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Gaithersburg, MD

Seneca Creek State Park

4.275(based on 83 reviews)
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Seneca Creek State Park reviews

15 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.4 years 152 played 127 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Seneca Creek

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 22, 2023 Played the course:once


27 hole course with Mach 3 baskets in good condition. Course offers three nine hole loops that each go back to the parking lot, but can be played as a full 27. Very good mix of lefty/righty holes with a good bit of elevation change and some tight OB in spots, particularly down by the creek. A few tunnel shots with a low but fair ceiling. Multiple pin positions on every hole (indicated at the tee sign). Well maintained. Off the fairway was manageable and fair, easy to find errant throws. Hole 13 (the dogleg right down by the creek) was IMO the signature hole and I thoroughly enjoyed my triple bogey on it.


Some of the tee pads had some cracks in them, making run up on a few holes tough. Can be muddy or buggy depending on time of year (neither were a factor when I played).

Other Thoughts:

Nominal park entry fee during the busier months (no additional fee for the course itself). This was a very fun course, well worth my time on my trip, and worth your time if you find yourself northwest of DC. I also want to thank a local for showing me the course, making Seneca that much more enjoyable on my visit.
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15 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 7.4 years 239 played 200 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Of Sleek Seneca Creek I Speak 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 11, 2021 Played the course:once


+ The welcome area has a big course map, cardstock scorecards & plastic trash bags for the taking, a lost disc box and a practice basket.
+ There are benches everywhere.
+/- There are 'next' signs, but the player has to actively look for them because they are nailed onto trees in dark colors.
+ Sturdy and complete tee signs with "hook and bead" system for the single basket's current location, but...


- ...Many of the hooks and/or beads are damaged or outright missing. For some, they may as well not exist for how reliable they are.
-/+ The tee pads are an inconsistent mix of flat poured concrete, laid brick or uneven concrete pavers, but at least all 27holes have them.
- The distances listed on the scorecards, tee signs, and Udisc all disagreed with each other.

Other Thoughts:

I thought holes3 and 4 were the nicest to look at. I played here in the middle of summer. During that time, the lush foliage, peaceful nearby stream, shadowy forest and gentle terrain of those two fairways combine to create a scene almost worthy of a fairy tale. My least favorite was hole7 because of how plainly it played. Hole26 was my favorite to play here because of its changing elevation and varying obstacles.

As for the course as a whole, Seneca Creek can be described like that: varying. I think that more people would classify this course as being wooded than open, but it doesn't neatly fit that descriptor. With 27 holes to work with instead of the traditional 18, there is much more to consider when thinking about this course. Realistically, the experience balances out to more of a park-style course rather than what most people would call wooded or forested. Make no mistake, there are certainly heavily wooded holes to be had here. Holes15 and 16 stand out as almost claustrophically good examples, but those kinds of fairways are in the minority. Still, Seneca will certainly scratch your itch if you prefer wooded disc golf.

Players who like to grip and rip won't find this place too attractive. While there aren't trees everywhere, they are common enough to put a damper on the most energetic throwers unless they're feeling extra daring and gutsy. Just watch your footing on some of those pads during run-ups. More than a few of them seem like they were hastily assembled and plopped into the ground with no real care. And you may have to do some guesswork regarding which basket you're throwing towards. The 'current basket' system ought to be fortified. Also, bring along your good sense of direction because navigating the course isn't necessarily intuitive in between holes. I was lucky to meet up with a local regular, Rick, who guided me along holes10 through 27.

Speaking of which, I don't have much experience with 27-hole courses. This is only the second one I've played. Functionally, there really is no difference regardless of the number of holes. But from an evaluative standpoint, it feels weird. Since there is 50% more disc golfing here than at most courses, it runs the risk of feeling drawn out or repetitive even if there is more disc golf to enjoy. Still, whether or not it does start to wear out its welcome, Seneca Creek offers disc golfers a fun layout and plenty of options to pick from. There are multiple tee locations and various pin possibilities. Tournaments here must be pretty tricky.

All said, Seneca earns a strong recommendation from me. The land is well utilized and takes golfers on a nice tour of what Maryland disc golf can offer. It can be frustrating to be unsure about where you're throwing and which way to walk, but patience will see you through. Be sure to wear sturdy sneakers, and stay hydrated.
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10 0
Experience: 27 played 17 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 26, 2021 Played the course:once


So many challenging and technical lines

Gorgeous views

Good mix of elevation changes

The locals are very friendly

Plenty of different tee positions

Great roller lines

You will be challenged to throw all of the different shots you have in your game

Each set of 9 holes ends near the parking lot, making it easy to take breaks

While there are some tough wooded shots that demand tight lines, there are also a good number of open holes where you can really let it rip

Nice tee signs


You NEED a spotter. If this is your first time playing, I recommend reaching out to the Seneca Creek DG Facebook group and ask someone to show you the ropes. They will likely be happy to help you!

