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Pembroke, NC

UNC Pembroke

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2.335(based on 3 reviews)
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UNC Pembroke reviews

11 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.4 years 546 played 261 reviews
2.00 star(s)

A course for the Lumbee Tribe. Now, where's their recognition PSA? 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 28, 2020 Played the course:once


DISCatchers were in pretty good shape.
The tee signs were helpful, especially to know where to tee from.
Pretty basic, flat course on a part of campus that is probably not used very much. Good for students to enjoy a quick round, or bring a friend to learn.
Not much of a chance of losing a disc, except for the ditch along #1 and that you cross (right in front of the tee) on #5.


The ditch along side #1 fairway is deeper and nastier than it first looks. You pretty much can't avoid it on this land, but it takes some effort to retrieve a disc from there. But the worst part is on #5, the tee is right behind the ditch and you throw over it, then you have to cross this ditch (about 4-5'), without a bridge! About the only way to walk around is all the way back down #1 then the 400-500' back up the other side.
They have tees marked with border timbers on most holes, but they are just assorted amounts of gravel.
#5 tee shot is the only ""tunnel"" shot on the course, a little more clearing, on the ground and above would be nice.

Other Thoughts:

A nice, basic course for beginners to learn the game. The first 4 holes require some shot shaping around various trees, with left and right throws required. #5 requires an accurate throw off the tee, then some athletic ability to cross the ditch, unless you want to take about a 5 min walk to cross.
Then #6 & #7 feature large pine trees to avoid off the tee, these are lining the twin drives back to the Pine Cottage. This looks like a campus retreat building, so if things are busy there, these two holes could be a challenge to play.
The course finishes with two long holes, #8 is completely in the open and #9 (once you figure out where to tee from, is the longest on the course and has a couple of pine trees as guardians near the basket.
The course is completely flat and #5 is the only hole where you may not be able to watch your drive the entire way, good course for students and beginners.
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11 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.4 years 616 played 568 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Town. Tribe. University. Disc Golf. 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 15, 2020 Played the course:once


UNC Pembroke's course is a decently average layout. Just know that the course was squeezed into the furthest recesses of the campus.
- Turning onto campus, to get to the course, you drive past the campus buildings, then past apartments, then the last semblances of the campus before turning on a dirt road. And viola, here's your disc golf course. Instead of feeling as if it's a part of campus, I felt I was in someone's backyard as the residents were out and about.
- Course is seemingly broken into two parts. Holes #1 - 4 are in one small section of field. #5 is a transition hole, then #6 - 9 play in another field. This portion feels more like campus, and more enjoyable.
- With the exception of #5, the holes all seemingly have the same vibe - essentially wide open layouts with a degree of trees serving as obstacles. Not one hole is challenging in terms of having to scramble or being penalized for a bad shot. But, to earn birdies, you will have to throw well. I had nine straight 3s. I threw nine straight decent tee shots, none outstanding. As such I didn't see any easy birdie chances, but did have easy par putts.
- #5 is the only variety. Starting on one side of a creek, you tee off from one field, through a path in the woods, to a basket on the other side. It's only 195 feet, but it does change the look and feel of the course.
- #6 is probably the course's best hole. At 420 feet (every course needs one), it's an open fairway to a basket semi-protected by trees on the right side.
- The pine tree lined driveway lining up to the Pine Cottage is the signature feature of the course. In all reality this course would look and feel better were all nine holes based in this area. Maybe only squeeze two holes on the other side, then add other holes beyond the house.
- #7 does a nice job incorporating the row of pine trees along the driveway. This is the nicest walk on the course.


A tale of two halves. One portion of the course is on a maintained, scenic property. The other side has nearly knee high grass with piles of downed branches. Guess which side is which?
- Yes, #1 - 4 need a little attention too. How about every second or third time the lawn is cut on the other side the field gets cut too?
- A slight concern is the leap over the creek on #5. There should be a bridge here for safety reasons, especially given there's a bridge 20 feet later over nothing.
- A slight nitpick. On the nice side (holes #6 - 9), it'd be much nicer ending on #6 than the current #9. A slight rearrangement of the layout, with only one slight redesign and you're ending with the best hole.
- It was weird playing essentially in someone's backyard on hole #3. I can hear their conversations. It's weird driving on a small dirt road to park here. Maybe the school is trying to keep us disc golfers away from the campus. Otherwise, it would make total sense to drive through campus, through the parking lots, and park on the cottage side of the barricade.
- None of the holes was memorable. #6 is the only I'd expect to see on your typical 18-hole layout with one of the other non-descript layouts possible showing up too. The rest are forgetful.

Other Thoughts:

Pembroke's course is perfectly suitable. There are chances to loosen the arm and unleash some big drives before heading down the road to other courses within a 30-minute drive.
- My impression of the course would be a little better were the grass cut down on 1 - 4. I was essentially throwing in the rough the entire time, keeping eyes on the ground the entire time to make sure I didn't step on anything living.
- Driving into town, I really liked the welcome to Pembroke sign: 'Town. Tribe. University.' Let's you know everything about the town while giving a sense of local pride.
- Don't know what the rules are about playing the course if there's an event going on at the Pine Cottage.
- #9 is the big arm hole. At 540 feet and a very generous fairway, let 'er fly.
- The course tilts heavily to the reward side of the risk/reward scale. Other than possibly going into the rough on the right sides of #1 & 6, or getting a bad bounce off a tree on #5, you can be aggressive throughout the course with little penalty. Any random tree you hit on #1 - 4 or 7 should still be salvageable for an easy 3.
- All told, a quality nine hole course in my book. I wish this course had that one true signature hole. As is, it's a nice round.
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8 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 41.3 years 1710 played 40 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fun campus course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 30, 2019 Played the course:once


Good mix of open and tight holes.
Accuracy required on most holes.
Good balance of right and left curving fairways.
Good mix of distances provide a challenge for a variety of skill levels.


Low lying areas collect water when it rains.
Tees are boxed dirt, some with stones that can mess with footing.
There isn't really a place to park (I parked on the road behind tee 1, away from the gate).

Other Thoughts:

Holes 4 & 7 distances seemed shorter than indicated on the tee signs and course board. #4 by ~60 feet and #7 by ~20 feet. The path from tee to basket on hole 5 had many thorn plants growing in the middle, a little weed whacking would take care of it.
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