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Reminder to start using insect repellent


* Ace Member *
Aug 29, 2020
Northwest Missouri
I found a small deer tick attached from yesterday's round on a city park course. Time to start the insect repellent regime… I had Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever several years ago and I am NOT interested in that again.

Friendly reminder that the critters are already on the hunt.
Also stomp any Japanese barberry you see into the dirt. Deer don't eat it, ticks use it as a vector. Also shame your neighbors if they landscape with it. It comes in a few different colors but the leaf shape is basically the same.
Also stomp any Japanese barberry you see into the dirt. Deer don't eat it, ticks use it as a vector. Also shame your neighbors if they landscape with it. It comes in a few different colors but the leaf shape is basically the same.

If ticks use it as a vector, ain't no way I'm stomping on one....;) :eek:

Good info, hadn't heard of this. :)
I am not a fan of DEET. It seems to makes me feel kinda sick. Could be in my head, but I try to steer clear of it. Mosquitoes are also a pretty big concern here, but I don't struggle with them. I AM A SKEETER NINJA.......HIIIIYAA.

I use Permethrin. I spray my bag, cart, shoes, top of my socks, bottom of my shorts and shirts, the towels I hang on a belt loop [never used on my hands or face - poison ivy protocol]. **It is purported to be deadly to cats** I have thrown in a couple links.


My dog somehow got a tick in February during the dead of winter. She was never anywhere near woods or long grass. It must have been under the leaves in our yard/garden.
Two days after returning from IDGC, I found two of them attached to me.

The're both dead now. And I may be soon.*

*I kid. But barely. I'll be paying close attention to my body's complaints in the coming days...
Time to find/break out the picaridin spray again. 'Twas fun while it lasted. I guess being sticky/smelly is better than getting Lyme.

Also, ticks can climb/fall out of trees onto you. If you don't wear some type of head covering when playing, you might want to.
They never even lightened up for the winter in SW VA. I picked dozens of unattached ones off my dog in February. Have been bit myself 4 times so far this year- what i get for not refreshing my permethrin on the clothes.
If I'm right I've heard they hate peppermint.

Peppermint? Bleh. I'm with them.

When we visit Florida we use Skin So Soft to keep the 'No see ums' (sand flies) away. I wonder if that works for ticks? I'm not a fan of harsh chemicals, but I'm orders of magnitude less a fan of Lyme/RMSF.
Time to find/break out the picaridin spray again. 'Twas fun while it lasted. I guess being sticky/smelly is better than getting Lyme.

Also, ticks can climb/fall out of trees onto you. If you don't wear some type of head covering when playing, you might want to.

:D I did wear a hat. The little beasts were on more...hard-to-access body parts. 'Nuff said.
I figure they ended up in/on my gear somehow, and found their way from there. Talk about illegal border crossings...
I am not a fan of DEET. It seems to makes me feel kinda sick. Could be in my head, but I try to steer clear of it. Mosquitoes are also a pretty big concern here, but I don't struggle with them. I AM A SKEETER NINJA.......HIIIIYAA.

I use Permethrin. I spray my bag, cart, shoes, top of my socks, bottom of my shorts and shirts, the towels I hang on a belt loop [never used on my hands or face - poison ivy protocol]. **It is purported to be deadly to cats** I have thrown in a couple links.



When the mosquito are out in force in a competitive round, I get a little excited knowing they're going to drive my competitors nuts. It's a mental thing, they don't bother me, and I can play with a mosquito head net on if need be. Those things are game changers if the skeets are heavy duty.

Now ticks on the other hand can burn in hell.
And speaking of ticks, if you're a carry your bag guy and on the fence about purchasing a cart, remember your bag is a big time retriever of ticks. You put it down on the ground to throw and ticks jump on it, then you pick your bag up and sling it over your back.

The cart on the other hand you never place on your body. Not saying that a cart is tick proof, but it will help.