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Everett, WA

Silver Lake Excalibur DGC

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Silver Lake Excalibur DGC reviews

21 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 10.7 years 694 played 677 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Summertime Blues

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 4, 2023 Played the course:once


(1.870 Rating) A lightly wooded short park style nine with lake views.
- BASIC AMENITIES - Every course needs baskets, tees and tee markers right? Well Excalibur has done these aspects well enough. Newer MachIII baskets with the nice easy-to-read placards on top. The tees are rubber, somewhat level and of decent size. There are also numbered posts with bag hangers affixed to them. No other amenities or extras beyond the noted, but these three items is what it takes to make a course.
- BEGINNER FRIENDLY - The gameplay represented here is most ideal for MA4s with blend over appeal to MA3s and beginners. The odds of losing a disc is near zero for sober individuals. Searching for discs in wicked overgrowth is not a present aspect unless the park stopped mowing. Beginners will be challenged to improve without crushing their spirit.
- QUICK PLAY - I was in and out in 25 minutes counting a 3 minute conversation with a very nice local player.
- NATURAL BEAUTY - Average-ish or perhaps a bit above. There are some big Douglas Firs and Western Cedars in this park, but a lot of Pacific Northwest courses can say that. There's also a view of the lake at times, but it never comes into play except on epic bad misfires. It's a pleasant nice park and all, not epic enough to move out of the middle of the pack for beauty on my ledger.


Summer festivals likely claim hole (1) and (2).
- MULTI USE HAZARDS - Ignoring the summer season festival issues, there are year round issues with walking paths and park access roads. I nearly hit a car that turned into the park quickly while my disc was in flight on hole (6). Not a complete deal breaker, but far less than ideal.
- LACK OF CHALLENGE - I was bored throwing this one as I found the holes to be far too simplistic for my MA2 skills. All lightly wooded par 3s that I could likely all birdie after 3 or 4 rounds. There is no danger factor and my adrenaline just didn't pump after any of the tee shots here. Higher skilled players showing up here will feel like they are just going through the motions.
- NAVIGATION AND SIGNAGE - The navigation is ok. I didn't see a course map, but the tee posts were generally easy to spot hole to hole and they were numbered. The tee signage unfortunately is what I just described, a numbered post. Distances are not even indicated.
- NO EXTRAS - One tee and one basket per hole, that's it for course equipment related items. There is another section of the park, that likely has a shelter and picnic tables, but I didn't check.
- HOLE VARIETY - Its only 9 holes and there's enough de-ja vu in them that I could not recall them all from memory and had to go thru my pics to write part of this review. Very little distance variation, mild elevation change and no heavy woods.

Other Thoughts:

The silver medal goes to (drum roll), not Lake Excalibur. Actually, on my ledger I have it at 429th out of 612 courses. Ouch. This course would normally be a high 2.0 in my rankings, but the flaws of navigation and property hazards are substantial enough to shave off well more than a tenth of a point. From reading through the past reviews, I don't think anything has been upgraded since install. Thus it has slowly decayed over the years from both general aging and vandalism. A decent course for locals to play if they don't have to drive far. Those that need to travel 30 minutes to get here will have surely passed a better option on the way. It reminded me of a hillier versions of courses like Vance Park in Portland, Portland Park near Chattanooga, and Azalea Park in St. Petersburg FL. All of which I also scored a 2.0. No reason for those outside the area to venture here unless they are a course bagger like me.
- SUMMER FESTIVAL - As noted in my review, summertime festival activities apparently claim two holes routinely, or at least that's what a local told me. I didn't take off points for the temporary condition. The local also noted that there has been discussion of a partial re-design or even a complete pull of the course.
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8 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.4 years 193 played 191 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 27, 2021 Played the course:once


Silver lake dgc is set in a beautiful park setting with a gorgeous view of the lake near the disc course. Hole 1 is a fun shot with the water nearby. There's some really fun holes here that offer an ace chance but still have enough obstacles to challenge new players. The hillside can come into play giving another degree of challenge for rollouts ect. Hole 9 is a fun little short downhill shot, and there's no real bad holes here. Signage isn't great but after 1 the course flows fairly okay and signage gets better. Baskets do have hole number on top to help out the navigation


Finding hole 1 can be a bit of a hassle as you have to walk a ways through the park from the parking lo. It plays right near the lake so keep that in mind. Hole 5/7/8 all play close together and get kinda jumbled up. The park does get busy so you might have other people on your fairway or have to wait a minute to throw.

