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Radcliff, KY

Radcliff Disc Golf

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3.45(based on 31 reviews)
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Radcliff Disc Golf reviews

5 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 15.5 years 793 played 112 reviews
3.00 star(s)


Reviewed: Played on:Jun 5, 2024 Played the course:2-4 times


There's a lot to like about this course located in a park setting with mature trees. The shot shaping is excellent with those trees, extreme elevation, and asphalt OB. I don't remember any holes that felt repetitive. Signage has been updated from the 80's style. The old baskets are still in great shape.

The hazards are real: thick underbrush along holes 14 and 15, what feels like a canyon on hole 9, a trailer park to the right of hole 6, and rollaway missed putt opportunities galore.

The designer got the most out of this land squeezing an 18 hole course into this tight park without multiple design flaws. This seems to be typical of all the older courses.


Most teepads have a steep drop off in the front or back due to the extreme elevation. Hole 10 was missing a tee sign. A few holes need limbs trimmed (10, 17, and 18). The old gray baskets can be difficult to see amongst the trees.

Variation in distance does not come into play until the end. All holes are under 300' before hole 13. Hole 11 throws over the top of a pavilion. It is a fun shot, but will be unplayable when the pavilion is being used.

Other Thoughts:

If you're trying to get into shape, play this and Muldraugh to feel the burn. The elevation is no joke!
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9 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.4 years 1162 played 739 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 19, 2024 Played the course:once


Radcliff DGC is a very hilly park style 18 hole course. You'll be traversing hills the entire time. There's not a single flat hole on the course.

The baskets are DGA Mach's of some sort. These catch alright. One basket and pin position per hole.

Concrete tee's on each hole. These are amply sized and have good traction to them. No complaints with these. One tee pad per hole.

There's at least a couple trees to contend with on every hole. I don't recall there being any wide open holes. So at least there's always something to force a shot shape. The flow is solid. I'd still recommend having a map available to avoid doing any more walking than necessary, especially with all the hills.

The tee signs are nice. Basic hole map with next tee arrow. There's also the hole #, par, distance and any applicable OB. Doesn't seem like much help but with some of the baskets placed directly behind a tree and not visible from the tee the map was actually very helpful.

Free to play and probably not ever too busy. The course loops back to the parking lot midway through which is much appreciated for a hilly course like this.


Very repetitive feeling course. Throw it up a hill, throw it down a hill. Most of the holes just look and feel the same. Not that there's much that can be done about this, but it just starts to blend together.

The course looks like it turns into a waterfall after heavy rains. They recently replanted grass on the holes near the parking lot since it looks like it gets washed away. These two areas were extremely muddy. Thick, thick mud too.

A couple holes throw over the park road which isn't an ideal situation. There's a long walk from 15 to 16 and from 16 to 17. Not really obvious without a little extra walking to find it without a map.

Holes 2 and 3 play pretty close to neighboring yards. Especially hole 2.

Other Thoughts:

This is a decent course, just nothing really memorable about it. It's worth a stop if you happen to be passing through and have an hour or so to kill. If you want a similar type of terrain but more wooded then there's always Muldraugh just up the road.
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3 0
Experience: 19.1 years 136 played 59 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Not just a walk in the park 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 27, 2015 Played the course:once


Concrete T-pads, good baskets, well defined course. Easy to find course off the main road. Great elevation changes that challenge every tee shot.


Not all tee signs are there. plays through a pretty nice amphitheater. Navigation is little tricky as several holes run near each other.

Other Thoughts:

Fun little course. Tough elevation changes pack a lunch
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8 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.2 years 58 played 22 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Test your legs as much as your arms 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 4, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


I really like this course. There are several ace runs, but just because the potential is there doesn't mean it's a gimme deuce. You have to navigate huge old trees (mostly oaks) on almost every hole. There is plenty of OB to keep you honest, but you don't have to be in possession of a cannon to play here. If you feel the need to play longer courses go down the road a bit to Freeman Lake.
While there are plenty of trees & obstacles, there isn't a lot of rough stuff that will lead to lost discs.
There is elevation change on just about every hole. Sometimes there isn't much difference between the tee and the basket, but you'll still have to go up and down to walk from one to the other.


