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Rocky Mount, NC

Rocky Mt. Sports Complex

Permanent course
2.75(based on 22 reviews)
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Rocky Mt. Sports Complex reviews

12 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.4 years 616 played 568 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Good good and Bad bad.

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 15, 2023 Played the course:once


Rocky Mount Sports Complex is an interesting, varied layout. It has some enjoyable aspects when it comes crashing down. And just like Hulk Hogan, it does hurt inside.
- First off, this has the bones of a fun, quality course. It takes advantage of the various obstacles throughout this portion of the park: woods, minimal elevation, and water.
- It's a massive park. And for the most part, this course doesn't overlap with other park activities. I say that, and some local will point on that the course shuts down during baseball tourneys, or something like that.
- Hole #2 should be the true opening hole. Current #1 is a glorified practice basket. I mean, if we need that basket for a full 18, then keep it. Hole #2 is a short, dogleg left throwing towards a pond, before fading to a basket tucked in the woods. Elevated basket with water/drop-off in play if you go too far left. Pretty shot that could be one of the more memorable opening holes in the state.
- After some basic holes weaving through the woods, you get to a great tee shot on #7. Water to the left, woods to the right. Basket doglegs slightly uphill to a tiny peninsula to the left. You throwing over the water or playing safe straight/to the right?
- #9 & 10 use the one hill on the course, in case you're wanting to get a little mount (as in Rocky Mount) feel.
- Holes #12 - 14 play around the same pond. Each gives a different look. Of these, #13 is the most sphincter tightening tee shot with a narrow fairway/no realistic bail-out locale to the right. #14 is the most open of these holes....but, that also makes it most vulnerable to a cross breeze, creating an added challenge.
- There are also 3 bonus holes between #13 & 14. I didn't play them because I didn't select that layout on UDisc. It's a little bit of a walk to play three more water holes. If you do, that does give you six straight holes with a chance of losing a disc.
- #17 is one of the two best wooded holes on the course (along with #3). But, after playing the horrific #16, you're stuck with a bad taste in your mouth.


Course does itself no favors. It's already limited in terms of space and variety. But, by missing key things, such as tee signs, next hole arrows, and one horrid hole, it takes away some of the course's high points.
- For some reason, there are 4 layouts listed on DGCR. Unless there was a separate layout for a tourney at some point, I have zero clue how the green layout exists for this course. Hole #5 has a 559-foot alternate tee? Hole #7 has a 575-foot layout? Are we throwing in circles here? I didn't even see tees for the two layouts listed on the tee signs, let alone a crazy, longer layout.
- Navigation is lacking. If you don't have a map (printed or interactive disc golf app-based), you are not playing all 18 holes here. Yes, you may play 18 holes, but you're not playing them in a row. You're not playing them from every correct tee. Or, you can prove me wrong and add 2 hours to your round walking around trying to find every tee.
- Upkeep in the wooded holes (#2 - 6 & 18) could be better. It had been recently mowed when I played. But, based on the unevenness of the grass, it was either the first time it was mowed in 4-8 weeks or the blades on that mower hadn't ever been sharpened.
- First time in a long time I had to play around a car parked on a tee pad. I'm not talking about hole #15, where the tee is in the parking lot. I'm talking #8 where the guy had to drive through the grass to get to. Seemed fitting for this course.
- #16 shouldn't exist. Never. Ever. Never. Discs don't fly the way this fairway is designed. You're throwing directly to a baseball field with a tall outfield fence, then take a sharp turn to blind shot on a walking trail, then turn 90 degrees to a basket behind trees. From what I can see, there are 3 possible shots here: 1. Throw a high right-to-left shot where you're throwing over the baseball field. 2. A roller shot that will end up somewhere on the walking trail portion of this hole. 3. Throw a low shot directly into the fence and let it carom where it may. This risk with #1 is if your disc ends up on the field. #2 probably involves the most skill. #3 is the safest and most luck-based shot. I opted for 3, and was able to get a simple up and down for a 3.
- #16 is the type of hole that gets a course pulled immediately. Hit someone you can't see, or you can see and throw a bad shot, they sue, and so long course. This hole has so many safety flaws that lawyers would be lining up to collect their money from the city/county about the risks of this dangerous layout. You could ask anybody with a pulse to look at this hole, compare it to the previous hole and ask which one is safe and which one is dangerous.
- If the option is to pull this course and end up with a 17-hole layout, this course needs to be a 17-hole layout. There wasn't anyone around, and I still threw cautiously because it didn't feel safe. Why not just put the basket on the pitcher's mound or the middle of a playground?

