Golf is Dead - Long live Disc Golf

Z Boaz Disc Golf:

Z Boaz Golf:

Golf's out, dogs likely in at Fort Worth's Z Boaz park

The City Council voted in April to close Z Boaz as a golf course and convert the 138-acre property into a park, leaving the door open to revisiting the question if supporters could come up with a plan to revive the course's lagging revenues. No such plan has emerged.
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The business title itself seems to imply lack of respect for the age old sport from which the roots of disc golf have been formed. I appreciate that you support the sport of disc golf, but perhaps you should rethink the brand name as well as the image. It looks like a 5 year old created the design.
Golf is truly alive and I, as well as I'm sure many others, have a deep respect for those who triumph through the struggle of the mind game of non team-based sports.
lol @ this company.

Disc golf is thriving yet our majors are televised online. Golf is dead yet their events are shown on CBS?
We hear you both. The point of hyperbole is to think beyond a literal interpretation, especially in a three-word brand name. We aren't named Golf Sucks or Golf is Lame... Golf is obviously not a dead entity to its players or the outside world so we are inviting the viewer to think deeper into it if they want to; it's human nature to do so and that's why hyperbole is such a powerful artistic device. If they aren't interested in thinking past it, they can get riled up about something -- that's still better to us than a blandness that kinda-sorta pleases everyone.

We appreciate golf as the foundation of both games, which isn't how the majority of disc golfers or the non-DG-aware population thinks of golf. Golf is golf; we've chosen our way to express it. And we're okay with not kinda-sorta pleasing everyone. We don't think disc golf is such hopeless small-potatoes that every brand on the market has to aim for universal appeal.