Other Thoughts:

All in all this is a fun 9 hole course and worth stopping. If I lived in the area this would be my course of choice
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9 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 8.4 years 202 played 67 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Good park, good course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 3, 2020 Played the course:once


-plays on a nicely sloped piece of land
-scenic course with large trees and the lake right there
-proper amount of difficulty for the location (not too easy and not too hard)
-a few holes had alternate tee pad options
-tee pads well marked with tall, numbered wooden posts
-baskets in good shape and have hole number on top
-pretty simple to navigate, no need for use of map
-well maintained


-not a lot of variety, fairly similar distances and all baskets are pretty much straight ahead
-hole 2 is soggy in rainy season
-fairways are pretty close together- felt a little cramped at times
-the rubber tee pads are only so-so, but certainly manageable
-parking lot is not close to hole 1, maybe a three or four minute walk

Other Thoughts:

I would say this is a pretty typical 9-hole park course, except for the fact that it's on a hill down to the lake which makes it a very good 9-hole park course! I love the challenge of sloped fairways and having some downhill throws.
But besides that, it's pretty normal.. hit the gap and you'll have a look for birdie each time.
If you want some up and down exercise, a 30 minute beginner friendly round and some nice views of the lake, this is the course for you!
One last note is the playground by hole 1 is huge! I imagine it's quite popular in the summer.
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6 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 7.4 years 93 played 81 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Fun Play, watch out for non disc golfers 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 27, 2018 Played the course:once


-Rubber tees were nice when I played, however, in the rain, or after rain, they would be rather trecherous
-Baskets are easy to see from the tee
-Fairways are pretty well maintained, a couple concrete paths that are blind from the tee, also a couple pedestrians will likely wander into the fairways at some point.
-There are some trees in the fairway, which make things interesting, but, the hill is what defines the course in my opinion, it comes into play on all but 3 holes
-The water is a nice obstacle, it isn't used a whole lot, but it is used well, and the holes that don't have water are better than if they were forced to have water. The holes on top of the hill bring the lake into play a little bit, hole 1 really uses water.


-Tee signs tell you what hole you're on, and that's it. They are big wood posts with white paint, they get the job done, but they aren't the highest quality
-Not a fan of the baskets on this course, they are a little old, but the type is not my favorite.
-Not really any rough here, maybe on hole 2, but the biggest danger is rolling all the way down the hill into the water
-Navigation is tricky, this course doesn't really flow, I had to look around for the camouflaged wood posts to find the next tee. Baskets have numbers on them, but some are a little difficult to differentiate
-No benches by tees, it is a quick play, but some people might like benches
-It is slightly annoying when people walk through the course and stop and stare at the trees, completely oblivious to the disc golf course
-This is an intermediate oriented course, most holes are reachable with a midrange.
-Some garbage laying around, which is an unpleasant surprise when your disc lands in it
-Some Fairways are really close, or some greens share the same area, which makes incoming drives a hazard

Other Thoughts:

Overall, this is a fun course to play, it is a typical course you would find in a park, definitely one of the courses you only would play once, unless you lived really close by.
4/4 on the new shoe index
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2 3
Experience: 9.1 years 22 played 3 reviews
2.00 star(s)

I play to destress 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 21, 2017 Played the course:once


I agree with everything that people have said here about the pros of the course. I considered my home course for the better part of a year.


