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Fayetteville, NC

Middle River DGC

Permanent course
1.55(based on 13 reviews)
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Middle River DGC reviews

7 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.3 years 540 played 256 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Basic, open, church course. Good for a warm-up round. 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 9, 2018 Played the course:once


Pretty easy to follow the flow of the course.
Mostly wide open, the few trees available were used well to force shot shaping.
On pieces of church property that aren't normally used. Nice activity for church members to enjoy.


The baskets aren't in great shape, a couple were leaning pretty badly. Most tees were just natural.
Posts to mark the tees and that was about it.
A couple of holes were very near a busy two-lane road and a VERY busy four-lane road. With the amount of wind that blows across the open property, it wouldn't take much for a disc to be carried away onto these roads.
Crazy use of a roadside billboard to force a Mando on #11.

Other Thoughts:

It does have a couple of cool holes, #3 has to be shaped around a couple of large trees, to an open green - #9 plays across a "sinkhole" at the back of the property, this gives a real risk/reward tee shot.
Very quick access off BUS I95 in Fayetteville, if you are traveling through. Since it is so open, it is a quick play also, even with 12 holes.
It looks like not much has been done to the course since it was put in. There's some construction going on that doesn't affect the course too much.
Pretty much just a course for course bagging or as a warm-up for the Mazarick courses that I played after this one.
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2 0
Experience: 16.3 years 68 played 53 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Great warm up to other courses 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 19, 2014 Played the course:once


Every hole is pretty much a big, flat, mostly open field with the occasional tree (or billboard?), so it's pretty straightforward. Baskets in great shape.


No tee pads, no signage, not exactly exciting layout. You play around a parking lot so you have to watch out for cars.

Other Thoughts:

This is basically a bunch of fields around a church that they have thrown some baskets in and made a small effort to make it interesting. They are a good length, so you get to air it out a bit and get the arm ready for other courses in the area.
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.2 years 278 played 276 reviews
1.50 star(s)

About that Billboard 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 22, 2013 Played the course:once


Nice open spaces with baskets at decent distances make for a great place to learn discs and practice placement. On most of these holes, nothing will inhibit the flight of the disc towards the target.

Though the area is used for other activities, the holes are mostly kept away from those areas. I can easily someone playing a few holes instead of watching the family activity they came to the park for.


There are a bunch of problems though. There are two holes that play close to the baseball field. Not really a problem if there is no game, but if there is, there is a good chance that a disc goes over the fence and causes a problem. It's especially a problem on a course aimed at beginners as these are exactly the players who will lack the control to stay out of there.

There's also ten, in which the basket is just behind a large billboard. Its followed by eleven, where the tee is placed so that the best route to the basket is directly under the billboard.

There is also the final hole, which throws essentially through the parking lot. Fine if there are no cars. But.....this is essentially the problem. Serious players will not find the course challenging enough. Beginning players have been given too many obstacles (cars, billboards, baseball players) that should not be in the line of fire.

Other Thoughts:

Since the tees are not permanent, I'm sure things could be moved around to make the course more suited for new players and with less dangerous fairways. It's a nice place and the baskets are more than decent, so a little rearranging could go a long way.
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4 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.2 years 54 played 18 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Safari 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 17, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


I had fun making my own tees here, but there is not much in the way of markings or challenge. If I lived or worked near I would surely practice here. And I like the fact a church has this here to introduce new potential players. If you live or work in the area it's a fun safari course. And a nice way to spend your lunch hour.


There isn't a tee to be found on this course, rather you make your own. There is no elevation or many obastacles to be found, other than holes 6 and 7. No benches or trash cans, but it is such a quick play that hardly matters.

Other Thoughts:

This was a hard review to write, since this isn't what I consider a "course". This is 9 baskets scattered out over a flat field with little hazard. Don't go out of your way to play here, unless you are already in Fayetteville and want to boost your course count or warm up for the 2 other courses in town.
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