It's a public city park, so walkers or kids playing could become a problem but I've never had to worry about it.
There is a building for plays or music and if there's an event going on you won't be able to play a couple of holes, as you kind of throw over the building on one and you'd be throwing through the crowd on another.
Bring your own water; there are no fountains.
Some of the baskets aren't in the greatest of shape, but they'll still work.
If the parking lot is full next to the basketball court it could potentially become a problem.
There is also a really irritating dog on the other side of the fence near the basketball court. I've never seen it, but it barks non-stop. That won't bother some people, but I don't like dogs in the first place so I don't want to have to hear one constantly yapping.
There isn't much that could have been done otherwise, but the walk from 16 to 17 is pretty far (and feels farther because it's uphill.)

Other Thoughts:

#1--235 ft. You'll either have to go left or right, as there are trees right down the middle. The route to the right is the most common, but it causes you to have to throw out over the road (OB) and hope you come back in. The basket sits at the crest of a hill so if you run past you could be in trouble if you roll.
#2--Downhill. Sign says 259' but it plays much shorter. Ace run, but the hole isn't quite all the way to the bottom of the hill so beware of over-shooting.
#3--252. This one has been moved slightly to appease the landowner on the other side of the fence, thus taking the OB out of play for the most part. It goes uphill a bit.
#4--285. Tee is elevated from the basket, and the basket is on a hill sloping from left to right. A righty hyzer should dive into the hill and not be a problem but if you come from the other way you could roll down quite a bit. It's a steep incline and the basket is pretty well-hidden.
#5--281 but plays longer as it's uphill. Fairly open from the perspective of this course, but there are still plenty of trees that affect you. The road is behind the basket but shouldn't be an issue.
#6--248'. The road comes into play here, as you have to go over it and come back to the right. The basket is on a flat part of land up a hill from the road with woods to the right.
#7--248, but plays much shorter. Downhill. Go left or go right. If you go right you have to lay it out over the road and hope it comes back to the basket (skipping off the road at the bottom of the hill is not uncommon.)
#8--231, but plays longer as it is uphill and you can't go straight. You can go right and bring it back left but the most common route is the other way. You have make sure you do get it to turn, though, as the road curves along the fairway. If you get it to turn too soon you'll run the risk of being on a steep incline short of the basket.
#9--256'. Maybe the most wide-open shot on the course, but still has a tree or two that can affect you. Throw over a small ravine but for the most part you're throwing uphill. The road is OB just behind the basket (probably 15 feet or so away.)
#10--283' downhill, but you'll not be going straight at it. You'll have to keep your throw pretty low to avoid trees, and you very well may still hit one. The basket is in a flat area, but doesn't sit too far from trees.
#11--287'. It plays over a flat, wooded area and then goes uphill to the basket. The building with the stage is in front of you to the left, but unless you go really low you'll just go over the top of it. You can opt to go the other way and let it play more right to left, but that ground is often soft.
#12--273'. Downhill. Straight shot, but the alley near the basket isn't too wide. There is a road behind the basket but you shouldn't really run that far beyond to worry about it.
#13--This is the 2nd longest hole on the course (length is worn off the sign, but it's over 300 I'm pretty sure. Your drive comes out of a somewhat narrow tunnel (not usually a problem) and the fairway is mostly on a hill sloping from the road on the left down to the stage on the right; the right part of the fairway is terraced, as it is constructed as natural seating for the stage. The road forks and crosses the fairway with the basket on the other side.
#14--260. Downhill. Road to the left, woods to the right. Narrow shot that needs to stay low to avoid the canopy (unless you play a big bend out over the road and bring it back to the right.)
#15--191'. Short, up over a small hill. Basket isn't quite visible from the tee. Slope down behind and to the left of the basket, and you can get to the road if you get on that left slope.
#16--235. Either go way out to the right and bend it back sharply or do the same to the left. If you choose the left route you can't get too high, though. The basket is on a steep, short hill with the road behind it but you can just drill it into the hill if you run at it and probably won't get to the OB unless you went too high.
#17. Walk up the road and turn right (basically walk around the skate park) to get to the tee. 354 through the trees. Uphill most of the way, with a small ravine crossing the fairway which you can land in, giving you an awkward stance. The basket is probably not going to be visible on the 2nd shot unless you have a pretty good arm. The basket sits in front of dense woods so don't over-shoot the approach.
#18--256'. Nice to finish with a potential ace run. Parking lot sits to the right and can come into play if you clip a tree. If you get a tree going left to right instead you can end up in a ravine.
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.1 years 401 played 385 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Elevation is the Key 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 4, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


