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St. Louis (Florissant), MO

Sioux Passage - Original

4.035(based on 52 reviews)
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Sioux Passage - Original reviews

10 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.4 years 1147 played 721 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 14, 2020 Played the course:once


The original course at Sioux Passage is the more challenging of the two courses on site in my opinion. The distances are much longer than Briscoe. It's also much more open. More your typical park style course. Not completely open but mostly open. There's 2 distinct loops here, that are actually not that close to each other.

The front 9 is the more technical of the two. You have trees to contend with on almost every hole. Hole one is the most open of these holes. A fun downhill bomb to start things off. After that there's at least a few trees to manuver around on every hole. 7, 8 and 9 are the best of the bunch, with tough tees or pin placements. Hole 9 is a tight, severely uphill tee shot where if you kick off to either side you're scrambling. Fun hole.

The back 9, is much more open but the elevation increases. It's almost like 2 different courses. but both are fun. 13 is a super fun downhill bomb with the OB road along the whole left side. A good mix of up and downhill shots on this section.

The tee signs are solid here. They have the hole #, all pin positions, distances and pars. They also have a nice hole map which helps you identify where you need to throw. Bolts are plugged into a slot next to the pin that is current. I always love to see this when there are multiple pin placements. Signs also have next tee arrows.

The tees are all concrete. Not the largest, but big enough and all are nice and level and have good grip. Plenty good enough. One tee per hole.

The baskets are older Mach's. Not sure what type 3's probably. They have the number plates on the top. Definitely on the older side and not my personal favorite, but I had no issues with them. These are alright.

The flow from hole to hole is easy to follow (except 9 to 10). The course was well mowed and maintained when I was here. Also very clean. Course is free and is a permanent set up. Double bonus.


The walk/drive between the two nines is a little annoying, but worth it to have good holes on both. Just odd I guess.

The baskets are a little bit of a disappointment. Like I said, I had no issues with them, but they're in pretty rough shape.

The prairie grass on 14, 15, 16 and 17 can be a pain to find discs in. It's pretty easy to end up in there, and isn't fun to look through. Very possible to loose a disc in there.

Not a con but a forwarning: Bring plenty of liquids, especially on the back 9. Those hills are brutal. Especially in the summer heat. Expect a round to take around two hours if you play reasonably fast.

Other Thoughts:

This is a pretty fun course. You can tell it gets a good amount of play, by the wore out paths between holes. And for good reason, It's a fun course. I bet it would be REALLY fun if you weren't a noodle arm like myself, and could really bomb it on some of these holes. But all players will enjoy this course. Not a destination course by any means, but if you're in the area I'd recommend this one. Doesn't take that long to play, and could be played as two seperate 9's. I'd play this one again. Not as good as Jefferson Barracks IMO, but a similar feel to it. Good course.
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4 0
Wise Fool
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.6 years 125 played 118 reviews
3.50 star(s)

A Fun Passage of Time 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 12, 2014 Played the course:once


-Very well kept and taken care of park
-Good concrete tee-pads
-Multiple pin-positions on each hole.
-This course had a lot of elevation change. Most the the holes had either downhill or up hill incorporated into them. There are even a couple of shots across a small valley which were a lot of fun (the valley shots were holes 2 and 6, and were two of my favorite on the course).
-The course has a good variety of distances on the course. There are some holes are 200 and 300 feet, and then a lot of holes that are quite a bit longer, in the 500 to 800 foot range. The back nine definitely longer than the front nine.
-The course didn't seem to interfere with other park areas or activities.
-Holes 18 was an awesome hole. It is about an 800 foot downhill shot, down a somewhat curvy fairway, with thick foliage down the side of the fairway. The hole finishes by going down into some trees and across a small stream. It was a lot of fun hole.
-The course made pretty good use of the trees it had. The thick foliage off to the side of some fairways helps to add some risk/reward and punishment for a bad shot.
-Quite a few fairways, especially on the back nine, had a fairways mowed into the taller grass, helping to add a little more challenge to some of the more open holes.
-My three favorite holes were holes 6 (one of the shots across the valley, hole 9 (a shot straight up a hill, through probably the tightest fairway on the course, to a more open basket), and the aforementioned hole 18. These holes were a lot of fun and the most memorable holes on the course.
-Gateway Titan baskets were in great shape and caught well.


