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Pinellas Park, FL

Youth Park DGC

2.945(based on 33 reviews)
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Youth Park DGC reviews

9 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 11.2 years 40 played 34 reviews
2.50 star(s)

The fountain of Youth (Park)!

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 28, 2024 Played the course:2-4 times


So, there are a couple more interesting holes out here that use the water and trees for fun setups. I played out here on a Friday at about 11AM, and it was a lot of fun.

The pond comes into play a couple times, but less than you would expect. 2 is the main water hazard hole - it's a very makeable drive, though. Not nearly as challenging as the water out at Cliff Stephens.

This is the ultimate course for newbies, IMO - if you stay away from the water on the few holes it really comes in play (1, 2, and 7), it's very friendly. And there's really no holes much over 300 feet, but still some shots that require you to hit a certain line to make it past the trees. In other words, just enough to give a challenge without being frustrating.

The lost disc opportunities are confined to a few holes (more on that later), so that also helps with the newbie aspect.

The park is actually really pretty. I'm pretty sure this is really mostly a floodwater retention area for Pinellas Park, but there were tons of pretty pine trees and some wildlife (birds) when I was there.

Some of the signage was missing, but most of it was intact and generally helpful - although you really won't need it much out here to be honest.

This would be the best place I can think of to bring a group after work to shoot a round. It's very compact, minimal frustrating holes, and a quick play.

One very nice thing is that this is a DG-exclusive area - no worries about walking paths, shelter users, etc.

Parking lot and port-a-john right by the entrance.

The course was maintained well when I was there. I think Pinellas Park had just mowed out here and it was in nice shape.


The course is simply packed in WAY too tight. There are others that play close to each other at times (think Taylor Park on the first several holes), but this takes it to a whole new level.

There really isn't much to playing out here for the most part. There's a few more interesting holes, but you're basically zigzagging back and forth over the same small park for the entirety of 3-18.

This is really a con within a con. The lack of challenge out here makes this course great for ams and beginners, but those folks are generally going to struggle to hit a drive on a tight fairway without veering off too far. You're working with maybe 10-20 feet in spots, so you're going to constantly be dodging other players or throwing into their fairways if it's busy out here.

While there aren't a TON of lost disc opportunities, the ones that exist are pretty bad. The water has gators (most freshwater in Florida does), and the neighbors don't seem amenable to you clambering over to get your discs as there are very tall fences beside 2, 17, and 18.

The standing water out here can get really bad if it gets rainy, to an extreme amount. Sadly, some of the teepads have cracked really badly and are sinking as a result.

Baskets are still functional, but getting pretty old and are behind the newer ones at courses like Cliff Stephens and Picnic Island. As I had mentioned, there is missing signage on a few holes as well.

Other Thoughts:

I wavered between a 2.5 and a 3 on this course, but settled on a 2.5. There are some things that could be done to bring it to a 3 (better teepads, improve signage, bag hangers, etc), but I think that is pretty much the cap it its present format.

My review makes it sounds like I did not enjoy my round, but nothing could be further from the truth! I actually had tons of fun out here. It's a great place to show up, shoot a quick round, and enjoy the sport - I am really glad it's here. It's just that if you're looking for a truly special DG experience, there are so many other options in the area (Cliff Stephens, Oldsmar, Picnic Island, Cypress Point, Taylor Park, Tocobaga, heck even Coachman) where you'll be able to scratch that itch. With that said, disc golf is like pizza - even if it's not especially GOOD pizza, it's still pizza, and I love pizza!

It is such a shame they did not decide to make this a nice 9-hole course, rather than packing in 18 holes way too tight. The trees and the water give enough interest that, if you cut the number of holes down, you could easily make some very entertaining shots out here. You could also allow for a couple longer throws that way.

With that said, it's still a fun play, and makes for a very quick round if there is nobody out here. It's pretty far behind a lot of other courses in the area, but if you're bringing a group after work to go throw some discs, this is probably the best park I can think of. Easy, compact, can run back to the car if you forget something, etc. It has its place in our collection of courses in the Tampa Bay area and fills it really well. Happy discing!
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1 4
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
4.50 star(s)

The ultimate beginner course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 28, 2017 Played the course:5+ times


This is the best course to play for beginners. The course layout is very strait forward. Several holes have multiple pin positions. Very few water hazards.


