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If the disc has obviously been lost for a long time.....

This got to 100 posts with out me responding to it once. That's funny. Even got Prerube to participate in conversation with out just posting links to threads that have already discussed the issue. What a success.
This is my 50th post. I wanted to post on a special, unique thread for this milestone. :D
i honestly always thought the numbers on the bottom of the disc were the # of the holes they've aced. its why i usually keep the discs, cause they seem lucky as hell. also thought it was odd people named their discs such strange names.
I lost my favorite disc in a swamp. Someone dropped it in the lost disc box months later and when I picked it up at my local shop it looked like a dog had been fetching it. Flies better than ever.
I always call. Ive found three discs my first year. One unmarked. One unlegible. One clearly lost that day. Called the number...some 15yr old. Met him at the Webb's down the street from me.

Just lost a disc for the first time last weekend. Now I sit around forlorn and stare at the rest of my plastic waiting for the phone to ring.

anyway, if you call and leave a message and dont here nothing in a week, its your disc. If you get ahold of them and they wont make an effort to come get it, its yours.
Karma. One is morally obligated to attempt contact, and if only a name is on a Disc, ask the local guru if s/he might know who the person is.

If the lead is a dead end, then it's yours.

I haven't always gotten my Discs back (including the 50 or so stolen from my truck at Hudson Mills, circa 1999, which included lots of great old plastic), but I did have someone return my SE Teebird several years ago. They even mailed it to me!
Honestly the older it is the cooler i think it is to call.i got a call once like three years after i lost one and it was like getting an old friend back.it was one of my best 9x rocs though.....still got it
I return lost disc all the time.

Called a guy last week and he said the disc I had found was his favorite and too bad he moved to MA.

Disc is on it's way to MA.

we all know the wallet comparison is not valid, but the point is you know who the property belongs to, you should attempt to return it. We just rehash the same debate over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over .

insert dead horse image here.
and over

we all know the wallet comparison is not valid, but the point is you know who the property belongs to, you should attempt to return it. We just rehash the same debate over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over .

insert dead horse image here.
Got a disc returned to me from your lake last weekend! It was like 5 months ago. Thanks!

Excellent. We're so remote that no one's coming here just to retrieve discs, so we usually get them back via the tournament circuit. Haul them to tournaments, give them to owners or friends of the owners to return.

I had a disc come back from Charleston that had been missing for at least 7 years. I've asked it what it was doing all that time, but so far it's been mum.