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Easton, PA

Hackett Park - Old Layout

2.85(based on 23 reviews)
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Hackett Park - Old Layout reviews

3 3
Experience: 18.4 years 6 played 3 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Poor Poor Hackett 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 12, 2010 Played the course:once


Not really sure. I did get to see a bunch of deer.


Poorly laid out course. Tee boxes were chipped wood and mud. Couldn't find number 1 based on where I parked at the top. Holes 15-17 are going to be horrible in the summer when everything is green.

Other Thoughts:

Would pass this up in a heartbeat.
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3 1
Experience: 16.5 years 50 played 2 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Decent 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 10, 2009 Played the course:once


-Easy to navigate (except for hole 9 to hole 10, but looking at the map took care of that)
-Course seemed to be well maintained except for hole 15-17. And the basket on hole 4 was dented.
-Hole 16 had an interesting downward shot that goes down then levels flat and then goes down again. (which sadly was the only tee-off I found really enjoyable)


-After a while the course became very mundane. Hole 5 + 6 are essentially the same; just a wide open field. Hole 7 + 9 are the same as well; an open field to the left and trees to the right. I found myself repeating a lot of the same shots.
-Hole 12 i can not gather how the heck you are suppose to throw on this hole. There's just a huge line of trees in front of you tightly woven together and a park road on either side.
-Holes 15-17 need to be maintained! They were completely overgrown with weeds! I don't recommend these holes for the summer.

Other Thoughts:

Also the course is incorrectly marked in yards instead of feet. I was looking forward to that "417 yard" hole. I never played a mile long hole!

There isn't a defined parking lot near the first tee...unless you wanna drive all the way up the hill and walk back down. I recommend parking on the grass next to the tee, which is what i did.

I rate the course a 1.5. Mostly because it became quickly mundane and none of the holes were truly all that memorable. I give some points though for maintenance on MOST of the course and the memorable tee off on hole 16. Otherwise nothing all that special here.
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20 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.3 years 156 played 149 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Hacked It Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 4, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


Perhaps one of the loveliest public parks to use as a disc golf course. Cool obelisks and monuments/ perfect hillsides and elevations. Perfect hardwood forrest and lovely fields. Huge pavillion. Parking. Close to the World Famous Lehigh Valley Courses. Water available.


Where to begin....Well for starters none of the above are utilized properly for the course. The course has very little fun factor and has a high danger factor. Odd. It is like the course would play better and be safer in a different configuration but instead it is both dangerous and not fun. holes 15,16, and 17 through the woods are completely overgrown..it looks like Planet of the Apes and you are discovering some relic from the past out there. Zero maintenance. Tee pads are slabs of wood in grass and signs give distance in yards not feet, totally wrong! Danger to park patrons, vehicles, players, etc. abound on numerous holes as stated in prior posts. This is a possible round at Hackets:
Hole #1 Hit a car after my drive bounced off a tree into the street 10 feet away.
Hole #2 Got hit by a golf ball as I played through the established ball golf driving range and angered at busted basket
Hole #3 Continued to dodge golf ball drives and hurried my anhyzer drive into the thorn bushes behind the basket.
Hole #4 I can't find the tee oh its the spray painted line on the road....drive into thorn bushes directly next to basket on the right of basket
Hole #5 Boring short open hole
Hole #6 Short drive downhill decapitates old man jogging on walking path 2 feet behind basket.
Hole#7 I drive with golf balls screaming up my backside as I again am skirting the driving range, damn I hit another car cause the access road is directly next to the fairway
Hole#8 Another short drive with a very busy street as a backdrop and the access road bordering the right of the fairway....thwack damn another car.
Hole#9 Oh cool I get to throw into oncoming traffic on both sides of this fairway..awesome! Thwack another car!
Hole #10 Hmm I have a choice hit those children playing on the playground next to the basket or risk another shot into the access road. Thwack! OUCH Mommy! good I did not hit a car.
Hole #11 Another throw into an incoming road and the anhyzer actually promotes playing into the road. thwack!
Hole #12 Cool island fairway surrounded by access roads Yay! Thwack!
Hole #13 Hyzer with road bordering right of fairway and thorn bushes to the left...hmm choices...Thwack
Hole #14 wow what an awesome hill gotta be a 100 foot drop open green nothing there heres the tee and the basket is not down the hill but innocently over there across from me...maybe I can just throw down this fairway and empty my bag and go home instead! No I will finish it's gotta get better?
Hole #15 Holy Jungle Im bleeding wheres the tee wheres the fairway wheres the basket shoot wheres my disc.
Hole#16 cool as hell shot here but again the weeds have overgrown to over my head and its jack in the beanstalks looking for my disc...
Hole #17 awesome downhill drive tight through woods but again so overgrown unless your disc is 5 feet wide and bright orange your gonna lose it I am bleeding itchy and so pissed off
Hole #18 Thank god its finall over now I get to shoot halfway up that huge hill and walk up the huge hill to my car and go cry.....who builds a course and does not use the hugest hill except for a long nasty walk back to the lot..

Other Thoughts:

I hope my dramatization has captured the essense of this course...It is perhaps the greatest piece of land being completely put to waste....It is comically sad. Final thought..Most of the holes have somehow managed to be both short and no fun and dangerous. Takes some kind of skill to design a course this bad on a prime piece of land like this.
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