For an experienced player, there are no challenging shots.

Other Thoughts:

Don't throw right over the fence on hole 2. The same goes for left of the fence on 18. You will not be able to retrieve your disc.
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 31.5 years 764 played 387 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Popular Local Park Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 15, 2019 Played the course:once


Youth Park is a small multi use local park that's disc golf course sits across the spacious parking lot in a tight landlocked piece of land .Port O Lets are near the parking lot , and trash cans are nearby and on the course . The course was freshly mowed when I was there , and the park was clean and any rough was cut way back . There is a mailbox near the far end of the parking lot near hole 1 that has some pretty cool scorecards with a map on it . Not that you really need the map . The course flows well . The baskets are your basic Chainstar that is prevalent to many of the disc golf courses in Florida . The signage ( missing #17 ) is actually pretty good , with Hole # , par , length and flight path . All of the holes have cement tee pads , but I guess with the water retention in the park , some have cracked , which is surprising for a course built in 2009 . There are multiple pins on many of these holes , but since the park is semi open , you can see the baskets . This course seems to be a popular hangout for the local disc golfers . I even played a few holes with some good ams . The course is flat and easy with hole distances ranging from 225' - 327' but most in the 240 to 290 area . The course has 2 water carries , #2 where you can throw alongside of the pond if you want and #7 , which is a little more of a tug to get across . Locals say that this course can hold water after a hard rain or 2 , which can make the course fairways toe to ankle deep in spots . To say that this course gets crowded at peak times is an understatement . I played on a Tuesday evening and there were players at half the baskets . This course is a fast play if not packed . I was able to play it in 50 minutes . A couple of the locals say that the random doubles draws on Mondays and Thursdays draw a good amount of players , so you may want to avoid those 2 evenings . #1's hole is the only one totally separated from the rest of the course. 260' left to right near the other sports . #18 is a good finishing hole , 327' with some woods to negotiate . Even though the course is tight , it seemed like no one was throwing on top of each other . There were some good basket placements like #9 into a basket surrounded by a grove of trees . Even though there was a patch of trees ( not enough to call a woods ) on a part of the course , several holes utilized it . It seemed like most of the holes either had trees near the tee pad , or in the fairway , or at the basket . #Signature Hole : If you are making me choose one , I guess the water carry #7 , 260' , where the basket is very close to the pond . I would classify this course as less challenging and more fun .


#1 Challenge . A couple of the more challenging holes use the tree section , and have no real lanes to drive into . I don't consider throwing and hoping that your disc doesn't clip a tree being a challenge . No doglegs , or hidden baskets . Good players will eat this course alive . #2 Safety . The walks to the holes are short and the course design did a good job of spacing in such a concentrated area , but this course is well suited for newbies and the 2 disc carrying groups . Combine that + wind and that can equal a drifting drive that can clip an unsuspecting player . #3 weather . I would avoid this course after a good rain or 2 . It was unseasonably dry in the Clearwater area when I played it , but a local told me that the back of the course becomes a mess and the pond can overflow . #4 Crowding . Be prepared to sit behind groups at peak playing times . The locals are pretty good at letting you cut through , but sometimes you cut right into other groups . Disc Risk : even though there is no deep rough to throw into , the pond poses a threat to swallow up your approach or driver ( some crosswinds ) on mainly 2 or 7 . I saw a local dejected after throwing his driver up into a tree on 17 and not being able to free it . The course is sooo flat . Just warning you . Bring bug spray . The course doesn't scream Beautiful Florida here at all , kind of mundane.

