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Stansbury Park, UT

Stansbury Park

Permanent course
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Stansbury Park reviews

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The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Stansbury Course Is Long, Really Long And Not Designed For Most Of Us! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 15, 2015 Played the course:once


First of all, the course is difficult to find because there is another Stansbury Park about a mile away. This Stansbury Park is a brand new development. The park is large, flat and wide open. There are numerous trees which have been planted and currently are just saplings. The park has children's play area, numerous soccer fields and ball fields. It also has a small creek which meanders through one hole.

Everything about the disc golf course was done first class. There is an excellent course map sign. The tee signs are great showing all the needed information. The baskets are super. Great tee pads. Unfortunately, the design has some serious flaws, both in the safety aspect and in the overall design.

First the safety concerns. Hole # 5 is a 505' hyser which has players throwing over the corner of the children's playground. Sure as heck, some child or mother is going to get hit with a disc here as players attempt to cut this corner. # 17 is a 665' long straight hole which has you playing one of your shots right past the backstop and third base dugout area. If a game is in progress, this will inevitably spell trouble. And finally 18 is a 518' anhyser throw which ideally would hug the contours of the ball fields outfield fence. So with the crazy winds here, how many discs will end up over the fence and on the baseball field?

Design flaws. How can a course that saw so much money put into it be so un-enjoyable to play. You have to start with the gale force winds that were blowing today. Are they the prevailing winds here or was this unusual? But the design is just so silly. The course has ten par 4's and four par 5's. That leaves only four 3's. The shortest hole is 331'. For most of us, there are no ACE runs. You have designed a course here and eliminated a large percentage of the disc golf population, that is, beginners, families, most senior type players, middle school players and all those casual players who show up with one disc. They are all going to hate this course! Was that the intent? Design a course for the advanced to pro players? Therein lies the problem. This is not a championship course. It features no elevation, no shot making skills, no water hazards. It's just throwing long drives over wide open expanses of lovely green grass. As these trees grow to maturity the course will become interesting and more challenging. But for now, most players will stay away.


Long boring holes over expanse of green grass.
Safety concerns.
Prevailing winds.
Lack of reasonable reachable holes for most players.

Other Thoughts:

I did not enjoy my round here. Between the gale force winds and hole after hole in the 400-500' range, it just wasn't fun. The problem as I see it is I don't think this course is built for success. I don't see most of the players enjoying this course. So did the Stansbury Recreation Department intentionally build this course for 20% of the disc golfers. It just doesn't make sense to me.
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