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Pineville, LA

Kees Park DGC

Permanent course
3.255(based on 2 reviews)
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Kees Park DGC reviews

13 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.1 years 222 played 100 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Could be good 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 20, 2022 Played the course:once


+ Concrete Tees, they are tall person and Conrad approved. They are a bit odd, more on this later.

+ Innova DISCatchers for all 18 holes plus a few Mach 3's (I think) that are also in the ground and can be played on a few holes.

+ A good mix of open and wooded holes. The course is pretty much split between moderately/heavily wooded to lightly wooded/open park. The wooded holes require a good bit of precision and if you get off of the fairway you could easily find your way into the creeks on property or just be into the rough that is pretty rough. But this is a newer course and over the years I can imagine that this will get better. The open holes use the big old trees and creeks on the property very well. Almost every pin in the open brings either the trees into play nicely or the basket is close but not too close to the creeks.

+ This course has more water in play then I have played in a very long time. Almost every hole can end up in a creek or a small body of water. This is fun/frustrating. You need to either be perfect/skilled to park the holes or just play it safe and be content with a hopeful par. Ace runs here are just wildly fun and stupid.

+ There is a good mix of short par 3's, long par 3's and a few holes that I would consider a par 4. Most holes are a very manageable par but a few are a very difficult par when compared to their length.

+ The course flows very well. Every hole has a next hole arrow attached to the basket and if that is not a good enough indicator on where to go there are signs that tell you where to go, some with directions. There is a long walk or two but they are manageable and very easy to navigate.

+ There are some structures built to help protect players on two teepads where you are at risk of being hit. They could be made a bit stronger since they are just 4x4's stuck into the ground with chicken wire used to stop discs. Its already showing signs of wear and after it gets hit a few more times I could see these failing.


- Beginning/End of the course. Hole 1 and 18 are a good walk away from each other and there is no natural place to park or even start the course that would make sense. From 18's pin to 1's tee is probably a 5 minute walk thru the course. There's a parking lot by hole 1 that is not part of the park. There's a small parking lot by hole 15/16 that is close to hole 18. Then there is a parking lot for the course that is not too close to the start of end of the course. I'm not sure what can be done here to make this flow a little better but this is the courses biggest downfall to me.

- The course signs are beautiful but they are definitely off. A lot of the distances seem to be off and the maps on each hole dont seem to paint an accurate picture of the hole layout. Some holes would show on the sign that they are straight tunnel shots then when you get to the hole its more of a dogleg or natural hyzer.

- Teepads are great but odd. They seems to be some sort of metal form that was filled in. Theres holes for what seem to be handrails in the teepad that aren't an issue but the boarder of the tees have maybe an inch or two of exposed metal that is flush with the teepad. As long as you stay away from the edges of the tee then you are fine but if you find yourself on the edge then you are going to have a bad time.

Other Thoughts:

Not a con, but the course is a bit on the rougher side. To me this is just because the course is still new and needs a few years to get trampled down and a bit more time for the local to clean up the holes. I have no doubt that this will turn into a better course as time goes on.

This course is pretty unique because of the water. I haven't played a course that has a big pucker factor on a lot of the holes. The creek that plays thru the course adds another level of dimension to the course and takes a meh course to a pretty decent course. Some would argue that some holes play too close to the water but I think its a fair use of the feature.

Overall, this is a good course that I can see getting better in the future but it's not a must play yet. Its a good course to help hone some of your skills but you wont be missing anything if you don't play here. I really like this course when you compare it to Ft. Buhlow in town. Ft. Buhlow is longer and more open where this is more short and technical. They are a good compliment to each other. I could see this course being a hidden gem in the future and would love to come back and play this course in a few years time.
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