The 18 hole course in Radcliff City Park weaves around a bowl of park woods where there's almost no chance of a lost disc. Almost every hole seems to take advantage of 20 to 40 feet of elevation change (one way or the other), which makes the otherwise repetitive -seeming- distances (15 holes between 235 and 285 feet) play with a lot more variety than expected. Though it feels like it was probably designed by a RHFH player (many shots have their 'best' lines shaping left to right), there are alternatives on most of the holes to try a sometimes tighter or trickier line coming in from the other side.

The distances here are reachable for most Rec to Intermediate arms, so the course might not appeal as much to higher level players, unless they're working on their control game...in which case the two courses here nearest the Gold Vault and Ft. Knox (Muldraugh and Radcliff) make for a good, balanced day of woodsy elevation practice.

The concrete teepads here are all level and large enough for the job, and the 18 chain DGA baskets are in good repair. The park has a nice looking playground and shelter (bathrooms in season), to go along with the skate park you see when you drive in, so there are things to do for the kids who might not want to hike a round with you. And most of the other park activities are contained away from lines of flight.


Course flow was confusing for me because the minimalist tee signs don't always show the line you'll actually have to throw, the distances felt slightly 'off' (though they probably aren't: elevation!), and you sometimes see a few too many baskets ahead of you off the tee. I drew up a course schematic map, which I think would help a first timer who hasn't found a guide.

The tee signs for 10 and 14 are missing. There's a little bit of an awkward walk from 15 to 16 and from 16 to 17 (please see map). The new amphitheater actually sits in the middle of the most logical fairway on hole 11. Hole 12 now shoots over the seating area of the amphitheater, and hole 13 plays back above them, and across the road. Overall, there seemed to be a number of places where the needed line flies into the road, path, or flightlines from other holes.

Other Thoughts:

This is still a fun course to play, amongst a strip of really decent courses in the area (Freeman Lake, Radcliff, Muldraugh, Meade Olin and Otter Creek, from south to north), if you're looking for a solid, exhausting day or a relaxing weekend of disc golf.
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1 2
Experience: 11.4 years 16 played 3 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 23, 2014 Played the course:once


Fun and challenging. Tests the skills of a novice player.


Signs are confusing and not accurate. #6- sign shows it being on the opposite side of the road from the tee, but in fact its on the same side. Other signs show straight shots but some are actually to the right.

Other Thoughts:

Good course. A good challenge for novice players.
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1 1
Experience: 33.3 years 78 played 3 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Fun fun fun 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 15, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Again another course with every shot. Lots of birdies and very fast greens make for a good fun round in a small hidden park. A couple of challenging shots playing along a road going through the park. A few ob's and some great use of the land. Birdies will come a plenty if you play to the land.


Up and down hills takes a little wear and tear. Hole 2 and 3 play along side a neighborhood fence and if you throw a disc over its likely you won't get it back. Some holes if your an out of towner are difficult to follow but not far walks... A lot of baskets look playable from multiple tees.

Other Thoughts:

Just a great fun course with lots of challenging shots that can make or break your round. I've shot -11 and +4. It is worth the round!
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5 0
Experience: 13.3 years 63 played 17 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Noob Review 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 22, 2012 Played the course:once


18 hole course in a city park just a couple miles from front gate of Ft Knox. Well laid out course that uses the rolling terrain well. Most of the holes but a few are between 225 and 275 with a mix of up hill, down hill, across valley and over small hills. So it doesn't feel like they are all around the same length. Trees or OB comes into play on most every hole so decent drives make most holes capable of being done in 2. But if not placed well it is going to take a good up shot just to save par. Concrete tees and decent baskets. The holes flow pretty well. The park is clean and seems well maintained. The park as a road system in it but it was blocked off so cars were not an issue.


No hole signs on the baskets so on a couple holes it could be confusing. It could also use a marker on the basket pointing to the next Tee. Only one (marked) Tee box per hole and all holes have single placement. Looks like they are building a amphitheater that may kill one of 2 good lines to # 11 basket (I think). #13 pole hole has been moved a good distance from placement shown on sign, and also changed the distance a great deal.

