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Have Your Discs Ever Been Stolen?

Welcome to Charlotte....

Long story short, my roommate's car (03 Acura RSX Type S) was stolen last week. We live in South Charlotte, NC and according to the police, were victim to a night of professionals stealing/"boosting" high end Acura's....

His disc golf bag and all his discs were in his trunk ($150 Bag + 10 Discs at $15 a piece) and his bowling equipment retailed at around $500 in total. :(

He's trying to get receipts for the insurance company to get reimbursed, but really we all know how that probably will turn out... :wall:

Can anyone on here relate? What else should/can he do? We went into Infinity's End, where he got most of his discs but the morons working there can't use their systems to lookup any of his purchases...:gross:

It's been less than a year since most of his recent disc purchases, can he maybe call his bank and find something out? That's the only thing I can think of... :\

For this very reason I dont keep my bag/discs, my dig-camera, my wallet, or my gun in my car overnight.

Yeah S. Charlotte is where all the thieves and parasites like to come and do their dirty work. S. Charlotte sees alot of property crime due to the fact that its where alot of well-to-do neighborhoods (Ballantyne, Myers Park) and where there is well-to-do folks, there are lots of toys and goodies to steal!

Sorry to hear about his car which is way more important than his discs (how dare I say such blasphemy on DGCR!). But at least it was his car and discs/bowling equipment and not his life that he lost.

As far as those guys at infinittys end, I think there braincells are gone from to much bong-resin. Good luck on getting any help from them.
I had a buddy that got everything "stolen" but it was his fault. When his round was over, he placed his bag on the ground near his trunk and changed his shoes. he then put his DG shoes in the car but failed to remember his bag and discs. He then drove off and only realized this extreme mistake when he got home and tried to get his bag from the trunk. When he got back to the course, everything was gone. Not much to be said here...
OK, hard lesson learned, but here are some rules I use when it comes to my disc golf stuff.

1. My discs don't leave the house unless I am going with them.

2. If I have to leave them in the car to go inside a restaurant, they go in the trunk, and I park where I can see the car.

3. If I stay in a hotel, the discs sleep in the room with me. Not in the car.

4. When I am on the course, I don't care what course, or who I am playing with, my bag is never more than 20ft from me. No exceptions.

5. Nothing unrelated to my disc golf game goes in my bag. No cell phone, wallet, keys, etc. That stuff stays on my person at all times.

Follow these rules and you will minimize having some problems.
Wow, losing your car and your disc golf bag makes for a really bad day. I've had a single disc stolen, and that was annoying enough.

Not to mention 500 bucks worth of bowling equipment :|. I'd be so sad if this happened to me. I'd probably be mad too, enough to probably punch a hole in a wall.

Also those are some damn good tips there midnight.
Someone picked up a disc I lost on the course. A week later I saw a guy playing at the course in his skinny jeans and spiked hair. He only had one disc....mine. (dark side of the moon dye job)

I walked up to him and asked to see it. I told him that was a badass disc, as I turned it over. Sure enough, my Sharpie marks! : "Reward! Please return!" with my number.

I told him I had to have it back, i wasn't a jerk. I just put it in my bag and walked on with it.

He should sell his sisters skinny jeans he squeezed into, by some that fit correctly and maybe a Polecat with the change.

Nice, a buddy of mine has a star valk with a pretty nice dark side die and he lost it once. Luckily for him someone thought it was too cool and returned it(probably the type that would have felt like a dick keeping it).
Lost my laptop bag while i was playing at the local course.Really pissed me off, there was no laptop inside just all my work pics for presentations and brochures. You know who ever took it threw hours of work away.Now i lock the car and everything of value in the trunk.
Never had any discs stolen, but I got close once.
A few years ago my friend and I were playing a round. He threw a drive into the woods. I set my discs down at the edge of the woods to help him look. We found the disc in under 5 mins and came out of the woods to see my entire stack of discs, gone. We notice a guy put something in his car and walk back to the course looking really paranoid. My friend and I confronted him and sure enough, he had taken my discs. Gave us some lame excuse about not knowing they belonged to someone. Sure dude, a half dozen discs neatly stacked with name and numbers on the bottom doesn't belong to someone. At least I got them back. Had we been searching for my friend's disc any longer, there is no way I'd be seeing my discs again.

