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[Innova] Older JK aviar-x, what's the story.


Birdie Member
Silver level trusted reviewer
Nov 12, 2010
I did a brief search, but was unsuccessful. I've been playing for about 3 years and the JK is my putter of choice. I have been throwing the current mold. Is there a marked difference in the 3x or 4x runs? If so, can someone please elaborate?
Sorry, is there a difference in performance, plastic, grip, etc. I'm sure they are more desirable because they are older - they're a 3x stamp! - but what are the reasons I should try to get one and pay a premium for it. I have never held or thrown one. Is there someone who has thrown a 3x or 4x that can compare it?
Sorry, is there a difference in performance, plastic, grip, etc. I'm sure they are more desirable because they are older - they're a 3x stamp! - but what are the reasons I should try to get one and pay a premium for it. I have never held or thrown one. Is there someone who has thrown a 3x or 4x that can compare it?

I putt with JK's. I only have one 4x left and I definitely prefer its plastic blend (softer and grippier) to most of my 5x's. That said, the bright pink 5x I recently acquired is a really nice blend, and pretty similar to my 4x. It was a lot nicer than a several of the other JKs in the same stack. I wouldn't pay extra for a 3x or 4x but feel a 5x with your own filthy human hands before you buy it if you can.
There we Go. The 3x Ive felt were new white and Very flexible almost thin feeling. That being said I putt with CT challengers so anything kind of soft feels really weird to me.
It's just a different dx feel
Old ones to me are smoother grippier and usually softer or floppier
whats with the recent price hike on 5x jk valks? did 5x jk aviars go up too? are the aviar ones with the signature worth more? whats going on here i thought they were still stock?
The proto and first run JKs were all actually pretty stiff. Then came the 3x JKs which I feel are the best blend of soft plastic produced by Innova - they also had a bit more of a shoulder to them at the edge of the disc. There were two runs of 4x JKs, the initial runs were all the soft and very flexible ones (my personal putters), and the later runs were pretty stiff - the stiffer ones generally had a double ring on the flight plate bottom.

In my experience the 5x JKs have gotten softer as the years go on, with some of the more recent releases being pretty darn gummy. It's a preference thing really, though. If you want a soft putter like the 4x or 3x and don't want to pay the premium prices there are plenty of soft alternatives available now. You could search through the new 5x's to find softies, you can look at gateway, or you could try the soft Judges from DD (they are pretty similar in feel to the 4x softies in my opinion)
There are 2 types of 4x JK's, stiff and soft. the 4x soft is too soft, and the firm is perfect. 3x's are kinda soft and they have the purty bar stamp. 5x pre#'s are very nice, but not a fan of the 5x with flight numbers. JK's are great putters, at one point I had 16 of them, haha
The proto and first run JKs were all actually pretty stiff. Then came the 3x JKs which I feel are the best blend of soft plastic produced by Innova - they also had a bit more of a shoulder to them at the edge of the disc. There were two runs of 4x JKs, the initial runs were all the soft and very flexible ones (my personal putters), and the later runs were pretty stiff - the stiffer ones generally had a double ring on the flight plate bottom.

In my experience the 5x JKs have gotten softer as the years go on, with some of the more recent releases being pretty darn gummy. It's a preference thing really, though. If you want a soft putter like the 4x or 3x and don't want to pay the premium prices there are plenty of soft alternatives available now. You could search through the new 5x's to find softies, you can look at gateway, or you could try the soft Judges from DD (they are pretty similar in feel to the 4x softies in my opinion)
Thanks for sharing your experience. Mine is pretty soft, and I have 5 back-ups that vary. I do have a two soft judges that I throw from time to time. I actually think they are a little softer, and feel great. They just don't kick the JKs out....
my favourite JK is a 5x black with a white stamp and pre flight numbers

I throw a black with blue foil stamp, but have one of those in my back-up pile. I also have a black with rainbow stamp that is pretty!