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Tallahassee, FL

Tom Brown Park - Old Layout

Permanent course
3.815(based on 29 reviews)
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Tom Brown Park - Old Layout reviews

2 3
Experience: 22.4 years 33 played 7 reviews
3.00 star(s)

3 now, but room to improve! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 16, 2010 Played the course:once


Beautiful Park! even though there is a lot going on in the park, the disc golfers do not interfere with the other parts of the park. The disc golf course really needs to play catch up to the rest of the park!


poor usage of land, after the 1,000 ft walk from hole 9 to hole 10 (if you can find it, down the hill and across hole 18) their is about 5 acres of land with only 2 holes on it! I know it is my own pet peeve but walking backwards down a fairway to get to the next hole is scary and annoying at the same time! (transition between 4 to 5) This course already has 24 holes and plenty of room to expand, there is no reason to walk backwards or cross another fairway to get to your next hole. I hate to beat a dead horse but the signage needs improvement. needs more trashcans and benches, it is a very nice park and well funded, I'm sure there is money for those. Also, the pro tee boxes are too close to the regular boxes, not challenging enough.

Other Thoughts:

I'm not sure what the percentages are...but it would seem to me that more people play the regular course instead of the pro boxes, so why are the benches and trashcans at those boxes.
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5 3
Experience: 20.8 years 31 played 11 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Diversity of Holes, Distances, and Challenges 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Feb 6, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


This is a great course with some very open and some tight holes. I will go through each hole with a good description since it's my home course and I think it's a really great place to play just starting out, or as an experienced professional.

Overall Pros:
- Great signs for each hole
- Well maintained park with facilities if needed
- Playground for my daughter to play on with my wife during the front 9, and then I pick them up for the rest of the round.


Some negatives:
- If you're new, the transition between holes 9 and 10 is a bit tricky, they're about 1000 ft. from one another and you have to pass through the fairway of hole 24 to get there.
- Very busy park in Tallahassee, so you'll get some people who aren't aware there's a disc golf course there and you'll get disctractions every now and then

Other Thoughts:

Since this is my home course I have decided to give a brief opinion on each hol

Breakdown of Each Hole:
1 - Great long tee shot needed to get to the woods. If the pin is on the right you're in the clear a little more, but I prefer the pin to be at the alternate location in the woods. Challenging to get around in the woods, but this favors the big arms.

2 - A shorter hole, but there are some spaced trees between you and the pin. With a nice swooping RHFH shot you'll be there in one shot if you're great, but most likely be able to get to put in two.

3 - A nice corrorider to throw your drive. This will favor a straight shot and with a nice throw you'll make it to the basket (I throw an Innova SL or Stingray RHBH and make it to the basket consistently).

4 - A bittersweet hole for me. This is a strong dogleg right, and as a RHBH thrower it will force me to either come over n my throw, or try a forehand shot. I like the opportunity, but I end up in the woods from time to time. The woods are pretty forgiving though, and you'll have little trouble finding your disc.

5 - A great wooded hole with some paths, but a long drive is needed. If the pin is close, you'll get there in one nice long drive, but sometimes it's out of the woods in the clear and that's a heck of a throw.

6 - Very long hole I have birdied only once, but it is a great hole to just grip and rip your drive. The road comes into play for RHBH throwers if your disc skips, so be careful.

7 - Short little hole with a low ceiling beneath a big tree between you and the hole. For LHBH and RHFH throwers this should be an easy hole to go around the tree left to right.

8 - Another hole to just grip and rip. Nothing too challenging here, except for the backer is on a small hill. If you go for a long put be sure to hit chain or you might roll 20 ft.

9 - One of my favorite holes on the course. It's pretty forgiving for both righty and lefty players. If you just want to kill it on your drive, aim for one of the overhanging trees and your disc will drop down within putting distance of the pin.

10 - A pretty tough uphill hole. This one hits you with a steep ridge to begin with, then it's a long hole after that. Get up and over the hill and you should have a simple approach shot, but even if you fly far to the left or right it is pretty open and you can recover.

11 - A roller-disc dream. This is a long hole heading downhill with a few ridges. Either lay into the drive or roll your way toward the hole. This is always a tough hole to get a 3.

12 - Now you're heading back into the woods for awhile. This is a tight dogleg left hole. Great for RHBH throwers, but you have to really angle the drive because with too much power you're into the brush.

13 - A challenging uphill wooded hole. Not too much to say about it, it's not my favorite, but it is challenging and adds a good uphill dimension.

