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"Disc Golf Not as Green as it seems"

No I'm not carbon offsetting my trip to Kentucky. But I ride a bike or public transit everywhere I go in town. We all find different ways to be green. How about you?

By the way, I didn't write that editorial headline, the editor of the paper did.

My name is on your lists, and you've made mentions of stuff that only true stalkers would know about. Yes that is stalking.

What lists are you talking about? What have I mentioned that only true stalkers would know about? I have no idea where you live, what you do, or anything at all having anything to do with your personal life and I don't give a rip. That is stalking.

Ok I thought you were talking sensible again but now I'm trending back towards delusional.

I can tell you now that I'll never do it again.

Right...And I have ocean front property in Kentucky to sell you.

As for the "propaganda" on our web page, you must understand that when our group formed in 2010, despite PeterB's protestations, it was in every way presented as a done deal, with no public process other than an "informational meeting" to let us know what was going to happen, and with very underhanded dealings from RPD among others (some of which continues to the present). If we hadn't yelled and shouted and screamed, it would have been jammed down our throats with precious little input from the community, no question about it whatsoever. There's plenty of documentation of this in the timeline I linked to.

Yelled, shouted, and screamed. Sounds about accurate. I suppose if we go to round two you will behave this time?

At the same time, we have tried very hard to present actual hard data to back up our concerns, from our before/after pictures of the GGP course, to real data on the flight characteristics of discs, to the various potential safety impacts of the sport. None of which you will find on the SFDGC or pretty much any other DG club web page. We had to dig pretty hard to find it ourselves, and we think it is important that our community as well as others have access to this information. The tone may sound strident to your average DG player, but we're not just making stuff up. As many of you have noted, these issues are real, though the particular impact of each particular issue will of course vary from location to location.

They are real, and we have spent a LOT of time working on mitigating the concentrated use of the area. That being said you continually overstate the negative impacts of the sport.

In the mean time, we are not primarily focused on disc golf now, and our front page reflects this. We have recently worked with other park groups to bring a $6M project to rework the main road through the park (Mansell Street), which will bring sidewalks and bike lanes and perhaps a new linear park to what is now basically a ratty old freeway stub. Again, along with other park groups, we pushed a public campaign to get $12M in park bond money for a whole host of upgrades to the park's infrastructure, the first such funding for the park in well over 20 years. And we are sponsoring a whole host of other exciting public events in the park, which you can read about on our front page.

We helped you get that money BTW. We support all of these efforts in McLaren but it is too bad you don't think that disc golf could be a positive.
No I'm not carbon offsetting my trip to Kentucky. But I ride a bike or public transit everywhere I go in town. We all find different ways to be green. How about you?

Thanks for being honest. Are you saying it takes all kinds? That's more of the type of thinking I would hope for from SMP.

By the way, I didn't write that editorial headline, the editor of the paper did.

Bummer headline.

My name is on your lists, and you've made mentions of stuff that only true stalkers would know about. Yes that is stalking.

What lists are you talking about? What have I mentioned that only true stalkers would know about? I have no idea where you live, what you do, or anything at all having anything to do with your personal life and I don't give a rip. That is stalking.

The SMP timeline...has my name right on it.

Ok I thought you were talking sensible again but now I'm trending back towards delusional.

Think what you want. I don't give a rip either.
You helped us get money for McLaren, I'm dubious to say the least, care to be specific? I didn't see any disc golfers at CTA hearings or see calls for letters to politicians on the SFDGC web page or anything of the sort.

Great, you now admit damage in GG park that you are "mitigating". So why cause more damage in another park that you have to "mitigate"? We have enough trouble with off-leash dogs and dumping and so on. Why isn't the GGP course enough? And if you ever get a course in McLaren, when will that not be enough and you'll be looking for yet another location that will need "mitigation"?

There have been a couple of homeless encampments in the park lately but to my knowledge none of them have been anywhere near any of the proposed DG courses. And this constant obsession with "drug usage" is a complete and total laugh, as if McLaren Park is some grimy shooter's gallery from end to end. If you really want to go there we could talk about that certain smell that wafts around the GGP course...

Disconnected from reality.

