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ThrowaEnvy straightening out my Gyro bag for summer

Which Axiom Driver to try: I have all MVP drivers...

  • Insanity

    Votes: 27 51.9%
  • Wrath

    Votes: 13 25.0%
  • Vanish

    Votes: 11 21.2%
  • Defy

    Votes: 8 15.4%
  • Tenacity

    Votes: 3 5.8%

  • Total voters
On a disc golf related note, I got my 169 soft uplink today, big dome (for an uplink, rounded medium in comet speak) going to test drive that shortly.. High hopes. Updates as events warrant.

Much like my new (vintage) boat, the twin to my old man's 16' double eagle. A lot of great times in that thing, the stories it could tell, but transom rotten etc...

Enter the new contender, the important stuff is intact, needs a new prop, missing a couple frills here and there but nothing that can't be polished. Got the motor pis.sin like a 20yr old at 9am.. Got lots of original stuff in great shape. Etc... so what I came here to say is:

I'm naming it after my dad, or his middle name.. Looked up the meaning and it means at the water or stream. So the

"atte Ree"

.. it is. I also think he was offering to give me half the money for it, I think he'll be tickled pink. Part of me hopes he dislikes his middle name haha.
Well I'm back to talk about disc golf haha, the boat ain't running, don't ask, just glad I found the fuel line for the kicker before departure haha, one canoe paddle would have been embarrassing.

The love affair with the uplink continues. I can shape amazing shots, the neutron soft has a lot of extra stability to keep it from turning too far. Not entirely sure if that's a good thing but they are more consistent than my neutron, they do not however do the cool late anhyzer turn. It's more deliberate and "normal". Getting my best distance in years out of a mid.

My short range putter/ mid distance has increased.. The downside is I really haven't been throwing drivers and my max distance is a rusty cry away from my distance around tourney time. It has also hurt my ability to really crank on a heavy premium envy.

I located 5 cosmic electron soft 172 envy. Really hoping they all have the high shoulder flat dome like my originals. Going to beat em all in this winter :D

Still running the 3 mold bag... Envy, Uplink, Tesla

I wish the 155 plasma tesla would turn more, I only play with the 155 pp fizz for tourney season and I'm always wanting a replacement. I guess I should start breaking in another fission, mostly because I'm tired of looking for my forest green plasma. Gotta say though it's getting it done in lots of conditions, lots of shots, does a decent thumber butI'm definitely missing the relay.

I found a cosmic 170 relay under my seat the other day, thinking about going down to Relays for a bit, I've got a couple stable cosmic 165ish ones, lots of neutrons in different wear from 155-165g. 2 relays might be a nice change. Of course just packing 4 molds is a much more obvious answer.
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Thank the border that I don't have a glitch to messiah ... haha mess with my bag right now. Triple Crown tournament on Sunday, pretty rusty. Too much new plastic, had to slim the bag for safety.. I think I will kick in my Calvin and Hobbes relay,it looks cool and should be a decent step down. Throws like a 160 ish, should be a good match after my tesla (3 mold bag) obsession.

Also thinking the spin is coming, I know 5 of the holes it will give me an advantage, going to knock the rust off but it always fits right back in the bag when I need it, kinda like an Uplink "light". Throw it flat it will turn.

Electron soft envy, plasma ash 165, neutron either 174 SE Halloween or fresh 21 open L2 165 not sure yet :D
165g proton sparkle Spin
180 soft SE uplink, 178 N gyropalooza
155 fizz pp tesla, 155 neutron SE halloween
160 N Relay (C&H)

Planning on soft uplink doing a lot of work, one course is blind ish short ish maybe, might want the 165 paradox but.. Not going cold on that. The relay and spin however... :D

At very least my bag is classy and all gyro this time out.
Well tourney is over, 5 strokes off the lead, -20 doesn't do it haha.

Uplink was not entirely the best choice on foreign courses, I needed the distance but didn't need it quite so touchy. The hex would have been nice.. Once I tuned it in though the 180 soft uplink was magic. It gave me the stretched lines on the pads when I needed it. Tried to cruise too far a few times. Covered relay distance when my relay let me down. My driving is crap, my mid game is grand masters level though. :D

The spin fit back in seamlessly again, yeah I know 3 molds haha, out the window!! Tourney time!! Spin definitely gave me an advantage, some amazing parks, a couple near ace and almost a bogey save but I got nubbed. I just can't give up on that disc.

166 soft uplink not so much, too straight, had to shelve it.

Outta touch with the relay, should have taken the 155 or thrown the tesla more. Drivers were grossly weak..

FH's and straddle putt were not to be relied on. Went to a hard backhand game.