Other Thoughts:

For all the good will through the first 15 holes, much of that is lost with #16's layout. It's that bad and dangerous.
- Some people have pointed out (complained) about the amount of water holes on the course. I will say those holes are not beginner friendly. On a breezy day, or a bad throwing day, you could easily lose a couple of discs. That was th reason I wasn't a big fan of Luther Britt in Lumberton. Wind + lots of water in play = lost discs = not a fun round.
- Instead of having three straight holes alongside water, maybe #13 should play over the water instead. Throw over the narrow corner near the hole's basket so anyone can clear the water. It's still a 'water' hole, but you've taken the risk out of play.
- I'll throw out the idea this course would be better as a 9-hole layout. Essentially take the best aspects of holes #2 - 9 plus 17 - 18 and put all your efforts there. You'd still have three water holes. You'd have wooded holes. You can have an open hole still. But you're eliminating most of the course's bad parts.
- On a different day, my perception of the course would be different. A lost disc or two, and I'd be griping about the poor layout. Landing my disc steps from the water instead, and I'm thinking this is a creative layout. On #14, I aimed my tee shot far right. It got caught in a gust of wind and blew 150 feet off line. So, I get how there's a strong luck or total fluke factor here as well.
- #17 is such a great tee shot. It's one of the course's best two or three holes. But it's overlooked being stuck directly behind one of the worst holes in the state. It's an unfortunate victim of collateral damage.
- This was the second course I've played in Rocky Mount. This course was safely in my top 2 for the city. While there are parts of this course I really liked, I would hope the city's remaining courses are closer to Sunset Park's quality than Sport Complex's.
- I'd recommend playing other courses in the city well before playing here. Being a bagger, it'll be a long time, if ever, before I play here again.
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13 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 5.1 years 113 played 112 reviews
2.00 star(s)

There is variety 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 13, 2021 Played the course:once


-The course meanders thru heavy woods, around ballfields, over water, and open fairways. A few baskets can be rollers, and a different kind of elevated tee. The course has variety.

-The course has been realigned sometime in the past offering a better flow and three sets of tees to a single basket with a few shared tees.

-#7 offers a unique water carry to an elevated green surrounded by water on three sides.

-From the #10 elevated tee pad can order snacks from a concession stand just a few feet away when its open.

-Baskets catch well. Tee pads are concrete for the most part, some long tees use a walking path. Color code on the tee pad matches the tee sign for hole distance.

-Tee signs have hole number, distance, par, and map.

-Navigation is a figure 8 starting at clockwise. Most tee signs can be seen from the played basket.

-Holes are memorable, some for the wrong reason.

-Grass is kept mowed, except for a few green areas.

-Beginners and Recreational will find the course challenging and likely a few water holes intimidating. Intermediate and Advance will find those same water holes challenging, and chances for birdie runs.


-From hole 11 thru 17 mostly open, that part of the course looks like an eye sore with broken up pavement, tee signpost with missing tee signs or just worn down, trash, dirt, and being pushed from a baseball fence for a few holes. Only a few scenic holes on the course in the wooded portion.

-Holes 11 thru 15 the least interesting and plain, open with very few trees, but a few water carries and No. 13 the only one that stands out.

-Blue tees are hard to find either there painted a dark blue on the black pavement or just not there elsewhere. Didn't see green tees at all.