Other Thoughts:

I know that the cons make it look like I disliked the course , but it couldn't be farther from the truth . If driving to the Clearwater beach area from a long drive and wanting to throw a course before checking in , this is the course for you . A good flat stretch course that you can climb out of your car , have the family go up and get a fountain drink round the corner , and get in a quick 45 minute round . The course won't knock your socks off with it's lack of variety , but it does have some water , some woodsy type area and some fun to it . My Recommendation : for newbies and casuals , this course will be their Valhalla . If living 10-15 minutes away , well worth it . If a vacationer , a good play . If a local or traveling pro , take some time out and play in the random draw on Mon and Thurs evening , or get in a quick round on the weekday mornings . Try this course . It may surprise .
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7 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.3 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
2.50 star(s)

You Won’t Need Every Disc In Your Bag Here At Youth Park DGC! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 17, 2018 Played the course:once


Youth Park is a flat city park with scattered trees and a fair sized pond in the middle. Really, the pond only comes into play on two holes, # 2 and # 7. # 2 is 264' and the pond is on your left the entire way. # 7 plays 260' and the carry across the water is maybe 250' or you can play it safe by keeping right. This morning, there was a guy with a rake type instrument trolling for discs.

There is a mailbox at # 1 and surprise! It was full of maps/scorecards. The pads are nice, extra long concrete ones. Signs are small, faded metal ones. One was missing and one was beat up. The baskets are older Chainstars.

Other than the two water carries, the course was pretty much pedestrian. Hole distances ranged from 230' to 320'. # 6 is tight off the tee. # 14 requires a thread the needle drive between two trees approximately 12' apart. The # 16 basket is guarded by 10-12 smaller trees. # 17 is 275' with a ditch on your right and a fairly small gap to throw through. The final 10 holes all play into, through or out of scattered trees. The course does loop back to the parking lot.


Tee sign missing on # 17 and the sign on 15 is beat up and bent.

Baskets are older.

Two tee pads are badly cracked.

Every hole requires a straight throw off the tee. They started to look eerily similar. This is probably the only con that is really an issue. The others are mainly cosmetic.

Park is flat.

Other Thoughts:

Youth Park DGC is a recreational level course with two pucker up and throw holes. Rec players will enjoy their game here but anyone better will probably be bored. Course designers did a admirable job with the terrain they were handed but in the end, this is still a flat hunk of land with a pond in the middle. It's pretty wide open and most players won't have to us more than about four discs.
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6 0
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Almost great 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 13, 2016 Played the course:once


Mixed feelings about this course. Some nice features with some unfortunate caveats..

-Offers some nice variety (open shots, thick wooded areas, water feature)

-Very well kept grounds in my experience. Good baskets.

-Dedicated space without people walking through.

-There is a port o potty, which is certainly better than nothing.


-I took off at least one full point for the design of Hole 2 alone. You have to drive for maybe 200ft through a narrow passage around 20ft wide between water and a second out of bounds area. On the left is a lake where large alligators have been removed, with another recently spotted. On the right is a 6ft chainlink fence and a private business beyond it with prominent no trespassing signs that explicitly forbid retrieving lost discs beyond the fence. It's also fairly exposed wind-wise so gusts love to put your discs in one of those two locations. The fence has been cut through (I assume by golfers) so you could hypothetically crawl through to retrieve discs but clearly nobody wants to be put into this position, and it puts you in a bad mindset for the remaining 16 holes.

The other hole with water feature is better designed. If you have confidence you can try and drive straight over the pond, or play it safe around the edge with shorter throws. That said, you skirt the right side so most people's RH BH drives are at risk of early hyzers that will gobble up discs. Not necessarily a con, just a word of caution. I refuse to play either hole anymore without both a floating driver and a retrieval device.

-Many of the holes are spaced a little too close together. It's pretty easy to end up overlapping with both the people playing 1-2 holes ahead of you and those behind you.

-At least one hole is basically "rip it and pray" situation for 80% of players, where a thick wooded area just ahead of the tee blocks most drives, unless you are an absolute sniper.

Other Thoughts:

-It's worth noting that the height of the lake appears to have changed noticeably since some of the pictures on here were taken. It looks to me at least like the water is a solid 4-5 feet further up the bank these days.

