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Old Farts Only 40+ (no kids allowed)

What do you find most annoying about the new disc golf scene?

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Couldn't help but do a double take at this line :)

I started at age 50, but I think my dad may have the 'late bloomer' record, playing his first official round of disc golf the weekend he turned 80.
...my goal will be to surpass him!

Out damn standing Pop!

Yup, started at 50 as well. Playing in my 20th season. [emoji1690][emoji41]

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I miss dude selling discs out the back of their truck at the course. Flipping through them like picking out records. you could also throw and test them,5 bucks each. good times
I miss dude selling discs out the back of their truck at the course. Flipping through them like picking out records. you could also throw and test them,5 bucks each. good times

I always thought that a crowd around an open trunk in a public parking lot, pulling out cash and asking "how many grams", would eventually lead to a drug bust. It didn't help that to any passerby, we seemed to be talking in code ("Got a cobra? Man, I wanna try that cheetah! Bet it really flies.")
55, soon to be 56.

I played a round yesterday at a pitch and putt, had fun. Played a round at my home course this morning and had several reminders:

- Elbow injuries sometimes take a long time to heal. Its been almost year and half.
- I still love the flight of a well thrown disc, but now that disc is not getting that full flight like it used to, lol.
- I love my solo rounds, and love being out in nature. I'm starting to think i should devote more time to my photography since i can be out in nature and not eff up my elbow
- Playing with others is great, unless they are dicks. I had a reminder that I'd rather play alone than with some others. After I finished my round this morning I struck up a conversation with a group of three, they seemed nice enough. I asked if they minded if I play the first 7 holes with them back to parking lot. They said sure as long as you don't mind if we smoke pot. My response was I don't care, the new law in our state says you can smoke it anywhere you can smoke cigarettes. The dudes says OK what are you a cop? So I responded, Ok you guys have a good round, nice talking to you, and the response was Have a Good Day Officer, lolol. I'm glad they showed their hand early before I got stuck with them out on the course.
How about the 55+, <250' club?
Those are my peeps!!

This right here is the killer.

Up until last year before the elbow issue, I could still pop off a 400 foot drive once in a while, averaging 940-950 rounds.

Now I don't even want to try knowing the effects it has on my body. Every throw is a dang reminder of something i dont want to be reminded of , lol. Discs that used to be my turnover discs are now my over stable discs. But hey at least I'm in the great outdoors, lolol.
This right here is the killer.

Up until last year before the elbow issue, I could still pop off a 400 foot drive once in a while, averaging 940-950 rounds.

Now I don't even want to try knowing the effects it has on my body. Every throw is a dang reminder of something i dont want to be reminded of , lol. Discs that used to be my turnover discs are now my over stable discs. But hey at least I'm in the great outdoors, lolol.

I was never more than a 300-310 guy, but degenerative arthritis in my throwing shoulder has made 250 seem like a bomb for me!!
I've been an athlete all of my adult life for a living (mountain biker) and still work in the industry. I watch the young guys throwing forehand bombs and my 62 year old competitive nature has to realize that I'm not them any more lol. But it's all good. Like others said, I'm out in the fresh air and able to throw decently against my peers.
Haha I hear that... I finally gave away a Comet that someone really loved and clicked with (I've tried at least 6/7 times). Hooked up a kid that works for me with a 180Z (from kaiserflippin), I never had enough jam to really like it, I gave him a 169 crystal z when he started... Anyhow..

He's telling me yesterday that he got a great birdie look on??? "What hole I think it's 14" and I'm like the one in the woods the long one right before the short uphill on the lower side?" He's like

"Yeah I threw a FH that connected great, went around the big tree etc but I missed my putt" . I'm like:

"Crap I haven't had a look like that in 10yrs let alone FH a comet haha. Last time I solo birdied that was in 2010 during a tourney.

It's probably about 375' with about a 25' casual drop in elevation. Kids!
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I'm starting to think I should devote more time to my photography, since I can be out in nature and not eff up my elbow.