Point taken, and writing the op-ed was perhaps a mistake. It is the one and only time any of us have ever done so, and I only did because there was both a news story and an editorial that seemed to give only one side of the story. There was even a suggestion that a DG course be installed at Fitzgerald Marine Reserve! As an occasional visitor there, that seemed so outrageous that I felt I had to speak my mind. Furthermore, the original editorial I sent was much longer with links to supporting information, and the paper shorted it quite a bit and left out the links, missing a lot of context that I intended to convey.

I can tell you now that I'll never do it again. But in the lemons to lemonade category, this whole thread has been enlightening on several fronts, and actually very encouraging to see that there are many disc golfers out there with a more balanced view of the sport.

As for the "propaganda" on our web page, you must understand that when our group formed in 2010, despite PeterB's protestations, it was in every way presented as a done deal, with no public process other than an "informational meeting" to let us know what was going to happen, and with very underhanded dealings from RPD among others (some of which continues to the present). If we hadn't yelled and shouted and screamed, it would have been jammed down our throats with precious little input from the community, no question about it whatsoever. There's plenty of documentation of this in the timeline I linked to.....

Thanks for the response, and for admitting that you (or your group, the two seem somewhat interchangable) do/did indeed oppose disc golf in other communities. Similarly, the anti-disc golf sections of your website are definitely extremely one-sided, and in my opinion do represent propoganda. You have a "disc golf news" section which ONLY displays negative stories and that is utterly misleading. I've searched google.com/news for "disc golf" every week for several years and I can assure you that the successful installation and positive stories far outnumber the ones you display on your website. It's dishonest at best to display those stories in that way.

I understand why you do it that way, but you have to understand the reaction you are inviting from disc golf advocates. For all intents and purposes, it certianly does and will appear to many of us that your group has mounted and is operating a campaign to prevent disc golf courses from being established not only in your neighborhood, but regionally, and given the scope of the internet, anywhere. And that's just kind of sad, really. It seems pretty clear to me that disc golf is not going to be developed in McLaren park due to your groups opposition. I may be wrong, as I am not at all invested in the issue and have only done some reading over the last few months. But I doubt that the local disc golfers are going to be able to match your organization or will have the stomach to deal with the hurdles and ongoing opposition. I'm also not convinced disc golf really belongs there - from an outsiders perspective it seems doubtful, both because of the poliitical climate and the on the ground situation with the park and land.

The problem with this kind of escalated and emotional issue is that it causes a lot more conflict than is necessary or useful. You felt threatened and in your reaction you are now making other well-intentioned people feel threatened. You've built an entire movement, website, organization, and now a media campaign on preventing disc golf devlopment. You don't see it that way, I know. But that IS how others see it and will continue to see it. It seems like you've built a nice little community group for McLaren Park. It's just kind of sad that your group got so pissed off about disc golf that you've decided to exaggerate the problems that disc golf courses have nationwide. You now villify a lot of really good people who want to develop more places to engage in what is a very fun, healthy activity that IS on a relative scale of developed recreation very eco-friendly and which fundamentally embraces and appreciates the natural landscape.

Disc golfers don't want to build disc golf courses because they want to trash sensitive natural areas. Some sites are not appropriate for disc golf, and some sites will experience heavy opposition from neighbor groups such as yours who don't want to see changes. It's really on us as disc golfers to do the homework in choosing sites. Even the governing agencies can't be relied upon to perform the due diligence to figure out what will work and what will be a huge ****storm. Case in point, McLaren park and this thread.

For the record, I'm an environmentalist and I've been working in conservation and ecological land management professionally for over 20 years. I really hate to see this issue portrayed as disc golf versus the environment. I'm really disappointed to see some disc golfers portraying "environmentalists" as the opposition. Ken doesn't have to account for his carbon footprint in order to oppose this course, anymore than you or I do to live our lives. That kind of rhetoric and the stereotyping of environmentalists as whackos is not going to help us develop disc golf. We are much more allied with conservation than almost any other developed recreation and we should be bridging those worlds, not lining up to bash anyone who cares about the environment.