Like the title says, one of my major reasons for playing disc golf is to relieve stress from dealing with people who seem to find great delight in making everyone around them uptight and a little crazy. This course no longer does it for me.
First of all Last year they maintained the fairways, This year no. Now that the grass is dead from the heat its not a big deal but it caused me no little irritation early on.
Second This is called a multi-use park. Some people think that means the you can lounge around in fairways playing kissy face even when nicely asked to move and even when told the dangers of being there. All you get is the "I'm so stupid" blank stare that drives me crazy in the first place. Then there are the people who say no problem if I see it coming I'll catch it or even worse the ones who run up and do catch it and hand it back to you thinking you will pat them on the head like a good dog that has fetched.
Third the little vandals that come out in summertime bent on destruction because they are bored. I saw some beating on a basket the other day and told them to stop without thinking. Suddenly I realized I'm just a 62 year old fat man and that those three young hoodlums could probably trash me in a skinny minute.
I've watched them kicking over full garbage cans and at the beginning of this year one of the tee signs was kicked over. It hasn't been replaced.
Fourth Dogs. It is clearly marked NO PETS at every entrance and yet I am constantly freaking out when some dog thinks I'm throwing a frisbee for it to chase.
Fifth Day camp workers who think that Multi-use means their little charges should take up residence on fairway 5 and to hell with anyone who wants to play disc golf. Okay I could get it IF there weren't wide open FLAT areas in the shade in at least two locations that the little darlings could do day camp in that doesn't disrupt someone elses enjoyment of the park. When I asked them why there the day camp worker just blinked stupidly and said "Its a multi-use park sir".
Sixth The fisherman who catch fish then throw them up on the fairways to rot. There was 16 inch trout just laying up on fairway 8 rotting in the sun the other day. That in itself is criminal. If you weren't going to eat it throw it back in.
Seventh Today Tweekville (Everett) had some kind of hoodlum break into the park in the closed hours and drove around all over the place tearing stuff up before driving into the lake. The police, who in all fairness were only doing their job pretty much had the fairway blocked off. They were courteous and all but still it seems to be just one more straw and the final straw the just made this fine course so odious to me that I doubt I'll be back.
Nobody wants to see anyone get hurt especially by your own discs. I don't mind the walkers at least they are moving and using the paths for the purpose they are there. But the other activity just makes this place to pain to play

Other Thoughts:

Because of the reasons above I rate this course 2 starts (I actually like the course) but unplayable
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8 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 40.2 years 174 played 75 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Nice Park Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 6, 2016 Played the course:once


This Course is in a very nice city park on the northwest side of Sliver Lake. It starts by the lakeside and works it's way back and forth along the hillside before dropping back down to the beach on 9. Most of the holes are among a large cedar grove so it is very pleasant on a hot day like when I was there.
The designers made very good use of the elevation available. There is about every variation of basic elevation change in 7 holes.
Tees are well done and the tee posts all have rudimentary hangers for bags, altho they may not work for many of the bigger modern bags.
This course well worn in so even tho there isn't very good signage it is fairly easy to follow.
There is a nice variety of shots for how compact the course is. The designers made very good use of the space available to make an interesting course that should stand up to multiple plays. It is longer than many park courses, nice to see one that the average player will need more than just a putter and a mid.


It has many disadvantages inherent in a park course. Trails enter the course in a couple places so will have to watch for pedestrians, especially by hole 4/tee 5. There is a trail there that comes in from behind a building so you can't see them until they are close to the course altho there is some room between the pin and the trail.
Since it is a less busy and shady there can be people just hanging out under trees. Also, the overthrow for 9 is to the beach, a naturally busier area. The parks dept has put up signs warning people that they are on a course and the swimming area is further away so not too bad but caution is necessary.
Because it is in a small area it is tight enough that a bad drive can easily end up on another fairway, and pin 5 is about midway along 6 fairway and close, especially if 5 is overthrown, easy to do.
Geese. 'nuff said.

Other Thoughts:

I really liked this course. It is a well appointed so you can have a picnic or a swim. good toys for the kids, plenty of parking.
The only thing this course lacked was signs but not bad. If you can use the HOV lanes off I5 it is easy to get to and worth the stop. Watch out for State Patrol if you are by yourself, they like to watch that exit.
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5 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.7 years 59 played 39 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Short with great lake views 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 17, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


Lots of parking, great place for a picnic with the family and maybe catch a few fish. So a great family day outing in a busy area of Seattle metro.
Holes are laid out to make the short course a sleeper...if you play for 18 that's twice around you can get lulled into making a few mistakes. This makes the course a nice fun time. I like it to a white ball executive course. Need to play after work to get out the stress of the day, this course will work.


