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F**ker had my disc!!!

Bradley Walker

* Ace Member *
Feb 10, 2006
Tulsa, OK
I was playing Porter yesterday and I was helping my buddy get his disc out of the creek on #3 when a disc came sailing over my head into the creek right in front of me. I could plainly see it was an orange Bar Stamp SOS with my NAME ON IT!!!!

I said "that's my disc".

I started poling the disc out of the creek when the guy came walking up and I said, "you know that's my disc".

He said, "are you Barton?"

I said, "you mean BRADLEY??? Bradley Walker, that's my name, it is right above MY PHONE NUMBER on the back of the disc".

He said, "Ummmm, Bradley yah, that's the guy". "ummm, that's a cool disc, what is it?"

Anyway, I answered his questions, I put the disc in my bag and walked away.
Pretty standard stuff these days,So many newby's so little courtesy.
I play in San Fran and my buddy got a call from younger sounding voice, "Is this ,name on disc I found it on random hole want it back ?Yah, my buddy replied, that'll be 5 bucks the voice says .My buddy flipped his lid told the little f@#$er where to go :evil: !!! man the nerve of some people@#$%!

I lost a CE FX acouple of weeks ago. I just got a call on sunday and I missed it and I've been trying to contact him ever since and he hasn't called me back since!

I want it!
I accidently left a disc on the course that I basically installed by myself, and never got a call back. My name and number were on the disc, and on the league flyer on hole number one. I give up.
Heh, I've hardly gotten any of my lost discs back. I've had more returned to me since moving up here, but still I don't expect to get them back if I lose them. I think I may have had 5 returned to me.

One day we were sitting at a hole, teeing off, and this random dude who just started playing with our group, acting like he'd always been in "our crowd", walked up to stand in line to throw. Its a pretty small tee area on a hill, so people are in close quarters, I'm sitting on a log, so my face is pretty much butt level. I see an orange disc with some writing on the bottom. I think "huh, he signs my discs just like I do." and then "huh, he has kind of chicken scratch writing like I do" and then "hey, he's got my email address AND phone number!" I was like "Dude, that's my disc." Without missing a beat he says "Oh I know. I called you about it, but you never came to meet me for it." Bullshit! I remembered exactly when I lost it...spaced it off when we were playing doubles, left it in the fairway--about 8 months previous to this encounter. I remembered seeing some trashy looking guys playing behind us that day, and knew it was a goner as soon as I realized it was missing. And having received so few discs back to me, I definitely would have remembered any phone calls.

Nice little epilogue to that is that that dude is no longer welcomed at the course (not in our crowd at least) and that disc has since become my main go to sidearm disc.
I've been called three times about lost discs and have gotten zero back.

One of them the guy said he left it by the entrance to the pool hoping they'd put it in lost and found dispite all of the signs up saying the pool was closed for the season. By the time I got there, perhaps 45 minutes later it was gone.

The second was found by a local (at the time) who contacted me. I was busy at the time and knew our schedules rarely matched so I offered to pay for shipping. For whatever reason he didn't want to do that. I told him to keep it.

The third was a call from a non-local course (again, at the time, it's local now) who called and I just told him to keep it. I had several backups and didn't want to mess with figuring out how to get it back.

Since then I've stopped writing my name on them.
Ugh. This is becoming an epidemic at our course. People are hoarding a number of lost discs and never calling people.
When I lived in Garland and played Audubon a lot I got a call once from a guy who found an Orc I lost on #5. He asked if I was Rusty (which I was) and then started asking me about some guy named Hollywood. He asked if I knew him, which I didnt, then asked if I had at least heard of him...becuase (according to this mystery guy on the phone) apparently Hollywood was an awesome player.

I asked the guy on the line who he was...to which he replied, "Don't worry about that...do you want this Orc back?" Obviously, I did...but then he told me it would be $10, so I told him to keep it. Then, right before he hung up he said, "By the way...I'm Hollywood".

I ended up meeting this Hollywood guy in person later on...and I promptly contacted the Guiness Book of World Records, because I had officially found the world's biggest douche bag!
I had a dude try to snake my disc. It was a water hole (pro tee, hole 12, Badlands North for those of you in the Denver area) and some kids were fishing discs out close to the basket and a couple of guys were buying some discs off of them when my brother and I tossed. I watched my disc and made sure it didn't go in the water after it hit one of the trees that block the basket. Walked over and I couldn't find my disc, so I start asking if anybody saw it. Of course, nobody did and my brother looked over and one of the dudes buying discs had it in his hand but he sure didn't want to step up and say he had my disc. Watched the throw and then picks the disc up and starts to walk away with it. Some people amaze me.