From my admittedly limited outsider perspective, McLaren seems like a lot more of a neighbor opposition issue than an ecologically sensitive issue. In either situation, we as disc golf organizers and groups need to recognize that we are only going to face this kind of opposition more and more as time goes on. Park space and green space is limited, parks and rec budgets are tight, and disc golf is still a relatively unknown activity compared to tennis courts, hiking trails and ball golf. There is a huge lesson to be learned here in choosing where to try and develop disc golf. I am not pointing fingers in this case, but there is a lot to learn here.

I, for one, look forward to pay-to-play disc golf developing more and releiveing the pressure of some of these situations. Not a complete solution, but it will help.

Ken, you might consider your organization's mission and whether you are drifting from it somewhat with things like that op-ed and some parts of your website. I hope you can all find a way to work together in your community.
There was a concerted effort to email politicians and RPD to get the bond measure passed. Look it up on our site. You're good at that.

I never, ever, made the claim that disc golf doesn't have impacts. Of course it does Ken, so cut out the BS. I do believe that in the grand scheme of things, the impacts are light and most are mitigated by good planning, infrastructure, and new plantings.

When was I 'constantly' obsessed with hard core drug usage? I merely made one mention of it at McLaren. Yet we found an awful lot of needles when we initially cleaned up GGP. It happens everywhere. And that wafting smell? That would be people having their medicine. Not exactly hard core in anyone's book.
For the record, I'm an environmentalist and I've been working in conservation and ecological land management professionally for over 20 years. I really hate to see this issue portrayed as disc golf versus the environment. I'm really disappointed to see some disc golfers portraying "environmentalists" as the opposition. Ken doesn't have to account for his carbon footprint in order to oppose this course, anymore than you or I do to live our lives. That kind of rhetoric and the stereotyping of environmentalists as whackos is not going to help us develop disc golf. We are much more allied with conservation than almost any other developed recreation and we should be bridging those worlds, not lining up to bash anyone who cares about the environment.

No Ken doesn't need to account for his carbon footprint to oppose the course. But, if one of the main tenets of opposition is on environmental grounds, it smacks of hypocrisy on his part.

As for bridging the two worlds, almost all of Ken's and SMP's points are on environmental grounds. How do you bridge that gap? Well, we tried. I propsed that we plant lovely native shrubs, perrenials, grasses, and trees as part of our McLaren disc golf effort. Was the idea taken seriously by SMP? No. It was shoved back in my face. As have all of the efforts we've put forth in GGP as you can see by the snarky comments made recently.

I would love to bridge that gap. But I do not think that Ken et. al want one.
You helped us get money for McLaren, I'm dubious to say the least, care to be specific? I didn't see any disc golfers at CTA hearings or see calls for letters to politicians on the SFDGC web page or anything of the sort.

Great, you now admit damage in GG park that you are "mitigating". So why cause more damage in another park that you have to "mitigate"? We have enough trouble with off-leash dogs and dumping and so on. Why isn't the GGP course enough? And if you ever get a course in McLaren, when will that not be enough and you'll be looking for yet another location that will need "mitigation"?

There have been a couple of homeless encampments in the park lately but to my knowledge none of them have been anywhere near any of the proposed DG courses. And this constant obsession with "drug usage" is a complete and total laugh, as if McLaren Park is some grimy shooter's gallery from end to end. If you really want to go there we could talk about that certain smell that wafts around the GGP course...

Disconnected from reality.


As a member of the SFDGC, I received numerous email notifications with exact steps and templates to email letters to politicians to secure funding for McLaren Park from Peter. I did this knowing that Disc Golf in McLaren was not a sure thing, but with the belief that McLaren needed the help.
PeterB, so quoting your words from a public forum, in our timeline that in June 2010, there was an effort to close the GGP course, even as you were trying to open a "second" course in McLaren is STALKING? I'd call it accurate reporting of the facts. There's a whole lot you and other SFDGC folks aren't fessing up to here, isn't there? And it has a lot to do with why it was so urgent for you to get "facts on the ground" in McLaren, doesn't it?

No Ken doesn't need to account for his carbon footprint to oppose the course. But, if one of the main tenets of opposition is on environmental grounds, it smacks of hypocrisy on his part.

As for bridging the two worlds, almost all of Ken's and SMP's points are on environmental grounds. How do you bridge that gap? Well, we tried. I propsed that we plant lovely native shrubs, perrenials, grasses, and trees as part of our McLaren disc golf effort. Was the idea taken seriously by SMP? No. It was shoved back in my face. As have all of the efforts we've put forth in GGP as you can see by the snarky comments made recently.