Because of the type of course it is the biggest con I saw/felt was people walking through the course on trails...hole #4 just as I was about to let my drive go a woman walked around the fence by the old skating building and into my brain. On hole #9 if you over throw you could hit someone fishing down by the lake. But these are really minor. the parks department could mow it or maybe not...tall grass/weeds sometimes add to the challenge.

Other Thoughts:

When in the area the course is a pleasant break. Park at the east end of the lot then walk east from parking into the park a couple of blocks.
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13 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.2 years 66 played 61 reviews
2.50 star(s)

A good course for what it is 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 9, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


This course is within walking distance of my house, so that's the biggest pro. Because of that, I've played literally hundreds of rounds here. So when I move away, I'll still stop here for the memories when I visit town. Not sure why I waited this long to review the place. I have to review this thing objectively though, so here goes:

The land available is used pretty well. While there aren't really any tight lines, they do utilize every tree on the course in some way or another and the hill is used pretty creatively as well.

The baskets are still in "brand new" condition, and the teepads are pretty solid (for not being concrete).

Navigation is phenomenal. I had to ask someone where hole 1 was the first time, but after that it was a breeze. Every teepad is pretty close to the preceding basket without being in a dangerous position. Hole 1 is the one right on the beach. Also notice that the hole 6 teepad is relatively close to the one for hole 5, so don't get turned around after you hole out on 5. Just walk back across the fairway to the other teepad by the fence.

This is a good "tweener" course. I have friends who have only played pitch and putts and are afraid to throw anything "longer", but they can still enjoy this course. The longest hole is only about 330', and most of the rest of them are birdie-able for am-level golfers. This can be viewed as a con too, but if you're trying to ease someone into the game instead of taking them to Terrace or SeaTac, it's a great course for that.

It's also a good course to work on your line shaping. I view it as something in between, say, Juel and Blyth. What I mean is that you can work on shaping lines with actual obstacles (unlike Juel) without worrying too much about your disc disappearing off into the woods if you hit said obstacle. While my drives haven't improved much from my time here, my approaches are downright deadly because even the worst drive leaves a reasonable approach shot.

There's almost zero potential for lost discs here unless you screw up royally and fire a disc into the lake, but I have found quite a few that people have just walked away from.

Other park amenities are nice as well, with a playground, swimming area, restrooms, and an outdoor ping pong table.


This course gets very crowded in the summer. I won't play here after work in the summer because there will be an average of 7 groups playing the course. Being that it's an easy and relatively open course, all of these groups are rec players who have no concept of the idea of "playing through". Even if you do run into a group who will let you play through, you'll just be waiting behind another group on the next teepad. That's why I hit Terrace on summer afternoons. Even if it's crowded with rec players on the early holes, they always quit before the back 9.

Also note that there are a lot of other park users who don't notice the "You are entering a disc golf course. Watch for flying discs" signs. Be aware of them, and if they're picnicking beside the 9 basket (as they're prone to do), skip the hole. There's plenty of opportunity for safari golf here, so I'm sure you can find a way to make it up somewhere else.

I'll step down from my soapbox now, but I still have more cons.

Teepad 1 is a con. It's right on the beach, so it's covered in sand. Rubber mats + sand = a very slippery surface. I've actually gotten really good at releasing a disc accurately while slipping, but it isn't a skill that I want to have...

Every hole on the course has asphalt in play at some point. Some people list this as OB to keep things interesting, but regardless of whether it costs you a stroke or not it does eat up your discs pretty quickly.

I do wish that there was a hole that was a cross between hole 7 and hole 8. I like the long shot along the side of the hill idea, but it would be fun to just air one out with the basket slightly downhill and to the left. 7 and 8 are great holes though, and usually the ones that will cost you a stroke if you don't hit them right.

Other Thoughts:

There have been rumors for years of a back 9 being added across the street, but I don't see that happening. There are a few interesting lines in the woods over there, but it's too short and tight to be worth putting time into.

I obviously enjoy this course due to its proximity and the memories that I have there, but there just isn't much here to make it worth the drive. If you're passing through on I-5? By all means, stop by. It's a quick 9 that will still test you a little bit and that uses the land creatively. But it won't help you improve your overall game that much either, and that's the biggest thing that I look for in a course. Perfect example: I used to play Terrace all the time, and when I visited other courses my scores would reflect the practice. Then I played Silver all the time, but my game went in the opposite direction.

