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Ames, IA

Stable Run DGC

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3.845(based on 29 reviews)
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Stable Run DGC reviews

14 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 9.3 years 335 played 252 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Cyclone Disc Golf II - Cy's Boogaloo 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 30, 2021 Played the course:2-4 times


-Multiple Concrete Pads on every hole
-Multiple decent baskets on every hole
-A good mix of open/wooded, long/short
-Excellent signage
-Many stumps set at tee pads for a seat, good # of trashcans
-Area is 100% disc golf, upkeep is good
-9 Hole loops, good flow


-Only a port-o-potty for facilities
-Can get very buggy at times
-Can get flooded in the right conditions (right near creek)
-Very sandy

Other Thoughts:

Stable Run DGC is located just off 13th street and just north of the main campus of Iowa State University in Ames, IA. The course is set with 2 tees and 2 baskets at each hole (red and gold for each) giving many looks for variety in course play. (IE: we played the "red" tees (short) to the "yellow" baskets (long)). This adds to a good mixture of long/short. The front 9 does play shorter and more technical. #3 is a favorite with a set of 30 steps or so down from your tee shot. Back 9 opens up for longer arms. A good mix of lines on many holes. Signage is excellent with all 4 possibilities listed (Red->Red, Red->Yellow, Yellow->Red, Yellow->Yellow). While there is not much elevation to work (other than #2 and #3), there is a fair amount of trees to work around. Hole #12's yellow basket is a nice "stuck in an old tree stump." #18 will test your arm to finish as it is the longest of the holes. The variability gives this one an edge over Carroll Marty for me, also less elevation. Better facilities might add here, but would be tough to do. The other knock is the sandiness/flood ability, but that is the spot of land this is on. I've really enjoyed my round here and will play again.
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2 0
Experience: 8.6 years 42 played 13 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Nice Summer Outing 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 4, 2017 Played the course:once


The course is in behind a parking lot by the river and only has disc golf, so you won't be running into non golfers.

Every tee had a decent sign and good pads. There are two pads and baskets at for every hole, the shorter pad will have a bench and trash can for the most part. The majority of the course is throwing through woods. For being located right next to ISU the course was very clean, which was a nice surprise.

Signs were good and you can understand where the pins are compared to the pad and are a different take to most signs I've seen. It looks like the college used a wood burner to make the signs which was very cool.

The open holes had a nice variety of challenges from long bombs, elevation changes, great pin placements.

A couple of the staple holes were #1, #7 and #13.
- 13 (long): Elevated basket in the middle of an old stump
- 14: Two options to take where you can do a short layup or really push your luck and try to make a very tight line


 Could use a bit more mowing. I'm not surprised because I assume college kids take care of the course and being summer break, the school probably doesn't keep the course clear. The rough is rough and has very high weeds in places. I would suggest playing with a buddy for a spotter.

Signage when pulling into the course says permit parking and doesn't indicate anything about the DG course until you are there and there aren't a lot of spots.

Other Thoughts:

 I played this course during the summer and it was fantastic. I would be weary of playing it during the school year, because of the dorms across the street and I assume the course is flooded with college students.

Of the two courses in Ames I would say this is the much more challenging course over all. There are tight lines and really forces you to play a technical game and wants you to push your luck. I will definitely be back to both courses!
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4 0
Experience: 24.4 years 173 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

AKA 13th Street 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 29, 2017 Played the course:5+ times


Two Baskets on every hole each painted Red, the new (as of October 2017) Mach X baskets are the long position on the tee signs, the short placements are scheduled to be replace in 2018.
Two nice tee pads on each hole.
Flows well, no holes seem like filler holes to bridge a gap and there are no long walks between holes. Loops back to the start after 9.
Good number of trash cans through out
Course is dedicated to disc golf (no playgrounds, ball courts, etc...).
Metal signs added spring of 2019 with color give a good description of how the hole plays. With two pads and baskets on each hole there is a lot of ways to play the course with out it getting stale.


No benches or amenities outside of the seasonal Port-o-john and trash cans.
Stinging Nettles, poison ivy and mosquitoes all tend to be abundant from May-September (or whenever the first hard frost comes).
Course is closed from dusk til dawn, so glow rounds are not allowed.
Some of the new signs seem to have some incorrect distances, nothing to egregious and a definite improvement over the old wooden signs.