The wind can be rough

The Parks Department responsible for this course sucks. This course needs better signage to show where the next holes are, and the locals are willing to put in the work to help as a labor of love. The government hacks are putting in way too many restrictions that prevent locals from making the simple changes that would make this course so much easier to navigate.

Be careful, there are sharp bushes that can draw blood

Other Thoughts:

This is a really great wooded course. It has the potential to be world class, but its unfortunate that the parks department stands as an obstacle to this course reaching its full potential. Still, if you are in the Maryland/DC area, this is a must-play course!
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17 0
Experience: 3.6 years 7 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Scrappy Seneca Golfin' 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 14, 2021 Played the course:2-4 times


First of all, this is a beautiful state park. The course has its own dedicated area on the far side of the park that makes it feel like a disc golf oasis.

-27 holes. It's in every review, but this is the only 27 hole course within an hour's drive of where I live, so it's the only one I've played so far. The 27 holes are split into 3 loops of 9 that all begin and end by the parking lot, making it easy to play any combination of 9 holes you chose. I like to come on a weekend where I have time to play all 27, and have only played them in order, but you could play any 9, any 18, any tee, and have a new experience every time you play.

-Fairway combos. There's a great combination of highly wooded and more open shots. Trees are in play on every hole, but about half feature trees lining the fairway while half feature trees in the fairway. There are obvious lines on every hole, and I'm sure there are some fun local routes I haven't discovered yet (not on purpose, at least).

-The rough. As opposed to some courses that have extremely dense, punishing rough, most of the rough at Seneca is very much playable. I have yet to find myself in a position in the rough where I couldn't scramble and advance up the fairway. It's punishing, but a good scramble game will save many pars. I love finding creative ways to scramble, and Seneca allows you to do that without being overly punished. The rough is also not so dense that you'll lose many discs. I've hit the rough many times and not really been close to losing a disc.

-OB is well marked. There are strings lining OB throughout the course, which is a nice addition. I feel like a lot of courses only really line OB during tournament play, but the OB lines at Seneca are clearly and permanently marked, making it super easy to check your lie.

-Signage. There is a course map at the parking lot, and every hole has a very accurate sign showing all tee pads and potential basket locations. The hole signs also have a bead marking the current location of each pin. Even when you can't see the pin from the tee, the sings are accurate enough to pick your shot appropriately.

-Multiple pin locations and tee pads. Every hole has at least 2 tee pads (some 3) and 3 pin locations (some 4). I played 2 weeks in a row and some of the pin locations changed, so there's constant evolution to the course and every round will be a little different than the one before, which I enjoy.

-A nice hike. This may be a con for some, to be honest, but I enjoy the hike. The course is LONG. Playing short tees for all 27 holes takes me about 3 hours and results in a roughly 5 mile hike. There's lots of elevation change, but I love the hike. It makes the round fun, too. The last 9 holes are even harder when you're exhausted! There are benches at, I think, every tee pad. So even though it's long, there are many places to rest.

-Pro shop? Signs indicate that Innova discs are available for purchase in the park office. I haven't followed up on that, but assuming the signs are accurate, discs can be purchased on site.


-Tee pads. The tee pads are mostly made of roughly 15"x15" concrete blocks. This means that over time and due to erosion, the tee pads can lack consistency and a lot of them are uneven. Since the long tee pads are used less frequently, a lot of them are overgrown, I've noticed. there are also some solid concrete tees and at least one is gravel. Just be prepared to throw from several different surfaces and types of tee pads.

- Layout. Now that I've played a couple times, I understand the layout a little better, but it was very confusing at times as a first-time player. Some signs show where the next holes are, but not every hole has that, so I got turned around and caught guessing a few times. There's also one point where you have to cross the middle of a fairway to get from one hole to another, which is not ideal. Just keep an eye out and don't be afraid to ask for help if you can't find a tee location!

-Bathrooms. There is one porta potty at the course. The park has bathrooms elsewhere, namely right before the main gate. I'd recommend stopping to go to the bathroom before you enter the park.