Other Thoughts:

I am from out of state and overall it was worth the stop. I played the course twice and was not disappointed. It was a great day out and I only saw 6 other players during those 2 rounds which was surprising even for a Wednesday. They have a skate park at the entrance which has a decent population of teens to early 20s and I saw at least 2-3 small packages change hands that could explain why. If in the area go play!
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3 2
Experience: 15.3 years 60 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Chip and fall 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 7, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


Well maintained, goid tee boxes and baskets...great challenging course. Mostly shorter holes with constant elivation change. A bad up or missed putt can easily cost you two strokes


Only one our two long holes ( coming from an interm player) direction can b confusing...easy to tee off to the wrong pin...lol not that I did that

Other Thoughts:

One of my fave...very pretty. Great for players rec to advance
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2 2
Experience: 21.3 years 8 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Nice! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 12, 2011 Played the course:once


Challenging holes that appear easy, but large trees and hilly terrain make almost every hole interesting. Beautiful park and everything was well kept. Interesting greens and lots of variation. Had a blast!


Confusing layout. It's hard to figure out where the next hole is.

Other Thoughts:

Would def play many more times again!
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8 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.6 years 831 played 777 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fun hills 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 16, 2011 Played the course:once


The course plays through a hilly city park with lots of nice mature trees. There are enough trees in play to define some lines on several holes, which is a bonus for a park-style course. There is a decent mix of left and right turning holes so you'll need to have at least a couple different shots in your bag to score well. The distances are all pretty similar, but the elevation is used well to make them feel very different. Because of this, there are some putter ace runs, and some holes that most players will pull out a distance driver to reach.

The elevation is also used well around several greens. I like seeing baskets placed near slopes to add some risk to the short game, and there are a few of those here. The concrete tees are in good shape for the most part. There are basic signs that are fairly accurate and not broken or vandalized. The baskets are in decent shape and catch fine.


There's no underbrush or any kind of rough at all, so errant shots aren't really punished here. Nearly all the holes offer a pretty easy recovery for par after a bad drive, which takes away some challenge and fun. The road comes into play on several holes, it doesn't seem like the park gets much traffic but it's still a possible safety issue.

There are a few challenging spots in navigating the course. At times several tees are near the basket, and it might take some extra walking to figure out which one is next. Also, a few tees have multiple baskets in sight, not a big deal after the first time through but it's a little frustrating not knowing which one to throw to.

Other Thoughts:

I had a good time playing here, the hills are used quite well to add interest and challenge, and are creatively put into play with several cross-slope shots and some that play down and back up. Beginners can easily have a good time here, there are several holes that play pretty short, and there isn't any rough to frustrate less accurate players. Intermediate players and up will find lots of birdies, but will need to be reasonably accurate, it's not all that challenging but there are definitely some fun shots.
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 28.1 years 350 played 321 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 20, 2008 Played the course:once


This course is a nice city park, that is relatively small, but the 18 holes take up most of it. The baskets, signs, and tees are older, but still effective. Challenges are navigating around trees and throwing up and down hills. As others have said, you have to choose your line. The course has a variety of straight, hyzer, and anhyzer and many holes have multiple approaches. As is usual of parks courses, the trees aren't impossibly dense and there is little to no undergrowth. The biggest challenge here is the elevation. The course essentially plays up, down, around, and across a giant bowl! When you first arrive you might think the course looks repetitive, but there is tremendous variety from hole to hole.


Like others have said, the fence is a nice challenge, but it is really close to a couple of holes, and chances are if your disc goes over it is gone. Because of the openness of the park, you sometimes see multiple baskets and may end up throwing at the wrong one. It is also kind of tricky in spots to know which way is the next tee, but for the most part navigation is fine and it is easy to find the next hole even if start to head in the wrong direction.

If you don't like playing disc golf on big hills then you won't like this course.

Other Thoughts:

This is definitely a solid course. It has its own unique personality as I have never played another course like this one. I enjoyed that it was challenging without being insanely difficult making for a nice relaxing round in a beautiful setting. This course is worth traveling too, especially if you plan on playing many of the other good courses in the area between Elizabethtown and Louisville.
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2 0
Experience: 16.2 years 43 played 42 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Over hill, over dale... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 24, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Great work out as this city park is very hilly; albeit fairly compact. It is a very clean course; yet with plenty of mature tree's to make it technically satisfying. There's really only a couple of small places where you could possibly lose a disc; so that's a plus for those who tend to stray from fairways.