-Busier than I'd like, but I've never seen it too busy to be enjoyable.
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3 2
Experience: 2 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Youth park. Fun local spot 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 13, 2016 Played the course:once


Easy course most shots are straight with trees on most holes and water on 2 holes. Free score card on hole one but no pencils. I was there noon on a weekday and it was empty. Very easy to navigate


Smaller coarse. Lots of trees on fairways .. Set up is very narrow and a few holes cross paths

Other Thoughts:

Check it out it's a fun coarse
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8 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 10.6 years 694 played 669 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Typical City Rec Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 12, 2017 Played the course:5+ times


(2.611 Rating) (REVISED - replayed October 2017) Youth Park served as my home course for 18 months. This course gets heavy usage and has regulars comprised of all skill levels.
- CHARACTER - Clearly the best thing about Youth park is the feeling that you know the space is dedicated to just disc golf. There's a bunch of picnic tables for seating, more than half of the tees are shaded, there's good hole signage, there's a community board with course map, there's trash cans, there's a few extra pin placements (1,2,7,14) and there's a practice basket. (unfortunately not used often due to its location)
- TEE PADS - They are all concrete and are generously long. at least 12 to 16 feet in length. Well above average in my opinion and more than you'll need. However, a few are cracking now and will likely start to affect throwing soon if left unrepaired.
- SCORECARD/MAP PROVIDED - As of my 179 courses played as of this revision, this is one of only three free courses that provides a free scorecard with map. They are located in the mailbox on (1) tee.
- MAINTENANCE - The grounds are mowed weekly. I've played over a hundred rounds here and only saw the grass higher than 6 inches once (Hurricane Irma). Despite the heavy use, trash has always been in check.
- FORGIVENESS - The odds of losing a disc due to an errant shot is low with a few exceptions. The water on holes 2 and 7 claim a lot of discs. The tree canopy is mostly pine and mixed Deciduous trees with very few disc robbing palms.
- DISC RETURN - I have lost 7 or 8 discs in the water as of the review revision, and all but 2 of them have been returned. Several, but not all, other regulars have the same good return rate. This is not a guarantee that you'll get a disc back, it just seems more likely than normal on this course.
- NAVIGATION - One of the easiest courses to navigate that I've ever played on the first round. The scorecard has a lot to do with that.
- LAYOUT FLOW - Although a tight layout, the flow of the course works pretty good. I don't think any holes require a walk over a hundred feet between basket and next tee. there are several opportunities to skip a group of holes (and yet easily come back and play skipped holes) if large groups are in the way.
- QUICK PLAY - A single, can easily complete a full 18 in under 45 minutes. groups of 4 usually play in under two hours, sometimes even an hour and a half.
- ACEABILITY - Numerous holes, is not all, are aceable, You will have great opportunities on holes (5, 9 and 13) every hole is under 330 feet. Personally, I have aced hole (9)
- EVENTS - There are two weekly events going on as of this review revision. There is random dubs on Monday and Thursday at 6:30 PM. $5 with optional $1.25 ace pot.


There are several unfixable conditions at Youth Park.
- TIME WAITING - This course gets heavy use and often has mob golfing going on during the summer with groups of 10 or more. Typically the large groups will let faster group through (or try to get you to join in), but you'll still have to wait on that initial hole.
- UNIQUENESS - The holes themselves in terms variety are well below average. All of the holes play between 225 and 327 feet. There is only one sweeping shot (#7) and that's if it's in the long position only. There are no pocket shots left or right, and there are no blind baskets. There are no 4's or 5's. I will say however, that there are a bunch tee shot tree windows and finishing tree windows to hit. There is one for sure overhead play on (16), otherwise it's a poke and hope shot.
- SPACING - Well below average, Several of the fairways feel partially shared. Discs constantly end up in other fairways. Black aces have happened. In addition, considering that the course is typically full of players, you will always be wise to keep your head up and aware of other groups teeing off.
- ELEVATION - Really none to speak of. I know that this is typically for Florida, but this course is flat for even Florida standards. no more than 5 feet of elevation change throughout the entire course.
- DIFFICULTY - Not much of a challenge to advanced players as they should have no problem breaking par and being several shots down . Intermediate and Rec players may be delighted however as it can be a feel good round. It's a great opportunity for those players to finish under par as well.
- BEAUTY - If you're the player that enjoys a nice scenic course, this isn't it. It's below average at best. Nearby courses Picnic, Tocobaga and Taylor are all much more scenic.

