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Dublin, VA

Randolph Park DGC

3.595(based on 28 reviews)
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Averages Score by Tee

347/58 17/62

Overall Course Stats

Total Rounds Played 361
Total Holes Played 6337
Distance Covered by Members 399.09 Miles
Average Score per Round 57
Average Putts per Hole 1.81
Total Shots 20625
Total Aces 4
Total Double Eagles --
Total Eagles 21
Total Birdies 1716
Total Pars 3307
Total Bogies 881
Total Double Bogies 153
Total Triple Bogies 12
Total Putts 1378
Total Penalties 2

Hole-by-Hole Stats

Hole Avg. Shots Played Aces D. Eagles Eagles Birdies Pars Bogies D. Bogies T. Bogies Putts Penalty
1 2.88 949 329 -- -- -- 77 212 35 2 -- 83 --
2 3.05 1004 329 -- -- -- 61 200 54 11 -- 77 --
3 2.91 956 329 -- -- -- 87 193 41 4 1 81 --
4 2.74 900 329 -- -- -- 116 180 29 1 -- 76 --
5 3.26 1071 329 -- -- -- 38 187 82 18 1 77 --
6 3.91 1281 328 -- -- -- 106 158 48 12 1 81 --
7 3.23 1062 329 -- -- -- 38 193 82 10 2 80 --
8 2.88 947 329 -- -- -- 82 206 35 3 -- 77 1
9 2.63 865 329 -- -- -- 143 161 22 -- -- 68 --
10 2.98 932 313 1 -- 1 54 212 41 -- 1 57 --
11 2.99 929 311 -- -- -- 56 207 40 4 1 61 --
12 3.26 1014 311 -- -- 15 206 80 6 1 -- 53 --
13 4.62 1437 311 -- -- 2 149 128 23 6 -- 58 --
14 3.60 1119 311 -- -- 1 146 139 20 2 -- 64 --
15 2.85 887 311 -- -- 2 81 189 32 4 -- 61 --
16 4.59 1428 311 -- -- 1 39 130 106 27 3 67 1
17 2.67 831 311 1 -- 1 138 138 23 8 -- 59 --
18 3.39 1053 311 -- -- -- 16 184 87 18 1 66 --