-Parking. Both times I've played Seneca, there was parking available in the lot. However, the lot isn't huge, and I can definitely see a situation where the course is busy and you have to park in overflow parking, which is available, but requires a bit of a walk to get to the course.

-Baskets. This may be a little nitpicky, but once I get up to the 4-5 star courses, I think that's necessary. The baskets are pretty old, and some are a little rusty. There are maybe 2-3 Chainstar baskets (I'm pretty sure they're chainstar but I could be misremembering), but for the most part the baskets are very basic and can result in some spit-outs that higher-end baskets would catch.

-Pars. Playing the short tee pads, I think this course being all par 3 is fairly reasonable. If long tees are all par 3s, I think that is a touch too difficult. I'd like to see some par 4s on a course with so many holes and so much space to play, just to add a little more variety to the round.

Other Thoughts:

The state park is worth visiting on its own merit. Lots of trails, a beautiful lake, picnic areas, boat rentals, playgrounds, and more. You could easily make an entire day out of coming to Seneca to play a round, pack a picnic, spend some time on the water, etc. The course is one of the best in the area. Remember to bring $3/person if you're a MD resident and $6/person if you're an out of state visitor (unless you have a state park pass). You will leave Seneca ready to come back and play again!
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10 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 6.1 years 119 played 102 reviews
4.00 star(s)

One of the best courses I have played 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 25, 2020 Played the course:5+ times


Okay. I have only been playing disc golf for 2 years and 4 months and mostly in the Mid-Atlantic. Still, this is one of the best-maintained, most imaginative courses I have played so far. The 27 holes provide many options and help players spread out and not crowd each other. Occasionally, I have had to let people play through, but mostly I'm not rush and left alone. First time I played here, I played holes 1-9 and then 19-27. To me, there was not a bad hole in the bunch. Holes 10-18 are also varied and imaginative. Yes, varied. Even if routing was fairly straight, I thought basket locations were mostly challenging. The tree situation for each hole is different: sometimes playing into trees, sometimes playing out of trees, sometimes in trees the whole time, up, down, flat, down and then up, up and then down. No complaints here about variety. It's a very beautiful park and a very beautiful course. Nos. 3 and 25 are big drops down to the basket; gravity will help you if you are not a strong driver. I like getting that break sometimes.


Everything is par 3. Some of those holes should be 4s. There are a lot of trees to deal with. The doglegs 20 and 22 maybe? The longer holes, especially those that are uphill and long? For some of the B and C basket placements? The trail along the creek will include people walking (sometimes with dogs and children) and not playing disc golf. Wait for them to get out of your range. There is an entry fee to the park (April-October?). I think if you are not also a kayaker or mountain biker or fisher(wo)man, you might not feel like you are getting your total money's worth nor getting enough variety in activity. By comparison, Bull Run Regional has a waterpark, camping, hiking, fishing, big fields for soccer and baseball. Pohick Bay has (now) an extensive paved bike path that connects that park to two others on Mason Neck, camping, fishing, hiking, kayaking. Yes, it is true that some of those additional things have additional fees. Or that the disc golf course itself charges an additional fee to the park entry fee. Not a fan of pay-for-play, but I understand the states need revenue and also have a crush of people during the summer months.

Other Thoughts:

The 3 sections of the course (holes 1-9, holes 10-18, holes 19-27) each has its own personality. I would say holes 10-18 are the hardest. No. 13 is the hardest IMHO. Very easy to get in the creek more than once!

The geography is a large hill with holes atop, some ringing the sides, and some in the creek valley. There are openings (meadows) atop the hill for some of the holes. So you are not completely in the woods. Just mostly so. The long hiking trail around Clopper Lake is lovely, if you want to continue walking in the woods. I have never walked it in conjunction with disc golf, but I have in the past walked the entire loop around the lake. There are spur trails to discover as well. Picnic stations look very good if you want to try to make a full day-trip of it in the park. Park seems mostly geared for picnicking.
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5 0
Experience: 19.4 years 3 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

What a great course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 11, 2017 Played the course:once


Shady walk in the trees for nearly the entire course.
Variety of tees and pins.
Variety of terrain up and down.
Well marked with signs and info.
Mostly wooded course, but didn't feel super closed in, with at least a couple of drives to go long on (at least in early April).
Great work went into adding steps, benches, bridges. Rustic but good.


A lot of thorny bushes growing along fairways already in early spring. I can't imagine how nasty it would be to find a poorly thrown disc later in the summer.

Other Thoughts:

As a visitor from MN, it was interesting to see how this course compared to courses I'm familiar with in the midwest. I like that the trees in the park are less dense than those in MN, and there is much less underbrush and tall grass to contend with (at least in early April.)

