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Disc Golf iOS game

Flick Maniac

* Ace Member *
Jun 24, 2011
Jokela, Southern Finland
Just wanted to give a "shout out" to a fellow discgolfer who is putting together a disc golf game. Should be submitted to Apple soon.

Here are a few pics if you scroll these 4 pages: http://www.frisbeegolf-forum.fi/index.php/topic,3635.0.html You may try using google translate to see the chatter too, but results may vary :D

I myself dig the design, it is of course not a simulator, but a fun idea still and can be developed further.
Wondering how this actually plays but just from the screen shots it looks like it could be enjoyable.
Any chance of getting a promo code? I will be sure to write a review of it on the App Store and rate it too. It's all good if not, I will still pick it up after the update.
Dev says android version is next, then maybe WP last.

Just played it myself yesterday. Super addictive, with glorious highs and frustrating lows (from hole in ones to taking +10 on the island hole) just as disc golf IRL :D
I love this game! I play it all the time. Its nice because the courses don't take to long to play. The last level that was uploaded is tough. I wish there were a few more levels of easier difficulty. More for my fiance when she plays so she isn't stuck playing the same first level the whole time.

There is now also a free lite version that has 2 new levels.

Apparently McBeast and Simon are both avid players. Incidentally, they are tearing up the Aussie Open course... coincidence?? :D
Excellent...exactly the time killer I need while working on a Saturday with almost no one else in the building! :thmbup: