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  • First played "frisbee" golf in 1979 in Weaverville NC. Designed the first frisbee golf course at UVA

    Reviewing disc golf courses. Reviewing artisan dark chocolate.
    DGCR Number
    Real name
    Years Playing
    45.4 Years
    Main Throwing Style
    Total Reviews / Avg. Score
    118 / 2.56 star(s)
    Voting Record
    8703 1040
    Updated Course Conditions
    IT project manager


    USDGC Historian | DGCDG #J574 | DG Resources | DGCR# 74 | Chocolate Reviews | <><

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    My Review Philosophy and Criteria

    I rate courses subjectively based on my personal preferences and enjoyment. My rating reflects, "How much did I enjoy the course?" In other words, "how high is the Euphoria Factor for me and how much would I like to return to play there again?" In my rating I'll try to take into account the player level that the course is intended for, but this often quite hard to do. For courses below my player level I'll give them some grace, and for courses above my level I expect them to be tough for me. I can't really guess how a Gold level player might like a course, though, and I'm not at all certain about Green level players either. I try not to take my own play into account, but I have to admit that I'm I don't enjoy courses that are too short for me. I get bored if the course is too easy, but a beginner, low power thrower or a kid might love it. I generally most enjoy courses that are White or Blue level, but I don't mind getting punished by a good Gold level course.

    I do not seek to rate the quality of the course, as if there is some sort of objective quality standard. Since I've only played ~990 out of over 13,000 courses, I haven't even played 10% of all the courses in the world. I also haven't played many of the courses that are highly acclaimed, so if I was attempting to rate quality my standards might be uninformed. In addition, everyone has their own preferences so what I like may not really appeal to another person. I love water holes the most, yet some people dislike them. I prefer hole with scattered trees and wooded holes, yet some people like more open holes.

    Having said all that, I will acknowledge that there is hopefully some correlation between what I enjoy and quality. I analyze the courses I play for many characteristics of Design, Basics, and Amenities. I enjoy courses the most when the factors in each of the D-B-A categories rate highly. On the flip side, if too many factors are missing I enjoy the course less because it seems like something is missing. Of course, my preferences still differ from other people, so my rating of each factor is still subjective. Also, many factors such as beauty and terrain quality are somewhat subjective.

    My preferences:
    • Variety. This includes variety of terrain, elevation, and fairway shapes. like a mixture of tight wooded and mixed holes.
    • Fun- at least 3-6 exceptionally fun holes
    • Water. I love well designed water holes! These are holes that aren't too long to clear the water, that add risk vs. reward, and have bail out options. Water holes boost a course's rating, so to get my highest enjoyment rating a course usually has some.
    • Natural Beauty. I love being out in nature totally away from civilization. The best courses create a sense of awe, and spectacular views are a plus. Wildlife sightings increase my enjoyment. There may also be some man made landscaping features added purely for the aesthetic value. For me, structures like buildings or roads detract from my enjoyment of the natural setting.
    • For terrain I really like manicured grass with scattered large trees, but I also like wooded holes that offer a good challenge.
    • Unique terrain. I enjoy terrain that is beautiful, unusual, and unique to an area. The mountains of Colorado, the huge ferns and pines of Washington, the ocean of Hawaii are examples.
    • Fairways- well cut and good shape variety- St/ Rt/ Left/ S sharp/ L bend. Many different shots needed. Good risk vs. reward. Many holes require careful thought and good shot selection.
    • Terrain- I usually don't like open field holes without obstacles. In the same way, I don't like greens that are flat and too open and offer little challenge.
    • To get my highest rating the course must have multiple tees because these add variety and allow people with different skill levels to enjoy the course. Even more credit is given for multiple basket positions. The highest ratings of all are for those few courses have multiple tee pads AND multiple permanent baskets because these courses have the maximum of variety.
    • I give extra credit for 6 or 9 extra holes because of the variety that they add, and I rate 9 hole courses a little lower because I feel like I didn't play a full round.

    To earn my highest rating
    • Difficulty- challenging for the course level it's designed for.
    • Design- Several stellar holes that give you a sense of awe.
    • No design flaws: e.g.- no crossing fairways, no bad routing walking back up a fairway to the next tee, no excessive walks to the next tee. No safety issues
    • Fairways have a legitimate route. There are no random obstructions. Narrow is OK, but not "too narrow".
    • Terrain- variety of technical wooded holes, some mixed grass with a few trees, a few pretty open "rip it" holes. Unique features- rocks, trees, water, vegetation, desert
    • Elevation changes- lots of variety. The ideal is all Up or Down, but no more than 6 Flat. Big changes are a plus.
    • Good length variety- a few short ace runs, with some longer par 4s and par 5s.
    • Lengths are suitable for the course playing level it's designed for
    • Tees- excellent. Trapezoids are the best. Concrete preferred but allowance made for good rubber pads.
    • Multiple tee pads. 3 is best
    • Tee signs- very good to excellent
    • Baskets- in good shape. I prefer Mach V or Chainstar, but double chain DISCatchers also fine
    • Greens- challenging, trees guarding basket, some sloped, proximity to steep drop offs, lots of risk vs. reward.
    • Map of the course- on many courses a map is essential, so needs to be available either at the course or online
    • Easy to navigate. Good directional signs, can find next tee easily. Good to excellent map available.
    • Potential for lost discs is low. (Unless there's lots of water; then this is an acceptable risk.)