-Hole 12 basket just a few inches off ground, pretty sure its intentional, but rather odd trying to run a birdie from C2. Other baskets are leaning.

-On a late Wednesday morning several walkers against the flow on hole 1-2, 7-8, and 15-17. Waited a few minutes for a mother with baby carriage to clear hole 15.

-There's a fishing pier on hole 8, if someone is fishing will interfere with long tees. It was in use during my play, and he parked his truck on the fairway just to the right of the basket. Aimed left and griped locked right into the pond.

-Batting cage outside outfield fence interfering with fairway 16, took my tee about 50 feet left to clear it.

-Greens on 2 and 7 had high grass. Maybe intentional there both rollers into water if cut short, so a good thing for some players.

-Disc loss is high in the woods; water comes into play on 5 holes.

Other Thoughts:

I found the Rocky Mt. Sports Complex having its ups and downs. Wooded portion with water carries challenging enough with a variety of disc from the tee including putter. Then the open rather dull except a few water holes, and test of patience with the walkers and the outfield fences pushing you on the tee. I think most players will find some portion of the course they like. As with all courses still an enjoyable round with the biggest con the open portion 11 thru 15 an eye sore including the push of the outfield fence 16-17 into the woods.

There are a few good holes on the course and challenging from any of the three set of tees, a unique tee experience on No.10, from these holes my overall rating is anchored on a 3.5. The time to play taking tee sign photos was 65 minutes.

Notable Tee Pad:

-No. 10 located as an elevated tee on the concrete just about 10 feet from ordering from the concession stand. Didn't see a tee sign, but Udisc placed me right on that corner and theirs a mat facing the basket which is in the open. I wish I could share that I had ordered a hotdog and nachos after teeing off, but it was closed. Unique and unusual.

Notable Basket Placements-

-No. 17 basket is placed on the edge of a narrow fairway that is open, but behind the basket is heavy woods with a roller into a ditch that was dry when I played. No. 9 another roller in the open on a side hill with fluffy grass that was close to being mowed shortly after I played it.

Notable Holes:

-No 2 Par 3 at 188/220 feet is straight away down a walking path with woods on both sides and narrow about 30 feet. The basket is on a mound just to the left and is raised at about 6 feet. Within C1 is high grass and into a pond not seen from tee just to the right of basket. I went for it took a bounce, but the high grass kept the disc from rolling into the water.

-No. 13 Par 3 at 275/410 feet a straight away open water carry. The water is right on the edge of C1 so you need at least 255/ 390 feet to clear the reeds on the edge of water and hiding the basket when I played the hole. There's an outfield fence on the backed of C1 to avoid flying over and providing a very small landing area. There's a very narrow bailout area bordering the water and another outfield fence which I took since I couldn't see C1 and the basket. I found myself basket high and at least a hundred feet from it.

Signature/Trouble Hole:

No. 7 Par 3 at 275/350 feet another straight away water carry surround almost on three sides with the basket elevated on a hill wide as C1 all the way around and with C2 on the back, and the basket raised a few feet on a mound and tucked to the left. To carry the water and keep from rolling back in the pond need at least 260/335 feet. There are trees and brush lining the hill all the way around waters edge with some open spots, and some trees as high as 12 feet. With the elevation of the hill about 8 feet high and the brush the basket is hidden. There's also a bailout area to the right narrow and small divided by the walking path, roller to the left in the water, and heavy woods right. There is a tree on the waters edge and to the left of the walking path. I decided to aim for it to fade too the bailout area. I found out I had the distance, but not the height to clear the trees. The grass was high and fluffy providing a soft landing for anybody wanting to go for it.

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9 3
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.2 years 179 played 120 reviews
1.50 star(s)

It gave me a complex 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 28, 2017 Played the course:once


Layout - Overall it's some dinky wooded holes mixed in with open hyzers and some more hyzers near water.

You get up to three tee options (R,W,B), in some cases they overlap. In most cases this just lengthens the hole but in some it does make an angle a bit more severe.

There is a mix of open and wooded holes.