It was a great time, and our group enjoyed playing very much.
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10 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.1 years 179 played 144 reviews
4.00 star(s)

One of the best in the area 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 29, 2016 Played the course:once


Seneca Creek State Park is a huge, beautiful park, with the course being tucked away in one corner on its own away from other park activities. I'm sure the locals love playing in a setting like this being so close to D.C. This is a really nice area to play in and the course has that established feel that makes it special. It's apparent that the locals have put in a ton of effort to get the course to where it is today. A lot of attention to detail with ample signage pointing you in the right direction, indicators for the current pin position, and paths and steps to guide you to the next tee.

The course weaves its way throughout a few areas that offer different levels of woodenness. You have some tighter shots at the bottom of the hill and near the stream (mostly on the front 9) and then plays through more moderately wooded sections with a few more open holes near the parking lot. Conveniently, each set of 9 holes begins right next to the lot.

This course is a beast when the baskets are in the C position, often taking me two long throws to reach the circle (if not more). It offers a real nice balance of challenge while still playing very fair. In the long position, the baskets were often located in precarious positions, whether being tucked away among trees, near a stream, or located on a fast green. The multiple pin positions do a fantastic job of changing up the hole, with the A and B locations still being challenging but more friendly to beginners.

The streams add a nice effect by offering a possible chance to land O.B. on your drives or approaches.

The tee signs are great and are very helpful. The tees are a little mixed, but I had no problems with any of them. The designers did a nice job of changing the look of the hole between the three tees.


When taking the holes for what they are in and of themselves, this is a great course. There are two problems when having 27 holes like this though. For one, they started to blend together by the last 9 holes. I agree with another reviewer that I at one point throughout the round may have rated the course higher. Other people may feel differently about this, but I like to rate the course as the sum of its parts. I noticed some people playing only one or two of the 9 hole loops, and I would probably do the same thing if this was my home course.

Also, the course is congested and fairways often run close together. Sometimes there were multiple baskets in view and it could cause confusion for some players. I personally didn't have any problems with the course layout for my round, just something to keep in mind on a busy day.

Nothing that takes away from the course, but keep in mind that there is a small fee to enter the park on the weekends and the gate closes at sunset.

Other Thoughts:

This is definitely worth going out of your way for, I really enjoyed my round here. State park courses are hit and miss, but this one definitely has seen a lot of care and attention. This is a beautiful area worth taking your time and spending the day at. Definitely one of the best in an area with a lot of solid courses.
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3 2
Experience: 18 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Best DC Area Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 5, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


The course was well maintained, with signs listing the pin, pin location and distances at every hole. The course mixes both wooded and open holes, also includes some holes that are bordered by a stream. The combination of woods and distance provides a reasonable challenge (however also provides some easier holes).


The bugs at this course can be very bad. At times you will be swarmed with gnats, I have also found ticks after playing. The course is also lacking holes with any significant "wow" factors. No great downhill shots, or shots over a lake, etc.

Other Thoughts:

This is a great course in this area, the cons I have listed are minor nit piks but placed to explain why I rated this course as a 4 instead of 4.5 or 5.
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2 0
Experience: 18.6 years 54 played 21 reviews
4.00 star(s)

One of the best in Maryland 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 28, 2015 Played the course:once


This course has a great layout of 27 holes which has three 9 hole loops that all meet in a central location so you are never too far from where you parked. There are multiple tees and basket locations per hole and plenty of benches around the course. There are signs on each hole and the entire course is set up nicely for tournaments. There is a good mix of woods and open holes and the forest is never too thick with undergrowth so losing a disc is less likely to happen. The course is also located in a nice park.


The park has an entrance fee. Some of the signs can be a little confusing and finding the baskets in the different locations usually requires a quick walk down the fairway. Some of the tee pads were pretty bad with lots of holes and potential spots to trip over when throwing. This is not a course for really opening up some long drives, there always seems to be an inconvenient tree that is randomly placed in a spot that forces you to lay up on many holes.

Other Thoughts:

This is one of the best courses in Maryland. Its definitely worth going out of your way to play here. Be ready for some crowds sometimes because this is a popular place. They should increase the frequency of tournaments here.
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1 7
Experience: 12.2 years 34 played 11 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great disc golf course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 6, 2014 Played the course:once


27 holes

Good signage. Not confusing as a first timer trying to navigate.

Great variety of holes. Plenty of lengthy holes.

