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Geneva, IL

The Links at Wheeler Park

3.165(based on 37 reviews)
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6 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.2 years 79 played 48 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 28, 2012 Played the course:once


Overall this is a solid 18 hole course set up in a well maintained city park. The course gives a good mix of open shots with protected pin placements and the added surprise of some elevation changes. Although it is not overly challenging the course offers a variety distances and obstacles that make it fun for begginners and still fun for more experienced players. . . I mean birdies are fun right?

I am assuming that the course has been recently re-designed because all the tees were marked with distances.

The course is clearly well maintained and well used by the local disc golfers. Although there were other park users in the area, for the most part they did not come into play.


As a new course with a lot of potential it seems like it is still a work in progress. I don't have any major complaints about the course other than it is relatively short. Experienced players may find this a bit easy, most holes you are looking at a birdie putt, or an easy drop in 3. Navigation might be tricky if you don't have a map the first time, but with the map it's pretty easy.

Other Thoughts:

Thank you to folks that got this course up and running. The area needs a solid 18 course and I think this has the potential to be something special. The easiest fix in my mind is to start adding alternate pin placements. It seems like there is room in a few places to throw in 1 or 2 400 footers just to mix it up.

I haven't been in the Chicago area for a year and a half and I am so happy to see 2 new 18 hole courses near my old home. If I still lived here I would be spending most of my time at this course, I really want to give it a better rating, but it's just not there yet.
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2 3
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Fun Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 28, 2012 Played the course:once


Variety of terrains and some fun obstructions. Pads seemed in good shape and the posts had informative 'mini-maps' that made identifying the hole easier for first timers. Also, for mobile phone users, a map is available on the Geneva Park District Website: http://www.genevaparks.org/fa...isc_golf.html


The course was a little tight with two holes very near each other. A couple of times we had to double-check which hole we were shooting for. On one of the holes (15 I think), the post had been pulled, but we just replaced it and propped it up.

Other Thoughts:

For a relative novice (I've only played a few different courses), this course had some really fun holes and was a great time. We played on a Saturday morning, started around 7:30am and there were only a handful of other players on the course. It didn't seem overly crowded.
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2 3
Experience: 17.5 years 31 played 4 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Homecourse love 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 20, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Requires many throws. Beautiful park with good use of trees, yet plays open so novice players dont get crushed (there is room for arrency). Maps and facilities available.


Tricky layout, it could have been easier to navigate. Packed with novice players especially on weekends! lots of foot traffic like dog walkers and runners.

Other Thoughts:

Small to medium course length. Lots of lines available to throw, but doesnt crush your score if you miss them. Worth a stop! And within thirty minutes you can reach five 18 holers,
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3 2
Experience: 15.5 years 85 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Better Than Most 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 11, 2012 Played the course:once


Beautiful well maintained park with a good mix of shots required. Nothing is too long (165' to 350') making this very beginner friendly. There is a good mix of type of shots with forced hyzer and anhyzer routes combined with some low ceilings. There are facilities at the north and south end of the park with vending machines too.


The layout is confusing, there are yellow markers on the previous basket to the next tee pad which help immensely, but from basket 3 to tee 4 is a long walk and I didn't even notice the tee box til I finished hole 5. Also you have another long walk past tee 7 to go from 12 to 13. The course also plays over a pedestrian trail a few times creating a safety risk. Even though there are enough obstacles to the baskets, there is no punishment for errant/bad shots and eveything is an easy 3.

Other Thoughts:

All in all it is better than most Chicagoland courses (except for everything in Joliet obviously) and is 18 holes instead of most the 9's you find. I enjoyed my round but wasn't challenged enough. Definitely would recommend it and check out Campton Hills while in the area, its super close.
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3 0
Experience: 27.4 years 93 played 8 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Confusing with potential 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 3, 2012 Played the course:once


This is a pretty course with a few unique shots.

There are a few holes with elevation and a few more with decently challenging and fun angles for drives. A couple drives force you to shoot around a corner and a few others involve hills.

Some of the pin locations are cleverly buried within a grouping of trees or shrubs to make for challenging entry and putting lines (I even unintentionally skipped an approach shot into one of these for a memorable deuce).


Navigation! I think the course was in the middle of a minor redesign because there were tees to nowhere and a lack of signs all over in the first several holes. The course played differently than some of the reviews below and there were incorrect numbers on some of the tees in the beginning. My group was constantly wandering for the correct tee and hole to shoot to on the first 6 or 7 holes.