Courses like this, while fun to play, do not offer much in the way of scenery as the entirety of the course is fit pretty much within a 'square'. One of the hole maps was so off, that someone had to take permanent marker to point out which way to tee off.

Other Thoughts:

This course makes for a fine day of DGing when combined with the other two courses on the same highway (Freeman Lake with lots of water hazard shots; and grip 'n' rips) and Muldraugh (100% through thick woods where having a knack for getting out of rough is a must!).
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1 1
Experience: 21.3 years 35 played 12 reviews
3.00 star(s)

O.B. Roads 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 10, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Nice Lightly wooded course with many elevation changes.


The roads in the park often come into play as O.B. Although then on one hole you have to throw across a road to get to the basket. Also it was sometimes difficult to figure out which basket we were aiming for from the tee.

Other Thoughts:

The two guys I was playing with disagree with my opinion that O.B.s being involved in most holes is a negative thing.
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9 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 15.7 years 1512 played 480 reviews
3.50 star(s)

KY (jelly and the state) = always smooth! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 4, 2010 Played the course:once


1) Nice large concrete tees. They grip pretty well when dry but can be a little slick when wet. Either way they are necessary for this course because of the slops around the tee areas.

2) DGA signs in good shape and DGA baskets and all are in good shape.

3) Elevation is a huge factor on this course. The slopes are up and down and across, even throwing over a couple valley from one ridge to another. These make for a wonderful variety of shots. Some need to be thrown low and some need to go high in the air, and some go high in the air naturally because of the slopes. These throws all act differently and add to the challenge.

4) Wonderful mature Oak trees and other hardwoods. These trees make for a big part of the challenge of this course. There are a lot of them and there are many areas where they are grouped tightly together to force specific lines. There are no s shots through them, you need to stay inside or outside of a lot of these areas or you will be hitting one of them.

5) The combination of the trees and slopes is simply Kentucky disc golf. This setup is prevalent in many of the course I have played in Kentucky . . . and elsewhere. Armco, Lincoln Ridge, Charlie Vettiner, Fun Farm, are all very much like this course . . . and that is a good thing. I love the challenge and I love the setting of this course.

6) Cool park with only a few other activities. It is nice to have the DG course to ourselves. There is a skate park, a few swingsets, a pavillion and that is about it. There is no walking trail through the park to worry about hitting passersby. Sure there is a road, but it is only for people inside the park so you likely won't have to worry about cars very frequently.

7) This course has 2 nine hole loops which is always nice for those that want to play 9 and not have to walk all the way across the park.

8) Shot shaping is essential and you do need to be able to work the disc both directions. The front 9 has more of a hyzer focus, and the back 9 has a good variety of hyzers and anhyzers and some straight shots. Bring all your shots and you should feel fortunate if you have backhand and forehand shots in your bag!

9) Although hole distances do not vary by much, the effective distances change a lot. Most of the holes are 200-275 but those effective distances might play more like 150'-350 or 400. There is a hole over 300' in raw distance but the elevation really makes the holes play differently than their distance. This variety also allows for a lot of different disc selection which is integral to a good course in my opinion.

10) The use of the slopes by putting baskets where they are was done very well. There is enough challenge from basket placement, but nothing to unfair that a rollaway would be too devastating.

11) The fun of this course is picking your favorite lines and watching the disc sail. The downhillers are a lot of fun and although the uphillers are tough you have to pick some lines and make good upshots to get your pars.


1) No room for runup on many holes because the level concrete pad is simply built into the hill. Starting on the teepad is you only option on some holes because of the severe slope around the teepad. It isnt a huge issue because the holes are generally not TOO long so you shouldnt need a full runup.

2) Erosion around the tees is both dangerous and disappointing. It is going to happen sure, but a better design of a little bigger area around each concrete tee would go a long way to making these stand up to the test of time and erosion would be less of an issue. One of the teepads is sloped downhill substantially. This is not only dangerous but annoying.

3) Road is in play in a few areas. I do not like the use of manmade features as OB and I think they should not be on the course. Sure I understand they needed a road, but holes could have been designed differently in my opinion.