Water comes in to play as a good amount of baskets are positioned near small ponds.

A few multi-shot holes and some chances to let the disc fly on the open holes.

Atmosphere - If you like small ponds they're here in abundance.

Equipment - Most holes had tee signs at the white tee showing distance for each tee and a hole map. You usually had some sort of hard surface to tee off of. There's a portajohn in the lot.


Layout - I don't like this course. I considered giving it a one but it more fits in with my 1.5's.

The wooded holes are dinkers and while may I agree, on a good day, when I'm happy, when everything is right with the world, that it just may have a couple of maybe decent ones, it's never good when decent describes your best.

The open holes are mostly just throw a hyzer or throw far then throw a hyzer approach. The water holes do bring in some danger but in the end it's a bunch of 300'ish hyzers that aren't that difficult. If you want just play it safe throw 340' hyzers and make a putt coming back, none of this matters.

Honestly the biggest obstacle on the water holes was dodging goose shit.

Well #7, which is a water hole, was challenging but mostly because the basket was tipped over.

The flow of the course is hella bad. It's one of those do mini loops bullshit things. I think the course designer was eating cereal and dropped some fruit loops on his sketchpad and found some fruit brained inspiration. Put the lime in the coconut and screw this all up.

I'm still looking for 12's blue pad. Don't message me and tell me where it is, none of this matters. I'm not even sure it was hole 12, none of this matters.

Then there was a hole that wanted me to anhyzer over a baseball field. It was a decent hole I just didn't feel like going in the baseball field if I screwed up.

The shule here should not even be described as shule. I think I saw the predator in there.

There's probably more but none of this matters.

Equipment - The pads are mishmashed from concrete, to using asphault sidewalks, to gravel to AWOL. Like I said one of the baskets was tipped over. The tee signs are just passable when you can find them. There's nothing three dimensional marking where the blue pads are usually, just signs saying wander that way and look around.

Atmosphere - The wooded areas are rougher looking than Lindsey Lohan on a bender. The two times I threw in to the woods I had to psych myself up to get in there and get the job done. That's probably what Lindsey's bf's feel like. There's briars and giant fire ants... Make your own Lindsey joke now.

Other Thoughts:

This course sucks, no offense to anybody who takes offense to this but again, this course sucks. It's a good place to work on your hyzers I'll give it that; though I don't recommend it to anyone else.

If you do take offense remember. None of this matters.
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6 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.4 years 546 played 261 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Woods, Open and Water. Be Ready! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 10, 2015 Played the course:once


Good baskets, some tees use pavement, where available.
A LOT of variety here, short tight wooded holes, water holes requiring long carries, flat open holes.
Course has been changed to provide a bigger challenge.
Large, multi-use park, football, baseball/softball and several soccer fields, get a round in when in the park for other things.
There might be a few interactions with the other activities, but for the most they are avoided.
#8 is a fun water hole, not too long and cleared landing area, you could even skip it across.


The gravel tees on the shorter holes are not a big problem, but the short tees on the open holes need to be larger.
Navigation is an issue, since the map on this site has not been updated.
They did not use the sidewalk around the new RR/concession bldg for a "top of the world" tee shot!!
#2 uses the walking path as the fairway, right after it comes around a corner, be careful on this one!

Other Thoughts:

First off the changes from the map on this site - #7, #14, #15, #16 and #17 are gone. After #11 (now #10) cross the parking lot, new #11 tee is near the soccer fence. #12 and #13 go around the large lake, then #14 and #15 head back towards the trees, #16 follows the old #13 and #17 follows the gravel path behind the ball fields. #18 is in original position. THE PICTURES ON THIS SITE ARE UPDATED WITH THE NEW HOLES.
Second, the danger holes, #2 short hole, walking path is the fairway, miss this one long (or no fade) and you're in the lake. #7 long carry over the same pond, but the green area is overgrown, trees, bushes, grass, I found the small fairway available, but not a good green. #12 tight long fairway around lake and behind ballfields, how do you play this one? I didn't. #13 back around the same lake, does provide some fairway. #16 and #17 both go behind more ballfields and new batting cage, OK if no one is there, but could be unplayable.
It looks like the intent was to get more holes out of the woods and provide longer, open holes. That has been accomplished.
I like courses with wooded and open holes, but several holes here have a lot of trouble to get into. There are 3 other 18-holers in this town of 60,000, a pretty good number for a town this size, I'll play Farmington and Sunset again before here.
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6 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.3 years 278 played 276 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 13, 2015 Played the course:once


