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Best disc company

Best disc company

  • Innova

    Votes: 46 47.9%
  • Discraft

    Votes: 32 33.3%
  • Lightning

    Votes: 5 5.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 13 13.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
You forgot to put in the poll option of: Neither, we've done this before and it's a stupid question to ask in the first place.
I didn't vote because I haven't given Discraft a fair enough chance against the more readily available Innova. I am, however, not a fan of Lightning.
Other. Gateway. I've never dealt with their customer service but from everything I've read on here it's been nothing but awesomesauce. When they sponsor they don't require only their discs to be used (just their putters). So moving aside from the discs themselves, I think gateway is the best, followed by Discraft due to all of their clinics and stuff to help players.
Like asking what's the best car company. You have hard core Toyota fans arguing with Mercedes folks. And where would the Beemer & Audi fans stack up? And some folks still love American cars, they are fewer and fewer it seems but they still exist.

And what qualifies as BEST? Biggest sales? Oldest? Most variety? Best prices? Most readily available? Quality control? Most folks disregard the litteral meaning of the word best in favor the more subjective, favorite. The best guitarist ever??? For sake of argument or maybe because I'm bored Hendrix! I chose him only because it's his birthday. But he is not my favorite. My favorite is Carlos Sanatana, but I don't necessarily think he's the best.
I prefer Discraft, because of their consistency. From run to run, year to year, you have a better chance of consistency with Discraft. I like their ESP plastic better. Their rating system is less complicated. In my experience, their discs fly better "out of the box".
Part of it is just simple bias.
I've dealt with people from three disc companies and they were all pleasant and professional.
I throw discs from Discraft, Innova, Lightning, Gateway, Quest AT, and Millenium(Innova). I use whatever works for me. Whatever I have confidence in, I'll throw. I think it's silly to exclude ANY disc or disc company, just because of a name.
Other. Latitude 64. No doubt in my mind.
I have a mix of Innova and Discraft in my bag. If you limit youself to one company, you may be missing out. I started throwing around an Avenger SS last night, and by hyzer flipping it, I was getting some of my longest throws ever. I also love the glide of my SL, so I keep both in the bag. Since the SL is better for more narrow shots. I also carry a Lightning #2 driver as a floater.
someone hold me back. ANOTHER INNOVA vs DISCCRAFT thread in the making.....can i whisper "use the search feature" with out being a douchebag.
Thats why I voted lightning, if we are going to keep asking the same question we might as well load it.
Since I have a mix in my bag....I put "other"....simple fact
Putters I use Millenium and DGA
Mids I have Discraft and Innova
Drivers Mostly Innova with 2 Discraft

Just like stated before, if you go with only one brand, you are hurting yourself.....go with what feels right for YOU....the object of the game is to get as few strokes as possible, and if you have a disc that works for your style, use it...no matter what brand it is!
This might be a similar subject that's been posted before, but has there been another poll? Maybe that sets this thread apart a little???

I don't have enough experience with anything other than Innova to vote on this poll. I only throw Innova other than a couple JLSs that I love. My Christmas list, though, includes plastic from:

Discraft... gotta get a Buzz to see what all of the hype's about.

more Millennium... Orion LF just because I like the JLS so much and want to move up to a faster Millennium disc.

Discwing... Quarter K II maybe?

Quest AT... Inferno maybe?