Other Thoughts:

First timers might have a hard time locating the entrance, there is a large parking lot with a chain link fence around most of its perimeter on the north side of 13th Street just before Stange Road if you are coming from I-35 (West bound on 13th street), turn in is by a pedestrian crossing on 13th then head to the far East side of the parking lot and you will see signage for Disc Golf parking (parking lot 114 according to google maps). First Tee is down the hill just east from where you park.
There isn't a lot of wow factor to this course, very little elevation though the little that is available is well incorporated. The course makes up for the lack of signature holes with consistently challenging fairways from the Long tees with well placed guardian trees to test your accuracy and make you think twice about pulling out your higher speed drivers. In combination with Carrol Marty (the other course in Ames) it makes for a decent day of disc golf though neither is worth traveling to on their own. If you're tooling up or down I-35 this would be my recommendation in Ames (from September through May and during peak hours ~4PM to 8PM M-F).
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1 4
Experience: 15.2 years 38 played 23 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 1, 2017 Played the course:once


- Two concrete teepads and baskets per hole
- Fairly easy to navigate and fairly well laid out. To that end the front nine and back nine can be played separately or out of order easily.
- Overall fairly clean of litter


- Poor signage for the hole info

Other Thoughts:

I personally found this course to be rather repetitive. It location and layout gear it more towards the technically minded player. Flags for the baskets with the number of the hole on them would be a good addition.
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2 0
Experience: 13.4 years 85 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Stable Run 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 14, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


-Long and short tees AND pins
-Usually quiet, can get busy when the university is in session though
-Plenty of variety for shots
-Good mix of technical and open holes
-Well maintained, you can tell a lot of work goes into the course
-Friendly locals
-Most of it is tucked away in the woods so the wind isn't a big factor
-Hard to get lost, everything flows smoothly
-Hole 9 ends by the entrance so you can bail after 9


-The rough is ROUGH
-When it rains, this course will be really muddy and damp for a few days. I've seen pins completely submerged when the river floods (rare but it happens).
-Vandalism and trash. Some days are better than others
-They've been working on adding a second pin to hole 2 for what seems like several years.
-Parking lot has broken bottles in it constantly.
-Mosquitos are awful, bring bug spray

Other Thoughts:

Definitely one of my favorite courses. I've done this course close to 100 times and I always play it if I'm ever passing through town. It gets better each time but it's best in the summer when the college kids are gone.

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2 2
Experience: 20.4 years 40 played 6 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Pretty good course for Lames, IA - Go Hawks 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 27, 2016 Played the course:once


Good sized parking lot. Walk down a short concrete hill into a park dedicated to disc golfers!
- A long tee and short tee on each hole
- Also a short/easier pin (Red) and a longer/difficult pin (Yellow) per hole
- Can play up to 4 different layouts - Short to red, Long to red, Short to yellow, Long to Yellow (I played long pad to yellow pin)
- Great mixture of different shot types throughout the round. You will use most of the discs in your bag.
- Shorter/technical wooded front 9 with a longer/let it rip back 9.
- I noticed that hole 1 tees,hole 9 pins, hole 10 tees, and hole 18 pins all start and end in the same area in case you only have time for 9 holes it makes it easier to decide which set of 9 holes you would like to play.
- Trash cans on almost every tee.
- Some holes run along a big creek with some decent views.
- Multiple lines per hole, choose your line and stick with it.
- Pretty good signage.
- Hole 12 has an elevated basket on a tree stump that has stairs you must climb to retrieve your disc from the basket.
- A couple long par 4's over 600ft each. Hole 16 and 18, makes for some tough holes coming down the stretch.


- Some signs are too close to the back right corner of the tee pad making a run up to the tee pad impossible - but I hear they are working on fixing this issue.
- Only one hole (hole 3) has any sort of elevation, mostly flat course.
- Lacking benches at teepads.
- Some areas a little overgrown but not bad.

Other Thoughts:

Overall this was a very fun course and I will continue to come back. If i had to make a choice between playing this course and Carrol Marty in Ames, I would choose this one. I would have rated this course a 4.5, but it is lacking elevation. If you live in Des Moines you need to make the drive up to Ames to play this beauty of a course.
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1 0
Experience: 21 played 6 reviews
4.00 star(s)

The better of two courses in Ames 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 11, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


All holes have two baskets and two (concrete) pads.
Baskets were recently repainted and are nice and bright.
Recent work has cleared out some hanging branches and shrubbery, as well as created more defined fairways.
Some beautifully manicured fairways on the back 9.
Many holes force you to play a certain shot without being too narrow.
Doesn't get a lot of traffic (a plus in my book).