The first half of this course is easily the best stretch of holes in the Rocky Mount area. Three of the holes do traverse a walking path but they are short holes and the tees command views that gives advanced warning of anyone walking towards the hole. So that is grudgingly acceptable to keep the best holes on the course. 2 is a short hole that features a basket cut into the woods to the left, up a ridge that should provide an uphill put next to a small waterfall. 8 and 9 play along a pond, with a safe route around the pond available and a direct path offered by carrying the water. 9 is a decent amount past the pond while 8 sits high above the water on a small bluff surrounded by three sides of water.
10 provides the other open look of the first half and it features the best chance to air out a disc that I saw as well as basket situated on hillside. The other holes, (3-7 as well as 18) cut through a small section of woods that is not fantastically maintained at the moment but offers wooded fairways of a few different widths and allows the trees to force shot shaping. Overall the course has a nice variety, with a little bit of everything discwise, and the ten hole stretch from 2 to 11, with the addition of 18 are a nice introduction to the sport and should appeal to most new players.


The back half, well it doesn't match the map. Hopefully, the map represents what the course is going to be. After failing to find a tee for 12, I noticed that the basket that was located where the 12 should be said 15. And the tee that was supposed to be 13 said 16. So I guess 13-15 play out in the open fields towards the road. I missed those but the terrain didn't look interesting in any case A bunch of athletic fields in what can be the only place they were.. The actual 16 and 17 were worse. The baseball field is very much in play on those two holes and the current game going on made them unplayable. The maps showed a trio of holes in that section of woods, so hopefully the plan is to cut holes in that unused woods. That would vastly improve the course. Otherwise some way should be found to get directly from 10 to 18 and make this course a decent twelver. Nothing wrong with a twelve-hole course.

Other Thoughts:

Nice beginner course that needs some work in a few areas. If matching the map is planned and the 16 and 17 are scrapped in favor of carving fairways out of that woods section, this could be very soild.

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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.6 years 198 played 192 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Disappointing 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 16, 2015 Played the course:2-4 times


It starts out promising, with a unique hole #2 on a peninsula between a creek and a pond, with an elevated basket, but it goes bad quickly after that.


I get the sense that the course has been in much better shape in previous months or years, but when I played, the signs were dilapidated or missing, so navigation was hard, the tee boxes were overgrown or in disrepair, and poison ivy was everywhere, including in some "fairways." Yes, the water holes are cool, but it's no fun if your trekking through poison ivy to play them. High risk of losing discs in the underbrush.

Other Thoughts:

I live in eastern Wake County, so the Rocky Mount courses and the southwestern Wake courses are approximately equidistant to me. But I won't be playing this course again, unless significant improvements are made. There are too many other good alternatives.

UPDATE: I played the course again and it was a little better, but not much. There was standing water everywhere. Very muddy and overgrown. However, there are more water hazard holes than most courses, so that unique feature bumps it up from a 1.0 to a 1.5. With a little TLC and minus the water, mud, and underbrush, this could be a solid course.
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4 4
Experience: 16.4 years 68 played 53 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Could use polishing. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 27, 2014 Played the course:once


The ~5 holes that have water in play are great. Good variety of shots through the trees. Nice to have multiple tees, although I've only played the whites.


Signage was pretty bad. It looks like they're moving some around because they were using different number signs at different holes. Tee pads were pretty bad, but we were playing in the rain.

