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Not sure


Jul 11, 2013
PDX Area
Not sure where to have an intro, but I'll try here. I've been disc golfing for a week now. 5 outings in 7 days and I'm addicted. I started out because my 9yr old son showed an interest. Figured I could get a little exercise, spend quality time with him, and get outside. Other than a sore shoulder, I'm having a blast. I enjoy hiking in Oregon, but it can get boring. DG has cured the boredom. I'm learning quite a bit thanks to the DG community. Not as many snobs and a-holes as you find in the golfing world. All walks of life, all ages. Who can ask for anything better than a bunch of people finding common ground and having fun?

I've seen people playing for years and thought, "How stupid." Boy, was I wrong. Love, love love it. The only time I got a little watered off was when we went to a nearby park(city ordinance: no drinking, no smoking) and found bottles and butts everywhere. My son and I played there the next day armed with trash bags and cleaned house. What got me was there are buckets at every pad for litter. Why? Why throw your crap everywhere but the bucket? Nonetheless, we will keep a bag with us and continue to play there as it is 10-15 minutes away from home. Maybe one day people will get the hint.

Any who, I'm looking forward to picking up a few things here that might improve my abilities. Maybe one day, I might play in a tournament. Or, I can just enjoy the time with my son for years to come.
That's a great intro. Welcome to the site. The time with your son is so important, and it's awesome you can share disc golf with him. :thmbup:
I hope one day soon that you AND your son get to play in a tournament together! My dad and I actually got to do this recently, and we both played int he same Division...I got on the lead card and he didn't but we still had a blast and he showed some of the young whippersnappers how to do it right!

As for the trash, that is a common problem and is endemic with what we refer to as "chuckers" a.k.a. guys (and some gals) who have no respect for the sport and are just there to drink and throw frisbees. The problem, if you could call it that, is the sport of disc golf needs their money so we can continue to grow. Luckily, most of them are easy to deal with aside from their d-bagesque facade so you and your son shouldn't have any problems on the course with them.

Also, look into any local clubs in your area. Clubs will have work days where they go to a course and clean it up, sweep teepads, repair broken chains, etc. The course you went to might not be on their radar or maybe they haven't had a work day there in awhile since it is still pretty early in the season. Join up with them, and help organize a work day at the course. Plus, you get to meet some cool people, make tons of new friends who are into what you are into and they can greatly help you improve your game. Most DGers (including myself) generally don't help adults unless they ask, but all DGers (in my experience) love to help kids play the game so the local club is a great thing for him too.

I fyour son really shows an aptitude for the game, you guys can also help bring the EDGE program to his school so all his friends and fellow classmates can learn as well!

All in all, welcome to the sport, welcome to the site and,most of all, welcome to FUN!
Welcome... My story is very much like yours. I've been playing for about a month.. my son and I made our first trip to a DG course on a lark with a couple whamo-frisbees.

Like you, any excuse for me to get outdoors and hike through the woods is a good excuse.

As a newbie I cant offer much technical advice, but somewhere on this board I read a quote someone posted that said " He that has the most fun wins" I try to keep that in mind especially when I'm stomping through the underbrush and thorns looking for my disc..

all the best,
Welcome to the addiction. Not sure how it happens, but it does. Got me 3 years ago, and I am still loving it.

You are always going to see some litter though. A lot of people are courteous and pic up behind others and take care of the course. But there is always someone that just doesn't think and throws crap on the ground.

I can't wait for my little ones to be big enough to start playing with me.
Welcome to the site, and more importantly, welcome to the sport. Now get out there and spread the disc golf love!
I used to make fun of disc golf and said I cant play disc golf because I did not smoke weed. LOL. I thought of making my self a T-shirt that said, "Disc Golf..not just for Stoners anymore!" I will apologize on the drug reference. I know we are not supposed to talk about that stuff, just admitting a truth about myself. I am now a plastic addict, with no plans for rehab!
Thank you all for the warm welcome. I'm looking forward to having fun for years to comr. Who knows? Maybe, one day, I'll even get good at it.
Glad you're enjoying it. If you're really interested in progressing, there's three things I'd recommend. 1- Play with better players (clubs are a good place). 2- Ask questions (in person and online). 3- Stay away from high speed drivers for now (anything over speed 7). With those in mind, you should have fun and actually improve.
Welcome indeed. I started last year w/some friends from work but we only played about a dozen times last year, then as we were starting to get excited to play in April, I got laid off. So I started playing and by the end of the month I was taking my 5 yo and 7 1/2 yo daughters out w/me. I bought my oldest her own Aviar and I've since bought her a few others and people have given her a bunch of discs too. Her younger sister not so interested, but maybe eventually. Right now I'm enjoying being outside and doing something active with my kids.

Keep it up man. Oh, I had started a thread about my daughter playing. A lot of disc advice for younger players here. http://www.dgcoursereview.com/forums/showthread.php?t=88733
It is a great game, welcome to the site. I just wanted to say I think it is great that you are involving your son in cleaning up the course. Sound like a great learning opportunity for both of you. Don't forget it is all about fun, man.
Not sure where to have an intro, but I'll try here. I've been disc golfing for a week now. 5 outings in 7 days and I'm addicted. I started out because my 9yr old son showed an interest. Figured I could get a little exercise, spend quality time with him, and get outside. Other than a sore shoulder, I'm having a blast. I enjoy hiking in Oregon, but it can get boring. DG has cured the boredom. I'm learning quite a bit thanks to the DG community. Not as many snobs and a-holes as you find in the golfing world. All walks of life, all ages. Who can ask for anything better than a bunch of people finding common ground and having fun?

I've seen people playing for years and thought, "How stupid." Boy, was I wrong. Love, love love it. The only time I got a little watered off was when we went to a nearby park(city ordinance: no drinking, no smoking) and found bottles and butts everywhere. My son and I played there the next day armed with trash bags and cleaned house. What got me was there are buckets at every pad for litter. Why? Why throw your crap everywhere but the bucket? Nonetheless, we will keep a bag with us and continue to play there as it is 10-15 minutes away from home. Maybe one day people will get the hint.

Any who, I'm looking forward to picking up a few things here that might improve my abilities. Maybe one day, I might play in a tournament. Or, I can just enjoy the time with my son for years to come.

Welcome! Great intro! :cool:

Re: picking up trash...if you see someone litter, gently ask them if they enjoy disc golf, and then tell them that they should pick up their litter because the parks department has been talking about pulling the course due to littering/vandalism.

Nobody that's littering will check to see if that's the truth or not, and if they're littering then they're definitely not "in the know" regarding the course's status with parks and rec.

Basically, it's a bluff nobody will call you on. It'll get them thinking about their bad habits, and if they see you out there with a bag picking up THEIR litter that will often cure them of littering for good.

I've personally done this a couple of times and once had a group of three MASSIVE litterbugs not only stop littering but also stopped their round and helped me pick up all the trash.

Welcome to the sport! If you need discs, hit Next Adventure downtown. They have a pretty good selection. Word is that someone sells from his trunk at Pier too, but I'm not a local so I wouldn't know. The two courses over in Gresham are good courses to play with your kid if you don't mind all of the sullen teenagers that lurk there like vultures...

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