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dg dreams

a couple of DG dreams for me ~
1) showing up for a tournament with no discs

2) playing at an unknown course and finding lost discs everywhere
I have had the unknown course discs everywhere can't grab em all everyone laughing at you dream, about a dozen times and each time i have it, the end of the dream is me being amazed that this time it's really NOT a dream, i'm all stoked about my dozens of new discs and then I wake up, really pissed and breathing heavy.
Okay, so dig this. You're on the street, and one of your gang disses you. Yeah, right. What do you do to get 'em to make it right? In the gang world we use something called fluffy fingers. That's when someone really gets in your face, and then you just start tickling 'em. And he starts ticklin' you. And pretty soon you're laughing and hugging. Before you know it, you've forgotten the thing. Ya'll just go to church together and eat ice cream cones. Oh. It's effective.


Now just add a lil LizLopez in there and it's perfect.
I had a dream where I was playing my home course--the same course on which I have recently lost 2 of my "Top 5" discs (my beloved Star Teerex and my Champ Beast) due to stupid mistakes, partly because of playing on sleep deprivation with a newborn, partly just bad form--and in this dream I had teed off and was walking up to my lie, noticed a black sheen in the fairway, and it was a solid black Star Teerex. Then one of my dream DG buddies says, "Hey, did you throw this one?" pointing to another shiny black spot in the grass. I walk up and see a solid black Star Beast (that'll make up for the Champ plastic, I guess...we'll see how it flies) and pick it up. I'm ecstatic. Two coveted black discs less than 40 feet apart, just completely disregarded and/or forgotten?! This must be my day! These will replace my 2 beloved....

Then I woke up. No black discs anywhere.
I wrote this a while back in another thread.

Last night I again had this recurring dream where I'm trying to take my brother to this super awesome course that is near where we grew up. It's a secret course though that is hidden. While I never find it again in the dreams, I can "remember" the "last time" I "played" there and it's amazing. There is somehow a huge mountain (in IL ) that you play up and down with waterfalls, coy ponds, everything is perfect. If Eden had a DG course, this would be it. I even use DGCR to try and help locate it.

And the damn thing haunts my dreams.

I also have had the finding tons of discs dream too.
I dreamt the other night that a guy called me saying he found a lost disc of mine.
Hasn't came true yet...
Had the one last night where I tried to throw in my dream and woke up due to the fact I was laying on my arm and I must have actually started going through the motion.

Seriously, it really hurts like hell!
I always dream I find like 100 discs in the creek at my course and none of them have names on it.
I have two re-occuring disc dreams... usually right before a tourney. And true to form I had one before a tourney last saturday.

The first one is me standing listening to the TD at the players meeting, he finishes, and it's time to head off to the hole... I go to pick up my bag and it dissapeared... like someone must've either stole it, or moved it to mess with me... I become pissed and miss the tourney.

The other (which is really frustrating) is realizing I'm 2 hours late to the tourney, so I bust azz trying to get there, but I always seem to have to do one more thing before I go, and I never seem to get there.

I've had each at least 3 times. I wish I could get an ace dream
I just had one:

I was hanging out with dgcr user Reverend Redbeard (I know him in person) when I had a call and had to go meet my new roommates (I currently live with my girlfriend so I don't know why I would have roommates.) Well, my new roommates were some dude I didn't know and Nikko Lacastro.

Nikko was actually a really cool guy (unlike what he seems to me from videos I've seen, cocky when everything is going his way and crybaby when he makes a little mistake, this again is only what I've seen, I don't know the guy.) Well we were just chatting about random things and he said he knew me from stories at the school that he was attending. I said that I knew a little about him, too and showed him my bag (to imply that I knew him as a disc golfer.) He thought it was awesome that I disc golfed too and couldn't wait to play a course. When I went to show him my bag, all my discs had been replaced with curled up Lattitude 64 discs, most of which were in almost ball form. It turns out all my discs were still at reverend redbeard's house and I grabbed the wrong bag which, I guess, was filled with redbeard's curled up lat 64 collection...:S
Dreamed about my next ace. Could clearly make out the course and hole. Oddly, it was the same exact hole as my first and only ace. In the dream I looked at the disc long enough to see it was yellow with green markings. Could be either my Valk or Cyclone. If it comes to be reality I guess it will have to be the Valk - I gave the Cyclone away a couple of days ago to a friend who wants to start playing the game.
Not only did I dream of playing disc golf last night, I dreamed of dreaming about disc golf.

Allow me to explain...


I was playing a round at a completely fictitious course, did not recognize it as one I've played before. There were other people there playing along but no one I recognized.

Later on I was sitting around and realized I hadn't entered my score into DGCR yet (yep, my anal retentiveness and DGCR make an appearance). So I go to my bag, pull out my note pad and see that there is no round score for the day.

I then realize, in my dream, that I was dreaming of playing disc golf.

I got in the car with my dad (still dreaming here) and we drove by the "course" that I would have been at and it was closed. The baskets were still in the ground but were literally boarded up and covered in netting, thus confirming that I had dreamed the round.


Long story short, I was dreaming of dreaming of playing disc golf.

We're through the looking glass here folks...
Not only did I dream of playing disc golf last night, I dreamed of dreaming about disc golf.

Allow me to explain...


I was playing a round at a completely fictitious course, did not recognize it as one I've played before. There were other people there playing along but no one I recognized.

Later on I was sitting around and realized I hadn't entered my score into DGCR yet (yep, my anal retentiveness and DGCR make an appearance). So I go to my bag, pull out my note pad and see that there is no round score for the day.

I then realize, in my dream, that I was dreaming of playing disc golf.

I got in the car with my dad (still dreaming here) and we drove by the "course" that I would have been at and it was closed. The baskets were still in the ground but were literally boarded up and covered in netting, thus confirming that I had dreamed the round.


Long story short, I was dreaming of dreaming of playing disc golf.

We're through the looking glass here folks...

Sounds like a very unfulfilling night for you!