Other Thoughts:

A good course for those living within 5-10 miles. A great beginner course due to low amount over hazards and overgrowth. Probably worth a look see if you've already hit a majority of the area courses or if you're like me and feel the need to play every course once. Not recommended to out of region players looking to play one or two area courses. In that scenario, consider these area courses instead; Cliff Stevens, Taylor, Picnic, Oldsmar, Cypress or Medard. All of those courses are rated in Florida's top 20 on this site, except Oldsmar, which is a new course and doesn't have 11 reviews yet to qualify for the rankings.
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5 0
Experience: 30 played 30 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Pretty little course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 25, 2016 Played the course:once


Well kept park dedicated to disc golf
Reachable holes for players like me in 225-250ft range
Just south of nice theater, shopping, restaurants
Good shade on especially back 9 for hot days
Uncrowded during the week


-If it has rained, the creek next to 18 is muddy/mucky, making it tricky to get disc if you go in there
-Some ant mounds in the grass, especially after rains, but just watch your step and it's fine
-Holes 8, 12, 14 and a couple of others have a line of trees that make it difficult on your drive. Not necessarily a con, but you'll probably think so when you hit a tree.
-Some signs are getting faded from the sun

Other Thoughts:

Overall, I love this little course. It is a bit further away for me, so I only get there a couple of times a year. But I enjoy it very much every time I play there. It may not get the respect of Cliff Stephens or Taylor Park or a few other courses in the area, but don't rule out this fun little park to play in.
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7 0
Experience: 36.2 years 196 played 11 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Solid, Easy to Moderate Level Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 18, 2014 Played the course:once


Great tee pads and signs. I think there was an alternate pin location on every hole. A pond and a ditch act as water hazards on the course. Great scenery and this area of the park seems set aside for disc golf, so other than 1 dog walker, we had no obstacles.


Fairways are a bit close together. Playing it for the first time, we sometimes had difficulty figuring out which basket we were supposed to throw at because we could see multiple baskets that were approximately the right direction and distance from the pad. Once we threw at the wrong basket. We let another group play through, but they had to keep waiting on us because we were often in their fairway as we threw on our fairway. Would be a rough place to hold a tournament with shotgun start for safety reasons. Several of the holes are open shots with almost no obstacles. Several of the holes are poke and pray shots through extremely narrow fairways because of close together trees.

Other Thoughts:

Fun course of moderate length. I had a first timer with me and he got a 3 on a few of the holes. Other than the water holes, a great beginner course with some challenge for experienced players.
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8 0
Premium Member
Experience: 16.2 years 208 played 16 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Good advanced level practice course. 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 7, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


- Course is located in a small neighborhood off a main road and is surrounded by baseball, softball, and soccer fields; very large sports complex.
- Course has a very nice flow; each hole transitions perfectly into the next, you won't get lost at this course.
- Tee-pads are brand new, perfect length.
- Tee-signs are extremely accurate and very well detailed.
- Course offers a few good opportunities to throw an ace without "handing them out".
- Each hole has its own identity; some have trees, some are wide open, but most have a defined fairway and many paths and throwing types to get to the basket.
- Provides a moderate challenge for beginners while still providing a small challenge for advanced players.
- Alternate pin placements on 3 holes provide some variety to the course.
- Course design has squeezed all possible space from the area; most tee pads are at the edge of property.
- Custom scorecards available inside mailbox at hole #1's tee.


- The pond; due to the unusually heavy rainfall this year, the banks of the pond are 4-5 feet higher than normal.
- The fence on hole #2 comes into play frequently; usually a headwind on this hole and most throws are thrown over fence to fade back towards the water and basket. Retrieving a disc from over the fence is now considered trespassing and the employees at the complex are not very friendly.
- Course becomes very boring after playing it a few times.
- Not uncommon to have children playing in the fairway on hole #1.
- There is a person that lives in the sports complex, I have no idea why, but he is not very nice.

Other Thoughts:

- Youth Park DGC is a nice, shorter course located in Pinellas Park Florida. As a whole, the course fulfills the need of the area; a shorter course for locals to play when they can't play the nicer, bigger ones. It provides a nice challenge and is a great course to play if you only have an hour to play.