Plasma ash envy needs some hyzer, I knew it would come to this, it's as beat as yard envy #2.. the SE 172 N black widow envy was the prime putter, got 90 percent plus, including a ton of C2's. Bloody hell I only have that "one" . That neutron is worn soft, grabbed a ton of chain and always faded fairly straight but still handled a little extra nervous power.

An extra stroke and something less than a triple bogey (like a par) and I would have placed. I can think of 4 putts that I feel "bad" about. And I really should have held it together on 27.. Again... one day I will learn the lesson. It's not over.. It's a nasty hole but should have held it together. The half ass fluff putt gave up a stroke and turned double into a triple bogey.

Hey future self!!!! Hold it together all the way to the end.. Coulda been tied for a useless 3rd... you were close. That could have been a win under different circumstances. You weren't that far out of it.

(And you didn't need to buy that **** ass $500 disc golf touring Camper that bad. :D , that was my afternoon plan, 78 vanguard cab over :D)


I was going to post my thoughts about whether the glitch is going to find a permanent spot in the bag (still undecided).. I got some Chance TS soft uplinks in the mail, colour unknown.. :D

But I got a service call and 4 hrs of daylight... and a fishing rod haha. I'm outta here!
Geez been awhile since I was here... that service call on another island was fun, got to sell em another 20L of gas instead of having it go bad. Haha.

Got my gyropalooza box, we will see what stays, there's always a few gems. I doubt if I would have tried a 159 signal unless a friend was trading it away but that has been a pleasant noodle arm surprise. I got easy distance uphill on a hole I struggle with these days, seems to be workable and less flippy than I remember/expect. Probably a combination of smoothness and declining distance with age haha.

Got a 170 proton virus, 162 motion, 174 terra to try out, I will also attempt to throw the 172 tenacity.. Because I really feel I should throw em all... except the tantrum.

Got my 179 soft CS tour uplinks, orange one has more dome than the pink one, it also has 2 more aces than the pink one. :D been a good ride so far... nice to have 3 x 180 softs in the stable.

The glitch is great used in moderation, been using it effectively for get out of jail and some tunnel shots... not so hot putting it from a distance lately. It will likely stick around.

Other than that no news... envy/glitch/uplink/relay/tesla/signal/spin I think for next season. Probably a hex.
Dear diary,

The fairy didn't come back to see me yet. I hope it comes soon to take me away to my real home. Somewhere around about 4 hrs late.

So bag update time I guess. Glitch is still good In moderation, I missed posting the long December of its off season. It's growing on me again, but f##n with it is dangerous, it's fun, it's useful but I keep throwing it when I just shouldn't haha... but there's been a ton of fun longshots and some touch up short.

Still enjoying the virus/signal but they are being thrown aside for the rhythm, got a couple domier circuits now that my buddy Bill bought me a backup. :D working hard with the 171's, I've got a 160 se flat top but it's not as long especially downhill, needs some break in action, the fade is harsher and a little more hss. Either way the rhythm has been a nice in between reliable driver. Little turn little fade. Good glide.

161 Motion has been making auditions not bad, meh.. Better than the fireball. Its as good as anything for the mega os optional slot. I like the skips. Gotta get a tighter OH on it though.

Sold some discs as a fundraiser for juniors, a friend kicked in a dye job.. Raised $300 I sent it to Jeff to use as necessary for juniors, he was telling me about this project and we ended up throwing half to a basket fundraiser to get a loaner disc baskets into schools. Bunch of other folks jumped on after us, that's always nice. Rumour has it im starting some disc golf non profit organization up here. Haha. Just because I asked some questions about government grants available and how to get em.

I'm not, not doing it.. :D maybe thinking about it now, more than never...

..it reminds me of how I accidentally kinda of got engaged sort of.
Played the school course again... it was alright. Only tried 27 of the 60 someone to 120 planned but it was good. A veritable playground of short course awesomeness. So many tees so much variety. Not what you would call ace runs either. Trulywell done.

With the exception of the cross fire of destruction across the firepit/ tent/ relax area. Honestly truly impressive in its small group absurdity to place it there or play it that way haha. It required a traffic coordinator who did a swell job but wow. 4 tee offs to the same two baskets. Picture a Pentagram, put the firepit in the middle and shoot to 10 and 12 o'clock from 3,5,6,7 o'clock. Just beautiful!

Anyhow.. Doubles, Bag notes:

Glitch came through, didn't miss the spin here. Lot of straight and necessary approaches. Bounced on of a kids jacket lightly and he hardly noticed. Soft approaches, tunnels and weird short hyzers. Holds up well with planning in a breeze.

Tesla didn't come through. Fission 156 octane was a bomber, good step up in a hard breeze, little less turn little more fade, really good open distance. BH, I can't FH it worth a crap yet.

Rhythm did the Lions share, solid straight to fade distance and some great straight or turn to fade FH's. Bad thumber though. Haha.

