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Pearland, TX

Shadow Creek Ranch DGC

1.045(based on 12 reviews)
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Shadow Creek Ranch DGC reviews

3 1
Pizza God
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 36.5 years 1821 played 635 reviews
1.00 star(s)

not really worth it 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 12, 2017 Played the course:once


has 8/9 baskets?
has 3 foot long cement tee pads?
has some tree's?
Has some elevation?

Hey, I am trying to be nice


No tee signs, no tee posts, nothing what so ever marking what tee pad you are on. (baskets to have numbers on them
#5 basket is missing
Several holes use the same fairway
Hole 8's basket is an obstacle for #2 fairway.

Other Thoughts:

1st off, I could not figure out where to park, we parked next to the playground near #6 tee.

You can not play this course without a map, seriously, print out he map or you will take forever to play. Even with the map, I had to replay a few holes I played wrong.

Holes 1 to 3 are all basic hyzer holes, you do have an OB sidewalk to the right and a hill to the left (flood control area)

I am not sure why they did not put any tee's or baskets lower in the "bowl" unless they didn't want it due to it being a flood control park. You could have made these holes much more interesting and not using the same fairways doing that.

When you tee off at hole 1, you will see basket just to your left.
Walk down to hole 2, you have basket 8, about 20 foot in front of you. I literally putted for the black ace for fun.

Hole 3 throws around #7 basket and over #4's tee pad.

Hole 4 tees off in #3 fairway across the sidewalk, don't throw too far right here, you will never see your disc again.

#5 was a nice little shot up to the playground, very very dangerous, might be why the basket is missing. I just played the trash can.

#6 Longest hole on the course, a few smaller trees and the basket is on the side of the hill.

#7, as some of the other tee's, this one does not quite face the right direction, and it is hard to get even a 3 step throw because it is located on the side of the hill. But it is a nice ace run

#8 tee is near #7 basket throwing over #3 tee box and past #2 basket.

#9 tee is near #1 basket throwing down to the right of #1 tee box.

Would I play this course again?

Why? so many things wrong with this course. I redesign could make it a little better, but you are better off moving the baskets to a better park.
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4 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.4 years 388 played 318 reviews
1.00 star(s)

unfortunate design 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 27, 2016 Played the course:once


-concrete pads
-baskets are numbered and in decent condition
-slopes around the edge of the park area, drop offs in play on a few greens
-a couple of decent holes


-basket 5 is missing
-no signs and no navigational aides other than the numbered baskets
-lots of safety issues: baskets and tees too close together, baskets 20' directly in front of different tees in the line of play, basket 5 (which is now missing) is right next to a playground, pedestrian paths line all the fairways of every hole

Other Thoughts:

This course plays out and back in a small area in a residential neighborhood. There are concrete tees and numbered baskets but no signage whatsoever so navigating the course is impossible without a map. The first 3 and last 2 holes play along a tree line on a small slope separating a pedestrian path and an open field. Holes 5 & 6 play along another pedestrian path with a large pond off to one side. Holes 4 and 7 play across the area connecting the two paths. The paths are OB and beyond on all holes and that makes a bit more of a challenge.

Holes 1-3 and 8-9 have a number of trees in play but BH or FH hyzers work around them easily. Holes 4-6 have a large slope in play. Hole 6 has a some power lines right off the box to avoid. Hole 5 used to play very close to the playground but it is now missing, and for the better perhaps.

The really strange thing about the layout is that since 1-3 and 8-9 play across the same area in opposite directions there are tee boxes with baskets for different holes directly in front of them. I don't imagine there is ever more than one group out here at once but if so, the layout could be a big safety hazard. There is really no reason to play here unless you live in the neighborhood and just want to get in some practice.

**Like this review? Hate it? Message me and let me know why! I want to make them better!**
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2 0
Cardinals Fan
Experience: 9.2 years 62 played 2 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Where to start? 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 23, 2015 Played the course:once


I was the only one there.
Ground was not soaked after the last couple days of rain.
nice elevation changes


No hole locations
No Tee box number.
The layout is very confusing.
Parking is so far away. I parked by the rec center.