14 - This starts a set of newer holes added to the course in 2008/2009. This is a steep drop off downhill hole with a narrow fairway of trees. Easy to let the disc fly away on you due to the elevation change so keep your eyes on where it lands!

15 - Wooded hole with no really clear fairway. This can get a little mucky with rain so be careful of mud. Drive too far past the hole on an approach or drive and you'll end up in a little creek.

16 - Nice dogleg right hole with a narrow fairway. Again, if you drive too far past the hole you will end up with a wet disc.

17 - This is a heck of a long hole uphill. If you get a really good drive on this hole you might birdie the hole as an average player, but there's a lot of brush and trees between you and the hole. No real OB threats on this hole, but you will want to be careful of the brush in this hole if you're allergic to poison ivy.

18 - This is another uphill drive and the walk from 17 to 18 is killer at the end of a hot day. It's a pretty open hole if you throw RHBH and you shouldn't have any problems.

19 - If you don't get a lot on your drive here you will end up in some really thick brush lining the fairway and over on the right. I would aim for the huge oak tree or the racquetball court fences here if you're new. If you don't have a big drive just lay up and make sure you don't lose a disc. Also, behind the hole is a drop off, so be careful with those long putts or approach shots.

20 - Fun hole in the woods for a LHBH thrower because it is a dogleg right hole. It's a challenging fairway with trees popping up all over. This is a great hole to stare at trees as you walk, especially near the tee pads, because they have taken a beating throughout the years and it's good for a laugh.

21 - I tend to go outside to the right of these trees with a RHBH throw and a strong skip (I use an Orc, Monarch, or Leopard). If the hole is up on the hill you'll have a low ceiling, but that pin placement is more challenging and prefer that location.

22 - This is an open fairway with some trees to the right, but for the most part you've got a nice path to the pin up a little hill and to the right. There is an OB road to your left, so be careful.

23 - This is a nice shot hole to just throw to and feel good about yourself. Don't go too hard because a wind might take you into and over the road to OB behind the hole (also the hole is below you for a slight elevation change).

24 - The last hole on the course is a good one to just use the energy you have left to rip one. Not a lot of challenge with this hole if you are RHBH, but if you are LHBH you might struggle with the trees lining the road to your left.
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6 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 25.5 years 353 played 42 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Both Good and Bad 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 11, 2010 Played the course:once


This course is set in a great park with varied terrain. Multiple concrete tees for most holes. Decent signs. Good innova discatcher baskets. There is defintely some clever use of elevation and tree lines. A few of the open holes were made more appealing with baskets placed on the top of ridges that had a "deuce or die" approach. Hole 1 was a great example of a wide open drive and tight, defined approach. It was my favorite. 11 was a fun open, downhill 500 ft bomber. Overall, the first 13 holes were solid, well-rounded disc golf holes. If the course stopped right here, my rating would be a strong 3.5 or a weak 4


The alternate 6 holes felt a bit forced. Situated in tight, dense woods/swamp, these holes were the least fun. The first of these was only 180 feet but had no possible path to the hole on the drive unless you were using a boomerang. It forced an 80 ft layup and a gimmie par. This is not good course design. Most of the rest of these alternate holes required too much luck to have a good shot as there weren't clear shot shape lines and many stray trees and brush. This area seemed pretty new and some tees weren't permanent. hopefully this area is a work in progress. hole 17 was a joke, merely a short simple hole that lazily connected you from 16 to 18. 18 was a lackluster finishing hole. However, it looks like some park construction was in progress and it forced 17 and maybe 18 to re-route into another area.

Other Thoughts:

Overall, this is worth a play. The 6 extra holes are dicey but might improve with extra brush clearing and traffic. I didn't get to play the other nearby park but it's awfully close to this one so back-to-back course play is possible here.
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1 1
Experience: 19.1 years 7 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

My Personal Favorite 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 1, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


-well varied holes including different lengths, holes require different shots, some holes are open & some are wooded, varied elevation (for a Florida course).
-great facilities around including other activities, restrooms & water fountains
-course is clean and well maintained
-everyone is very friendly


-can be confusing the first time you play
-the park gets very crowded on weekends (many times people park their cars on the course)

Other Thoughts:

This is the course I learned on. It was about a mile from my apartment while in college. Me and my friend had never heard of disc golf so one day we took a regular frisbee up there and started playing. A couple holes in, a person came up to us and showed us how to really play. He even gave us two of his old mid-range discs to get started. Was hooked ever since. Played there a couple times a week for the rest of my time in college. When I was there they were just finishing the extra holes so I never really got to play them. Anyone in the area should defiantly check this course out.
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0 6
Experience: 15.8 years 57 played 34 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Nice course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 26, 2009 Played the course:once


It is a nice course with many open holes but also has a few tight holes. It also has a few holes that are for practice but are heavily wooded.