Neutron envy... got a couple JC wayfarer 167g , low plh... great throwers and putters. They retain a long high flight with a little turn, and putt with straight flight to hard fast fade. Less stable than my old pp plasma with a less canny hookup and more of a drop.

Soft uplink was consistent and good. Same with electron soft envy.

Scorpion came to play... haha I so want to be a scorpion guy. It would be too weird to pass up and OG as all heck.
The bag is expanding.. I may have to consider a backpack style for the future, preferably with a seat, maybe 16-20 disc capacity. The double nutsac or the rip off rogue iron is decent, but full capacity with 14 is kinda bulky. Previously I'd just be sticking with 10 or so.

Few changes, the rhythm has been a consistent disc, one of those "what do I throw?" kinda anchors. It's been a bit of a surprise but I'm always hungry for some new plastic fling. Little more reliable than the relay, little longer turn to shape with a little more stability but not much fade.

The spin has been temporarily shelved for a glitch/ uplink combo. The scorpion is actually handling some of the turnover BH's with a short FH. I'm trying too hard to be a scorpion guy. It's been a welcome yet unnecessary addition to the bag but it's been shaping some fun lines. Not much good uphill but it's kind of filling an OS mid role, but it's capable of a -2 turn or a beefy straight shot.
I may have to consider a backpack style for the future, preferably with a seat, maybe 16-20 disc capacity.
This is exactly the GB Simian, I am guessing you may already be aware of that. perfect bag for storage and mid level capacity.

Hmmm does this work here? I just want y'all to know if have the lone entry for "cheese tax" in the urban dictionary.

In bag news the flat stock rhythm and the circuits are now the backbone of my drivers. Went hard on 172g's a couple 174's. I'm thumping them pretty straight, every now and then I tip em over too far but generally they fly in the right general direction with solid distance and consistency.

Working on form, the form bag is 3 glitches, 4 comets, a San Marino Roc (from a friend), and 6+ rhythms.
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Well the rhythm section is now the driving section. The circuits are a nice easy throw and the stock L2's are a great compliment. The 160 SE is sitting in the middle, I've been using it for nightly rounds both to break it in and get a better feel for it, if I was forced to pack one rhythm it would grudgingly be it. It's one driver potential is above average and it's a nice step up from the circuits.

The scorpion is staying haha. As much as I've pushed for a gyro bag I've never found a mid like it, maybe a real worn drone. At 183g star with a giant width and axe shaped rim it does some cool turnover boogy with a solid fade and fights wind. So OS putter/mid slot with shades of fairway.

Going to keep the teslas but probably stick to heavier ones. The rhythm is phasing out my PP 155 fission but the 162+ F, N's are keeping their spot.

The rhythm has also helped phase out the relay for now with the uplinks help (and the hex). Glitch is in...

Problem is the real US relay spot, I think I'm going to put the 155 signal back in for a bit, at least in yard rotation. Not a lot of reasons to not throw the rhythm. I'm also planning for the bigger bag.. Might be fun to pack 16 discs easily. Got a ridge roller v4 coming.
Tourneys in two weeks.. I will get my bumblee looking ridge roller v4 from Kevin from Packex Disc golf then. I'm excited for the seat. Gonna load it with gyro.

I've had some good gains or regain in power loading the hips better.. thanks for the help folks. I've had to scale back a bit to save the knee on my point leg until I can get a better lead foot rotation in. Finding the middle ground right now but have regained all my power from last year but still keeping some in reserve... I'm getting similar distance with 70 percent of the previous effort and I'm about 85 percent as accurate. I think we will hold our ground for two weeks and take a little break from form work changes, stick to tuning.

Pretourney bag
Soft e envy, 167 n envy
Proton Spin?
Uplink soft 180g
Uplink soft 166 or neutron 175 gyropalooza?
172 esp comet might swap for the 176?
184g star scorpion
Hex ?

172 cct rhythm
160 se rhythm?
174 l2 rhythm

155 fr se fizz tesla
165 neutron tesla
155 fizz octane?

There's a couple optionals ? not sure which way to go with.. rhythms have been solid despite their heavier weights. The scorpion has found a strange niche kind of overstable mid/fairway. The fission tesla isn't as big of a deal this time around, the spin and comet are also in that category of reliable but not thrown as much as they should be. Fission octane should just stay home haha same reason even less throws.
. . . There's a couple optionals ? not sure which way to go with..

Looks good! I would remove the question mark from the Hex, and add a light Fission Insanity for understable distance, but you gotta do you. :)
Looks good! I would remove the question mark from the Hex, and add a light Fission Insanity for understable distance, but you gotta do you. :)

Thanks buddy... I think you are right... about the hex. I could use some extra stability and it's fh capability i just need to get some practice in and knock the rust off.