This course seems to have some good support from a local club. I went on a Saturday late morning in late fall and it was busy. There appeared to be a possibly some random draw dubs going on. There was also a work crew out there. All the signs of healthy club to support this well maintained course.

Great variety of tees and basket positions.

Other Thoughts:

Would definitely go back if I am ever in the beltway again, which I am sure I will be.
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2 6
Bd 37
Experience: 13.5 years 66 played 10 reviews
4.00 star(s)

If its winter time... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 3, 2014 Played the course:once


Very fun course. Tons of different shots, S shots, long bomb hazers, short putter driving holes, low flick skip shots etc. You will need a wide range of skills to succeed here.
Good variety of length and accuracy, and with the variety of tee pads to shoot from, there should be a configuration for most skill levels.


A few holes just hard for hard sake. I think even a tour pro might be banging their head against a wall after playing a few of these holes. Tee pads could use a bit of work.

Other Thoughts:

If the park was free to enter, this would be a 4.5+ in my book. However, with the rather steep price of admission, my standards go up. I expect more trash cans throughout, better tee pads, and some of the trails were hard to follow for someone playing the course blind. All in all, definitely one to play if your in the area
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4 0
Experience: 10.4 years 14 played 8 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 9, 2014 Played the course:once


There isn't much that can be said about this course that hasn't already been said - it's well known as an excellent course. My personal take-aways:

Plenty of variety in shots, this isn't a RHBH course where you might have to throw one or two anhyzers per round, there are plenty of those shots here, a few thumbers, and of course the legendary rollers when the grass isn't too high.

Very little chance of actually losing a disc, unless you really huck one into the brush or into the creek or something like that.

Excellent signage, some of the best I've seen.

Each set of 9 holes ends up back at the parking lot, making it easy to play them in sets.


Some of the tee pads are uneven and could use some improvements.

Middle 9 can be a bit arduous with lots of walking/hiking between holes. This is even more noticeable if pins are in the A position.

Cedars... ugh. Stay away. At least there are poles here and there to try and poke your disc out from their hungry clutches.

Other Thoughts:

It's listed as moderately woody, but honestly it's on the low end of that. There are distinct, well-defined lines for most shots.

Bugs are there but not really too bad.

Two separate practice baskets, which is a nice plus.
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11 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.2 years 179 played 120 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Scenic Seneca 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 8, 2014 Played the course:once


Layout - Seneca is three 9 hole loops that is comprised mostly of smaller rolling hills dotted with trees; there's also some more wooded technical holes thrown in.

There are multiple pins and tees so the possible layouts you can play is a huge plus. I only played once but from the looks of it these changed the course quite a bit. The different pads usually had different angles or earlier tighter gaps for the longer ones.

Overall the course just has a really nice mix in lines and elevation changes that will give you a solid challenge if you play from the longs. It's a course that really pushes you to be creative in your shot shaping because there are so many options off the tee.

It says all the holes are par 3's but for most people you're going to play a lot of holes that take multiple shots to get to the greens. Although again on many holes the option of being creative with rollers or huge shots above the canopy is possible.

Really nice pin placements from what I remember. Some were tucked in corners, guarded heavily by trees or on slopes that made them difficult to access and second guess running that long putt.

Equipment - Baskets were in good condition. The pads were a mix of different things depending on which one you were on, all were large/solid and I didn't have a problem with any of them.

Really nice tee signs that had a map of the hole and different pads/pins. It also had beads showing which pin position the hole was in, huge plus.

Atmosphere - The course seems to be in an area of the park all to itself which is great, never saw anyone not playing disc golf out there. The park is really beautiful, nice venue for a course.


Layout - My biggest complaint about the course is that it just seems repetitive, especially after 27 holes. No holes really stand out all that much and even the transitions in and out of the woods don't do enough to give you a fresh feeling as you play.

The holes did seem to play left to right more so than any other way so it does favor certain players from what I could tell.

Also many holes that were more open didn't do much to punish bad shots or reward good but not great ones. Seems like you either nail it just right or you're playing a simpler second shot looking for par.

Atmosphere - Bugs my god the bugs. They were even worst than I imagined. They go up your nose and in your mouth and eyes; bug spray didn't seem to affect them.

Other Thoughts:

Half way through this round I may have rated it higher but by the time I got done with 27 I was ready to leave.

It's a really solid course and some holes are a ton of fun but like I said it just feels repetitive at a point. If I lived close I'd probably get in the routine of playing one or two nine hole loops.

I had two of my all time greatest drives out here and when I think about this course that's mostly what I remember.