Direction to the next holes are very confusing if never played the course before. Better signs would help.
Some holes are a little tight.

Other Thoughts:

Overall a very nice course. I would play it over and over when in the area
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0 4
Experience: 30.5 years 4 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

love it 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 21, 2002 Played the course:5+ times


i love it its what a disc golf course should be ! not to tight! you dont see people playing ball golf on tight courses ! and we all know disc fly wider than balls ! ive seen courses where you have to through a straght drive between trees 15 foot apart that is not fun ! let the disc fly ! that is why i like this course !


non i can think of !

Other Thoughts:

moved back home and im coming back to play !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just wish we had one in thomasville !
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5 0
Experience: 16.1 years 18 played 11 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Pretty Solid 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 19, 2009 Played the course:once


This course is set within a larger recreational complex that offers a play ground, tennis, dog park, and a handful of other things. The surrounding activities add to the park-like, social feel of the course. The grounds are well kept. The course is easy to navigate. A big "welcome" board marks the first hole at the entrance of the park. It is easy to find your way to the next hole with the tee pads near by. Each hole offers two concrete tee pads. With a few exceptions on the front 9, the typical hole is fairly open. However, they make good use of the trees they do have. Most holes have one or two large trees which must be accounted for.

There is also some additional holes which are more wooded, which brings some nice balance to the course. Once on hole 11, get on the other side of the wooden fence and walk up the road. The additional tees will be easy to find.


I played the course on a weekday afternoon and it was fairly active. I would have to assume that the course could get crowed during peak times. (everyone I met was very friendly)

I would like to see more trash cans.

As mentioned earlier, the course is pretty open. If you are looking for opportunities to rip off some drives, this is the place...if you want a technical round, you will want to play some where else.

The "extra" holes on 11 have small tee pads which are carpeted.

There is no water and only one hole with an elevation change.

Other Thoughts:

While playing the extra holes, which are more wooded, it appeared as through they were creating additional holes which looked pretty interesting. The new holes will have concrete pads and offer a few cool looking elevation challenges.

This is a great course...a course I would play often if I lived near by, but there is nothing making it stand out as spectacular.

Based on the core 18 holes, I would give it a solid 3...the extra holes bumps it up a notch.
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6 1
Kurt Hodges
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.4 years 18 played 18 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great all-around course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 9, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


The Tom Brown Park DGC is in good shape, well taken care of and the 24 holes that range from long and open to short and tight. Eighteen of the 24 holes have two sets (pro & amateur) of really nice concrete pads. There also are no water holes to contend with, so there is no need to bring any floating disks. Tom Brown Park DGC is a relatively flat course with little change in elevation, but it is still a pretty course because of all the live oaks in the park.


There are four drawbacks on Tom Brown Park DGC that keep it from being a 5-star course. Two can be helped, and two really can't. The course can be crowded and you may have to wait to tee off on some holes, and you often have to share the course with people flying kites, playing catch, sunbathing, etc. Neither of these can be helped, and are a product of being in the capital with at least three colleges in town. However, some of the tee pads especially on alternate holes 11A - 11F are carpet pads in bad shape and need replaced with concrete pads. Additionally, the signs on holes 11A - 11F also are in bad shape to non-existent and need to be replaced.

Other Thoughts:

The Tom Brown Park DGC is one of my three home courses (one is a 9-hole private course not on any website) and I feel fortunate to have it in the same hometown. It is a very good complement to the other public course (Jack McLean Park DGC) which is a little shorter, but much tighter. The Tom Brown Park DGC is a maturing course and overall it is pretty long. A big arm will definitely help you to score, and, on most holes, the course is forgiving enough that a good upshot will still enable you to save par after a poor tee shot. Between all 24 holes, there is a really good blend of long open holes and tight wooded holes. Alternate holes 11A - 11F, are pretty tight and if you stray from the fairway your score will reflect it. Overall, Tom Brown Park DGC is really nice course and is well worth driving to play at; if you are in the area don't miss playing it.
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2 5
Experience: 30.4 years 24 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Fun Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 14, 2008 Played the course:never


Every hole has its challenge.


The first hole starts off difficult with the basket in the middle of dense woods.

Other Thoughts:

Having only played one other course which was over 10 years ago, I do not have a good comparison. But I thoroughly enjoy this course.
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