No water source. You need to bring it with you.
Many tee signs are literally an inch away from the pad. I have no idea who put them there because it makes no sense and can be pretty annoying.

Some sand from past flooding on 6 & 7.

Rough can get pretty bad in some spots. (To be fair, the recent uptick in course maintenance has taken care of most of this.)

Some of the new baskets have fewer chains and will punch out on a hard putt, but this is really nitpicking.

There isn't a very good "staging area". Most courses have a large area near the first pad for tournament central with benches and open areas. This course doesn't have a good area for when you're at the couse, but not playing. (Again, this is pretty nitpicky)

Other Thoughts:

Short and technical front nine then you get to stretch it out on the back.
Hole 18 is 700 ft!
Is now handsdown, the better course in Ames.
The amount of work recently put in really shows. Once word gets out about the recent coursework, it will become an actual draw from the Des Moines area.
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7 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18 years 268 played 30 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Stable Run 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 1, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


The ISU Course, also known as Stable Run, is secluded on a plot of land surrounded by water on three sides that offers a wide variety of hole types. The front 9 is on the shorter, more technical side, while the back 9 opens up a bit more. The majority of holes have 2 concrete tees with 2 baskets and signage for both, all of which are very good. Playing short to short is very good for beginners or for ace runs and long to long is still challenging for all but the best players out there. The course flow is pretty good, the only issue I've had is going from some of the long baskets on the back 9 to the long tee for the next hole. The usage of the available land is fantastic and the only place off the top of my head that be use a little more is to the left of #4's basket to incorporate an alternate pin and possibly and longer tee, too. 16 and 18 are great true par 4's. 18 is a fantastic finishing hole where you need to bomb it through the first bunch of trees and then thread it back into the narrow clearing where the long basket is. It is usually less crowded than Carroll Marty, which is south of campus. Good parking, restrooms and trash cans are all present.


The long teepad on 8 is facing directly behind a large tree. I don't know what the designer was thinking, but there is a fair, but challenging window to the right that goes right over the short pad. The rough at time can get pretty nasty in the summer, especially on the holes closest to the creek. The sand that was brought in from the flood in 2010 is still mostly there and is a bit of a turn off for me. I am not sure how much can be done to get some dirt back in, but that would be an improvement. There is also a majority of holes that favors LHBH and RHFH. The location of the practice basket is not the greatest as most people do not see it until they finish 18. It's about the best spot available, so maybe some signage to point players in the right direction.

Other Thoughts:

Stable Run is a great complement to the shorter, more elevated Carroll Marty that is on the other side of campus. SR requires your A game if you want to score well playing long to long. The tough pin locations, tight lines and varying lengths all present a great challenge that can be rather frustrating, but rewarding. If you've got the time, make sure to make the drive south to Des Moines to hit up their plethora of great courses too.
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6 3
Experience: 15.6 years 29 played 7 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Great Course on ISU campus 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 9, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


-Great location for course off of 13th Street near ISU campus
-Great variety of shots to test all of your discs from your bag
-I like the choice you have for each hole, 2 tee pads and 2 pins each. Which makes for 4 different shot options
-Trash cans located everywhere, very green course.
-Clean and mowed every time i've visited
-Good course for new or experienced players.
-Restroom at start of course
-Signs show where next hole begins and is very first-timer friendly
-Great course to grab yourself an ace on!
-Locals are very friendly and if you need to ask a question, don't hesitate!
-Hole 10 starts at the gate with end of 18 and beginning of 1 for easy access to front and back 9.


-Some holes have horrible lines which make for impossible shots (i.e. hole 4) which has no open room in between trees for a good line.
-No drinking fountains or vending machines on course or at start
-Quite easy to lose a disc, recommend only throwing 1 or 2 per hole
-Some beginner pins can be in your line to the advanced pin which can affect your shot mentally and possibly physically
-Kind of hard to find the course behind the gates and junk in the parking lot

Other Thoughts:

Great course for having a quick round on one of the beginner routes or a fun round on the long advanced holes. Watch out on hole 15 for the tree in the middle of the fairway. It has a giant knot-hole in it that I got my Nuke SS stuck in. :) Thanks to a couple buddies, I got it back. HA. Anyways, Definitely a must do course if you are dropping by in Ames.
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3 2
Experience: 13.1 years 18 played 18 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Best in Ames! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 9, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


-In a big wooded area with a lot of trees. Great Challenge!
-Nice tees and fairly nice baskets.
-The tee signs were very helpful and always showed distance and where you are throwing at.
-There are 2 tees and 2 baskets on each hole.
-A few good holes to ace!
-A couple of big time bomb shots.. let your driver do the talking!
-Not as crowded as Carroll Marty.
-Shaded so it is nice and cool during the summer.
-Very little trash littered on the course.


