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Cincinnati, OH

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1.775(based on 15 reviews)
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The_Envelopes The_Envelopes's Round

Score: 31 +4
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
9 / 9
75°F Sunny Strong 776
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:0
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round notes:Windy, sunny and warm "up top." Feels like a moral victory to shoot 4 over in wind like today.
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 405 3 4 2 --
Duck hook into the wind and rolled to a decent leave by the pine. Then sailed TeeBird approach to pin high but 22' left. Caught two breaks but still couldn't make a 3.
2 400 3 3 1 --
Great drive and excellent Viking "S" to 9'.
3 220 3 3 1 --
High thumber way short. Good pitch under low branches.
4 165 3 3 1 --
TeeBird didn't fade into high wind and landed in the garden.
5 265 3 4 2 --
High push in the wind off the tee. Tough uphill pitch to pin high 22. Lipped out.
6 300 3 3 1 --
Ridiculous dancing drive in the wind. Good low left to right pitch under the branches to 13'.
7 290 3 4 2 --
High looping pitch to 16' but aired the uphill putt.
8 245 3 3 1 --
Safe push over the garden for an easy up and down.
9 320 3 4 1 --
Pulled drive into twin trees and then pulled the pitch down by the pond.
Totals: 2610 27 31 12 --

The_Envelopes The_Envelopes's Round

Score: 31 +4
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
9 / 9
52°F Sunny Calm 776
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:0
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round notes:Always great to be "up top" at Cincinnati State on a sunny day. Just wish I had played better. A couple of poor drives and pitches cost me.
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 405 3 4 1 --
2 400 3 4 1 --
3 220 3 3 1 --
4 185 3 3 1 --
5 265 3 3 1 --
6 300 3 4 2 --
7 290 3 4 2 --
8 229 3 2 1 --
9 320 3 4 1 --
Totals: 2614 27 31 11 --

The_Envelopes The_Envelopes's Round

Score: 30 +3
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
9 / 9
80°F Sunny Moderate 803
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:0
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round notes:Beautiful sunny day and I finally got to play #9. Didn't think they would ever replace that basket. Struggled with the putter. Should have been lower.
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 405 3 4 2 --
Nice hooking drive between the trees but hit 2nd tree on right. Chained out from 21'.
2 400 3 4 2 --
Nice drives. Another chain out from 23'.
3 220 3 4 1 --
Hit tree off tee and thumber 2nd didn't turn over.
4 185 3 3 2 --
Air from 16'.
5 265 3 3 1 --
Solid drive and approach to 6'.
6 300 3 3 1 --
Great online drive hit hanging branch. 17' save.
7 290 3 3 1 --
Hooked drive down near road pin high.
8 235 3 3 1 --
Pushed drive left across the garden. Staked low approach.
9 320 3 3 1 --
Perfect drive and staked a tricky downhill approach.
Totals: 2620 27 30 12 --

The_Envelopes The_Envelopes's Round

Score: 32 +5
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
9 / 9
68°F Sunny Calm 765
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:0
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round notes:Beautiful sunny afternoon. Played #7 twice to log a full 9 holes.
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 405 3 4 1 --
Clipped a tree off tee and pushed approach.
2 400 3 4 1 --
Good uphill drive. Long approach didn't fade back.
3 220 3 3 1 --
Sprayed forehand tee shot. Staked 2nd under low branches.
4 185 3 3 2 --
Hit a branch and missed from 25'.
5 265 3 3 1 --
Nice uphill save from 25'.
6 300 3 4 1 --
Pushed drive to top of the hill. Started thumber shot too far left.
7 290 3 4 1 --
Drove into tree and 2nd rolled into bushes.
8 345 3 3 1 --
Worm burner drive short of the path but staked a low liner across the ravine and under the branches from about 190'. Probably my best shot ever.
9 290 3 4 1 --
Another drive into the tree. Nice escape between the trees and just missed from 40'.
Totals: 2700 27 32 10 --

sisyphus sisyphus's Round

Score: 27 Even
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
9 / 9
76°F Sunny Calm 895
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:0
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round notes:Set B.
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 405 3 3 -- --
upshot hit pin
2 400 3 4 -- --
3 220 3 3 -- --
4 185 3 2 -- --
parked neat hyzer
5 265 3 3 -- --
6 300 3 3 -- --
7 290 3 3 -- --
8 345 3 3 -- --
9 320 3 3 -- --
chose tree as target
Totals: 2730 27 27 -- --

sisyphus sisyphus's Round

Score: 27 Even
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
9 / 9
76°F Sunny Calm 895
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:0
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round notes:Came by to check on the course and need to do an update to my review.
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 405 3 3 -- --
2 400 3 4 -- --
3 220 3 2 -- --
4 185 3 3 -- --
5 265 3 3 -- --
6 300 3 3 -- --
7 290 3 3 -- --
8 345 3 3 -- --
9 320 3 3 -- --
chose a tree as a target
Totals: 2730 27 27 -- --

The_Envelopes The_Envelopes's Round

Score: 17 +2
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
5 / 9
81°F Cloudy Moderate n/a
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:0
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round notes:Dropped by on the way back to Nohunta and got in a few extra holes. No blackberries yet.
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 ** Skipped **
2 400 3 4 1 --
Good long uphill approach to about 35'.
3 220 3 3 1 --
4 ** Skipped **
5 265 3 3 2 --
Great sidehill drive just over the stone wall to 27'.
6 300 3 4 2 --
Solid drive but muffed the forehand approach. Missed a tough downhill putt from 16'.
7 290 3 3 1 --
Probably my best drive ever- about 250' through a tight window of trees.
8 ** Skipped **
9 ** Skipped **
Totals: 1475 15 17 7 --

The_Envelopes The_Envelopes's Round

Score: 27 +3
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
8 / 9
48°F Sunny Moderate n/a
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:0
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round notes:Nice cool afternoon and I played great aside from the mistakes on #4.
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 405 3 3 1 --
Good drive dead center. Staked the approach.
2 400 3 4 1 --
Two decent shots uphill. Staked 3rd.
3 220 3 3 2 --
Good anhyzer to 27'. Just short on putt.
4 185 3 4 2 --
Blew approach and yipped from 15'.
5 265 3 3 1 --
Good drive up the hill. Clanked from 80'.
6 300 3 3 1 --
3 solid shots. 16' save.
7 290 3 3 1 --
Pulled drive down the hill. Good blind approach to 14'.
8 345 3 4 1 --
Had to punch around big tree. Staked 3rd from about 125'.
9 ** Skipped **
Totals: 2410 24 27 10 --

The_Envelopes The_Envelopes's Round

Score: 32 +11
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
7 / 9
-- Sunny Calm 646
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:2
T. Bogies:1
Discs Lost:0
Round notes:Gorgeous day at a really fun hillside course. Picked blackberries after the round.
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 405 3 4 1 --
2 400 3 5 1 --
3 220 3 5 1 --
4 185 3 4 2 --
5 265 3 4 1 --
6 ** Skipped **
Scratched because we teed at wrong place.
7 290 3 4 1 --
8 345 3 6 2 --
9 ** Skipped **
Totals: 2110 21 32 9 --

sisyphus sisyphus's Round

Score: 25 -2
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
9 / 9
77°F Cloudy Moderate 944
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:0
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round notes:second round here today
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 405 3 3 -- --
2 400 3 3 -- --
3 220 3 3 -- --
4 185 3 2 -- --
5 265 3 3 -- --
6 300 3 3 -- --
7 290 3 3 -- --
8 345 3 3 -- --
9 320 3 2 -- --
no basket (went for tree)
Totals: 2730 27 25 -- --