4) Navigation is not horrible but there are a few points to be mentioned. Generally you can see the next tee from the previous basket, but the problem is tht you can see multiple tees from a handful of the baskets. Another issue is that you can easily see more than one basket from multiple holes and this can be the most confusing thing. WIthout the # plates on the DGA baskets sometimes figuring out which one is the one to throw at can be a little difficult. Finding #6 tee is tough because the sign is behind a tree and the concrete tee is not visible because it is above eye level. Hole 16 is in its own corner of the park, and #17 and 18 are also in their own corner. But at least most of this is only an issue the first time you play. A few directionals would be helpful in the trickiest of spots like 5-6 and 16-17.

5) I know I played this course after it had recently received some significant snow. It had mostly melted but many spots still had some snow on the ground. That isnt surprising because the slope doesnt all get sunlight and the trees are dense enough to shade the snowy areas even in wnter. This seems like it would be slick and muddy during the winter, and also after any rains. In the woods the turf isnt the best and the soil is visible and bare in many spots. This could lead to slippery and slick muddy areas. Just something worth mentioning.

6) Not very beginner friendly because of the slopes and the density of the trees. There would be some serious frustrations I am sure.

7) Only 1 or maybe 2 garbages on the course and no benches. Walking those hills would leave me wanting a bench from time to time.

Other Thoughts:

I was very disappointed in my score on this course because I was struggling with my drives. I had recently figured out a technique that added like 30-50' to my average drive. I had been grabbing the disc (with my left hand) before starting my pull through, thus inhibiting the full pull back. I figured it out just a few weeks before, but apparently reverted to that grabbing of the disc. I really think if my drive was on I could have been around par or slightly better. I simply hit too many trees and missed too many lines. I did not let this affect my review or my rating. I thoroughly enjoyed the course and the challenge is presented. I would play this cours every day and I can guarantee that playing this course over and over could easily drop a handful of strokes from anyones game. There simply are intangibles you need to learn about this course and each drive you are faced with. The factors of the slope and the altitude that the disc flies play a major role in the challenge. All in all this is just Kentucky disc golf. It isn't the finest course I have played in KY but it is just what I view as KY DG. Hills, woodes, ridges, and valleys. It is just unique land that other states would be jealous of!
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4 0
Experience: 28 played 13 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Radcliff course much elevation and OB 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 10, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Radcliff is a course close to Ft. Knox. This course has lots of elevation changes, many mature trees, and many OB with which to contend. The course leads back to the parking lot after the 1st 9 and again after the 18th hole. All of the holes are guarded by mature trees with the last two holes going through a wooded area. There are anhyzer shots, hyzer shots, and straight shots.


There aren't any benches near any of the tee-pads. There may be some trash cans near some of the holes, but they are few and far between. Most of the holes are under 300 ft; you can leave your long range game at home and still come up with a good score. The tee signs can be misleading at times.

Other Thoughts:

I think this course is great for beginners to test their accuracy; errant drives do not rule out a par.
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13 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.5 years 55 played 49 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fun, technical, course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 23, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


Note: I played this course just after a light snow had melted, so it was SLOPPY, in case that inadvertently influences any of my comments.

Great facilities, and the park seems well maintained. I believe the baskets are all DGA, and in excellent condition. All Tee Pads are concrete and also in great condition. Tee signs are present on all holes and well marked.

There is great use of the rolling hills to give a nice elevation change on most holes, no boring, flat, open holes here! Also, the variation of shots is great, holes that require anhyzer as well as hyzer, or give the option for either.

A lot of the holes have many obstacles (trees), and offer very tight fairways that will require accuracy to place your shot well, which I love in a course.

My favorite holes were:
7 - Tight anhyzer alley between OB on left, and trees and dropoff on right, and slightly uphill. LHBH with a nice turnover and recovery does very nicely, and proved very rewarding for me.
11 - Another anyhyzer (or hyzer if you want) hole, again uphill and right. Perhaps I just like this type of hole, or maybe because I deuced it.
14 - Have to keep the shot in a tight right-turning fairway with trees right, and OB road left, nice challenging shot.
16 - Throw over a big bowl dropoff, to a basket on the slope of the far side, and clear trees on the way.
17 - Very narrow path through a heavily treed fairway, with a ravine that goes from side to side, creating a neat drop then rise in the fairway.


