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Back Pain?


Birdie Member
Oct 28, 2010
New Bern, NC
Anyone else have back pain after playing some rounds? i played 2 rounds today and afterwords my lower back was killing me!!! any tips on this??



Once you feel loose, do a little putting, do a little long putting, then play. Warming up is big.
Now looka here son, you are only 20 yrs old, you can't complain yet. How many discs and much stuff are you carrying? Are you using a shoulder strap, quads, or backpack? Get a stool!
Hmmm...hopefully it's just muscular, sounds to be the case? So if it is, Motrin or Tyl, stretching and ICE. Of all these, ice is my favorite. If it's more structural, could be a problem, but you would know that type of pain (trust me!), leg pain, knumbness, sharp stabbing pains etc...
Try Pilates or some other form of muscle strengthening. This tends to help out more than dealing with the pain.
ya i know thats the problem lol i hurt my back in high school with power lifting and i lift ladders all day at work which doesnt help either.Not that much stuff maybe 14 or 15 discs and a retriever. i have quads.

Now looka here son, you are only 20 yrs old, you can't complain yet. How many discs and much stuff are you carrying? Are you using a shoulder strap, quads, or backpack? Get a stool!
never should have done dead lift in school lol i got some icy hot today for the tourneys and some tiger palm for now

Hmmm...hopefully it's just muscular, sounds to be the case? So if it is, Motrin or Tyl, stretching and ICE. Of all these, ice is my favorite. If it's more structural, could be a problem, but you would know that type of pain (trust me!), leg pain, knumbness, sharp stabbing pains etc...
Try Pilates or some other form of muscle strengthening. This tends to help out more than dealing with the pain.
Do you have a herniated disc, son? In the meantime check your form for OAT, and throw lighter and or slower discs to ease the strain. I'd also say get a backpack as it sits higher on your back reducing lower back strain, and the portable tripod stool helps take the strain off as well.
ya im thinkin of gettin a backpack style and tripod

Do you have a herniated disc, son? In the meantime check your form for OAT, and throw lighter and or slower discs to ease the strain. I'd also say get a backpack as it sits higher on your back reducing lower back strain, and the portable tripod stool helps take the strain off as well.
Drinking WATER before, during and after playing will help you out a lot.
I have two bulging and one herniated (fixed so far) disc. One of the best exercises I did during rehab was to take a full beer, hold it at arms length in front of me and make 8-12" diameter circles with it. While doing this I would reach around to my spine with me other hand and feel the little muscles between the vertebra. When you get the beer moving correctly you can feel the muscles working. After a while of doing these you'll notice better posture and less fatigue while standing. Also after you get the hang of it, you can drop your opposite hand and stand with your back touching a wall to align your spine better. HTH
I have two bulging and one herniated (fixed so far) disc. One of the best exercises I did during rehab was to take a full beer, hold it at arms length in front of me and make 8-12" diameter circles with it. While doing this I would reach around to my spine with me other hand and feel the little muscles between the vertebra. When you get the beer moving correctly you can feel the muscles working. After a while of doing these you'll notice better posture and less fatigue while standing. Also after you get the hang of it, you can drop your opposite hand and stand with your back touching a wall to align your spine better. HTH

And then drink the thing....
Usually the problem is that people over rotate their shoulders and their core/hips are just passively along for the ride. It creates a lot of torque on the spine because you are attempting to generate almost all your power with your shoulders and arm. It's a symptom of an early pull and bad form.

What you need to do is rotate your hips farther backwards (into the closed position) and initiate the throw with your hips, then, once the disc gets up to the power zone, drive through with a strong core and shoulders. Separation of motion between the hips, shoulders, and arm is key.

Your body coils up like a spring and you need to unload the tension in your trunk before the shoulders or else you end up twisting the lower back too much. The best way to generate effortless power is to accelerate the hips first, then while those are speeding up, you rotate the shoulders, then chop the forearm out and then wrist at the apex of the hit.

This way, hip speed multiplies the shoulder speed which in turn multiplies arm speed and eventually translates to a huge amount of angular acceleration on the disc through wrist snap. It all feels very smooth and effortless eventually.

Stretching and fitness are important too but no matter how fit you get, throwing with bad form will hurt, especially if you over exert yourself trying to throw hard with poor form. Bad putting form can also lead to back pain, but usually driving is the culprit.
Lower back pain is my nemesis. Sometimes I can hardly walk for weeks on end, and playing can bring it on. I have found that working out on a recumbant cycle makes it go away, so I try to do that regularly, and hit the gym when I feel it coming on after a round. It's something I learned in physical therapy. I've managed to keep it at bay for months now without any additional intervention except the occasional trip to the chiropractor, so I think it's working.
You must have switched up your driving style or done something you don't normally do. Disc golf shouldn't hurt your body. Take some time off and rest it a bit.
Another simple solution for some people is too lose the extra 10 lbs of fat many of us are carrying around our waists. Whenever I have gotten over a certain weight, my lower back hurts. Extra weight in your gut directly puts pressure on your lower back.
The thing that stopped my lower back pain was changing the shoes I wear and buying the Dr. Scholl's orthotics. You can go somewhere with some of the kiosks and get the foot mapping done. But, I just bought the generic one that said back/hip pain. And they're guaranteed to work. And it did!

I think we ignore the importance of our shoes too much. It made all the difference for me and I rarely have problems anymore. http://www.drscholls.com/drscholls/conditions/backpain.jsp
Get a cart!!! lol sorry had too.

Pretty much every idea on here is a good one. I can't really comment on the beer twirling idea but it does sound like it would work. I had/have 2 herniated discs in my lower back(1 repaired and the other should correct itself).

Stretching is the biggest thing without a doubt. Taking a dose of Ibuprofen before the round can help too if it is a muscle problem since it's an anti-inflammatory.

If this is a problem that recently popped up you may want to take a week or two off just to let your back relax and heal itself. Putting more strain on your back could lead to bigger problems, which believe me, you don't want. Good luck and I hope your back starts feeling better again.

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