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How do people lose so many discs???

when I started, I would hit a lot of trees and lose them in weird areas. This year I lost 3 discs. 2 went in the woods off a drop off and I spent 20 minutes looking in 1 1/2 weeds and couldn't find them. One got tugged into a footprint in the winter. But lately i don't go off the fairway as much, so it seems a lot harder to lose discs.
I personally haven't lost that many disc. But I know probably 75% of the time when I do loose one it is because I forget to pick it up. So if any one ever finds a disc in the middle of a fairway don't assume some idiot didn't see it just assume some idiot forgot to pick it up after their shot. The other times it is either a blind shot and I can't see where it landed or it is in water I can't see into.
Most of the time when I lose a disc its because it went farther than I thought it did..

Lets see, I lost my favorite DX Leopard (barstamp, perfectly worn 175g) to a bad roller shot into the lake on Hole#17 at Greenbriar DGC.

Lost one of my favorite tye-dye Buzzzes on a glow round out at Z-boaz a couple years ago. Most of my discs don't have ink, so no surprise I never got it back.

What else... I've lost more discs than I'd like to count.

But I've found even more than that, usually in better condition when I find them, so no worries.
Most disc that I have lost is from simply leaving them in a field after practicing my drives and not getting a count of them before I started throwing. I usually dont realize it till its to late. My worst lost comes to mind is my condor 200g:mad:
There isnt a disc in my bag I wont throw, even if its over water or high potential of losing it. I have lost around 50 discs in my disc golf carrier. Some in water, some to thieves, some to forgetting I threw second shots, some evaporated, some were black and hard to find. I dont censor shots, so it happens, some on roll aways, some down cliffs, and others to everyother possible reason. Trees for sure.
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Ponds: Not as many as I previously thought but I do have about 6 in one lake alone.

Trees: None. I'm an excellent tree climber.

Leaves: Only one that I can think of. An orange Augusta Wraith I had only thrown for three weeks. Truly heartbreaking.

Left: Four come to mind. One got back to me after a long strange journey though.

Brush: None.

Found: A lot. I'm probably up in this category but I do call the numbers if they're decipherable on the disc. Found four discs looking for one that I ended up losing.
I keep seeing these threads about how people are losing discs on the courses and never getting calls back. Since I have started playing I have only lost 2 discs... I will hunt until I find them normally, but one was an orange StarE-X in mid september so that was my fault, the other was a DX Beast that I lost while playing a "drunk round" (it wasnt supposed to be, but it was hot and the course (Milo) was 27 holes haha).

So Im curious... Are most people losing these in water, high grass, leaves, complete errant throws or do you guys just not look for them for very long? Im not trying to sound like a "Richard", just curious as to how so many discs get lost during rounds.

Charlotte's courses are basically 98% free of water-holes (with the exception of hole #2 at E-Long) so I hav'nt lost any in the drink. I RARELY ever lose a disc anymore because I straight up hunt for that thing and would probably only give up after about an hour (if it's a disc I "value more than life itself" of course). Kudzu around here is another thing you definitely DONT want your disc flying into. I lost my favorite Star Destroyer at Renny in some kudzu and practically knew it was gone before I even started looking. Kudzu eats discs like Kirstie Alley eats cake.

If I lose a disc it is basically because I putted from my previous lie without using a mini and in my moronic ways just left it there. I've done that once and I went back to look for it in the same round and it was GONE... never to be found again. I know some kids found it and just didnt call. My name and number was on it and I was still at the course.

Oh well.... I have reassurance knowing that they will burn in eternal torment for pullin' a stunt like that.:thmbup:
I lost 4 at Fountain Hills (and nobody in their right mind is going in that water) and 2 at Vista Del Camino the next day. It happens. That's why I have backups and I don't form an emotional bond with an inanimate object...unless...no, no, what I said the first time.
I never lost a disc til that dang 8th hole at Griggs DGC (when the river is high) took three ....
I have lost more discs by just leaving them on the ground then actually losing them. Water is my main culprit though after that. I still don't lose that many discs though.