I would love to bridge that gap. But I do not think that Ken et. al want one.

Peter, I was referring more generally to other comments in this thread and other threads I have seen where the whole "whack-o environmentalist" thing gets tossed around when I said we should bridge that gap.

As for your offset carbon thing, I just don't see that as relevant or useful to your argument or this situation. Much the opposite actually. You have good points, so why play that game? You seem intelligent enough to know that someone can oppose something on environmental grounds without having to be 100% sin-free when it comes to a carbon footprint or whatever. It's just silly and I think we all know that we are all hypocrites.

Like I said, from my limited outsider perspective, i don't see this as an ecological issue as much as a neighbor opposition issue. Sure, they are going to use the environment as a rhetorical tool in their campaign. Of course they are. It's a hot button issue, and they do have a point with it because as you have stated and know, disc golf does have an impact. I find their use of it and their whole campaign to be hyperbolic and dishonest, but frankly, that's what people do these days to get what they want.

Never having been there, I can't render a judgment on the ecological condition of the proposed disc golf footprint. Pretty pictures of native plants on a website and some paragraphs can make anything seem ecologically important. I don't know. I just think that you are facing a political issue from neighbors more than an ecologically sensitvity problem. Especially given that you say you proposed mitigation, plantings, etc. I believe disc golf impacts can be designed to be lessened, can be mitigated, and in many cases the space can be ecologically improved by an adopting group removing weeds, etc. Whether that's the case or not here, I don't know. I also think it may not matter when you have an organization that has gone so far as to not only shut down the disc golf course proposed for the local park but is also actively organizing and promoting an anti disc golf campaign outside of their community.

I just don't see rote opposition and ridicule of environemntalists and conservation as being helpful to disc golf development and I hate to see it displayed here or anywhere.
PeterB, so quoting your words from a public forum, in our timeline that in June 2010, there was an effort to close the GGP course, even as you were trying to open a "second" course in McLaren is STALKING? I'd call it accurate reporting of the facts. There's a whole lot you and other SFDGC folks aren't fessing up to here, isn't there? And it has a lot to do with why it was so urgent for you to get "facts on the ground" in McLaren, doesn't it?


What are you talking about? The only thing we ever wanted to do was get a second course in SF and get one or two on the peninsula. We're not trying to hide anything.

To answer your question from a couple of posts ago we need a new course because DG is so ridiculously popular. There is a huge demand for the recreational resource.
Peter, I was referring more generally to other comments in this thread and other threads I have seen where the whole "whack-o environmentalist" thing gets tossed around when I said we should bridge that gap.

As for your offset carbon thing, I just don't see that as relevant or useful to your argument or this situation. Much the opposite actually. You have good points, so why play that game? You seem intelligent enough to know that someone can oppose something on environmental grounds without having to be 100% sin-free when it comes to a carbon footprint or whatever. It's just silly and I think we all know that we are all hypocrites.

Like I said, from my limited outsider perspective, i don't see this as an ecological issue as much as a neighbor opposition issue. Sure, they are going to use the environment as a rhetorical tool in their campaign. Of course they are. It's a hot button issue, and they do have a point with it because as you have stated and know, disc golf does have an impact. I find their use of it and their whole campaign to be hyperbolic and dishonest, but frankly, that's what people do these days to get what they want.

Never having been there, I can't render a judgment on the ecological condition of the proposed disc golf footprint. Pretty pictures of native plants on a website and some paragraphs can make anything seem ecologically important. I don't know. I just think that you are facing a political issue from neighbors more than an ecologically sensitvity problem. Especially given that you say you proposed mitigation, plantings, etc. I believe disc golf impacts can be designed to be lessened, can be mitigated, and in many cases the space can be ecologically improved by an adopting group removing weeds, etc. Whether that's the case or not here, I don't know. I also think it may not matter when you have an organization that has gone so far as to not only shut down the disc golf course proposed for the local park but is also actively organizing and promoting an anti disc golf campaign outside of their community.

I just don't see rote opposition and ridicule of environemntalists and conservation as being helpful to disc golf development and I hate to see it displayed here or anywhere.