We missed 11 and 12 because we didn't know where to go after 10. We went all over the place looking for it, but eventually gave up when we found 13. This goes back to the dreadful course design. There's a course map on the way to the first tee and we all agreed it made no sense and was going to be tough to navigate from looking at it.

Some of the tee pads were unusable and we played from the grass on a few holes because of fear of injury.

Other Thoughts:

Basically all my complaints stem from the awful course design. Even simple renumbering of the holes and better signage would be enough.

That said, if that got improved this course would become a very enjoyable 18. The varied shots and challenging (at times) pin locations made it fun once we knew where we were going, but the overall take away was how hard it was to figure out where to go.

There is definitely good potential here with minor tweaking and sign improvement.
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4 2
Experience: 22.4 years 6 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Love this course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 11, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


I love this course, if you disregard their pars and just play 54, this course offers many challenges. Varied distances, some open holes, some wooded. Also some fun elevation changes (see holes 12 and 16)Obstacles provide different options for a variety of different ways to attack each hole. i dont use rollers or anything, just RHFH and RHBH on everything, and ive shot 2 on every hole here at some point. They changed 5 and 6 around, i guess there was a problem with discs flying into the street, but i like the new layout.


Tee boxes, tee boxes, tee boxes. I cant stress this enough. its usually better in the summer, but they really need to go concrete, it would really solve a lot. It can be busy at times, with families in large groups (sometimes 8-9, WITH STOLLERS!) who dont understand etiquette. But most people are very cool if you make them aware. It is also a park, so sometimes you have to watch for the usual stray kids, joggers, dog walkers, etc.

Other Thoughts:

Overall, i love this course. Great challenge for experienced players, but still a very fun course for beginners. Check this place out
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6 1
Experience: 24.4 years 2 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Beautiful park, course with potential, fix the tee pads 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 24, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


This course is located in a fantastic park that offers a wealth of possibilities. With a few changes, it could get to a near championship level with a rating of 3.5-4.5 from me. As it is, the course offers a variety fun shots (low ceilinged shots, rollers, thumbers, forehand rips, touch putter shots, skip shots, spike hyzers, etc).
The course has a lot of open space, is lightly wooded, and has some small rolling hills. I like most of the holes, although there are a few too many deuce-or-die shots. A delightfully tight and scenic ending hole 18 (which I've yet to play as well as I should) wraps up this course and makes you look forward to the next round. I did have some issues with this course but as a change from the majority of my hometown North Carolina courses, this one was a delight.


My biggest con with this, aside from the oft-mentioned terribly rutted tee pads, is the par rating. I can't stand increasing a par in order to make newer players feel like they're doing well. This game is hard damn it, and you should have to work at it to get a par or birdie. No hole out there is a par 4. There are some long holes and some very difficult holes with tough lines to hit (see hole 13), but with decent technique and power every basket can be reached with a drive.

Other Thoughts:

New courses always have some growing pains. In the southeast, we have to beat down some scraggly foliage because we're inundated with a sea of woods. In somewhat open courses such as this, baskets or pads may need to be moved for the course to achieve its potential. This course really has the stuff for some awesome holes, and maybe even legitimate par 4s. More space along and in the wood line behind hole 12 could be used to pull apart some of the earlier holes and stretch out the course. Some super fun safari holes are possible out here (original #5, hole 12 to 9s basket, 8-16, 1-2, 7-13!! etc). In short, this is a solid 2.99 rated course with room for growth. Get some real tee pads and it's immediately bumped to a 3+ course in my book.
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8 2
Three Putt
Staff member
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 29.8 years 158 played 131 reviews
2.50 star(s)

A classic Chicagoland course (and that ain't a good thing...) 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 6, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


Geneva is a decent recreational course. Most of the holes are lightly wooded, although a couple of holes like # 11 are heavily wooded. The site has good elevation changes for the area; there are some good elevated tee on holes like #8, #12 and #14. Holes #4 and #9 have protected pin placements, and hole # 3 has the basket perched up on a small hillside. #18 has a tree border on each side of the fairway and is a very pretty shot to end on.


Geneva has two glaring issues. The first is the tees. They are awful. The course is four months old and they are a rutted, washed-out mess. Crushed stone in a border is a terrible idea for tees, and given the affluence of the community there is no reason for the course not to have concrete tees. ***UPDATE: The course now has Flypads, which is an upgrade from the original tees. In some places like #5 the ground underneath is not flat so you have an uneven, undulating tee. However, it is an improvement to the originals.**** The lack of concrete tees might be a blessing due to issue number two...

