The course is essentially an "out and back style. You start near the parking lot and finish near a playground about 200 yards away from the parking lot.
The course flows from hole to hole pretty well, with only a few weird basket finishs to odd tee placements.
There is a park bathroom very near the parking lot at the start. It's been opened any time I've played there.
Disccatcher baskets, are in good condition, and there are multiple pin placements per hole. Pin placements appear to change every 3-4 weeks.
The teepads are concrete and in good condition.
At the beginning of the course near the parking lot is a decent map of the entire course.
The grounds of the course are maintained pretty well, the park is rather beautiful to play in. There is a small stream that divides the course down it's length. Presenting some tricky shots and OB chances.
The park has a few really nice long shots, and a couple short obstacle holes.
Tee signs are pretty crappy. The wooden 4x4 with a painted number is fine, but the hole placement maps are garbage. They are super faded due to time, and the angle they are taken from is silly. They are pictures taken from the tee pad towards the direction of the pins, with the pin images overlaid.
A better design I've seen is the aerial picture, or aerial painted rendition. Giving a top down view of the hole, from the tee to the pin, with each pin located mark on the map, with it's associated distance.
It is hard to distinguish which pins are which using the current view point. Leading into the next con.
The basket numbers are the disccatcher baskets appear to only be painted on 2 sides, possibly 3. Due to the direction in which some baskets need to be locked into their base, there are many holes and pin placements where you cannot see the hole number on the basket from the tee.
This is a disappointing oversight. And if you are just starting this course, it's a good idea to run up and check, so you aren't throwing at the wrong one. This could be easily solved by simply painting 2-3 more angles on the disc catcher rim with the numbers.
Another problem this course suffers that isn't uncommon is holes playing over each other. There are 2-4 holes in the middle depending on placement, that play directly over each other. This course isn't crazy busy so it's normally not an issue. But as it's smack dab in the middle you experience it going out and coming back.
No benches at any tee pads, and no trashcans after the bathroom area. Pretty big bummer as this course is a nice long walk, and rather pretty. It'd be nice to stop for a minute or two and sit down to enjoy the view of the park.
Parts of the course border on both sides, residential areas. An errant shot can easily land in backyards on a few holes.
Other than 2-3 holes, this course doesn't present many challenges. The course is definitely fun, and I enjoy playing every time I do, but the overall challenge is staying out of the stream and peoples backyards. Other than that, bomb a drive and sink a putt and you've got it.
Other Thoughts:
I rated this a 3.0
I love playing here, as the park is beautiful. the layout is nice, the flow is pretty good, and I can bomb some drives. A few minor things could make this course even better.
Keeping all the cons, if there were just a few more technical holes, I'd very likely have rated it a 3.5.
If you are live in or are visiting the Colorado Springs area and have never played here, you need to. It's a pretty nice course, and it's not busy.