Other Thoughts:

Nice use of the space, but it could use some polishing. The parking lot seems to be a common spot for high school kids to come get high too, as we saw two groups doing so as we rolled up, which did not make us feel good about leaving our car full of stuff there.
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2 1
Experience: 11.3 years 5 played 1 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Totally mixed up 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 7, 2013 Played the course:once


Amazing views and the water holes can be really challenging. Beautiful course though. Shots in my opinion range from Pro to Amateur so its a great course if you want to challenge yourself


Holes are NOT marked at all. Each tee box number has been changed and with the the basket for each hole is different.

I couldnt follow the course so I played random holes here and there.

Other Thoughts:

I would really like the course to be re marked and I would play it 4-5 times a week like a play the Sunset course
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5 1
Experience: 13.4 years 54 played 14 reviews
3.00 star(s)

1st Run 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 19, 2013 Played the course:once


- Mixing things up with the water.
- Mix of wide open, woods, over water and around water shots.
- Park for the kids if they tag along


- Sign's were not there for every hole, the wooden stands were there, but it seems they have been defaced.
- Rubber tee-pads is a very bad idea, I played off to the side of them as the ground was wet.

Other Thoughts:

My least favorite course out of Rocky mounts 4 courses.
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3 4
Experience: 14.6 years 5 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 22, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


i love this course! some really big ace attempts and alot of birdies. pretty well maintained. 8 and 9 are the exciting ones over water shots, idk if my blood preasure rises bc of the unique shot or iam affraid to loose my disc! 12 is a nice straight bomb and if you have a good arm you can birdie this one. 13 has really gotten tought, they have added a batting cage which make it very difficult to throw. nice short woods hole 14-18 but can cause major trouble if your not accurate.


water stands really bad right after the rain. tee pads are aweful! ruber mats can cause a broken neck! advice is to throw beside the tee pad if it is wet. could use some brush clean up in the woods. some mando signs which dont really make since bc it doesnt make the shot any harder.
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5 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.1 years 117 played 110 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 13, 2009 Played the course:once


Great signs made it easy to navigate the course. The water holes make a nice risk/ reward. Choose your shot carefully, my friend did not and he went swimming. Was not crowded the day we were there. The park is easy to find from the highway. Park was very clean. The multiple tees were nice for any level player to join in.


The course can be muddy so just be prepared for that. Many holes are rather short. I used my putter most of the day. There was a soccer tournament going on and they used a grassy area for parking on the fairway. (I hope that isn't common.)

Other Thoughts:

This was a fun course. The shorter holes were in the wooded areas which gave them more challenge. If your in the area this is definetely worth playing, I had a great time.
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8 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.9 years 201 played 147 reviews
2.00 star(s)

SO much hope, so little reward 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 23, 2009 Played the course:once


Good mix of open long holes and challenging wooded holes. Several holes near a pond that offer some good risk vs reward opportunity. Holes also placed near walkway for some good OB risk. A course that requires the use of all of your shots. Multiple tee locations for different skill levels. Good signs at tee pads.


Where to start?? Rubber tee pads over bumpy ground. This is a good place to twist an ankle or land on your arse. Many holes play around or near a walkway. You could kill a pedestrian or biker there on a good day. Watch out. Water, water, water. There is a pond that offers some decent risk, but there is also enough standing water and swamps to keep you damp all day. Hadn't rained in a while and there was still water everywhere. My impression is that this was a swamp that they turned into a disc golf course. There is also drainage culverts dumping water from the surrouning sports fields. My guess is that in Spring, Fall and Winter you need waders to play here. Maybe a nice dry summer would help. We played when about 1/3 of the fairways had 2-3 inches of standing water covering large portions of the fairways.