-Very easy to lose your disc.
-Some of the holes were a little on the short side.
-There is poison ivy on the course and quite a few bugs.
-Not always clear where the next tee is, so rather easy to get lost for a minute or 2.
-Lack of garbage cans, benches, and vending machines.

Other Thoughts:

I enjoyed this course very much! I prefer this course to Carroll Marty. Bring as many discs as you can because you might lose one, but if you're careful and conservative you more than likely won't have any trouble. If you happen to be in Ames, come here for sure!
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3 4
Experience: 22.3 years 57 played 17 reviews
4.00 star(s)

me likey! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 15, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


New renovations and cleaning up of this course has made this course bareable again. Love the choice of 2 tee pads and 2 baskets on most of the holes. Can never get bored of this course. Has everything that carroll marty doesnt have. Long holes. A couple over 500 or 600 from the long to long. Every hole is laid out very nicely. Like the new long tee pad on hole 8 and the very short tee pad on hole 2 super short but still a little technical. 2 Nice additions


Even though the cleaning up of this course helped. The few holes by the river have a lot of poison ivy all over. Which is very annoying.

Other Thoughts:

If you play carroll marty and like it i recommend stable run
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1 4
Experience: 12.5 years 14 played 2 reviews
4.50 star(s)

13th St 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 3, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


-Diverse hole types
-I've seen maintenance crews working on the course multiple times
- Most holes have pro/am tees and short/long baskets, allowing for good replay value


-Can be closed due to flooding
-Lots of stinging nettle

Other Thoughts:

Many people in the Ames area refer to this course as "13th St DGC"
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2 4
Experience: 26.4 years 16 played 16 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Very fun course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 10, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Nice baskets and tee boxes, mostly shady, sweet mix of shot types, less crowded than Carroll Marty


can be closed b/c of flooding a few times a year,

Other Thoughts:

Lots of memorable holes here, really fun to play, worth checking out for sure
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2 3
Experience: 20.7 years 152 played 68 reviews
4.00 star(s)

A gem in Ames 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 19, 2011 Played the course:once


Great tees, multiple baskets on most holes, clearly marking which is long and short (different colors). Good mix of long and open and tight and technical.

Good signs. Pretty straightforward layout.


No real elevation to speak of. The course is fairly flat.

Other Thoughts:

I really enjoyed this course, it had a bit for everyone, and has a ton of replay value with the multiple placed baskets and tees. I could see spending a weekend playing this course at all the long and short baskets and tees, would be a pretty fun and different 72 holes.
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1 10
Earl Harbo
Experience: 17.7 years 20 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

3rd course of the day 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 15, 2011 Played the course:once


Great course, open sunrise to sunset. Every hole has a red and yellow tee pad, as well as a red and a yellow pin, allowing for 4 different ways to play each hole. Very tricky shots through the woods. It is very easy to get around with numerous signs to point you in the right direction, as well as each sign at the tee pad is easy to read and gives you all the info you need to know about the hole. This course is among the top in the Des Moines/Ames area.


Very busy, wasn't too big of a deal this time of the year, but I can only imagine in the summer.

Other Thoughts:

Congrats to..... oh ya... Me! I won this course on the 3rd course of the day on March 15th, in the epic Des Moines Frolf outing. The open sign is so sweet.
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9 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 24.4 years 76 played 23 reviews
4.00 star(s)

My favorite in ames 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 5, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


One of the biggest pros about a course for me is one that has wooded shots, and open shots.
-First 10 are wooded
-Back 8 are more open, with two good par 4's on golds
-Winds back to the start after 9 and 18 holes so you can play the whole thing, or the front or back nine and still end up where you started.
-2 teepads and 2 baskets for the majority of the holes. It really helps, especially for us locals, to keep things interesting and different, having 4 different ways to play the course.
-Teepads are concrete and grippy
-Minor use of elevation where there is some, It's Iowa so we aren't going to have mountains, the course makes good use of what we have to work with.
-The flood cleaned out most of the dead wood, and then ISU poured quite a bit of money into cleaning the course back up. This summer had it looking the best its been in a while (2010).
-Practice basket tucked in around the corner from the entrance (behind hole 18)
-Not crowded like Carroll Marty


-Sign distances are off, since it's had changes after they were installed.
-Not enough trash cans, there are some and that's a pro, but often not enough.