The ground REALLY retains water. I can't count how many times I almost took a mud bath. But this is likely due to how much snow had just melted. Regardless of this, wear boots, as even dry this is a little bit of a hike.

Getting from hole to hole by someone who hasn't played the course before would be a little difficult. Tee signs are the saving grace, but next tee arrows would be nice, since it is not always intuitive. Luckily I played with a few guys who has played it before, so no problem for me. Also as mentioned in some reviews before, some baskets are close together, and if you didn't know better you might end up throwing at the wrong one.

I'm not a fan of hole 2 and 3 running RIGHT next to people's yards, who are quite obviously NOT DG fans! Threw my Roc over the fence on 3. Luckily it was very close to the fence, and the MEAN sounding German Shepard was tied to a tree on the other side of the yard.

Other than the above, the only other thing I can think of as a con is that it could be hard to find the entrance to the park. There is a decent sign, but if you aren't paying attention you could drive right past it, as I almost did.

Other Thoughts:

I had a lot of fun playing this course, and the pros FAR outweigh the cons. But as it stands, i can only give 3.5 stars, since it is somewhat short, even if quite technical, and could use a few improvements.

This course also seems to be slightly biased to a LHBH or RHFH player as far as fairway turns, and perhaps that is meant to be a challenge to the majority (we RHBH throwers).

Definitely be ready for a little mild hiking, and bring your accurate shots. Oh, and be careful if you have to go fence-hopping!
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1 2
Experience: 3 played 3 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 1, 2009 Played the course:once


Liked the tight fairways with the mature trees.


The course layout was a little confusing for an out of towner to follow. Some holes we thought we were throwing to were the wrong ones. Need benches.

Other Thoughts:

Had a good time playing a different course.
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5 0
Experience: 3 played 3 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Nice course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 31, 2008 Played the course:once


A very nice looking course. I enjoyed playing through the mature trees. Short but technical so it can be enjoyed by big and small arms. Teepads and baskets are in good shape and seem to be maintained. Nice elevation changes and ob's also add to this course.


A couple of the teepads were somewhat decieving as to which direction to throw. There was a basket both directions that was about the right distance in accordance with the tee sign. Also there were a few baskets that were extremely low to the ground, the bottom part of the basket where the disc comes to rest was literally lower than my knees. There is a little bit of a walk from hole 16 to hole 17 and was somewhat hard to find for a first time player.

Other Thoughts:

Overall a really liked this course and was worth the 3 hour drive to play it.
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11 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21 years 269 played 148 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 3, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


This course is in a small park with big hills and lots of mature trees. It has concrete tees, signs on every hole and the baskets are in good condition. The course loops back to the parking lot after hole 9.

Most of the holes aren't very long but they make up for it in character. Every single one has good sized elevation changes on it. The park road is OB and while it's only a major feature on a few holes, it does come into play on about half of them. The road gets very little traffic and it's easy to see from the tee so it's a fairly minimal safety concern.

There's a decent shot variety here, the two holes that force turnover shots for RHBH players are tough shots with OB road on the left. There are some other holes with multiple routes to the basket and on a few of those a turnover shot is the higher percentage shot, but there are definitely options which is nice.

There are lots of trees on this course, but you're never actually in the woods at any point and there is no rough to deal with. So the only time you have to worry about losing a disc is in the fall when there are leaves all over the ground.


If you're not familiar with the layout, it can be a little tough to find hole 6 which is across the road in the corner of the park. There are a couple times where you might not be completely sure which pin you're throwing at or have a little difficulty locating the basket amongst the trees.

This course can be a real workout; on every hole you're walking up and down hills. I don't consider this a real con because it's what makes this course so unique, but it is worth mentioning for anyone not used to playing hilly courses.

There isn't a lot of space in this park so there are a few places where tees are a bit too close to baskets so watch out for errant drives.

Other Thoughts:

While this course isn't a much of challenge for a more advanced golfers (SSA is about 46), newer players will enjoy the challenge this course and it's hills present. No matter who you are, it is fun course to play and this hills help to make it one of the more unique courses in the area. If you're in the area it's definitely worth stopping to play a round.

The baskets for holes 2 and 3 have both been moved to the left away from the fence. This really helps to keep the fence out of play, reduce the possibility of lost discs and keep the neighbors happy.
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