The course design is horrible. Far, far too many of the baskets and tees are too close together, and it's not uncommon to be in sight of three or four baskets at once. On #16 I threw an accidental hyzer and found myself virtually the same distance from five baskets on a shot where I still pared the hole. There is waaayyy too much stuff crammed in there. The tees for # 2 and # 3 are really close to the previous basket. Either the designer failed to use the available land adequately or they crammed in 18 holes where there was only room for 14. The result is a shooting gallery.

Hole # 5 has already been moved, probably due to people throwing out into HWY 31. Hole # 6 may also be moving, the tee sign is no longer next to the tee. If those holes are moved, the flow in that part of the course is going to be terrible. The flow is already confusing because holes #13, #14 & #16 loop back over the front 9, and with the holes so close together which basket you are shooting for can be confusing. There is yellow tape on the baskets pointing you to the next tee, and that does help the navigation a bit.

Hole # 18 shoots away from the parking lot, so you are closer to your car on the tee than you are when you finish the hole.

Hole #12 has an interesting tee that slopes down dramatically. The entrance/exit point is at the back of the tee, but locals are scrambling up and down the slope. This will cause erosion problems and could get someone hurt. There needs to be directional signs around to the safe entrance/exit point.

The course is short. Given that it is a recreational level course that is not a huge deal, but it should be mentioned that the course is short.

Other Thoughts:

Geneva has potential, but the course needs a significant redesign to reach that potential. If additional land in the park is available, that land needs to be utilized. If there is no additional land some holes need to come out. As it stands, it is a below average recreational course. There are far too many courses like that in Chicagoland already. This site has the potential to be something better, but sadly it is not. ***UPDATE: The course has improved the tees and tweaked a few placements, so I'm going to bump up the rating a bit. It's a pretty OK recreational course at this point. I still have safety concerns over how close together the holes are, but it is passable at this point. ***
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4 1
Experience: 14.1 years 11 played 11 reviews
3.50 star(s)

An enjoyable course with trees and varying terrain 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 8, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


Varying terrain. Trees can be a factor on most holes. Grass is well-manicured. Most other park activities do not interfere with the course. No more rutted tee areas now that the rubber tee pads are in place. Scenic.


The course can become very busy with other disc golfers at times. Some park users are oblivious of the course. The trees are even more of an obstacle from the new tee position at #10 that is farther back than the original.

Other Thoughts:

It takes me about 55 minutes to play this course solo. Throwing past the new basket position at #15 now results in an uphill shot back. That basket is farther away and farther to the left than it used to be. Hole #1 is also longer. The putting practice basket is now in place near the #18 basket. The ground around the older basket positions is worn, so discs landing near the base of the basket are more likely to skip/roll away than stop.
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2 7
Disc Jedi
Experience: 6 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Picture Perfict!!! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 7, 2011 Played the course:once


An amazingly well maintained course, that in my opinion rivials some of the best Ball golf courses I've played. This course offers the perfict balance of challenging holes and long wide open holes to grip and let the disc rip that what ever your favorite part of DG is you will be satisfied. This course is well laid out and for the most part it is easy to follow the flow of the course


When it rains or right after it rains the mud on some of the more vertical hole becomes very slippery, I myself almost rolled all the way down a hill, other than that No complaints.

Other Thoughts:

IF YOU ARE IN CHICAGO this course is a must play!!!!
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9 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.2 years 571 played 284 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Beginner/Intermediate 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 3, 2011 Played the course:once


- Course is set in a public park that has a walking path and some benches scattered about. Might be some waiting on a few holes, but overall it seemed like the disc golf is well separated.
- Majority of the holes are set in more open areas, with a varying amount of mature trees to contend with. There are some different lines to be found, with a few low ceiling tunnelish shots, some groves of trees to navigate through and around, and others with bigger, more mature trees. A wide variety overall, some are extremely tight and almost demand a roller over any "standard" shot. Flex shots and possibly FH's from either side can go a long way.
- Other holes have more forested aspects, with some short RHBH annys into and out of some denser forest areas, a nice downhill shot bordered by forest on both sides, and two in the open that require hitting a tight window to get through a piece of forest to the basket. These last ones are very tight, laying up is a serious option.
- Some good elevation changes to be found here and there, like an uphill approach on #3, decent to good downhills on a few low-ceiling shots, and a shot off a small hill on #16. Helps to keep things interesting.
- Nice variety of hole lengths, with a few over 350' and seven over 300'. Shorter ones as well for reachable, though tough, birdie or ace chances. Overall on the shorter side with an average hole length of 275'.
- Good baskets, nice signage, teepads could be worse. Navigation is easy with the map, and painted wires on the baskets point to the next tee.