So let's just call Silver Lake what it is: A reasonably enjoyable niner with creative use of land and elevation that's a great place to get a quick round in, but not much else for the serious player.
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3 1
Experience: 42.7 years 134 played 16 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Great beginner course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 9, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


Bathrooms on site
Great (new) baskets
Rubber tee pads
Short 'n Sweet


Only 9 baskets

Other Thoughts:

Great beginner/warm up course. Easy to navigate once you find the first tee - 1 is down by the beach on the south side of the bathrooms/showers. As others have said this course is in a busy park, and not all users are familiar with disc golf, so you might encounter people picnicing on the fairways or by a basket, but otherwise it's a great little course to tune your short game or to initiate new players to the game without discouraging them.
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5 0
Experience: 14.3 years 13 played 11 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Just a fun 9er 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 1, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


The course played well. We had printed off a map before making the drive here but it turned out that there was no need to even look at it. When you finished a hole the next tee pad was right there for you and it was not hard to spot the basket for that pad. Easy walking and in a nice park. The pads were a nice large rubber mats.


There was a walking path going through the course and we did have to stop and sit for people on the walk path to clear.

Other Thoughts:

Over all I gave this a 3.5 because of how easy it was to find our way around and that it was a fun course to play. No it was not a difficult one to play and it is more for that player who wants to scratch that itch to play a quick round but there was enough to make you work and think on each shot with no big fear of loosing a disc. As there are a lot of DG courses on the west side that have an absolute ton of growth going nuts everywhere that can eat a disc fast it was great to find one that was cleared out of all of that stuff and just the big trees were the things in the way with great walking. There is a number of holes that have elevation changes to deal with. Yet more to the fun factor! The entire course was well kept and clean. This is a GREAT course to take a person who is learning the game!!!

There was only 1 hole that was one that was a head scratcher. Hole #7. You throw along a ridge/hill line. The lake is down to your left and the hill slopes upward to your right. There is a clearing 1/2 to 3/4 to the basket. Now there is a light cross wind that comes off the lake up the hill and likes to give your disc a ride to funny land. My first throw was "What the heck!?!?" So I pitched a different disc and the same thing hit me. The wind did not feel like anything big but so it was a slick sneak attack from mother nature! A local told me that he has had to deal with that many times so I'm not feeling too bad about falling into the trap. I'm sure that if I play this hole a few times I'll figure it out....
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5 0
Experience: 11.6 years 9 played 5 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Great Rec/Noobie Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 5, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


Great location and easy to find.
Bathrooms on site.
Fly pads are great in the rain; no slipping or poor footing at all.
Hills and trees are used well, although a bit lacking in any serious obstacles.
Very straight forward. Some may see this as too simple and, thus, a con, but as a beginner it is a very big pro.
Each tee is easy to find and navigating is simple and intuitive.
Huge possibilities for a safari back 9.
Using pathways as OB increase the difficulty and add a few semi-island holes, particularly holes 5 & 6.
Locals are friendly.


The downside to having a DGC next to a popular park is the amount of people there on nice, sunny days. There are trails that lead out/into the park that cut through many of the fairways. Although the paths make for challenging OB rules, people are often walking through oblivious of flying discs. Not a huge con, but definitely something to consider.

Other Thoughts:

I love the possibilities of a safari back 9. Some people like a more straightforward 18 hole course, but with the limited space one must get creative. This is a really nice course for beginners and recreational players; more advanced players might see this as a warm-up round.
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6 0
Ranger Rick
Experience: 12.1 years 53 played 15 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 21, 2012 Played the course:once


Beautiful setting.
Nice park w/ playground for the kiddies.
The official nine holes plays intuitively with no hunting around for the next tee box.
Excellent use of elevation.
Baskets are in good order, and the ground cover was minimal - hard to lose a disc this time of year..


There was very little to not like here, except for maybe the course map posted here, that looks like a photo copy of a photo copy. Other than that, I didn't find anything that I didn't like.

