Ilmcgee here it is in proper format for you:
Years playing/experience:*19+ 15 of them playing seriously
Throwing Style:*backhand, forehand, tommahawk, thumber, fh & bh rollers, grenades, thumb & thumber rollers (did I miss any?)
Golf Distance (avg/max*) for putter/mid/driver:*Omega: 200/325'; Roc: 280/375' Teebird: 315/400'; Wraith: 375/500'
Injuries/handicaps?: N/A
Other sport proficiencies?:*Ultimate and former soccer player
Additional Information:*
What do you like/dislike about your current bag?:*I shred courses with this set up/Wish I had room for a new tbird, firebird & wraith
Specific areas of desired feedback:*I want oohs and ahhs, general pats on the back and assorted adulation
Immediate and long-term goals:*short term: play more tourneys; long term: win more tourneys
Bag: Revolution Carolina
171 Star Destroyer (almost new) - Headwind and hyzer distance and forehands
175 Star Wraith, (well seasoned) - hyzer-flip distance, anhyzer and anny flex, max d crushes
175 Champion Firebird (seasoned) - forehand and backhand hyzers and anhyzer flex
175 Champion Firebird(dyed seasoned) - overhands, forehands, fh rollers (the disc is a terrible color. I'm trying to destroy it. Replaced a CE FL I carried for 14 years)
171 Champion Thunderbird (seasoned) - backhand and forehand straight to fade and flex shots
168 Champion Thunderbird (well seasoned) - backhand and forehand hyzer flips and annys, forehand touch and spike approaches
175 Champion tbird (seasoned) - backhand hyzers, straight shots, annys, flex, etc.
180 Champion Roc3 (newish) - overstable roc duties
180 Champion Roc3 (seasoned) - main mid: hyzers, hyzer flips and anny
178+ Z Buzzz (seasoned) - hyzer flips and annys (and places where I don't want to damage the 10x roc)
180 KC Pro 10x Roc (well seasoned) - hyzer flips and anny
175 Star Aviar Driver (seasoned) - overstable driving putter
175 Sirius Omega 1.2 (seasoning) - overstable driving and approaching putter
175 Champion glow omega/aviar: san marino 2ring (seasoned) - approach and putting putter
175 2001CE omega (beat) - decoration