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disc to the dome!

presidio hills

Eagle Member
Dec 13, 2005
san francisco
last night while trying to squeeze in the remaining holes at golden gate park i was walking off the pad when i heard a dude yell "four" in the distance. i stupidly started trying to look for the disc flying in the air when i clocked me between the eyes! it didn't really hurt so i just kept walking towards my own discs but i when i felt my forehead i realized i was bleeding... the dudes that were throwing came over to check me out, one of them apologizing. one of the guys was my homeboy and luckily had some napkins in his bag. i told the kid who hit me to not worry about it; he yelled four early enough, i was just stupid for not covering myself. i saw another buddy and his friends on a teepad near by so i walked over to them wondering and asking if it looked like i needed stitches but all i got from everyone was "ewe! oh man!" until my buddy said "no, you don't need stitches... it's just long but not deep or wide" luckily he had a first aid kit in his car so within a matter of minutes i had some ointment on there and a butterfly bandage. i talked to the kid who hit me again to assure him it was my own darn fault and let him check out my wound.
checked it out this morning and it's heeling pretty good. it'll probably leave a scar, though. i've come close to getting hit so many times that i guess i'm due to take one to the melon. hopefully it's the last time :)

it's cool that i had people there to take care of me, in typical disc golf fashion.
I don't know why I opened this thread expecting to see a video... anyway, I am glad that you are OK. Were you able to finish the round?
Yea, we need pics! And we gotta start a thread for "The Disc Golf Wounds Hall of Fame"
I've got a nice scar on my shin, high speed Orc.
Glad you got folks to give you the attention you needed.
J-Man said:
Yea, we need pics! And we gotta start a thread for "The Disc Golf Wounds Hall of Fame".

most of my left shin is a scabbed up mess right now after falling "off" a teebox at a course on Sunday.

(lost my disc on that drive too!!)
Yeah, anytime people yell "fore" or "heads up" i just duck my head in and cover it with my arms or my discs if I have them in hand. The last thing I want to do when people yell "heads up" is to start looking up.
I recently grip locked a max weight pro wraith into my friends nose standing about 5 meters away from me 90 degrees to my right...It knocked him out for about 10 seconds and caused a huge gash on the bridge of his nose. I stopped the bleeding immediately with my towel and kept asking him questions to make sure he knew who/what/where he was and what had happened. He didnt have insurance and refused to be taken to the hospital. Hes totally fine now and didnt have any stitches or anything. He does have a wicked scar though. I felt so bad, but he was one of my closest friends and doesnt hold it against me....I dont think...


A few weeks ago I was playing with a buddy of mine named brent. We were finishing a hole and he asked me to pick up his approach shot(which was under the hole) while he went on to the next teepad. I picked it up and threw a little forehand sweeping hyzer to him, he was about 60-75 feet away. I rarely throw forehands, so I expected this to be a very inaccurate shot. About halfway through the flight of the disc I realized it was headed straight for him, so I yelled "Brent, Heads up!" and of course he looked up just in time for the disc to nail him square on the forehead. There was a group of guys we knew on the tee before us and they all started laughing and yelling. Thankfully the disc was a classic roc, and moving very slowly so there were no injuries. I just wish I could be so accurate with a forehand when I need it.
One of the locals where I play mentioned that most of the time it's actually more dangerous to yell fore since most people will turn around and look when you say that. This thread appears to be proof.....
Brutal Aaron!
Earlier this year at a Team DG event I was waiting on the pad before the day started and a guy goofing off trys a 360 drive, grip locks and lets fly right into another players throwing arm. The guy had to walk off the course, the ensuing bruise and welt was dark and huge. We DQ'd the other guy for being young and thoughtless.
This is going to be a great injury thread.

You can guess where this disc is headed. I was the one taking the picture. I got a nice bump on my head from the impact and lost some hearing for a little bit, but I was okay. Later on I felt a scab forming there, so I guess I was bleeding. This was a ~400 ft hole so he put everything he had into his throw (unfortunately he plays maybe once a year).

edit- before anyone says anything, I am not in front of his drive. I was actually standing forward and way to the side, he just threw at me because he was looking at me, I'm guessing.
Jerrod said:
One of the locals where I play mentioned that most of the time it's actually more dangerous to yell fore since most people will turn around and look when you say that. This thread appears to be proof.....

I can attest to this as well. I clocked a firend right in the corner of his eye because he turned around right before the disc would have just hit him in the back of the head instead. It was a late warning tho... anyways i usually just yell "duck" now if it looks like my disc is making a head run.
roman said:
Yeah, anytime people yell "fore" or "heads up" i just duck my head in and cover it with my arms or my discs if I have them in hand. The last thing I want to do when people yell "heads up" is to start looking up.

yes, this.

i know a guy who did exactly this and had a shot skip off the disc he was holding up to protect his head.

i know another guy who got a broken nose walking up to clear his putt while his buddy was putting. walked right into it. :(
roman said:

what's up with the guy flipping you the bird as your clowny friend sidearms it into your head? man... worst half a second of your day. so classic!!

honestly, i'm stoked it didn't hit me in the nose, eye, tooth, or ear. foreheads are actually pretty pain resistant... unlike say, a shin.

i'll post a pic if i can conjure up the computer know how tonight.
Jaysus said:
I don't know why I opened this thread expecting to see a video... anyway, I am glad that you are OK. Were you able to finish the round?

with napkin pressed to the head, i tried for a birdie, then realized i should focus on the bleeding and call it a day.

ZAMson said:
what kinda disc?
i think it was a driver from about 200 away.

i guess some people are a "fairway surgeon"
that reminds me, me and a group of my buddies were playing and we as were walking to our drives I said something along the lines of, "watch your grapes" and I flicked my Z-mag ahead of me a bit.

apparently one of my friends decided that picking up his lay was more important and ran across the fairway at JUST the precise time my mag was flying by. took it to the side of that big nogg and dropped to his knees. luckily for him my flick is lacking and best and I really was just doing a flip with my fingers. it didn't hurt him, just surprised him, and instantly made me think, "Headshot!"

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