- Some of the holes here seem to be a work in progress; some almost unfair lines are needed to get to the basket. A roller helps big time on a lot of these, but holes like #11 and #13 are just too tight to be considered fair in my book.
- Most of the holes here, on the other hand, can be easily 3'd without much punishment. Even a lousy drive can be good enough, with lots of open area and very few hazards outside of the forest. The lines are definitely tricky at spots, but missing them isn't too big a deal.
- Layout is a little strange, like #2's basket being right by #3's tee, and some fairways or walks between holes that are a little close to each other. Heads up at some places.

Other Thoughts:

- All in all a fun course that offers some interesting, different shots throughout. Some are downright nasty with some thick clumps of forest to needle through, or tight groves of trees. Low ceiling shots are common, and some elevation changes are present here and there. Might be a little short for a more experienced player, should provide good challenge for everyone else.
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1 2
Experience: 22.7 years 64 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Well balanced and MUCH needed in the area 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 22, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


I got to hand it to the parks and rec people. This course has really taken shape over the 2 years since it opened. Course now has rubber pads for T-boxes and a sign on hole 1 showing the course layout. If you forget to take a photo of the course layout with your phone, just follow the yellow tape on the basket pointing you to the next hole.

They've take out the original hole 5, added a new #14 and cleaned up the wooded holes on the back side of the course.

I'm a really big fan of wood courses that are somewhat secluded from other patrons of the park, so for that reason I still give this course a 3.5 but it's a solid course and one of my favorite locals.

Other Thoughts:

Wednesday Night Doubles
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5 3
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.7 years 831 played 777 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Needs some work 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 12, 2011 Played the course:once


The course plays through a nice grassy park with mature trees. Most of the holes have several mature trees in play. A few play through a forested area of the park with thick rough and a couple decent elevation changes. The best lines on the holes offer a mix of right and left turning shots with a decent amount of distance variety.

This is a great course for rollers, with nicely mowed grass and some low ceilings. The tee signs are basic, but plenty descriptive with hole layout and distance. The baskets are new and in good shape, and have tape on a rung of the basket and the chain hangar pointing to the next tee helping with navigation.


The wooded holes need some more work, they aren't well cleared out or cleaned up yet. Some of this will happen as the course get more play, but there are also some erosion problems on the hills in the woods already and this will get worse with play. Several holes play near one another, and several more play near or over a walking path, many potential safety hazards.

There are a lot of shots on the course where there isn't a great air shot to get to the pin. I don't mind a couple holes on a course where a roller is the best option, but there were several here and they got a little old. There isn't much risk/reward here, a lot of holes just don't offer any punishment for errant shots. The tees are pretty awful, just rutted out gravel with wood to trip over.

Other Thoughts:

There is definitely some unrealized potential here. Many of the holes could be tweaked a little to make much more interesting and enjoyable shots, and more holes in the woods would help too. Beginners can have a good time here with little rough on most of the holes. More experienced players won't be all that challenged, there are some tough holes to birdie but that's mostly because they're awkward lines or low ceilings.
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11 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23.4 years 351 played 178 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Improved 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 1, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


**UPDATE ALERT 06/01/13**
Several holes have been redesigned and some clearing has been done. The course is quite a bit better than the last time I was here.

Wheeler Park is very well kept. Most of the park is very flat with scattered trees. A few holes play on the side of a hill with some heavy trees and rough. A couple of holes have minor rolling terrain. The grass is well maintained and cut. Hole #1 tee pad is located on the east side of the miniature golf course. Restroom facilities are located on the west side of the miniature golf course.

Brand new Discraft Chainstar baskets. The baskets have yellow tape on 1 rung to point you in the direction of the next tee.

Nice tee signs.

This course will force you to throw creative shots. I threw rollers on hole 1, 3, 4, 8, 13, & 17. Hole #11 I threw a thumber skip shot. There are a ton low ceiling shots and difficult angles.


This course should be worthy of 3 stars but i'm knocking off a half disc for the 2 following reasons.

1. It is unacceptable of a park like this to have framed crushed limestone tees. This is a very nice park and wealthy community. Everything in the park is top notch and pristine. The tees are already starting to rut and will continue to get worse as time goes on.

2. I'm not sure who designed this course. If Midwest Disc Golf designed this course they should give the money back to the park district. There is a reason Chicagoland disc golf does not get respect. This is due to the poor design of so many courses. In the day of modern disc golf and the number of resources avaliable it's unexcusable to design a course like this. This land offered potential for a very solid 3.0 to 3.5 disc course. Possibly a 4.0 disc course.The current product does not meet the potential the land offered.

3. I've learned the park district has already made changes due to poor design on a BRAND NEW course.

Navigation can be difficult in a few areas.

There are a few classic walk back holes. The best example is #6. You play down the fairway to #6. You walk the entire fairway back to get to #7 tee pad. This park was a clean slate. There is no way this should happen.

Several tee pads and baskets conflict. An example of this is #2's basket and #3's tee. You throw right next to the basket of #2 to get to #3.

#13 is one of the dumbest holes i've ever seen on a disc golf course. When you play it you will know what I mean. One guy was walking around ahead of us looking for the basket for 10 minutes. The tee handcuffs you where it's placed. The basket is placed on the other side of the grouping of rough and trees. The best option is to throw the disc as hard as you can and hopefully penetrate thru the rough. It really is one of the dumbest holes i've ever played.

When it comes down to it this this course is not that fun. You rarely get to throw the disc and hit a line and watch it fly. There are low ceilings and bad angles for disc flight. After I completed playing all 18 holes there really isn't 1 hole that I say "that is a good/great hole".

Other Thoughts:

Campton Hills 9 holer in St. Charles is only a few miles away. It's very short but has some unique elevation. It's worth the play if you are in the area.
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8 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.6 years 437 played 23 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Another decent course near the Fox River 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 9, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


-Variety of shots
-Mixed length (125'-400')
-Good amenities
-Decent challenge
-Good tee signs (same design at Madison Meadow - Lombard, IL)
-Ample parking

I did not come to this course with very high expectations. I was pleasantly surprised with this course. It offers challenges that you generally do not find with similar courses designed in our area. It had a decent mix of deuce or die holes, holes to earn deuces on, and holes that generally needed to play intelligently for 3s. There is a good mix of shots needed as well. Having rollers, tommies, thumbers, grenades, and scoobies in your repertoire could prove useful at this course.

The mixed length on the course made it more unjoyable. There were 2 holes under 200' but there are 7 over 300'. So the mix is pretty solid for most disc golfers to enjoy. There are a few holes that take advantage of the small rollings hills, and a decent drop off the top of a hill down a 330' fairway that is about 20 feet wide. There were enough holes on the course that playing it safe was a good way to go. Baskets are well placed on most holes.

There are washrooms, picnicking areas, a playground, baseball fields, and a miniature golf course at this location. Which gives the added potential for a family outing for the afternoon for some disc golf and family activities.


-Crossing fairways
-Tee pads
-Single tees and single baskets

One of the biggest problem with the course is navigation. There are many holes where it looks like the next teepad could be one of many different locations. Also when you get on the teepad, there are sometimes a look at multiple baskets and hard to tell which one is correct. I did not have a problem with using the tee signs that are installed (which are the same at Madison Meadow - Lombard, IL and Summit Park - Summit, IL), however, many people were playing to wrong basket constantly including one of the ones we were throwing on. Four whippersnappers, walked out in front of one of our drives and almost took a TeeBird in the head. I have played enough courses, where I can navigate it fairly easily, but it is definitely a little tougher than average the first time though.

The course loops back through itself at times (similar to The Oaks in Mokena, IL), so it could be a little confusing. I feel it is more of a land-space issue and trying to utilize it to it maximum potential. I do commend that, but when you see the same people crossing your fairway 5-10 times a round because they are lost, it definitely diminishes the value. I think it will get better in time when the course is more established, but for the time being it will add time to get it played.

The biggest problem is the teepads are short and horrible. They are gravel-esque (similar to Goose Lake Park in Roselle, IL) and completely uneven already. Someone is going to have to take ownership of them and rake them out everyday or all the gravel will be in the grass and there will just be a wood frame there that we will all trip over while following through on our drives. The NEED to pour cement or people will start throwing from the grass next to the signs and wear out the grass as well.