Other Thoughts:

This course has a lot of promise. It has some cool holes that are fun to play. Concrete tee pads would easily allow me to give this course a 2.5 or 3. If they could ever drain some water away also this could turn into a fun place. I'm just not sure it will ever happen. If you're in Rocky Mount, and North Carolina has been in an extended drought by all means go play this course. If you play it when it's wet and warm I'd be on the lookout for some reptiles. This looks like it could hold some big *ss snakes!
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10 2
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 45.5 years 1001 played 118 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Swamped 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 9, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


*There are 2 sets of tees, so there's some variety. (White = Short, Black = Long)
*There's water in play on 3 holes. The drive from hole 8's Long tees is the most dramatic, and the one I enjoyed the most.
*Navigating the course is pretty easy, even without a map.
*The Long layout has a perfect balance of fairway shapes with 6 St/ 6 Left/ 6 Right. (But the Short layout has a preponderance of straight holes with 10 St/ 3 Lt/ 5 Rt)


-When I played in March there were big swamps or swampy areas on 11 holes. The hole 4 tee was totally under water. Hole 7 was the worst with a big deep black swamp that you could lose discs in. Hole 16 could have water on lots of the fairway and all around the basket. A few holes were hard to get down the fairway because I had to walk over logs. These inconveniences were the major hindrance to my enjoyment, but maybe it's drier in the summer.
-Like the other courses in Rocky Mount, this one is mostly flat. The greatest elevation change is +6 ft.
-The tee signs could be improved. They were small and minimal.

Other Thoughts:

• Black tees (Long) Course Level: White (most suited for Intermediate players rated 900.)
• White tees (Short) Course Level: Red (most suited for Juniors and Intermediate players rated 850)
Both layouts are shorter than average for their level.

You be the judge-
My favorite hole: 8 from the Long tees. A beautiful shot over the water that's loaded with risk vs. reward.

• It's in a wetland area, so there are restrictions on what can be built on the course.
• Each layout has 10 holes in the woods, with the other 8 a mixture of wide open grass or scattered trees.
• The new double chain Discatcher baskets are in great shape. I thought the rubber mat tee pads were adequate, but just a little bit too short.
• They use a non-standard tee color system instead of the usual PDGA colors. This may lead some confusion since the short (White) tees are actually Red level while the long tees (Black) are actually White level.
• There a few amenities-- no course map, no warm up basket, no message board, no benches, and no trash cans-- but the course is still new, so hopefully those will come in time.

All in all, there were some good holes over the water and through the woods, but I think the swamps dampened my enthusiasm so that my enjoyment factor was merely average.

<span class="underline">A note about my rating:</span> My rating is a subjective measure of my enjoyment of the course, on the day I played it, and it is NOT intended to be a measure of the quality of the course. My ratings are given "on the curve" in relation to all other courses I've played.
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3 1
Experience: 15.3 years 38 played 17 reviews
3.00 star(s)

New Holes = Awesome 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 16, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


First 9 holes are all very aceable - short, but with distinct fairways. The back 9 are a little longer and more open, with quite a few water holes that are fun to play.

An additional "Complex Loop" was added recently so that three new holes can be played between holes 13 and 14, making this a 21 hole course in total. To get to the additional loop, walk down the corridor between the two fields right before the hole 13 basket. After you play these three, you'll walk back along Church Street to the hole 14 tee (it's a bit of a hike).

This course originally had rubber tees, but these have been switched to either concrete or asphalt. Nice improvement.

Overall, I really enjoy playing this course. It's not difficult, but offers a nice variety for a quick game.


Not every sign is 100% accurate since they have redesigned the course.

Holes 11-14 play very close to the baseball and soccer fields, and the gates to these are normally locked, so if you throw a disc over, it's a pain climbing the high fences. These holes are also a little bland, even with the water hazard thrown in. For me, these holes tend to drag a little.

This is a minor drawback, but as stated above, the hike from Hole C on the extra loop back to Hole 14 is quite a ways.

Other Thoughts:

Love the additional loop (Holes A, B and C.) While it doesn't offer the challenge that Farmington does (nearby), I really love this course. Probably my favorite in Rocky Mount.
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2 0
Experience: 22.8 years 45 played 7 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fun Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 16, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Not to hard. This course allows begginers to have a decent score. Multiple tee pads. Great pin placement.