- I would not make a day trip to play this course unless you are making a day out of the other awesome courses Pinellas County has to offer.
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8 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.2 years 278 played 276 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Tightly Placed 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 7, 2013 Played the course:once


This course is packed tightly into the park, using pretty much all of the space. Unlike a lot of courses that do this, it doesn't feel too claustrophobic, though there weren't too many other while I was there.

I also like a lot of the holes. It's an open area but there are a lot of trees. Selfishly, I like the fact that it felt very RHFH friendly, as the first seventeen holes had nice left to right lines to avoid the trees and give you a chance to park the hole. Every hole here offers a realistic birdie chance if your drive is accurate.

The pond is the central feature and it does come into play on two holes. I'm guessing a different pin placement for 1 would bring the lake into play there as well.

It'd also be an interesting place for an ace race. There are no real acre run holes, but there are around 16 possible ace holes.


While I don't dislike any of the holes here, I don't love any of them either. The big reason for that is that there is a dearth of a variety. They are mostly the same distance and while the trees often force to you curve your shot into the basket, they are primarily located directly in front of the tee.

And, as to fit the confines of the park, the fairways are packed very close together. On a bust day, you would have to be constantly wary of an errant disc and in some places, an on target one. It's mostly back and forth across the field, with each fairway a few yards to the right or left of the previous.

Other Thoughts:

I'd play Youth Park again if I was in the area. It's not a world-view changing course, but it's fun and it's a quick eighteen.
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7 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 49.3 years 245 played 198 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Good Everyday Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 14, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


A nice little lake starts you out, then off to the trees! And there are plenty of trees to negotiate. So there are plenty of different lines to try out.

Decent tee signs and some long concrete tees make for good driving, and multiple pin placements add some extra looks.

Very friendly locals.


The course quickly becomes repetitive, with holes falling into the 270' range with similar looks. I would have made a couple holes 200' and a couple 400', to mix it up a little.

The fairways are a little close together. Keep an eye out for other nearby groups discs.

Other Thoughts:

That said, you can still have a lot of fun throwing a round here with your buddies. But, if down here on vacation, you may want to play some of the more popular local courses before this one.
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6 1
Experience: 12.1 years 15 played 11 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Very fun 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 10, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


- concrete tee pads on every hole
- good signage on the tee boxes showing, par, distance and layout
- good scenery
- clean
- multiple basket locations
- 18 holes
- very professional looking score cards provided on hole 1


- tee boxes could be a little wider
- it can be difficult to find the right basket because many of them are very close together
- I would like to see a few longer holes mixed in

Other Thoughts:

People that can throw straight enough to sneak through the trees are rewarded. People that can't will probably get frustrated and/or injure a squirrel.
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4 7
Experience: 8 played 7 reviews
4.50 star(s)

One of My Favorites! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 25, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


Played over 30 course nation wide. This is one of my favorites because of the chances of getting an ace on most of the holes, which are not too lengthy. Very nice atmosphere in this park. Obstacles are just enough to make it challenging, but not opressive with thicker woods. Course is flat and very nicely laid out for what land space was available.


just watch out for the lake.

Other Thoughts:

Wish I lived in this neighborhood so I could play this course often. Been playins since the 90s and have visited many courses. Tis was one of the best for my prejudice. When youve had a few aces, you want more. and when I show up at a course with holes too long to for a chance at another ace, ho hum. This course was so nice to go thru and my hopes for an ace were high here.
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9 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12 years 25 played 24 reviews
3.00 star(s)

A Nice treat 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 15, 2012 Played the course:once


Youth park is an easy to find course in a nice neighborhood near the interstate. There are many other park activities, but the disc golf course is separated from the other activities. There is a nice detailed scorecard and course map in a mailbox by tee one which was nice. The course itself had a pretty decent variety of open shots on the front line and tighter lines to hit on the back. There is a pond, but its not too hard too avoid. I played in a drier time of year, but The grass near the pond appears very spongy. The course flow is easy, and there is just enough challenge to have good anticipation from hole to hole. And, even though the back nine has trees, recovery is generally possible.