I was under the basket on #13 (375' version). Threw my aires on a super high turnover line and it just held around the corner, beautiful line.

The other was the finishing hole 27, we played long to long (507'). I threw my cannon on a high turnover line up over the tree on the left and it just panned all the way to about 20' from the basket.
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2 8
The Spleen
Experience: 13.6 years 3 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

A hidden gem 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 12, 2014 Played the course:once


-Holes with varying degree of difficulty. You can go from having a wide-open fairway to throwing into a nest of cedar trees.

-Tee boxes were in pretty good shape.

-Blind shots, narrow fairways, sudden drop-offs. I love having a course with character like that.

-Saw a snake. That was pretty cool.


Everything is perfect and it always will be.

Other Thoughts:

It was the morning of my best friend's wedding, so we decided to get him some fresh air (and distract him a little) by playing a few rounds.
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3 3
Experience: 21.4 years 80 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Can't beat it 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 23, 2012 Played the course:once


- variety. incl different pin positions and mats for P & A 's
- beautiful surroundings
- excellent t areas
- very nice holes descriptions


- not well marked in spots
- holes are "comingled"; this means I would think that holes 1-9 etc would be grouped together but they are sort of intertwined - bad for a first timer like me
- need to be careful on the front 9 for potentially losing discs
- DC traffic - need I say more ?

Other Thoughts:

- very, very nice, challenging course - if you are in the area, a must
- GPS coordinates put me in a resindential area so I need to check what I entered into the nav system
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10 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.5 years 85 played 85 reviews
4.00 star(s)

The pride of the Old Line State! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 8, 2012 Played the course:once


This course is a butt-kicker, but that's a good thing. You're gonna need a lot of shots in your bag to do well here. You're going to need to navigate a lot lines. And most of all, you're going to need a pretty big and (more importantly) accurate arm.

- Course is comprised of a set of three loops which all wrap back to the parking lot area. This is great if you only want to play a quick round of nine. It'd also be great for tournaments, as it spaces out the participants a little.

- From what I can tell, the disc golf area is almost exclusively for disc golfers, so you shouldn't have to worry about too many other park activities.

- Seneca Creek has many pin and tee placements. Signage is great, as it not only has a map of the hole, but also denotes which pin is currently in place. Most tees are well-kept (at least the white ones I played on).

- Some people may complain about the placement of certain cedar trees on holes, but I felt like each hole was designed such that skill--not luck--was rewarded to the thrower. Many holes actually had several lines to hit with accuracy.

- Holes #13 and #14 are the best in the park, IMO, due to the fact that the creek comes into play and adds some pressure in addition to the precarious placement of trees.


- What makes this course a 4 and not a 4.5 or 5 is the fact that despite some rolling hills, there's not a lot of major elevation changes. Man, this course would be killer if you could bomb some down a steep hill! A few shots that require overhand shots (tomahawks/thumbers) would also be great here.

- No super signature or unique holes that many courses of this caliber have. In fact, the three loops blended together a lot of times. The only holes that really stand out were the ones in which the creek came into play. The moderate elevation change of #22 was also memorable, but no holes that will be in my top 25 list.

- Despite having 27 holes, this place can be crowded. I saw about 10-12 other groups playing here the day I showed up.

- Definitely a course that favors RHFH throwers or lefties. I didn't keep track of each hole, but I'd say the imbalance is around 65-35. This course definitely makes me want to develop my RHFH game.

- Costs $3 for MD residents and $5 for out-of-staters like myself.

Other Thoughts:

You'll hit some trees here. Actually, you'll probably hit a lot of trees. I love courses with long, technical lines to navigate, but this course even tested my resolve. Nevertheless, I thoroughly enjoyed myself here, but definitely won't be playing any tournaments anytime soon!

I haven't played a whole lot of courses in Maryland, but this one blows the rest out of the water. I'd be ten times better if this was my home course. Many of the pins were in the longest position, which has its pros and cons. I'd like to play this in the late autumn or winter and see how different it is without the foliage.
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5 2
Experience: 24.3 years 22 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Not to be Missed 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 26, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


- Very Clean
- Situated in a huge multi-purpose state park
- No entry fee on weekdays
- Will test even the best players
- 3 sets of 9 holes, each leading back to the parking lot, which makes it easy to play any combination of 9s.
- Intuitive layout bolstered by strong signage and accurate maps.
- 2 to 3 teepads per hole and 2 to 4 pin locations make for outstanding replayability.
- Friendly locals.


- A few holes seem excessively wooded and could probably benefit from some axe-work.
- No drinking fountains or bathrooms nearby.