Other Thoughts:

I choose this course over Carroll Marty frequently, and I live within sight of CM. The shots are more difficult, to present more challenge, and you don't have supergroups in the summer like at CM.

Bring bug spray in the summer!!!
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6 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.3 years 360 played 100 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Cool layout, bring your machete 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 8, 2010 Played the course:once


Good variable skill course that meanders through a wooded area at the ISU campus. Dual tees and dual baskets on most of the holes. (The short baskets for the most part have a red frame, the longer ones have a silver one). Good tight, technical challenge on the front nine, with some longer back nine holes with pins that are blind from the tee, but for the most part, the shorter length shouldn't overwhelm rec players.


The undergrowth here has to be one of the worst that I've ever seen. You definitely need to keep an eye on your throws. If you get an errant shot (or even a good one that picks the wrong place to land), expect to be looking for it for awhile. I am told during other parts of the year, its not so bad. The dual baskets (not a common thing around here), may confuse players not used to seeing them.

Other Thoughts:

Definitely the more challenging of the two Ames courses. I thankfully had the assistance of a local player who gave me the tour and had enough sense to bring a machete to whack away at the vines which were present. If not for that, this thing would have ate me up. A good play, but I would really advise first timers here to walk the course before they play it, especially if its looking wooley, if anything, to find which basket you want to aim at. A bit hard to locate, but its right in the center of town and worth the stop.
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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.4 years 498 played 491 reviews
4.00 star(s)

My Kind of Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 11, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


-Dual tees on most holes
-Good amount of parking
-Bathroom right before entering the course
-Detailed signs on every hole
-Easy to follow layout even if you haven't been here before
-2 baskets on each hole, red and yellow, make it so you can play so many variations of each hole. You can play 4 variations of most holes.
-Good mix of open and wooded holes although no holes are completely open. There is also a good amount of trees to make it challenging but not impossible.
-Clean course even with lack of garbage cans
-Not a lot of elevation but the few holes that have it use it well
-Good variations in distance; some nice medium range ace runs and some real long bombs especially if you play long tee and long basket
-Good locals, also a league that plays here or at Carroll Marty on the South Side of town
-Practice basket located to the left of hole ones tee box or after hole 18 long pin


-Can be flooded since it's right on the river
-A little chance to lose a disc in the river or woods
-Not many garbage cans, I saw just one
-Can be crowded when the course is in good condition, especially since a large university is here.
-Not a lot of elevation, only 2 holes use it much
-Buggy, muggy and overgrown at times in the summer, fall would probably be the best time to play here

Other Thoughts:

I prefer this rougher, shorter type of course to the longer, more country club type of course like Walnut Ridge in Des Moines. This course and the other one in Ames are about similar quality and both highly enjoyable. Ames is right on I-35 so these two courses are a must stop!

Update as of 2 years after review: Stopped again and played the course when not flooded. It was still a lot of fun but I've played a lot of great courses since then. I realized that 4.5 was a little high. The front 9, when well maintained is certainly a 4.5 quality course but the back 9, even when maintained, is probably a 3.5. This is one of those legendary old courses that will always be good but it doesn't quite compete with the new courses and all they have to offer.
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1 3
Experience: 19.2 years 1 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Iowa State University Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 10, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


Nice Mixture of Long and Short
Great combination of tight, narrow holes and wide open holes.


Can be muddy at times, some holes seem to run together.

Other Thoughts:

Overall a great course. Great for beginners learning the sport, but also challenging for experienced disc golfers as well
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2 1
Experience: 22.4 years 28 played 10 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Variable and Challenging Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 6, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Has many different tee and pin options to play. Has decent maps to follow. Decent mixture of long and short holes.


Can be very tight at times. Very few open holes. Most open hole is also 700+ feet. Can get very muggy and uncomfortable in the summer. Especially bad when it is overgrown.

Other Thoughts:

Overall this course is alright. It is a little tight and tedious for my taste. But if you focus you can do well. I mostly play it for intramurals, which I managed to win still. It is definitely the more challenging course in Ames.
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