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Monroe, NC

Union Academy

3.25(based on 5 reviews)
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Union Academy reviews

6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.2 years 192 played 189 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Legitimate disc golf course. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 17, 2021 Played the course:once


I had zero expectations when we bagged this course at the last minute with what daylight we had left. Shockingly, this course is not only not terrible but actually a fun, challenging course. Really neat terrain, beautiful old growth trees, and quiet, verdant woods encapsulate this slept-on course. I expect that if this course wasn't buried in Charlotte's shadow of legendary courses, it would get a lot more traffic.

Usually school courses tend to be deuce or die snooze fests in wide open fields but Union Academy apparently wants their students to be well-skilled in the dark arts of technical woods golf. Thankfully, the course plays well away from ball fields or similar sports facilities that is typical of courses on school campuses. It's fairly secluded in some woods with surprisingly hilly terrain and marshland.

Mostly a technical course with tight lines, favoring gap-hitters and side-armers, there's also some decently open holes on the back 9 and some legitimate 2-shot holes.


Gravel tees

Tee signs leave something to be desired.

Needs a dedicated weed-eater guy in the spring and summer because the course only gets enough traffic to create some goat paths through weeds and marshy grasses.

Lots of tight lines making it very easy to kick into very thick rough.

Other Thoughts:

I thoroughly enjoyed this course and I would absolutely play here again, although I'd probably opt for Fall or Winter golf when the undergrowth is thinner and not quite as buggy.
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.4 years 616 played 568 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Union Ace-cademy 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 23, 2018 Played the course:once


Union Academy offers a fun, wooded layout on-campus. This may be a school course, but it's not just for the kids.
- I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of this course. It's 90% the level of Scrapyard in terms of challenge and length, meaning you'll see some birdie runs here.
- Majority of holes are in the mid-range length. 10 are listed between 200 - 299 feet, with another (#2) also in that range (tee sign overstates the length) and another at 198 feet (#7). Throw in the shortest hole - #13 at 169 feet - and you can be throwing putter or mid-range off the tee most of the course. That's a bonus on some of the tighter fairways.
- Excellent variety in hole design. Course takes advantage of the elevation, with two of the most daunting approach shots being downhills with water behind the basket - #3 & 18. Two other holes take advantage of the water - #4 & 12 - with the former playing over a pond and the latter having a creek running to the left of the fairway. You have one chance to unleash a big drive on #17 in case you've felt too confined up to that point.
- Course alternates between encouraging smart, safe tee shots and aggressive, go-for-broke shots. #2 & 8 are ace runs. Holes such as #16 have tight fairways where you're better off landing in the fairway and getting an up-and-down par 3.
- Course is easy to navigate. Even with trails interweaving the course, and leaves on the ground, I had no problem finding the next hole.
- Excellent tee signs. Very descriptive pictures of the layouts including bridges, water, and trails. If you need help navigating, signs show the direction (which I never noticed until uploading photos).


Course drains poorly in parts. I played nine days after the most recent rain. Getting to and from #4's tee I had to walk through mud and around standing water. Exceptionally muddy around holes #13 - 15 and 18. Based on earlier course updates, these areas take a long time to dry out.
- Course has some low stumps and roots that can pose as tripping hazards. I'm hopeful they'll be addressed as the course is broken in.
- There are no benches or trash cans on the course. You're on school property so pack out your trash. Don't jeopardize access to the course with ignorance.
- There wasn't an obvious transition from #18 back to the parking lot. I backtracked up #18's fairway and along the school building back to the parking lot.
- Course felt like it's missing a signature hole. #4 or 18 could be that with their proximity to the water; however, #4 is a simple par 3, and #18's challenge seems in part to poor drainage.

Other Thoughts:

Union Academy is a good overall course. It's in the running for the second-best course in Union County behind Dry Creek. Being outside of the jurisdiction of the CDGC, it may get lost in the shuffle.
- Course was very new when I played it. Over time, it will be interesting to see how much attention and upkeep it gets. If it's properly maintained, this will be a fun weekend play.
- I played the course with only three discs, the three junk discs I always carry in my truck. None is a go-to disc. That said, I still shoot reasonably well here - several birdies and no bad blow-up holes. Experienced players are going to have a field day. That said, the course will play differently when leaves are on the trees.
- This is an excellent compliment to Dry Creek. This feels like a course designed for disc golfers, not a disc golf course aimed only at beginners, a la Creekside Park in Indian Trail. Time and effort were put into the design and flow of this course, which I can't say about Creekside.
- Maybe because of some of the other courses in the area, my expectations were low. Instead, I found a quasi-hidden gem in Union Academy. This is slightly above average, comparable to many courses in my 3.0 range. It's worth a visit for players in the area.
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