Other Thoughts:

Play with someone who knows the course layout so you can actually enjoy the course.
Wear really comfortable shoes b/c you will do a lot of walking.

I started playing tee 4. Then I found basket #1 and #3. So I tried to play from tee #1 that went ok. Then shtf I could not find #2. Then I started to make up hole locations then after 30 mins of looking for the other baskets I said screw it. I am done.

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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.4 years 299 played 209 reviews
1.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 10, 2013 Played the course:once


There are nine baskets present and all nine baskets are in good shape.
The course surprisingly has a few good holes. 3, 6, and 7 were all holes that made sense and had decent lines off the tee.
Because the course is played on the top and on the hill of a retention pond there is elevation present even if it is quite minor.
You will be here by yourself, almost without a doubt.


There is a long walk from the recommended parking lot that you should park at to the first hole. None of the tee boxes are marked which is problematic because holes 1-3 and 8-9 are basically sitting on top of each other.

Bringing a map is the only way to truly play this course correct because without it you will be lost trying to figure out where to throw from and where to throw to.

From a safety standpoint, a sidewalk plays super close to most of the holes, all it takes is one bad shot to hit an unsuspecting walker. Basket number 5 is also literally five feet away from a playground.

This course has good golf holes but also has bad golf holes. Most holes have unrealistic lines that you would need a sharp hyzer or a tomahawk to get over the trees that are guarding most of the holes

Other Thoughts:

Honestly, I was expecting worse. If you play with a map that is here on DGCR this course is not that bad navigation wise. Still, with bad holes, bad navigation, this course is in need of a serious redesign by someone who understands how a course should be set up.
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6 2
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.7 years 230 played 33 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Might as well rip it out and start over. 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 16, 2009 Played the course:once


The baskets are nice and new.


This is possibly the most confusing disc golf course layouts I've ever played. I had the map with me and I was still confused. The course isn't marked at all, the Tee boxes are tiny, many of the holes have poorly placed trees leaving you with only sharp hyzers or tomahawks as possible drives. The design of the course makes it dangerous for disc golfers and people using the jogging trails.

Other Thoughts:

There is a lot of room in this neighborhood park for a more open and well thought out course. Shadow Creek Ranch should consider ripping out the baskets and allowing someone with more experience in designing courses advise them on a new layout. This park could be the site of a decent 9 hole course.
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13 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.8 years 288 played 154 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Too many safety hazards 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 6, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


The course is located in a nice, quiet subdivision park area and is well kept. The baskets are double chain DGA baskets that catch well and are numbered. If you're the only one on the course or just you and a couple friends the play is fine, and actually there are some creative holes if you play sidewalk-and-beyond as OB. I think that's how it should be played with the exception of #4 and #5 which are too punitive if played that way. The course has some minor elevation with baskets on sides of hills. Hole #7 is short, but interesting when played with the OB sidewalk 5' behind the basket.


Sadly, there are a ton of cons for this course... it plays along a walking/jogging trail so you always have to be on the lookout for pedestrians and bikers. There is no parking lot or convenient street parking for this course. There are no tee signs so the flow is virtually impossible to figure out without a map, luckily the baskets are numbered which helps a bit. There are multiple tees with obstructions right in front of them. A couple of the tee pads are crooked (#4 and #7). The tee pads are too small at only 6' x 4' and do not allow for a sufficient run-up. The basket for hole #5 is less than 10' from a playground and several benches: a huge safety hazard. No trash cans or restrooms. The first three and last three holes play back on each other, and I don't mean just close to one another, but literally play the same fairways in opposite directions.

Other Thoughts:

This is a passable course if viewed from the perspective what you might like in your own back yard for private use by just you and your friends. But located in a public area this is a disc-to-the-face injury just waiting to happen. Any more than one card worth of players on this course and it's just too dangerous.
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