-Tee-signs only have the distance and par on them. Since a lot of the baskets aren't visible from the tee-pad, it would be nice to have tee-signs showing a lay-out of the course to avoid walking up the fairway to get an idea of where the basket is located.
-Not a fan of having to drive or walk between the front and back nine, I prefer to be able to play my full 18 without having a break in between.
-The back nine was a little bit more wide open than the front nine and it was a little too wide open for my taste. Other than hole 18, it would be nice to see some more trees incorporated into the back nine.
-This course could use some more benches to rest on as there is a lot of walking involved in this course.
-A couple of navigation issues. It took me a while to find the tee for hole 12 as it was hidden just inside a grove of trees. Signs at each basket pointing toward the next tee-pad would be very useful.

Other Thoughts:

This course was a lot of fun but it just didn't have the wow factor that I expect from a 4 disc or higher rated course. If I could I would give it a 3.75 rating as I feel it is a little higher than a 3.5 rating. It had some good fun holes but just didn't wow me like some other courses, and was a little too wide open compared to what I prefer. If you are in the area definitely give this course a try.
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1 9
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Longest Course Around 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 20, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


Long drivers dream! Tees are great. Very well maintained.course. Elevation changes are a interesting twist. 800ft holes....WHAT!


Wind will really effect your game. Maps of the hole would be great at each Tee. Course is mostly out in the open. 800ft holes....WHAT?

Other Thoughts:

Park is big enough to have two 18 hole courses. Overall one of the best courses in the area!!
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7 1
Martin Dewgarita
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.9 years 1600 played 95 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Dreams of an ancient memory 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 14, 2011 Played the course:once


A mostly open city park with good use of elevation and some technical lines. An enjoyable disc golf experience, especially if you like big open bombs with a few tighter holes.

Amenities. Shelter, playground, bathrooms, and plenty of parking (the upper lot was small, with plenty of parking down below).

Overall Variety. The front 9 has a good variety of open shots and tight technical shots. The back 9 has many mature clumps of trees that force more open lines. Elevation comes into play on many of the holes very well, with several big bombs off the top of a hill. Overall the holes compliment each other quite well, but it feels mostly like a big arm course.

Well kept. Littering seems to have been a problem here in the past as there's signs posted that tell disc golfers to please not litter. Garbage cans are provided and the park staff are constantly present, the course is very well manicured and kept looking nice.

Local Scene. Local leagues and tournaments are a regular occurrence here, the locals I encountered were all friendly and helpful.

Access. In the city, not far off the freeway it's easy to get to.

Other users. This area seems to be primarily a disc golf course, though the parking lot and road come into play.

Tees. Single set of level concrete tee pads are in good shape.

Signage. Decent signs read the hole number, and distance for the different pin positions.

Scorecards. I'll leave this in the pro section as there was a box provided for scorecards, though I don't know how well it is stocked as it was empty while I was there.


Navigation. It wasn't always easy to know where the basket was or which basket to throw at. Hole 11 I ended up throwing at the wrong basket (the correct basket was to the right and shorter). Some areas a next tee sign would be helpful, or having a map posted at the start would be useful (maybe the scorecards have maps if they're available?)

I had no prior knowledge of this course and I was lost after the front 9. There was no indication after the front 9 where the back 9 was located, I ended up having to ask a local (obviously if you've read any reviews or the course info page you know by now how to get there and it won't be a problem).

Alternate pin locations. There was a list posted at the start to indicate which pin placement was in, unless you have a great memory or a camera, this information is hardly helpful.

Other Thoughts:

A very pleasant disc golf experience in St. Louis, if you like mostly open lines and watching the disc fly on big lines, this is a fun, challenging course worth the stop if you're in the area.
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6 2
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.1 years 36 played 31 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Beautiful Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 17, 2010 Played the course:once


There are a lot of great things about this course; distance, hills, scenery, multiple pins and excellent maintinence. Almost every hole had 3+ pin placements that were playable for any skill level. Tee pads were solid and generally level (not level to the ground but level where a ball wouldn't roll.) Baskets were in good condition and the grass was even mowed. Trash was at a minimal and there were plenty of restooms. There was a park set on the front and a large set of portable restrooms in the parking lot for the back 9 (I assume this is only during cross country season).


