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Learning to play - From the beginning

Thanks again sidewinder. Ill be checking all those out a few more times before I play my next round!

Found this article over at dgr as well. I originally didnt read any of the more "advanced" articles there but now I feel as if I can grasp them.

The reason I posted this link was to share my expierence and maybe get some help from others. In the article it goes over snap, and a way to "test" it without a disc. They say use 6" of movement. I really whip my arm to get my wrist to really open and close(tendon bounce). Is that really how it suposed to feel??? I ask because if that is the case im make 2 very big mistakes. 1: Im accelerating way too early in my throw. 2: im not pushing through the throw like I should, because I dont ever feel that kind of momentum. I guess that hole"hammer pound" really is how it works. A strong snap of a hammer will drive a nail deeper and easier than a longer "strong arm" swing. I always knew of snap and have gotten a small bit of it, but feeling that in my hand is just crazy. The inertia of your hand is huge if you do it strong and fast enough. And I dont ever put that much effort into any of my throws. Im sorry if I am rambling, im just shocked that it took me so long to sink into my head and that its so....simple. Check it out, try it! Let me know what you think!
Thanks again sidewinder. Ill be checking all those out a few more times before I play my next round!

Found this article over at dgr as well. I originally didnt read any of the more "advanced" articles there but now I feel as if I can grasp them.

The reason I posted this link was to share my expierence and maybe get some help from others. In the article it goes over snap, and a way to "test" it without a disc. They say use 6" of movement. I really whip my arm to get my wrist to really open and close(tendon bounce). Is that really how it suposed to feel??? I ask because if that is the case im make 2 very big mistakes. 1: Im accelerating way too early in my throw. 2: im not pushing through the throw like I should, because I dont ever feel that kind of momentum. I guess that hole"hammer pound" really is how it works. A strong snap of a hammer will drive a nail deeper and easier than a longer "strong arm" swing. I always knew of snap and have gotten a small bit of it, but feeling that in my hand is just crazy. The inertia of your hand is huge if you do it strong and fast enough. And I dont ever put that much effort into any of my throws. Im sorry if I am rambling, im just shocked that it took me so long to sink into my head and that its so....simple. Check it out, try it! Let me know what you think!
Yep. That's why I said your description of the throw a few posts back was incorrect. Throwing a disc is very similar to throwing a hammer or stick, or hammering a nail out to the target.
Got out there again

I got out with the family today and played 36 more holes. didn't keep score as my brother in law and I were just working on throws and learning the course. Threw ok today, but my drives still get WAY too high:thmbdown:. Saw a vid on youtube on putting, and it helped me A LOT. made a lot of my putts today, which is really cool. :thmbup: Got a few more discs ordered, as I wanted to try a teebird, and have another buzzz coming. also ordered a little heavier putter.
I think Im goin to stick with what I have for molds other wise, and just get some in different wts and plastics. Although I would like to try some more Discraft stuff, Like Nukes, Magnets and Avengers.
I also could have had a nice tye dyed Rhyno, but I returned it instead of keeping it. The owner gave me $5 for a finders fee! :clap: lol That's $5 toward a CH Leo or another Valk.
Got a chance to go out and play a couple rounds today! Nothing too great to report on scores but tried working more on my aim. Main two things that helped me the most are my thumb pointing the direction im aiming for, at the release. And using my head to also point the way. Really stepped up on my consistency. Ive also been getting more snap, which has made it hard to judge distance. But thats a good thing! I also gave my wizards more time and was very happy during putting practice but doesnt seem to translate during the round.

Im still having a hard time getting past 350. Its a nose down issue and mainly on the bigger throws. Ill keep plugging away. Hopefully will have more to say tomorrow, and will ne posting about my putting "training" so far.
Sorry I havent been posting as much lately! Its been hard for me to put the hours in, like I normally would. And I'm also trying to not mess my knee up again, since a couple bad throws and I starting feeling it. That said, I have NOT given up on playing, learning, and becoming a better player.

I mentioned that I started spending time, practicing putting. And actually a lot of time! More than I have been spending on any other part of the game. But the real question is, has it been worth it? Yes! Unbelievably yes. Its help translate to being on the course, and not second guessing putts. I have confidence at longer ranges than I did before. And I have even started to go for it from distances I hadnt before! I even made a 50' putt the other day(very big for me)! Thats not to say my putting is phenominal, but it is at least better. :) I still have a lot more work to do, and am curious what it will be like once I hit my 30 day mark. For anyone who wants to up their putting give it a try. Even if it seems tedious, please dont give up.

