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Do you own more disc golf bags than your wife/significant other owns purses?

Do you own more DG bags than your significant other does purses?

  • Nope, I only need one bag. I am a man.

    Votes: 46 62.2%
  • Yes, and I'm damn proud of it!

    Votes: 18 24.3%
  • I have a ton of bags, but her one Louis Vuitton still costs more.

    Votes: 3 4.1%
  • I buy a bag every time she buys a purse. Even Stevens.

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • Who cares? I could carry my discs in a plastic bag and it would be fine.

    Votes: 6 8.1%

  • Total voters


* Ace Member *
Apr 8, 2011
Golden State
I just added a Voodoo Mojo to my stable of bags, which now - if you include a flimsy Fade Lite bag - numbers four. My wife gives me a good-natured hard time about it, saying that she never switches out purses. She only has one.

So, am I in the majority or the minority of DGers here? Let's hear your bag-to-purse ratios and see if we need an intervention, or if our significants need to stay away from the Coach outlet.
I've two bags - a Fade Crunch and a Simian - and will probably buy a nicer smaller bag within a year or two. The wife's got a good number of purses though, although to be fair, my Simian probably cost the lot of them. :D

My wife started understanding my disc golf gear craze much better once we hit on the analogy of what cookwear is for her. She loves her kitchen supplies. Once I compared my appreciation of the Simian to her appreciation of a swanky soup pot, she had more sympathy.
Two wasn't an option but that's what I have..I voted one because yeah.

-Karma because they had no more Mojos in stock when I had to get mine replaced (tore on the inside end).
-Double Nutsac for [relatively] extreme temperatures as well as unfamiliar, short, or somewhat open/open courses.

The Karma is too big I just have no use for that many discs on the course...it's in the closet as well as here in the marketplace:rolleyes:
I have two starter bags, and she has like 2-3 purses. Both of us use our main bag/purse all the time. So I guess we're even.

She's gone through a few cheap purses though, in the time I've had my one bag. I should buy her a Coach for our anniversary and have it last her 10 years.
Yes, but so does she. :p

I meant to add details and got distracted. Between the two of us we have two of the discraft ace race bag, one innova starter bag, two innova standard bags, one fade tourney, one innova competition and two gorilla boy simians. I think Ashleigh has maybe two purses.
All you need is a groove, a pound of bacon, and a blowgun.

i think i have about 5 bags ive acquired somehow such as trading or gifts or winnings. i actually have never bought one of my own bags now that i think about it haha. i did buy straps though
I have a Grip and a Crunch, (plus Samsonite cooler stool for a glow bag).
She has a Catalyst and a Double Nutsac.
Plus a whole fleet of purses.

I make up the difference in Discs.
I have a lot.
She has about a dozen.
4 bags here. Crunch, tourney, FR Contender, and a Grip A. The thing is, my girlfriend hates purses. So she only has 1. But it's really just one of those hippie bags that she caries random stuff in.
Me: 1 GB
Her: 1 Innova and two purses.

I can live with that ratio. :cool:
Grip, Fade Tourney (till I can sell it), Fade Lite

Her: probably 20 purses...of which I've actually seen her use MAYBE 5