I remember reading how much you like the fission insanity, I haven't got one yet but i remember roadrunner like in some of the comments.. I was really digging my cosmic absorb81 ones last year. Maybe I should toss in the 155 signal just in case... and keep an eye out on the BST 😉 I do like insanities, and inertia and..... waves .... oh and love rhythms haha. I'm trying to disc down, now I remember.
Tourneys in two weeks.. I will get my bumblee looking ridge roller v4 from Kevin from Packex Disc golf then. I'm excited for the seat. Gonna load it with gyro.

I've had some good gains or regain in power loading the hips better.. thanks for the help folks. I've had to scale back a bit to save the knee on my point leg until I can get a better lead foot rotation in. Finding the middle ground right now but have regained all my power from last year but still keeping some in reserve... I'm getting similar distance with 70 percent of the previous effort and I'm about 85 percent as accurate. I think we will hold our ground for two weeks and take a little break from form work changes, stick to tuning.

Pretourney bag
Soft e envy, 167 n envy
Proton Spin?
Uplink soft 180g
Uplink soft 166 or neutron 175 gyropalooza?
172 esp comet might swap for the 176?
184g star scorpion
Hex ?

172 cct rhythm
160 se rhythm?
174 l2 rhythm

155 fr se fizz tesla
165 neutron tesla
155 fizz octane?

There's a couple optionals ? not sure which way to go with.. rhythms have been solid despite their heavier weights. The scorpion has found a strange niche kind of overstable mid/fairway. The fission tesla isn't as big of a deal this time around, the spin and comet are also in that category of reliable but not thrown as much as they should be. Fission octane should just stay home haha same reason even less throws.

This is the obvious joke, but I was expecting the top half of the bag to be more like

Soft e envy,
2nd slightly beat soft e envy
3rd ultra beat soft e envy
173 electron envy
167 n envy
167 proton envy
170 plasma envy
This is the obvious joke, but I was expecting the top half of the bag to be more like

Soft e envy,
2nd slightly beat soft e envy
3rd ultra beat soft e envy
173 electron envy
167 n envy
167 proton envy
170 plasma envy

Haha no bergs in this bag... I only have about 12 disc capacity in my double nutsac.. I like to pack 3 envy maybe 4 if it's an unknown course with water hazards but it gets ridiculous... but since you suggested it maybe I will throw in the 175 se n widow envy, I like it for tonals. :D

I think I can cover it with the one 167 JC wayfarer L2 N envy, it's fresh enough to putt stable but beat in enough to drive fairly straight. It is tough to pick 2 or 3 out of 30 envy so you are not wrong ;)
Haha no bergs in this bag... I only have about 12 disc capacity in my double nutsac.. I like to pack 3 envy maybe 4 if it's an unknown course with water hazards but it gets ridiculous... but since you suggested it maybe I will throw in the 175 se n widow envy, I like it for tonals. :D

I think I can cover it with the one 167 JC wayfarer L2 N envy, it's fresh enough to putt stable but beat in enough to drive fairly straight. It is tough to pick 2 or 3 out of 30 envy so you are not wrong ;)

I tried to wean myself off the Envy at one point (I ask myself "why?" now. What's wrong with me? Don't answer that). Then my friend decided he didn't want most of his anymore and randomly literally dumped them into my bag, so now I'm back in the club. It feels like choosing favorites among my children when I put a bag together now.

Same friend also insisted I try throwing a Berg, to the point where he eventually gifted me one (or more like threatened me with it). I had resisted for a while worrying about the narrative that it was a "crutch" for a lack of a touch game. Whether or not that's true, it turns out that having a 175g brick that barely wants to fly was useful enough in some situations that it's firmly in the bag. And you know what I like throwing almost as much as hammers? Bricks. I still get mad at it when I make certain upshots because I think about the shot I could have tried with an Envy, but know that I probably ended up closer by throwing the Berg. Oh well.

But don't worry, Envy still ranks slightly higher in my <3 than bricks.
.....And you know what I like throwing almost as much as hammers? Bricks. I still get mad at it when I make certain upshots because I think about the shot I could have tried with an Envy, but know that I probably ended up closer by throwing the Berg. Oh well.

But don't worry, Envy still ranks slightly higher in my <3 than bricks.

I hated the 10M Brick haha.

I don't need a Berg ive got a Skippy Scorpion. It's a stable fairway, it's an OS mid, it's a real OS putter.... :D
I hated the 10M Brick haha.

I don't need a Berg ive got a Skippy Scorpion. It's a stable fairway, it's an OS mid, it's a real OS putter.... :D

Dude, I didn't know about 10m Brick. The first review here is pure poetry:


This scorpion you speak of appears to be a classic, even larger diameter buzzz-like monstrosity. Is that true?