The distances are pretty repetitive. Hole 18 is over 325, and there is one other hole on the front at 300, but most of the rest are 235 to 260. Also, a lot of the holes are (despite trees) very straight. I threw a beat up dx roc on more holes than I have in forever. I found myself working on a bit more of a natural fade on the front while working more gentle anhyzers (gentle) on the back. When I played, it wasn't crowded, but I can see how this could be an issue. 18 holes are on not a huge piece of land.

Other Thoughts:

This was a very fun course. The lake and available trees are used well, and there can be some real satisfaction in hitting some tight lines on the back nine. There was a ton of swirling wind on the front, and the openness of the front made putting tough. the back is more tree covered. Overall, this is a nice course for newer players, but even more advanced players could enjoy a round here.
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 19.9 years 131 played 110 reviews
3.00 star(s)

A nice laid back course that is fun to play 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 26, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


-Great signage, Very nice signs with: Fairway map; Alt pin locations; and distance. Pin positions aren't specified, but the baskets are easily spotted from the tee.
-The Tee's are concrete.
-Very nice Scorecard/Maps at #1
-Very easy navigation, pretty straight forward
-Distance shots play from 225 to 300ft. The longest being 327ft.
-Great place to take a beginner, also perfect for the casual player, but experienced players could enjoy themselves. It may not "Wow" the experienced player, but a good time can be had here.
-Allows for a quick 18. (Took me just over an hour by myself)
-Plays around a pond, but a beginner could work a low risk line to the baskets.
-Easy to access from 275 and not very far off the interstate.
-Plays in a field that is separated from other activities. *Still not immune from people that want to be in the field part of the park.
-This'll be relative to availability, but I noticed soccer fields are in the park.

-Baseball fields, Soccer Fields, and a Basket Ball court are available in this park.


-Pretty repetitive straight forward shots.
-The grass around the pond is full of water. I stepped on what I thought would be grass, and ended up in water up to my knees.
-Course is subject to park goers. I had to work around two guys that were racing an RC car around the 18 basket. They should post some "Watch out for discs" signs.
-The park itself could get busy on weekends due to the amount of activities going on here.
-Due to the openness of this course, wind is a major factor here. The gusts will wreak havoc on your drives, and in extreme cases even your putting.

Other Thoughts:

Youth Park is a nice course, and I had fun playing here.. The fairways are straight forward shots, with some varying lines you can work around the trees. I would say that the course itself is pretty Vanilla, but it can be what you make it. It does play around a pond, with a pro tee being a water carry. The other water shots are a thrown around the pond. It has average distance drives, and the fairways are open. If you were to come out with some casual friends, or to play in a small event out here, you could have a good time.

Youth Park is in good company, with the other Clearwater courses. Youth Park lends itself to being a more laid back and casual Disc Golf environment. If you are traveling through and looking for a quick round or adding a notch in your played belt, Youth Park can meet your need. It's right off the interstate and it's in a nice neighborhood. It took me just over an hour to play 18 holes here by myself.

The fairways around the pond can get sloppy wet, but other than that casual attire will be fine. There are gas stations on Park BLVD, but after that you are in a residential. It is an open field, so bring some liquids when you come.
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2 0
Experience: 35 played 13 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fun to play, good times 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 1, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


+ Good signs
+ Concrete Tees
+ Hazards
+ Good upkeep


- Short
- Quite open
- Sometimes a little overcrowded

Other Thoughts:

I really enjoyed playing this course for short game practice with a few longer hyzers and minor technical shots to make it interesting. Water is the only real hazard here and plays on 2-3 holes. Very fun to play and great to show a newer player the game on
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8 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.7 years 13 played 12 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Starting to lose what little it had 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 27, 2020 Played the course:5+ times


- Not too hard to get to; located close to US 19 and Gandy Blvd. in Pinellas County.
- 7-Eleven just down the street from the park.
- You can start on hole 1, 8, or 15 and still finish at the parking lot (I start on 15 to get warmed up).
- Other park activities nearby.
- A good practice course; you can work all on shots here; most holes have FH and BH routes and a few have great thumber routes.
- Scorecard // map in the mailbox on 1.
- Ample parking in either the course lot or by the basketball courts // baseball fields (that entrance is a little further west of the DGC entrance on 66 Ave).
- Several trash cans and picnic benches on course.
- The course is actually very LHBH friendly.