Other Thoughts:

- Buggy! Bring that bug spray or you'll be hounded by marauding insects for much of the course.
- A full bag of shots is required to be successful here; good risk/reward opportunities abound.
- Bring plenty of water. This is as much of a hike as it is a round of disc and truly not for the feint of heart. After getting off I-270, there is a grocery store on the right side of the road near a business complex that makes for a good place to grab provisions.
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10 1
Experience: 12.8 years 17 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Will always be loved 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 25, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


What an excellent course. Come with your A game and leave the newbies at home. Seriously. 2-3 tees and 3 different pin locations will keep this course fresh every time you play. Signs at every tee show you the hole, distances and pin location(usually). Next tee signs when needed. 3 groups of nine holes all start and end up at the parking lot for water refuels and breaks. Two practice holes and plenty of open space to warm up before you start. Map posted on the kiosk just in case. The local community is very active and friendly here. The course is clean, challenging and beautiful. Lots of great risk/reward for the gambler in you.


A few, very few, of the tee pads need to be replaced as they are starting to crumble. As it's spring now, keep a close eye on that drive. Errant drives will get lost in the underbrush, though you'll find most of them after a few minutes.

Other Thoughts:

Bring your own water, carry out your trash. This is a very clean course, let's keep it that way.
Hole 1: Starts on the north side of the parking lot by the pile of gravel. If you haven't warmed up, get ready for some ping-pong on this narrow, downhill fairway.
Hole 2: Mostly open fairway over a hill is broken up by 4 foot high tree stumps and a wood pile. I call this one 'The Graveyard'. Be sure to check the pin location before teeing off as they are all blind from the tee.
Hole 3: Now you're really in the woods. Your downhill tee shot will fly or skip into the creek if you're not careful. Challenging, but 2's are very possible here.
Hole 4: All holes are on the right and protected by well-spaced trees. Watch out for the OB on the left.
Hole 5: Your drive will take you into a beautiful fairway with a high ceiling. Don't throw that backhand too high though, or you'll end up in the creek.
Hole 6: Go up the hill from 5 and take a long look down this alley. Do you see the lines? A well shaped FH or BH will put you within striking distance of all pin locations.
Hole 7: Let it rip and don't piss off the guard trees. Still an easy par in all pin locations if you end up in the middle.
Hole 8: Another nice fairway with a couple of blind hole locations. Pull back and keep it low. 2 hidden pin locations on the left, so check the sign first.
Hole 9: You can get back to the parking lot if you can get past the guard trees into the open fairway. Don't get bogged down on the left side, it's not worth it.
Hole 10: Go past the kiosk and check out this cool, rolling-hill hole. If you have a good roller, bring it out and give it a try. Three cool pin locations. Stay out of the woods on the left. I love this hole.
Hole 11: Not really a difficult hole. Just don't try too hard or you'll end up in the rough. on the left or right.
Hole 12: A very challenging hole in the C pin location. The down and up gives you a chance to rip a really long one. Going too far right off the tee will get you in trouble.
Hole 13: This one's been in the D location for a while now and is very challenging. Bring out your FH or your BH anhyzer from the tee. Watch out for the huge old tree in front and to the right though. (Hint: For your FH drive, start off the teepad on the left and step on before letting go.) If you have the range, watch out for the creek at the dogleg right. A great risk/reward hole.
Hole 14: This low lying fairway may be wet at times, but never unplayable. With a long open fairway, keep it low and watch out for the creek on the left.
Hole 15: After a brief walk, use a strong, low backhand to skip around the dogleg and up the hill. Ending up in the rough on the right will force you to flop out on the fairway. Use care with BHs on the approach.
Hole 16: This is a great risk/reward hole. The long, narrowish fairway is great for ping pong. Very challenging off of the tee, but if you can get a clear drive, a 2 is possible and 3 guaranteed
Hole 17: Slight uphill drive will drop downhill again if it's long enough. Robogrip is a real danger here. Just keep it in the middle and you'll be okay.
Hole 18: .Another uphill drive flattens out after 150 ft.. Need I say, avoid the trees?
Hole 19: Tee is between 18's hole and the parking lot. This is a good hole to strut your hyzers on. Go too far right and you're in the deep stuff.
Hole 20: A narrow fairway doglegs SHARP right at 100 ft. If you can get a roller through, you just might park it
Hole 21: Keep it out of the rough on the right. A long, low drive can get you some great distance if the ground is dry and the grass is short.
Hole 22: A high drive and you'll be poking in the cedar trees, so watch out. Sharp accuracy is needed here and an anhyzer won't hurt either.
Hole 23: The pin is usually in the C position. A 4 here is really your par. Put your first drive at the mouth of the long, downhill alley and short of the mando for a still very tough approach. Stay high and out of the woods for any chance at par.
Hole 24: Take it easy and put your uphill drive between the trees and in the fairway for a birdie attempt.
Hole 25: The long pin locations will tempt you to air it out on this downhill drive. Watch out for the mando off the tee and KEEP IT LOW. The C pin location is long, left and into a stand of trees. A low drive can skip you right under the basket, but it's a crap shoot. Not an easy one to park.
Hole 26: Drive over a valley and back uphill. Watch out for the towering tree in the middle. Too far right and you're in deep trouble. "A" pin location is on top of the hill just out of sight to the left.
Hole 27: If you have a fear of cedar trees, you're in trouble here. Keep your aim tight off the tee. After the first trees though, it opens up for a long drive possibility. Be sure to check the sign for pin locations.
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11 0
Experience: 13.8 years 144 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Seneca Creek State Park - A real challenge 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 29, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


