Whats already in my bag...8 molds, 19 discs - If I had to get rid of one...pures since they were last disc put in my bag. Good thing I can have 8 molds though.
2 Farting Lemon Star Katanas (pure distance)
3 *D Destroyers (flippy, stable, overstable)
1 Pro Line Fbird (ce plastic - Chainbangerz team stamped personal custom dye) - used for FH
1 Champ Fbird (for risky holes where if I lose it oh well) - used for FH
1 Star valk (risky holes where if I lose it, oh well)
1 Z Buzzz (Chainbangerz team stamped personal custom dye)
1 Bar stamp Buzzz ( modifyed wasp - stable to understalbe)
1 regular Z Buzzz (risky holes where if I lose it, oh well)
1 OP pearly champ cobra - forming lines on tightly wooded holes
3 KC Pro Aviars (two marble grey for within the circle and one bright orange for jump putts)
2 opto pures (driving/ longer approach putters)