I've been taking my camera out a LOT more than my discs. I'm 61 now, and my game (about 360' max drives at my peak... and yes, I have peaked) has deteriorated on most days to the ~250 range. Had a good day last week, but they are far and few between these days. Photography is my main hobby now. I'm kind of sad about it, but at least I still get outside and have fun.
I'm 54, started at 52 and still seeing gains in distance. Not huge, but had my longest drive ever at about 400' the other day (some elevation drop). Also see 250 more often than I'd like. Tells me I still have room/opportunity to improve my technique.

I never would have anticipated how much I enjoy playing DG before I started. When I was invited out, I had very low expectations. But I was hooked from the first throw.

It's a great game and I hope to play it as long as possible. Even pitch and putt is a good time.
As I'm turning 48 in October I find myself in a new situation. I've always been a highly competitive individual. Having been a high school and collegiate athlete, I have always taken sports seriously. I've always played my hardest and given it 110%. I've played injured, I've played hungover (not my finest moment or brightest decision) and I've played when I probably shouldn't have and given my body a rest.

That being said, in 2017 I was in a car accident where I was rear ended by a woman on her cell phone in a minivan. That accident has severely put a dent into my disc golf game and golf game as the twisting motion of the swing or throw causes my back to get really sore and sometimes downright paralyzing after a round. I can play but the day after my back seems to go into spasms and I'm out for the next two to three weeks recouping.

I love the game and just can't think about going through the remainder of my life not being able to throw. I was never really a big thrower but every now and then I could connect and get one out there 400+. I can still throw my putter 300ft, get my Rocs out there 330+.

My issue is controlling my mind and realizing that I'm no longer the young buck I used to be and that I can't go full send on every shot. My soul still believes that I'm the same athlete I was years ago and my body says otherwise. Parts of my body are hurting now that never hurt before and it just drives me crazy that I can't play with the same tenacity as I did just 5 years ago. I guess I just have to really comes to grip with the idea that I'm not that same person I was just 5 years ago and never will again so things have to change. I just don't know how to play sports any other way.
I guess I just have to really comes to grip with the idea that I'm not that same person I was just 5 years ago and never will again so things have to change. I just don't know how to play sports any other way.

I was in a similar situation because I always played sports to the maximum limits of my body. After 40 years of that, disc golf is the only remaining sport that I enjoy and can still play.

So I decided to prioritize longevity over maximum effort where disc golf is concerned. So far, so good (frantically knocks on wood, tosses salt over shoulder, etc.). :)

Good luck.
I frequently say that my toughest competitor is the ghost of my former self.

Yeah. I'm 58 but usually throw with thirty somethings. Whenever one of them claims that they are beating me I respond with no you are not. I'm competing against myself and the course lol. They usually get me on the longer courses but I'm in my element on a rec course lol.
I frequently say that my toughest competitor is the ghost of my former self.

I watched a recent interview with Kristin Tattar where she stated that she NEVER threw with full power because of accuracy issues. I took it to the course and behold, my new game! Played two wonderful rounds of solid disc golf and felt great afterwards (the best part!). I actually threw about 290 on a couple of drives at about 80% power (one for birdie on a 292' hole - measured by my laser). Surprised, but not shocked, by the "smooth is far" thing.

We have to adapt, or suffer (more).
I watched a recent interview with Kristin Tattar where she stated that she NEVER threw with full power because of accuracy issues. I took it to the course and behold, my new game! Played two wonderful rounds of solid disc golf and felt great afterwards (the best part!). I actually threw about 290 on a couple of drives at about 80% power (one for birdie on a 292' hole - measured by my laser). Surprised, but not shocked, by the "smooth is far" thing.

We have to adapt, or suffer (more).

Lol....old man disc golf. Keep it in the fairway, scuff it up to the pin, tap it in for par. Take the birdies as they come.