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wizard mold change?

Jesse B 707

* Ace Member *
Dec 23, 2007
i recenly got shipped a stack of 165 firm wizards (old stamp with the writing on the cape) and they seem to be higher profile than any of my newer run wizards to the point where i dont like em. any insight here? did they change the mold at some point or are these just cooled different?
I was in GGGT early this week and I talked to blake and we talked a little about wizards. GGGT got in some original mold wizards from like 2002 i think he said where it just says putter on it and has some dots. He told me this wizards was money, but for drives not for putting. He told me it was a hair more stable and I can tell. The things works great for driving!! I highly recommend. Next time I go back i'm going to get another one. He told me they had some retooling with slight variation and the new one is most like the original that he fell in love with. So I know that was some retooling, but what the differences are I couldn't tell you. I hope this helps.
I think the old wizards had a thinner flight plate. The older ones also seemed like they puffed up a little at the point were the flight plate meets the wing making them taller.
Is it a Chief? It's my understanding that Chiefs are Wizards with a little more dome and slightly different plastic. Can anyone back me up on this?
jamsisjams said:
Is it a Chief? It's my understanding that Chiefs are Wizards with a little more dome and slightly different plastic. Can anyone back me up on this?
That's true about the Cheif, but I'm not sure they would be considered firm. They're more rubbery, flexable and shiny than S plastic.
garublador said:
jamsisjams said:
Is it a Chief? It's my understanding that Chiefs are Wizards with a little more dome and slightly different plastic. Can anyone back me up on this?
That's true about the Cheif, but I'm not sure they would be considered firm. They're more rubbery, flexable and shiny than S plastic.

that's a check as far as knowledge goes...
The Chief was made in those very confusing times when Gateway gave some discs different names because they were different plastic. The Chief and Wizad are the same mold. They did the same thing with the Blaze/ Warrior and the Sabre/ Apache. I think the Scout might have been an H plastic Demon.
chainsmoker said:
The Chief was made in those very confusing times when Gateway gave some discs different names because they were different plastic. The Chief and Wizad are the same mold. They did the same thing with the Blaze/ Warrior and the Sabre/ Apache. I think the Scout might have been an H plastic Demon.
I'm still confused...so far as I know, the Chief was an H plastic Wizard and the Warrior changed names to the Blaze at some point. There was more than one Demon mold for a while, and I think one of those molds was the Scout mold. Again, that was pretty much a name change from when Dave decided to change from potentially offensive Native American disc names to potentially offensive Satanic disc names.

What confuses me is the Apache. I threw the Apache around 2000 or so for a while, long before H plastic showed up. It was an understableish driver that was probably based off the Sabre, but it was defiantly a different mold. By the time the H plastic was around I'd stopped throwing them, so GDS may have switched the name to an H plastic Sabre at that point. But originally there was a different Apache mold. I might be the only one who remembers it, but it did exist.
I remember the Apache. I used those alot. It was one of the first discs I saw go close to 500 ft. DaveMac and JohnE were crushing them. JohnE was tossing Demons 400+.

The Apache was always in an H type plastic. I never remember seeing an S Apache. I think it was a tweeked mold. I also think the Warrior was a tweeked Blaze. I don't think that a different plastic will make a mold that substantially less stable. The demon and scout were very close. there was also a Hatchet which was a demon type proto
I guess my information sucks :lol:
The Warrior and Apache both had major domes and were less stable than the Blaze and Sabre.

Just to divert this thread totally, remember the G6i. Someone told me it was a Demon that was dropped in water to cool more quickly so the plastic didn't shrink as much.
dgdave said:
The Apache was always in an H type plastic. I never remember seeing an S Apache.
My God...I've been waiting for this day! I thought it would never come, but here it is...I have a proto Apache in a plastic very much like Discraft Cyclone plastic. I also have an early run S Apache.


I feel all warm and fuzzy now. :lol:
chainsmoker said:
Just to divert this thread totally, remember the G6i. Someone told me it was a Demon that was dropped in water to cool more quickly so the plastic didn't shrink as much.
I had a buddy that threw the G6i...he called them Scemons...halfway between a Demon and a Scout. Personally I have no use for a disc like that, so I never even gave them a second look.
My understanding is that H plastic cooled significantly differently than S. Both the dome and sharpness of the rim features were affected. I'm sure they also experimented with different cooling methods. Sabre FX's were just Sabres that were cooled differently.

Gateway has a reputation of experimenting with different plastics so the early Apaches could have been tests with H plastic. Granted they also have a reputation of experimenting with tooling existing molds (how many toolings of the Speed Demon were there?) so who knows.