Same. I am notorious for leaving stuff on the ground. I'm easily distracted, and get plastic pretty much free all the time. I have an eye for them and a bountiful lake in a place where no one seems to mark their discs. So in the words of Job Bluth "To whence you came!"
No one looks in the trees, that's how.

1. Stuck in the trees
2. Water (usually only when murky or deep)
3. New to the course (blind shots)
4. Not a very good understanding of how discs react in the air (fade - turn) or how they react when they hit the ground at various angles (rolls - skips) --- usually accomanied with #3 (blind shots).
4. Walk-Offs

IN that order.
I have been shooting a lot of solo rounds recently, and when I do this I end up throwing 4 or so drives from each tee. I have yet to lose a disc doing this but have had some close calls where I end up looking for 20-30 min for a disc that I either just forget where I threw it, or not realize until I get through the hole and realize im -1 disc, in which case I need to TRY to remember where I threw it in the first place.

Im sure Ill lose one like this sometime, but its helping me get more familiar with my discs much faster than Im losing them so Ill keep doing it until it gets to be costly.
I think I have lost eleven discs during non-summer months in five years. For the last three years I basically only throw premium plastic, so I refuse to give up on them. Most of my losses have occurred on two courses, Blue Ribbon Pines and Elm Creek.

I have a Champion Destroyer with an ace on it that has spent a night outside without me on three different occasions.

This winter I only lost two discs, both in the middle of the fairway. However, the percentage is fairly appalling. For the year I only play 15-20% of my rounds with snow on the ground but snow accounts for half of my lost discs. I do not fear water or tall grass and that extra confidence actually helps avoid those hazards.
i lost a leopard the first time i ever threw it.

about a month ago i bought a blue pro leopard then went straight to kaplan to play a round with some friends. we got to the third hole which has a small ditch/infinitely small creek about 150' from the tee. the hole is another thirty feet behind that. i tee'd off like third or fourth out of six of us and my shot hit a tree in the ditch and landed in the ditch to the right of the bridge. we all walked up to our discs, i got to the ditch and my disc wasn't there..

there is no way somebody picked it up, we were all standing right there. there's no way it rolled out because we would have seen it. the only possibilities are one, there is a small hole in the ditch that was filled with water cuz it rained the night before. the hole is about two feet deep and two feet wide. i reached my hand all over that hole and felt no disc. the other option is that it somehow hit the ditch and took off rolling really hard left, under the bridge and about thirty feet out into an actual creek. the creek was too muddy to see in it so after all of us looked for extensively i gave up and said screw it.

that is how i lost my blue pro leopard the first time i ever threw it.

other than that i have lost a wraith in a lake, and some other disc i can't remember in the same lake.
I'll add my answer of "in the water" for a total of 3 discs. I have to say that the sound of "thwack" as plastic meets bark at high speed is a much more amusing sound than the slighly muffled "sploosh" as plastic meets liquid. The water was way too cold and sometimes way to gross to wade in after them.
On my home course, 10 holes of the 18 have the possibility of throwing into water. And most of it is really disgusting, smelly, murky water where you can't see the disc in the bottom and don't want to go wading. And the grass gets cut probably twice in the whole summer, so most of the time the grass is knee high. And in the winter it's buried under 3+ feet of snow.
It's one thing to lose a disc in a situation where you'll never get it back, and another where you simply stop looking for any reason.

For example, I was practicing in a park when a kid rode by on his bicycle, stopped, picked up one of my discs and rode off. That's a lost disc that I'll never get back. Disc in tree, disc under leaves or snow - it's there, and the only reason it's STILL there is b/c you stopped looking for it.

With that in mind, I believe I've lost (irretrievably) maybe two or three discs. My other "lost" discs have probably been picked up by other people - maybe 10 or so.

Give 'em back, you DBAGS!!!!! :D
I have only lost some champion cros and 1 star boss ever. The cros were all lost because they were thrown as blind roller and I was never able to locate their final resting place. I lost the star boss in a field with grass up to my hip.