I agree. I've been petty. Sorry Ken, you didn't deserve that.
You said I was stalking you because your name showed up on our "lists".

I said what "lists" are you talking about?

Then you said your name was in our SF DG timeline.

So I went over there and searched for your name.

This is what popped up, some quotes from this DG Review Link,

The golden gate park course is ridiculously popular. Thus, some people want to remove it. We think otherwise.

Who wanted to remove it?

You said I was stalking you because your name showed up on our "lists".

I said what "lists" are you talking about?

Then you said your name was in our SF DG timeline.

So I went over there and searched for your name.

This is what popped up, some quotes from this DG Review Link,

The golden gate park course is ridiculously popular. Thus, some people want to remove it. We think otherwise.

Who wanted to remove it?


You probably do for starters. Then the gardeners (including Hegerhorst) who never wanted it to begin with. Then some members of PROSAC. Who else? probably some neighbors and the odd person who got thrown up while he was in the middle of a fairway minding his own business.

Not trying to keep anything from you...seriously. But I also do think you would love for us to lose GGP.
Not being funny, ken have you played disc golf? Maybe join the sf club for an event. Walk the course with them. Have some fun. The land the course is on is not always destroyed by the golfers. Some are actually helped. I do not know if the sf group works to keep courses in good shape or not. But the clubs here around Dfw puts money back into the course. They plant trees, they takes steps in tryin to stop erosion. Your site and first responses did seem really one sided. Sometimes the land/tree are actually hurt by casual walkers/kids. I've seen several golfers run kids off who were in trees playing and breaking off branches. And the erosion or paths are going to happen anyways. If the park remains open just for walking paths the same will happen. You come off very smug in your comments which seems to rile up Peter. Which seems what you are going for.
But who wanted you to lose it so much that you had a petition to save it in June, 2010? Unfortunately the petition is no longer online but the inference from the thread comments are pretty clear. SMP was barely even figuring out which way was up with McLaren Park in June, 2010. I nor no one else in SMP have absolutely any interest in you losing GGP, as that will only put MORE pressure to put a course in McLaren Park.

Some members of toothless PROSAC? A gardener or two? Come on now...

ok glad to hear it. Now please stop writing opinion pieces in other counties where we might enjoy a little peace. Further, you should take down your entire site devoted to the evils of DG. It would be part of the bridge that Matt speaks about here. Deal?
DG Review Link

SF DG TimeLine

April, 2010
The only public walkthrough of the proposed course is presented as a "done deal" by SFDGC and Rec/Park leadership, with little room for public input -- it is to be an "informational tour", as construction is expected to begin by the end of summer. No maps are made available on the tour but a few days later a crude map is released.

As the eighteen proposed fairways affecting an area larger than 20 football fields clash with existing bird habitat, off-leash dog play areas, and myriad other passive recreational activities, neighbors and established users of these areas form the group Save McLaren Park (SMP). Scores of curious, concerned, and angry citizens pack a Rec/Park "informational meeting" a few days later to raise a whole host of concerns -- while a SFDGC clarion call to disc golfers from around the Bay Area brings out almost as many attendees to argue the other side. Meanwhile, unknown to most everyone at the time, a commissioner states at the very end of an April 15 meeting, "I don't think they're doing what they promised to do regarding the trees" on the Golden Gate disc golf course.

Curiouser and curiouser...

Posting quotes to your own website = no curiosity.

IOW, you are not interested in a bridge. Got it. Thanks again for chatting.
No, I posted a link to a DG Review thread titled "Help Save Disc Golf in San Francisco".

Where you stated in June, 2010 "Show your support for disc golf in San Francisco! Please take the few moments to fill out this petition. We want to keep the golden gate park course and create a new one at McLaren Park. Your support counts!!!"

And a link to an RPD Commission Hearing Minutes where at the very end of the document a commissioner stated

"Recently Phil [Ginsburg, RPD General Manager] and I went for a walk out at the disk golf thing and I'm wanting to bring that forward so we can have a discussion on that. I don't think in deference to my fellow Commissioners I don't think they're doing what they promised to do regarding the trees. I saw that and I'd like to [unintelligible] a discussion. Maybe some of those folks could come here."

The rest is context.


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