I went right out and got a bag to put them in and never let them out of my sight again.
Never had any discs stolen, but I got close once.
A few years ago my friend and I were playing a round. He threw a drive into the woods. I set my discs down at the edge of the woods to help him look. We found the disc in under 5 mins and came out of the woods to see my entire stack of discs, gone. We notice a guy put something in his car and walk back to the course looking really paranoid. My friend and I confronted him and sure enough, he had taken my discs. Gave us some lame excuse about not knowing they belonged to someone. Sure dude, a half dozen discs neatly stacked with name and numbers on the bottom doesn't belong to someone. At least I got them back. Had we been searching for my friend's disc any longer, there is no way I'd be seeing my discs again.

I went right out and got a bag to put them in and never let them out of my sight again.

Thats messed up. What a jack-hole that guy was. That calls for a short rope and a tall tree for that guy.>
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I think War Eagle is driving a nice RSX nowadays, curses!
Makes you want to carry that fold up Sling Shot and some Marbles for other reasons beside knocking down discs from really tall trees. (refering to the kids that run out from the woods and grab a disc and run) :doh: Did I just say that out loud?
Nothing of value is ever in my car unless im in there with it. If someone breaks into my car they will get 2 snow brushes, about 50 cents in change, a few ink pens, and a bottle of windshiled fluid.
My car was broken into at the restaurant that I worked at. The only stuff stolen was my radio and my disc golf bag with 10 discs. I was mad about the damage to my car and the radio but the loss of my discs hit me hard. It was over a $100 in discs but months and years of experience and wear that could not be replaced by an insurance check or Santa. I called the cops, made a report and kissed my discs goodbye. The next day I spoke to my manager and he said that the Chinese buffet next door found a bag in the parking lot and did not know what it was. I ran over there and lo and behold there was my bag with every one of my discs. The Dumb*** took the crappy factory radio and left the truly valuable item, my disc golf bag. My only guess is that he had to find something to carry the radio away in and then dumped it when he got to his car. Heck I'm not even mad at the guy now. I bought a new radio and played a round that day. I'll call it a draw.
this last sat i was at tom pearce and it was busy and had some family's in front of us so me and 2 friends team up and throw with a couple other people. well we get to whole 7 and the family's stop and the course opens up so me and my 2 friends continue on and the other 2 people group up with some other people startin at 7. well we throw hole 10 then continue on with 11 and when we get to the basket my friend was like "oh crap, i left my putter in the last basket" so we finish up and walk to the next tee while he goes gets his putter. then hes gone for like 10 - 15 min we both are like wtf. the people we where playin with earlier grabbed his putter out of the basket then took off with it. funny how people can be so shifty over something so petty.
Ive never had discs stolen, but I have had 5 mountain bikes stolen in my life (3 at the same time out of my garage), my house was broken into once and the thiefs took over 100 cd's and some other stuff, I had my car broken into a few times and had the stereo's stolen, once they stole an old kenwood deck that didnt even work so that was kind of funny. Its too bad but you really have to watch your stuff good these days or someone will take off with it quick. People are broke, cant find work etc... and when that happens people will be shady.
The last time my car was broken into, they took my Harmonica!?!?!?. :gross:

Thief to buddies: Hey look guys, I can swap spit with a total stranger, Hummmm!
I was reading about people hiding and stealing discs the other day and thinking how nice it is that we don't worry about that here. Well, see what I get for thinking. My son and I were walking up #17, City Park, Pueblo, CO, and I notice some kids hiding under the bridge by the basket. They were hiding under there, and if someone threw a little too left, they would try and snag the discs. I had to stand by them and the bridge so my son could putt without worry. Hopefully this won't be an ongoing thing.
Was at a friends place in Koreatown, Los Angeles, CA. Came out to find my 96 civic's passanger side window broken. Got the head unit, an amp, disc golf bag with about 12 discs, Sector 9 '7th Hole' Long Board, and some other random belongings. Was not pleased. Re-bought same bag and have since tweaked my lineup of discs.
About 8 years ago my parents house got broken into. The thief just grabbed whatever was close to the door, which unfortunately for me, was my discs and bag ($80). The real bitch of it was that I had just bought everything just a couple months before, so I never really got much use out of any of it. My Mom's school books also were gaffled and they were worth easily a few hundred dollars.

Also, have had two discs stolen at the course on blind holes. There's nothing worse than being pumped about an awesome drive, and then you get there and your discs have mysteriously *vanished*
I have had discs stolen from my classroom, never from my car.
From my car I have had my Ipod stolen when I forgot to lock the door on a friday night when I lived next to a frat house :doh:
I had my window smashed in for a GPS in good old Rochester, NY
In Brockport my car was broken into and they stole about $1.50 in change and a bunch of Star Wars cards that I bought at a thrift store hoping to sell on Ebay to the highest paying geek.