Other Thoughts:

Not a pro or a con for me, but wanted to bring it to people attention. There are many holes set up with "potentially" having to throw under low branches. If you are not a low flat thrower, this will be a big issue on a handful of holes. There are different lines you can find, if you are creative, but really most of them only have one logically shot. I threw rollers on these holes, which were effective enough to give me long deuce/safe three opportunities. I can see lesser players being frustrated with these holes and their layout. There was also a hole or two with strangely position tee pads. 13 comes to mind where the angle of the tee, the trees, and the blind basket location made for a tough initially throw where my entire group couldn't figure out exactly how to play it. I did the second round, but the first round only one of us took a 3.

All and all, it is a fun course to play. It has some challenges and yet a little oddness to it as well. In time this course has the potential to be one of the more highly regarded courses in the area. This will be added to the Lemon Lake, Joliet area, Oswego, and Silver Lake, WI that I try to play more regularly. For locals, to me it reminds of a course that would be a hybrid of Summit Park and Madison Meadow (same designer). Moderately wooded holes, yet holes tend to have one generally designed line. The more open holes tend to be longer. Tighter holes are shorter.

I have to give this course a 3 based on the DGCR that says good. It is a good course. It is not a very good course. With natural tees, it might have been a very good course. Because of the gravel unsafe tee pads, I have to knock it down. Next tees signs of some sort and cement tee pads (or even well done fly pads), could push this course to a 4. Multiple tees, has the potentially to rival other courses in the Chicagoland vicinity for best course in the area. It just depending on what kind of work or money a local club and the park district want to invest in it. I would love to see this course become a trip worthy course. If you are in the area, definitely a must see. Easy to combo up with Campton Hills in St. Charles and go on ace runs galore. Makes for a great day of Disc Golf.

I hope this course sees the slight improvements it needs in time. It is a great addition to the Chicagoland area. Just needs the bells and whistles. It is still a highly recommended play.
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1 6
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

To Frolf or not to Frolf 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 9, 2011 Played the course:once


The answer to stated question is "to Frolf". This is an excellent park with great upkeep and landscaping. Adequate restroom and picnic area accommodations. Immaculate scrolling vistas accompanied by tree and bush obstacles that create formidable opponents on the course. Scenic views from tees make relaxing and accomplishing difficult shots much more peaceful.


Travel to tees can be confusing at some points which makes the fluidity of course very mediocre. Additionally, the overall par for the course seems aimed for players of novice or amateur skill levels.
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6 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 18.3 years 224 played 75 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Great Addition to Chi-town DG 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 9, 2011 Played the course:once


This course is brand new (less than a week old) and may not be fully complete. All tees, baskets and signs are in. I feel that some tree trimming is still needed on quite a few holes. So this is a preliminary review, and I will be back out in the future to see what has changed.
This course was a blast to play. There are some really fun, challenging holes out here, along with some easier birdies. The majority of the course plays through a grassy park with sparse trees. A couple of holes bring the woods at the back of the park into play. Hole 12 was easily my favorite, consisting of an elevated tee (~20') throwing down a fairly tight, 330' fairway with woods on both sides. On another, you have to hit a small gap in the trees that is about 300' from the tee, with the basket another 50' farther. If you land to far to either side, you have no look at the basket. The baskets are nice, shiny, new Chainstars. There are a good variety of hole lengths and shot shapes.


The gravel teepads are framed with wood and the gravel is not level anymore. This means that you have to watch your footwork so as not to catch your foot on the exposed framing. There are a quite a few not so obvious transitions between holes that need directional signage of some sort. Again the course is brand new and this may change soon. With the exception of one backtracking the flow is pretty good. This course has some safety issues. The most glaring is a 400' hole playing parallel to a road that is less than 100' to the right of the center of the fairway. I could easily imagine turning one over into the road on this hole. There are some trees to protect the road but not nearly enough. There are holes that play parallel to one another in opposite directions without much foliage to separate fairways. There are a few holes that seem like there needs to be some tree trimming done. The low hanging branches make reaching the basket with an airshot near impossible. This may be done to favor those who can roll or it may simply be that the course is not yet finished.

Other Thoughts:

I really liked this course. The combination of some very challenging holes along with some must birdie holes hit the spot. There was some surprising elevation that is not present in the majority of Chicago area courses. I'm excited to come back and see how this course evolves. If a few key improvements are made than I will definitely raise my rating for this course.
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