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  • Born and raised in Colorado, went to college at USC, have a Masters of Divinity from Talbot

    Disc Golf, Skiing, Hiking, Rafting, Camping
    DGCR Number
    Real name
    Highlands Ranch, CO
    Jun 27, 1982 (Age: 42)
    Years Playing
    16.1 Years
    Main Throwing Style
    Total Reviews / Avg. Score
    104 / 3.36 star(s)
    Voting Record
    212 678
    Updated Course Conditions
    Preschool Teacher


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    Wow! I had no idea we had a disc golf course at Oregon. If I would have known, and we had met earlier, and you had successfully addicted me to the sport... I would have taken it! I think it's cool that Oregon has that as a class. I know they used to have a ton of cool PE classes like squba and skydiving. Neither are as cool as disc golf though. Ps- I shot a +4 on the back 18 yesterday! My best to date! My all time average is now under +11. I hope you're doing well, good to hear from you!
    Well, I do happen to have said prize at home in my closet. The teebox signs were made for a temporary course the guys set up for a party the producers and directors of "Monsters vs. Aliens" were throwing for their crew.
    Glad you were finally able to play it before you left So Cal. Yeah... I was pretty swamped on Monday so I wouldn't have been able to go. Were the baskets in the long positions? Or were they mixed? First week of month is usually short, second is medium, third is long and fourth is mixed. I played there on Saturday and everyhting was long. Wasn't sure if they changed them by the time you got there. When do you leave for Colorado?
    I was thinking about going down there on Friday, but Long Beach is such a drive from Simi Valley... especially having to deal with LA traffic on a weekday. I am just going to do like the Ice Bowl at Chavez Ridge earlier this year and just go for it in the blind =D I look at it as a good test of my disc golf abilities... as if I had any LOL If you do go down to play on Friday, shoot me a quick message on here with your thoughts on the course (i.e. length, lefty vs righty, how much does water come in to play, OB) If I don't hear from you before then, I will see you Saturday morning. Good luck!
    Hey, thanks! I figured someone might comment on it...it was the only quote fresh in my mind when I set up my profile, so it'll probably change occasionally. Peace!
    I noticed you hankering for a TL about 170, last time I was a the Highlands up in Conway I scored a 171 TL in star with thier logo on it, and promptly threw it in to the lake on the first hole in Tully. I feel your pain.
    I sure am... If that picture of you throwing was zoomed out, I would be in the picture. R U coming to CO again? I might be in San Jose in a few weeks, probably only have time for 1 round... which course should I play.

    Yeah, I am playing both of those. And then I am also playing the Summertime Open, Evergreen Open, Santa Maria Open and finish off with the So Cal Championships. Crossing my fingers that Lake Casitas will be hosting a tourney in October like they usally do.
    Not yet but the guy with the NY Avatar (JERRY) said he would like to get one to show the kids in his youth group that he got started playing DG,Thanks for the props on this website and please pray that God will bless what I am doing and that people will be saved through this undertaking.

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