Other Thoughts:

Got off work early, so decided to come down and check this place out. As I was teeing up, I met a nice fellow named Jim, who is a course regular, and he offered to show me around and give me some tips.
We had a nice round, and Jim was very knowledgeable about how the course plays, to include the unofficial back nine.
The weather was nice, but the ground was a little soggy in spots, but I can't call that a con because this is the Pacific Northwest after all.
I would have had a good time playing here by myself, but with Jim as a guide, I really enjoyed myself, and was able to get a much better understanding of the course, had I played it alone.
The tree canopy, and the elevation changes added to the difficulty, but not so difficult, that I felt discouraged to come back - just the opposite. I will definitely be back to play again. This was one of my favorite course to play so far!
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6 0
Experience: 14.6 years 28 played 18 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Great course for beginners and stroller-pushers 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 8, 2012 Played the course:once


With a nice first-hand view of the lake, this course made good use of the elevation, as the 9 holes basically all (except for #9) travel perpendicular to the slope of the hillside. Unlike Terrace Creek or SeaTac, it would be hard to lose a disc on this course, as there is minimal brush.

For parents of little ones, there are paved paths everywhere, which make it easy to push a stroller. If your kid is older and independent enough, you could conceivably let them play at the playground nearby while you watched over them throughout your round, as most of the holes are close enough to the playground, if you felt comfortable leaving your child like that.

I did like how a couple of the baskets were on/near ledges, which offers some roll-away potential. The tee pads were great.


There weren't many trees, so it would have been cool I think to have the pins positioned more closely to them to up the difficulty level. For a course with this little in the way of obstacles, I think the holes should have been longer (most of the holes were under 300ft). I got 9 pars, which is rare for me, considering I didn't get lucky. Basically, you have to have a bad approach shot on any hole to make a bogey.

Also, being picking, it would have been nice to have better signage, as each tee basically had a 4"x4"x5' sticking out the ground with some writing in permanent marker giving the distance. It's better than nothing, though.

Other Thoughts:

I brought a friend of mine who has only played two rounds prior, one of which was at Terrace Creek, which gave him an awful experience. Silver Lake, however, was great for him, as he got 3 pars and really felt positive about the sport. This course is a great place to take someone new to the sport or play with your family. Perhaps a safari layout could increase the difficulty.

Also, we saw a parks maintenance guy playing the course (in uniform!) and using his truck like a golf cart. I thought that was cool. Wish I could play on my job!
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6 0
Joey Pauley
Experience: 25 played 9 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Short and fun 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 4, 2011 Played the course:once


- The designer of the course did a wonderful job using the space provided.
- Lots of up and down hills
- Close to highway


- Only 9 holes
- The holes are very short in length. Lots of ace holes.
- There were some people walking through the park unaware of disc golf.
- Hole #2 was a bit wet

Other Thoughts:

Great short course not too far from the highway. I would not travel far to go here but if you are in passing and want to get out for a quick half round this is the place for you.

- The directions on this site was a bit confusing.
- Watch hole #5 your disc can travel down to the volleyball courts below.
- Hole #7 drives close to the tee pad of hole #8
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9 0
Experience: 16.3 years 64 played 2 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Easy Fun 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 2, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Disc golf courses have vibes and vibes can change depending on the day and time. I've played this course more than a few times now and I've changed it up by arriving at different times on different days. The vibe remained consistent.

Silver Lake disc golf course is a peaceful and fun nine-hole spread with a spectacular view of the lake and big beautiful trees towering over head. Each hole is equipped with exceptional Flypads and shiny DGA Mach III baskets.

The layout is extremely easy to navigate and the footage of each hole doesn't exceed 325 ft. (99 m). Since the holes are short this is a great course for beginners, or folks that simply want to practice their short game. This is also a great course to practice running putters.

I believe the designer did everything right with the land that was available. As a father that likes to drag his child out to the course in a stroller, Silver Lake is perfect due to the pathway that snakes its way around the course. I'm not forced to subject my daughter to the bumpy fairway and slight elevation on some holes.

The park as a whole is beautiful with easy access to bathrooms and trash cans. There is also an abundance of parking.


I knew going into this "course review" part of my life I would have a hard time with the cons section, because I'm extremely easy to please. If there are baskets (or targets) and tee pads I'm usually happy.

The only aspects of a course that strike up the opinionated side of me are litter and dubious people. Silver Lake has always been clean and the people have always been nice to me.