    Nice to have, but not essential
    • Score cards- best if available at the course, but online is OK
    • Other amenities: benches, warm up basket, message board, restrooms
    • Beauty of the surrounding area- has nice natural beauty
    • Trash cans- the course is clean
    • Extra touches- bag holders, basket location markers

    Overall for the whole course
    Euphoria factor is high and stays high. Good memories that leave a deep impression. You'd spend hours to drive there and go out of the way to play it again any time you could.

    -Every course took vision, money, and labor to install, so I try to be as charitable as possible in my reviews.

    Practice Areas I have played that DO NOT count on my Courses Played list (9 total):
    • Carmel Knolls Park, San Diego CA. 1 basket
    • Broad Creek Middle School, Newport NC. 9 baskets
    • Hawley Middle School, Creedmoor NC. 6 baskets
    • The Island, Marshall NC. 3 baskets
    • Kenan Park, Kenansville NC. 9 baskets
    • Red Slide Park, Haw River, NC. 3 tees and 3 baskets
    • Sheetz. Durham, NC. 1 basket
    • Belleview Elementary, Rock Hill SC. 1 basket
    • Charlotte-Fort Mill KOA, Fort Mill SC. 1 basket

    More on Olorin's Review Criteria:

    DGCR Members I have played disc golf with:
    Bennybennybenny, chrissauls, danhyzer, Dave242, DavidSauls, david W, DerekTonn, DGTourist, discgolfcraig, eric_vdberg, grodney, Kent18, magictenor1, Mando, Monocacy, Mrs. wolfhaley, Rizbee, rizbee_jr, RyanP, Schleppy, Shadrach3, sloppydisc, tomschillin, wolfhaley

    DGCR members met but not played DG with:
    BraveThrower43, BuzzSharpe, Chain-addicted, Donovan, DSCJNKY, LoPan12, MTL, Mystery, Royal, U Niced Me

    I also review artisan dark chocolate. See ChocoFiles, https://sites.google.com/site...wsite/


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    When I hit 900 many people started helping me. But I knew the unique voters would get me again. I got that at every level. LOL So, thanks, but I know it will be some time yet. I think I have voted on all of your reviews so far...but I may have to go back and double check. There is actually quite a few people moving up faster lately. I think more people are taking the time to enjoy and contribute to what makes this place special. Take care my friend!
    Where did you get your avatar? 3rd coast did that as their stamp at the bis super tour final 2 years ago and I really like my discs with that stamp
    i would love some of those resources. anything you have. its a 2nd term course so it does not start til march so i still have time to gather some resources. my email address in [email protected], if you could send those my way it would be much appreciated!
    If you're around over the long Thanksgiving weekend I would love to meet you somewhere for a round. Middle Creek is good. I am also thinking of taking a day trip somewhere if the weather is good. Maybe a Stumpy Creek and Brackett's Bluff double-header. Let me know if you're available. I could certainly use all the pointers I could get. In a bit of a rutt right now.
    Hey, I see that you're rambling around Denver playing the city courses. Where are you headed after that? I'm up I-70 in the mountains (where the good courses are :D). Let me know if you make it up this way and I'd be happy to show you around.
    thanx 4 the encouragement. igraduated from lancaster bible 2006, i wanted to take the undergrad Greek but my work sched doesnt allow me to go to the 1st 2 semesters. prof told me to study the book/wkbk they use & i can test into the last 2 classes (re: exegesis). since im an alumnus, i can audit the courses 4 next 2 nothing. just gotta get thru the greek gram, time's the limiting factor by im pressing on.
    besides mounce's, i use logos software to study greek NT
    Hey thanks a lot. I didn't even know that I had got it until I saw your message when I logged in. I'll be getting out this weekend so there should be more coming soon.
    Hey, I really like your reviewing style, and I usually agree with your reviews on the courses I've played!
    Olorin, thanks for the kind words and encouragement on the reviews, I really appreciate it. I try to write informative reviews based more on facts than opinion. Gold may take a while, the "new" courses (in relation to me) are starting to get spread out and farther away, but I hope to reach that status in the future.

    Again, thank you!
    Hey, Olorin, thanks for the friend request. Does this mean you've had a chance to read my review of Bryan Park?
    I just noticed that you're in NC. Can you recommend any courses in the Outer Banks? I've got some friends moving to Nag's Head thought I'd scope out a good new local course for them.
    Hey thanks, and to think it took me just over a year to earn gold status. It must be that I am stuck way up here in the Northwest!!!! Take care and perhaps some day I will see you way up there at Diamond status. Take care.
    Hey, Orolin. Can you check some of my reviews and tell me if there is something I can improve on them. I have read most of yours and think you do a great job, so I thought you would be an excellent critic. Thanks in a advance if you have the time.

    Mitch aka, pokamitch
    Thanks for the write up bro....You are such good people. If I have lots of votes, it is only becasue I have gotten like 40 people involved with the game and some of them onto this site from this area.
    Congrats on getting ace status ... like Don said you're the first Golden Ace ... thats pretty awesome!! :D
    6 more posts and you will be the first....

    Golden Ace!

    I can't wait bro!!!! You so deserve this! :cool:
    Welcome to the Gold Club! And with so many more courses on your review to do list, I'd say TimG will have to create a platinum medal or something just for you.
    Thanks for the message Olorin. Wish I could find more time to play and thus review more courses... On the flip side, I look forward to reading your reviews of the many courses you've played in my part of the world but haven't reviewed yet. Keep it up!


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