earlier. The frustrating part is that it would only take two or three people with weed whackers and loppers a couple hours on a Saturday morning to get things cleared up. Not sure if that responsibility falls to the local disc golf scene or the school's maintenance workers.
- Add to the grass, there are also a bunch of briars and thorn bushes. I scratched my legs up pretty good and I didn't even end up in the rough.
- Course doesn't allow for much variety in shots. If you can throw straight and throw 150 feet, you'll have nine birdie putts. That's due to this being a beginner course.
- No benches or trashcans in the disc golf area of the school. Granted, if you can't last 15 - 30 minutes that's your issue.

Other Thoughts:

I was disappointed I didn't get to experience this course in its intended state. North Buncombe would be a fun course to practice on if it were in your neighborhood, and it would also be better maintained.
- There's got to be some concern that this course doesn't get much play. Clearly a lot of work went into designing the course and tee signs. You could blame the tall grass as being a deterrent, but I doubt scores of people are showing up here with the hopes of playing. At best, the course will get heavy usage from students and the occasional passerby.
- I'm giving this course a 1.0 rating based on its design. It's most similar to other courses I've rated 1.0, so I'll rate it that and not give it a low rating for its maintenance issues. It achieves its intended goal, and that's a beginner-level course.
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2 2
Experience: 16.3 years 68 played 53 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Nice short/tech course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 29, 2014 Played the course:once


Nice baskets. Tee pads in decent shape. Good variety to holes. Short enough to ace run pretty much the whole time, but not short enough to be boring. If you're out here with kids, the "Nature Trail" aspect of it (with info on each tee sign) is a nice touch.


I bet the course gets nasty in the summer--there are a ton of briars that it looks like they are trying to clean up.

Other Thoughts:

Not a course to play if you're looking to throw as hard as you can, but fun if you want to just bring a midrange/putter and enjoy some nature.
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