- Not much for big arms; only two holes (2 and 18) longer than 300 feet.
- The layout is repetitive as others have said and probably would have been better off as a long 9 rather than a short 18.
- The big pond floods onto fairways for 2 and 7 during the summer, and any other fairways can be soggy; be ready if it's rained recently. Also, the course is mowed a lot, but due to the soggy ground, this causes mud buildup and the mowers often leave long, muddy tracks all over the course. Mud and dirt and sloppy wet conditions are the norms after ANY kind of rain, which means most of the summer the course is soft and soggy. Around the lake, the water starts where the mowing line stops and your feet will sink in. Even a disc only a foot past the mow line will be in the water.
- Bugs can be an issue during the summer.
- No permanent restrooms.
- Some of the concrete tees are starting to wear and break apart and some signs are missing.
- If there is soccer and baseball going on, the lot will be more than full and there will be nowhere to park; recently the city has expanded events on weekends and this has gotten much worse.
- There can be only three or four other groups on the course and it will still feel crowded due to the small size.
- Park is bordered by warehouses so winds can be deceptive on breezy days.
- The course is small and can get crowded if it's busy.
- Some baskets are close to each other and some greens actually overlap by a foot or two.
- The Walgreens on 70 Ave / US 19 no longer carries discs.
- This really should have been a long 9 with dual tee pads or baskets rather than a short 18; there's just no variety and if you're anything other than a beginner, there's just not much challenge out here. It's just straight shots.

Other Thoughts:

For anyone who hasn't played here in the last year, there are some trees removed after falling during Irma, and some underbrush has been permanently removed, so the course is a little more open than before.

I throw thumbers off of 2 and 7 to avoid the lake, and at least one person always asks me "Why didn't I ever think to try that?" :)

Additional Thought - Because of the two ponds on the property and the fact that the property holds drainage from 62 Ave and has ditches running down two sides of the course, the fairways hold a TON of water after any substantial rain. The soft ground is making some tee pads crack and come apart and any area where there isn't grass will be slick mud. I played a recent round four days after any significant rain and every fairway was waterlogged. Even on a sunny day here, if it's summer, you'll probably want extra socks, lots of towels, and waterproof shoes.

Recently, the number of squids and other less desirable visitors has increased. Because of this, I'd like to see all the picnic tables removed until the pandemic is over.

The palm tree between #11, #12, and #13 needs to be removed. It's in the ideal line for all three holes.

Having been playing here for a long time, I can say this course is losing what little value it had. The tees are in very poor shape, #1, #2, and #7 are poorly designed (IMHO) and neither are beginner friendly at all - even the short pad for #2 doesn't help if you've got a noddle arm - and there's just not much play value. The recent softball and soccer crowds make playing on the weekends all but impossible and the only thing keeping me coming back here is the fact the course is only a few blocks from where I live.

I've heard PInellas Park is considering removing the course for more parking / athletic fields, and honestly, I think I'd be okay with this, as long as they replace it with another course (I've heard Pinebrook Park off Belcher Road might be getting a course put in). This place just needs too much work to be a regular play for me.

Yes, I rated Azalea higher than Youth. Azalea is better maintained and doesn't have standing water half the summer and the tees there aren't falling apart. This course needs some TLC.
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2 0
Experience: 15.4 years 13 played 13 reviews
3.00 star(s)

youth park 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 10, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


fun course to go out and boost your ego. any skill set player can enjoy themselves here. can finish in about an hour


2 water hazard holes can get the better of most players. for some reason, even on a day with no wind, it always seems to be windy at this park. it is kind os odd.
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3 0
Experience: 7 played 7 reviews
4.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 8, 2011 Played the course:once


- Excellent Tees and signs
- Beautiful park, and well kept
- Water hazards
- Decent beginner course because it's fairly open, but offers a variety shots
- Easy to walk from hole to next tee making for faster games


- Some water drainage problems, but hey... just don't go after a heavy rain
- You can lose discs to the water, bring floaters if you got them or skip the water holes

Other Thoughts:

Great course. I think it's been underrated here. Not really any pedestrians walking through so you don't have to worry about flying discs much. If you are playing you should know to look for them anyway.
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