Going from the front nine to the back nine was a short car ride or long walk. When I played it we couldn't locate basket 17 but it was also getting dark. There were a few instances where you were throwing extremely close to a parking lot which could cause you to hit a car. The signage became a little frustrating as you never really knew where the basket was, just how far you needed to throw it (this was common at the STL parks I played). In a lot of cases it just fels really open, high grass was used in some areas to narrow a fairway though.

Other Thoughts:

#9 had an amazing tee that really made the hole tough and exciting. The back nine incorporated a lot more in terms of elevation change. If you are on the last few holes and you end up in the wild grass keep a good eye on it, I found it very easy to lose two discs in there. Be prepared to walk quite a bit and tackle a few hills. Distances are accurate but because of some of the extreme elevation changes be prepared to adjust to playable distance. despite being a long course on paper, a lot of the downhill holes made it play much shorter.
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15 1
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.3 years 53 played 35 reviews
3.50 star(s)

LOOOOOOOOOONG! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 18, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


Great design to the course, great integration into the terrain, and the course is relatively out-of-the-way so foot traffic is sparse at best.

The 4x4's at the holes marking which pin location is being used and how far it is is a great recent addition to the course.

Tees are always clear of debris and trash cans at most every hole keep litter to a minimum. Maintainance of the park otherwise is always top-notch.

Plenty of variety between pins and tees in and out of woods, uphill/downhill, and hyzer/ anhyzer shots. Big arms are favored here, but weenies such as myself have a legit shot through superior accuracy.

Probably the most picturesque course in St. Louis.


Signage between holes to point you in the direction of the next could be MUCH better (especially for hole 12 which is tucked back into the woods).

No indication in the park signage of where to park for the front nine, where the back nine is, or how to get there.

Holes 4 and 10 have benches to sit at, but otherwise, you're sitting on concrete ledges (not the most comfortable) or standing. Given the length of this course and the terrain, a few benches would be a cheap and welcome addition.

Another porta-john or two would be a good idea as well. There's a righteous bathroom at the Lenz shelter before the front nine, and a row of porta-johns before the back, but in between there's nothing. Given the length of the course, another facility or two would be welcome.

If you don't have a big arm, you'll get frustrated at this course, especially with the "C" and "D" pin locations.

Other Thoughts:

Alcohol consumption at this park is by RESERVATION ONLY!!! (for private parties at the numerous pavillions).

Local wisdom (mine) says people watching the course for such violations are very few and far between. Local wisdom (others) says that if you do get caught, as long as you treat the park rangers with respect and don't have 47 beers with you, you'll be fine.

If you're looking for a scorecard but can't find them (as another reviewer stated above), check the BACK of the info kiosk at the first tee. An odd place to put them for sure, but I imagine they're there (and not in front) to keep vandals from grabbing the whole stack and tossing 'em around like confetti. The aforementioned scorecards DO have rudmentary maps on them that are accurate enough to get you pointed in the right direction, but they, along with the rest of the (lack of) park signage, don't tell you how to get to the back 9.
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11 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 19.3 years 102 played 19 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Beautiful and Challenging 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 17, 2008 Played the course:never


Sioux Passage is the most well maintained and manicured course on the St. Louis circuit. There are a multitude of bomber holes, and a few that require a good touch as well.
- Tee pads are excellent
- Great variety of left/right holes
- Some excellent elevation changes
- You get the feel you're playing at a country club
- Fairly easy to navigate
- Well designed 2 shot holes
- A lot of places to pick up strokes with long drives and accurate approaches

Other Thoughts:

- The separation between the front and back nines is odd, and can be frustrating if you're not aware of it
- I found the wide open fairways to be mostly pleasant, but some holes lacked a challenge
- There are few longer walks, and no benches to sit on. A stool/chair is recommended

If you like stretching your arm out on wide open fairways with well manicured grass, Sioux Passage will not disappoint you.
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