But I did trade a buddy in Kansas City some discs and lost one in Denver. He sent me an email the next day asking why I lost his disc because somebody called him back. So there are still some people out there willing to return a lost disc. Just seems rare anymore.
I just started playing DG. I've only played three rounds on three different courses. On the last course I played I was just finishing up and walking back to the truck when I looked down and there was a disc laying in the leaves. It was rather wet out since it was still early in the morning but the disc was dry so I assumed it was lost to someone that day.

There was a guy playing when I came in and I was looking around for the first tee and he showed me where to start out. I was hoping it was his (even though he had left when I found it) since he was nice enough to lead me. Anyway I picked it up and there was a name and number so when I got back I called. It wasn't the guy I saw but was lost the day before.

The guy was ecstatic. I guess I've already learned two things. Losing a DG disc isn't exactly like losing a golf ball (even though some of those are almost as much as a disc) and always write your ID in the disc. :D
I have gotten my disc back on 3 occasions. One was before a tournament we were practising on a blind hole and some guy picked up my disc and called me cell trying to return it, I found it rather funny. The second time was from another club member. The last was one I accidentally left during a tournament. Big_Wave_Dave from the PDGA forum found it a got it back to me.

In general people that are actually in the local disc golf clubs will at least attempt to return to the owners.

I always try and return lost disc. Even if the disc doesn't have a name on it I will ask at the next doubles if anyone lost one. I prob. have 80-90 disc I carry in my car, most backups, so when I find a disc I try to get rid of it as quick as possible because I know I will never throw it and it will just take up space. But if I come across that disc that just sold for $1,000 I might have second thoughts of keeping it. :)
We used to have a mailbox with a lock on it and any lost/found discs would be thrown into the mailbox, then once a week, our local pro would open it up and call everybody's #'s on the discs. Most of the time you'd get a disc back. I got my 150g dx valk back at least 3 times. It's retired now.

It was great until the punks from the nearby neighborhood came in and smashed the mailbox open to ... get the discs? I dunno. but the mailbox is in such bad condition now, you can't lock it.

I've gotten one disc back - had no name on it, a buddy pulled it out to show me what he found (LOL). I then promptly lost it again.

I found one disc and called the number. Unfortunately, I live in Virginia and the guy who owned it lived in Utah. He'd never been to VA. I offered to ship it, but he just said to keep it.

it's rare that I lose a disc, most of the time I bloody leave them on the course, so I'm extra careful about throwing multiple shots now.

It's the one downside about having used discs that you love. I have putters in that shape, but my mids and drivers are mostly new and replaceable.
I remember when I first started playing around 3 or so years ago, I found a z-crush. It had the guy's name on it but it didn't have the phone number. I looked up his name in the phone book and called him. I didn't get a call back eventhough I left my name and number with the person that I talked to. I did try more than once to contact him however to no avail.

Needless to say that was my first disc in premiuim plastic. :D
earlier this year me and some friends were playing around and when we shot on hole #7 there were some guys on the hole doing county work in the park and after we all took our shots we walked up to were my friends disc should have been but couldn't find and we asked the guys if they saw but of course no one did but we knew it landed right by there truck..needless to say my friend never saw his disc again....

I've only ever had 1 disc returned to me and that was when I first started playing and of course the guy who called me up and met me to give back my disc was a guy who is involved in the DG scene around here...

one of my friends I was playing with this summer found a disc that had a name and number on and hes tried like 5 times to call the guy gotten a hold of him every time and made plans to meet him and give it back but the dude has never showed up to get it so my friend still has the disc but he at least tried to get it back to him..

and so far this year i have found like 4 discs on courses but every one I have found never had any name or number on it so I ended up giving them to one of my friends since they were molds he likes to throw..
I've lost 40 or 50 discs and I've only gotten 5 or 6 calls, my best though was a guy calling from the other side of Oregon 250 miles from where I lost it on a course I've never played, it was a DX archangel from when I had just started playing, I told him to keep it. :roll:
i always try to call people back when there is a phone number. and i usually leave it at the pro shop.

onward i've lost about 8 discs and i've gotten about 3 of them back. mainly the reason is i'm buddys with the guy who fishes the discs out of the lake, it makes me happy when i get some discs out of the lake but when they're stuck in the trees and i've spent more than an hour trying to get it out. It gives me a reason to try out another disc.
Whenever I find a disc with a name I write "is gay" after the name and throw it.

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