I also wanted to go over something, someone had asked a long time ago. Throwing light discs! Personally I only had 2, that I never threw them. And the more I play the more I'm finding myself enjoying heavier plastic. Thats not to say 150 and under are not for some people. Its really all about whats comfortable and works well for you! The other side of weight though, is wind. In general, the heavier the disc the less effected by wind. And from what I understand heavy for headwinds and lighter for tailwinds(if called for). But try what works for you, dont be afraid to try something different! This whole game is about experiementing.

I will be hopefully getting a few rounds in tomorrow at a new(to me) course! My plan is to keep working on form not distance. Remeber to be slow, accelerate at the end. Point with my thumb, and maintain the correct angles at release.
Hello again to everyone! Found this video, and figured I would share. Ive always enjoyed the way Dave Feldberg explains his teachings, giving the reasons behind something. Not just "do this" because I say its right.

Im still out practicing as much as I can. Im concerned about my knee so I dont push myself as much as I did. Work seems to make it worse so its a bad cycle. Over time I will be back at it, giving it my all. My goal is to compete before summer is over, maybe sooner!

I have to say, so far Im really enjoying disc golf. And for anyone trying to better themselves, and have better form. Dont exaust yourself or burn yourself out. This game is supposed to be fun! So go out once inawhile and play...to just play. Enjoy your surroundings, the weather and your company. Relax!

I also wanted to mention something I noticed the last round I played! I talked about the pointing of the thumb at release. That really helped out my aiming issues! It wasnt so much the thumb itself, but the thumb, lining up with my arm, in line with my shoulders, that did. It seemed to just fall into place when I made an effort to do this. :) try it out, let me know how it works for you!

The second thing I noticed was my release angle problems. There were a lot of videos that talk about using your body to change your angle of release. Usually in the form of arching your back(anhyzer rhbh), or leaning forward over the disc(hyzer rhbh). This is because thr plane of motion your arm follows, changes based on this leaning/arching. Well if my shot wasnt doing what I had expected, I thought back to my form, and specifically my back. Almost every time I made a bad shot, this was a big culprit! I will be paying more attention to this from now on.

Just thought I would share some things with all of you before I head out to play a few rounds! Just remeber to keep that open mind, and when something goes bad, determine what caused it. Then its as easy as working on it. We can all improve this way!
Working on backhand but I need a coach or clinic. You can teach me backhand and I'll share my forehand pointers.
In my last post, I never realized I had not posted the video link. Here it is!


Just wanted to share some more information with everyone. Ive been struggling a lot with my upshots lately and couldnt really pinpoint it until yesterday at the course. I would normally throw just like I was driving, just slower motions. Same reachback, similar grip, etc, and it was making for very inconsistant shots. This also makes for very frustrating shots that are hard to come back from. Ive found the cure though! This is something that most people may already do but took me this long to figure out. The biggest thing is not having a big reachback that forces my head to turn away from my target. The second was a change in grip. I have tried many grips, and what it really boils down to, is what works for you! I now use a very controlled(3 finger) fan grip on anything 250 and in, unless im throwing an anhyzer(then switch to 4 finger). This gives me a lot of control on exactly what I want the disc to do. I also focus more on form than speed...even more so on upshots. Form will get me to the basket, power wont.

I have also beat in my kc teebird to the point its going to hold whatever angle I put on it. Any anhyzer and its not coming back. While this is great addition to the bag, it means I need a fresh one to hold the lines it use to. Sad/Happy emotions as its my first disc I ever bought and will never throw the same. Im sure a new one will feel good again!

I have also been focusing on putting more and more. Earlier in the thread I shared my putting grip and a little on style. It has comepletely changed since then! Ive been playing around with things here and there, but have settled on a form like the one in the video I posted. At first it made me bad at putting, but as I practice more, I see it becoming better than my old way. I do have the problem of my old putting habbits slipping in here and there, but overall im more consistant. Now if I miss, its usually not enough power. Also practicing in the hectic wind at home has really helped on the course! Practice it if you can! Even if its frustrating, it will pay off!

My game is improving every time I play, though the progression is beginning to slow down. Im still focused on becoming a better player, and have better form. Im slowly seeing that light at the end of the tunnel!

Also, thanks for everyone whos helped, suggested, or has just been a part of this thread. I hope to keep it going as long as I can!