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Perryville, MD

Perryville High School

Permanent course
0.55(based on 2 reviews)
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Perryville High School reviews

13 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 17.3 years 275 played 236 reviews
0.50 star(s)

Long walks for weak holes.

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 21, 2023 Played the course:once


I really want to have positive comments, but I can only come up with 2 positives.

1) The basket in the front of the school exposes lots of people to disc golf

2) The risk of roll aways on hole 5 made the hole more fun to approach.


Holes 1 and 2 were flat out dangerous designs. Inexperienced kids should not be playing this layout. As someone who has presented disc golf at the Maryland physical education conferences, I understand that the course was installed for educational purposes, but this is not the layout that best suits that purpose.

There were no tee signs, no tees, no navigational aids outside of a black zip tie on 2 of the baskets that I understood meant "Go this way to the next tee area". This course is unplayable without Udisc, so it cost me $14.99 to play.

Hole 4 had us leave school property and walk through a truck lot to get to a mediocre 4th hole.

Most holes required more walking than the length of the next hole.

Hole 8 was a blind basket with a soccer goal frame as an obstacle.

Other Thoughts:

Since this is at a school, you can not expect to use any of the amenities, and you must follow all school policies. That means NO TOBACCO and NO ALCOHOL.
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20 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 24.3 years 565 played 90 reviews
0.50 star(s)

Best played during a zombie apocalypse

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 13, 2022 Played the course:once


Baskets are solidly mounted and level. Grass is mowed. Distances are beginner-friendly. There are trees and obstacles to miss on a few holes (but see cons). Several holes feature moderate elevation changes, which keeps things somewhat interesting.

Holes 2 through 5 are fairly well isolated from school activities. Hole #2 features an abandoned house, which is something few disc golf courses can claim.

Having a disc golf course at a high school might encourage a student to get involved with a wholesome outdoor activity.


This course has so many safety hazards that I do not know where to start, so I will list them in order.

Hole #1 has right or left lines around a couple of trees. If you go right, try not to go over the football stadium fence. If you go left, try not to hit a pedestrian on the sidewalk or a car in the parking lot. This was one of the more enjoyable holes.

Hole #6 plays between fenced tennis courts and a soccer field. I would skip this hole if the soccer field was in use.

Hole #7 plays up a sidewalk, with a lacrosse field on the right, athletic training areas on the left, and playground equipment guarding the basket. This is a contender for the title of most safety hazards incorporated into a single fairway.

Hole #8 plays over the corner of a soccer field, with the basket barely visible downhill past a low fence.

Hole #9 plays directly over a baseball field, crossing approximately where the second baseman and shortstop would be playing defense. Do I need to offer any safety advice here?

Unmarked natural tees, so you will need a navigation app to guess tee locations. Or just throw from wherever you want, I suppose. Most tee areas are grass, but existing pavement is used for a couple of tees (as far as I could tell).

The path between holes 3 and 4 is very overgrown. I walked around rather than bushwhacking through the tick-friendly undergrowth.

Walks between holes can be quite long, often longer than the holes themselves. Some risk of losing a disc if you badly misfire a drive into thick shrubbery adjoining a few holes.

Other Thoughts:

For safety reasons, please do not play this course if any activities are taking place on the school athletic fields or playgrounds. I played on a summer weekend afternoon and had the place to myself, other than a few people walking their dogs. Weekends when school is not in session might be the optimal time to play here.

With the holes scattered across the school campus and tee areas completely un-marked, you will need a navigation app to play here.

Normally I am inordinately fond of short 9-hole courses, but with the long walks between holes this course did not feel "short" except for hole lengths. I played with a putter and a midrange, but could have used a fairway driver on a couple of the longer holes (yeah, I am distance-limited).
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