After forcing myself to think of something constructive I remembered that I like easy courses to have multiple basket positions. The basket positions at Silver Lake are fixed, but I bet I would go back more often if I knew the positions would be different.

Other Thoughts:

Make sure you play this course with all the pathways OB. That makes for a more interesting round and creates a sort of island hole on number five. Also, I've heard (or read, I can't remember) that the course may be extended to 18 holes by using the land across the street. I'm for it! I'll even volunteer time to help make it happen.

Whew! First course review logged.
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2 2
Experience: 25.8 years 11 played 3 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fun for All 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 15, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


This is a great course to take beginners and youngsters (probably a con for some). The course plays by a beautiful lake with great food/restroom accommodations. The park official in charge of maintenance is a great guy. He told us the layout, and was working on creating paths to the next tee pads. This course will not require a driver, but does offer a few skill shots.


For what it is, it is a great course. Yeah, 18 hole courses are nice, but so are cities that decide to turn abandoned land, filled with trash, into a fun course!
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5 0
Experience: 13.6 years 19 played 4 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Good Quick Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 31, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


- Easy to follow layout
- Well maintained course
- Great for beginners or anyone looking to work on their putt/approach
- good amount of elevation change in a few holes, (especially in the locally know back 9).


- Short holes
- Only 9 holes, (unless a local shoes you the hidden back 9).

Other Thoughts:

At first I though this course was a zero based on the simplicity and ease of each hole. After playing it a few times though I can say that its really nice to play a course that is easy to follow and easy to go out with a few friends a play several rounds real quick for fun. If you can find someone to show you the "back 9" its actually a really fun course and challenging. If I was rating including those holes it would bump it up a tleast a point.
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5 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 32.4 years 226 played 128 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Enjoyable and Scenic Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 15, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


Located in a well manicured park on the banks of Silver Lake, this course is a great little "executive" course, with most of the holes playing pretty short, but providing nice challenges.

The tee pads were nice and grippy on a rainy weekend day and the navigation was very intuitive, as the tall 4x4 posts are quite visible.

This course has some of the feel of Pier Park (All the large trees and manicured feel) with the elevation of a place like Horning's Hideout. All the holes but #1 and #2 benefit from the use of a major slope that encompasses the rest of the course. The combination of elevation, trees, and varying types of shots required make this course a blast. Most experienced players will see birdie opportunities on a majority of holes, and will be inspired by the chance to rack them up.


Though there is rumor that they will expand the course to 18 holes, the fact that there's only 9 does not really bring my rating down. The current offering is quite nice and only makes us wanting for more - but only 9 holes would limit this as a frequent destination for those like me that have to drive 40 minutes.

Played once on a sunny Labor Day and the park was full of people doing everything from walking the paths to geocaching. We had some stray drives that came really close to pedestrians. I would say that I wouldn't recommend playing at all on these busy family days, as it's too terrifying to watch what "I wasn't trying to do" become reality. I surely will stick to weekday mornings!

Hole 1 & 2 (though not bad holes) suffer a bit. Hole #1 from its openness, and #2 from the wet bogginess that seems to prevail.

Other Thoughts:

We played with a local who was knowlegable of the "safari back 9" which is a longer version of the current course. He showed us this course which stacks holes (like combining 1 & 2) to make for a very challenging and fun course. For obvious reasons, it can only be played when the park isn't crowded. But what fun it was!

My suggestion- if more land cannot be obtained, perhaps go the route that Northpark has and install more teepads to the existing holes if possible to create a back 9.
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0 7
Experience: 32.2 years 88 played 18 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Feel good track 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 18, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


great scenery
some fun tee shots
nice tee pads
park is well maintained


if you want be challenged this is not the track for you
hole 2 basket a little swampy

Other Thoughts:

a nice job of making some fun holes in a compact space.
possible for less experienced players to make birdies
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0 7
Experience: 15 years 16 played 8 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Neat 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 1, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Located in a fairly decent park. Out of the way of park activities. Maintained well. Not much congestion.


Only 9 holes. Not very challenging. Hole 2 is way too swampy around the basket.

Other Thoughts:

This course has a lot of potential! Can't wait to see if they add another 9 holes! Across the street would be a perfect location.
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