Can get wet in some areas. This course is located in a run off area to a few softball and baseball fields. Tee pads are rubber. Easy to slip and twist an ankle.

Other Thoughts:

I love this course. 8 & 9 will test you because they are over a pond. The holes are fairly easy. Watch out for poison ivy.
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1 0
Experience: 20.2 years 25 played 5 reviews
3.50 star(s)

fun and usually hardly anyone there 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 1, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


Mix of wooded, open, tight, lefts, rights, water, picnic area, horseshoe pits, close parking, easy to find. two sets of tees on most holes!!! great challenge and good for beginners.


may be too short/tight, water, no benches, no trash cans, needs a little trimming back in some areas, poison ivy; wear shoes in summer. baseball season brings traffic and people in the park.

Other Thoughts:

nice place to spend a day and play two three rounds lose to amenities and can eat at picnic shelter in park. hope more improvements are done this place has a lot of potential
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2 1
Virtual PBandJ
Experience: 36.4 years 95 played 12 reviews
2.00 star(s)

third best course in RM 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 4, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


Two fun water holes, two sets of pads, a few fun technical holes, set in an awesome sports complex


The course is set in the water run off area of the park, not lefty friendly, in a marsh(hope you like snakes in the summer), the fence on 10-11 is to close to the holes. several pins are dangerously close to the next pads.

Other Thoughts:

This is a course confused, the first several holes are short and technical in the woods from both pads. then the course just explodes into a course with big drives over a nice pond then a few holes later shrinks back to it's original short and technical layout. the holes just dont fit with the rest of the park.

: ) :
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2 2
Experience: 23.2 years 4 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Sweet 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 4, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Wide variety of holes, long, short, hazards, wooded and wide open. The alternate tees are great! Definitely provides a little something for everyone.


Played the other day and had to skip half the course due to the fact that it was under a couple inches of water. The area is a flood plain. So if there is a lot of consistent rain, bring lots of towels.
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9 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 29.4 years 197 played 19 reviews
3.00 star(s)

40mph winds... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 1, 2008 Played the course:once


Holes #8 & #9 are the best holes on the course, both cross portions of the lake and can be challenging for any body. Most of the wooded holes have well defined fairways. Fairly easy to navigate through, I made 18 holes in about 90 minutes, and that's with never playing it before. They made great use of the land they had, weaving it in and out of a chunk of trees and following along a lake's edge.


The course holds water, granted we've had several inches of rain in the past few weeks, but most all of the holes had some standing water on it. Hole 17 in particular was impossible to get down the fairway without my disc getting wet as well as my feet. The tee pads need to be concrete, or something other than that crappy plastic, i slipped on 2 drives and ended up just teeing to the side of the plastic for safety's sake...i didn't really like the open holes of 12-14...they were long, flat and boring, it probably didn't help that I was plaing in 40 mph winds and it was a headwind on 2 of those holes.

Other Thoughts:

this is a newer course, and is still a work in progress...when completed this will be a top notch course. I hear rumors of a championship caliber course that will add 2000 feet to the total distance. to do this though they're gonna need to add tee pads, bridges, trash cans. benches and signs.
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3 1
Experience: 4 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Rocky Mount's Finest 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 9, 2008 Played the course:2-4 times


This is the best course in Rocky Mount. You don't have to worry so much about poison ivy ,briars and overgrown brush. It is a challenging course that is well maintained.


The markers are stone for now. The pad are very short and made of rubber. I have trouble teeing off on them because of the unlevel terrain.

Other Thoughts:

I would like to see hole markers with bag holders and a website like kinston's course http://www.kinstondiscgolf.com/. I also would like to see (on all of Rocky Mounts courses) flouresant markers that are easy for all level players to see where the next hole is located, or I would like to see some sign or marker showing where the next tee is located. I think alot of people do not play because of getting from one hole to the other. Pros do not need this but for all of the rest of us starting out we do! It is terrible to wander through the woods while people are coming up to play behind you.
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