This course has 27 holes of excellent disc golf. Each hole has a Am pad and a pro pad to tee off from, and 3/4 different basket placements on each hole. Depending on where the basket is placed depends on where the bead is on the hooks that are located on the map. Each hook has a letter next to it, and the beed will be placed next to the letter that states where the basket is located.

The layout is awesome if you're trying to get a quick 9 in, being in and out in under and hour, every 9 leads back to the parking lot (your starting point) therefore allowing one to chose how long they want to be there.

When I played the first time, as I do a lot of the time at new courses, I waited for some locals to show up... This is a very busy course, and around the last rounds of the evening (anywhere from 3:30-6:00 depending on time of year) are usually very busy and should not be hard to partner up with a local. I happened to get what seems to be the 'core group' of the DG course. A few people who had influence on design, some who helped maintain the course on a regular basis and just those who played there a lot. Really nice getting a personal tour your first round out by those who know it the best.

This course by all means is almost perfect, with a few additions and modifications this course will be one of the best on the east coast.


There are not too many cons about this course, however, theres usually a few you can find.

No drinks! No water, no vending, nothing! Actually, the closest store is about 2 miles away (the shell is a good place to stop on your way in from highway 270 to stock up on whatever you need.

Some of the tee pads are great! Some of them need some work. Not that they are run down, but when it rains, some of the concrete patio slabs they put down just build water and make for a very slippery surface. However, if your wearing the right shoes/boots this should not be that much of a problem.

Other Thoughts:

The course is awesome, a must play if in the DC area or baltimore area. Please respect the course and take out what you brought in, or at least make sure that it finds its way to a trash can around the starting area.
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14 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.7 years 831 played 777 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Solid layout 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 22, 2011 Played the course:once


The course plays through a large disc golf exclusive area with no outside interference. Some holes play through tight tunnels in the woods by the creek and the rest play in grassy areas dotted with trees and occasional rough. Even the more open feeling holes have enough obstacles to make you shape lines and think about landing zones, especially around the cedars. There is a decent mix of hole lengths, there aren't many real bombs but you will get to throw some drives. You will need a full complement of shots to score well here with all kinds of fairway shapes.

The course is designed in three loops of 9, always a bonus with multiple starting points and the option to play just 9 or 18. The park is nicely maintained with cleared wooded fairways and nicely mowed grass. The signage is nice with all tees and pin positions shown, and there are markers for the current placement. There are poles in many spots for getting discs out of the cedars, nice touch for sure.


The layout here is solid, but none of the holes really stood out as signature holes to make the course truly memorable. There weren't any filler holes, but at times some of the holes did get a little repetitive. It's a shame they couldn't use some of the bigger hills in the park to add a little wow factor.

There are some spots where navigation is a little tough. Some of the longer walks aren't at all obvious and we ended up at the wrong tee a few times. Many of the pin placement indicators were missing or wrong which made the blind shots a little frustrating. Many of the tees are a little narrow, and the bricks were a little wonky at times making for occasional footing issues.

Other Thoughts:

From the long tees to the longer pin place,nets this course offers some really nice challenges. You'll need to shape all kinds of lines and play some tricky low shots to avoid the cedars and rough. Newer players will find the course pretty approachable from the shorter tees, though there are some pretty tight shots that could frustrate a beginner. This course will definitely push you to be a better player, I recommend a stop if you're in the area.
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