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[Vibram] Vibram Disc Golf Thread (Part II)

The 169 I had was crazy flat and flippy, not what I was looking for in a backhand prolly good for my weenie flick. As I said before my 176 firm and medium I sometimes don't even get them to turn on a backhand and my flicks hyzer out after a 100ft. So how do you flick? Palm up very sudden snap or do you flick your wrist over? Both can be controlled and usable but will change alot of things. Kinda like what Dave Feldberg talks about in his video of angles, you could be playing two angles on the disc and it can't handle the torque. Some discs can't do the same shots you normally shoot with comparable discs. I've let big arms backhand it and call it flippy but you know what, he pulled back on an anhyzer and snapped on a hyzer, that throws so much torque into the equation and this is not your torque monkey driver(for reference he threw rampages which was his basis for comparison). Sorry for the lecture I guess but you'll never find what your looking for out of this disc without being the slightest bit flexible toward yourself and not worry about the disc.

On another note I loved dropping the rampage for this disc, I went from flat pull anny releases for distance to flat hyzers for swooping turnovers and more control. I can only hope that the OS lace is my rubber rampage I can mash on. The lace can be a little too glidey at times.

I have 169 Medium that's very flippy when thrown backhand and hard. I have a first run 173 that flies pretty stable but will turn over in a headwind or and will burn and roll if I try to do any type of ahny flex.

It's a great disc but a touch more stability would make it my go to for distance.
I have 169 Medium that's very flippy when thrown backhand and hard. I have a first run 173 that flies pretty stable but will turn over in a headwind or and will burn and roll if I try to do any type of ahny flex.

It's a great disc but a touch more stability would make it my go to for distance.

I have two Laces in my bag. The 167g is a lot more touchy than the 172g. If I am going to throw forehand, I almost always throw the 172g because it is stable enough. I am still looking forward to that OS Lace. Please hurry with that one Mr. Dodge!
Hi everybody! I just found the Part Deux. Congrats and thanks to everyone. I especially liked the Innova meh player not having the mustard to pull out the win and the TX VBB converting players with the Lace. This is a fun ride, thanks to everyone for pushing with me!
"Wow, I didn't know Dana threw far like that"
-Person at The VTI after me bombing the Lace 500+

I occasionally threw far before, but am reaching new distances with the Lace. Its fun.

Can't wait to get the overstable version into my bag. Any hints on the name? Going with O-Lace or something different?
"Wow, I didn't know Dana threw far like that"
-Person at The VTI after me bombing the Lace 500+

I occasionally threw far before, but am reaching new distances with the Lace. Its fun.

Can't wait to get the overstable version into my bag. Any hints on the name? Going with O-Lace or something different?

Wow that is some really nice distance man! I can't wait to bomb mine this summer when it's warm. I know I'll be getting mine out to 500+ as well.

I must agree I am very much looking forward to the new O-Lace as well although I hope Steve and his team come up with something more original than "O-Lace" for the name. I hope the disc is a cross between an Ape and an Xcaliber. That would be legendary.
I must agree I am very much looking forward to the new O-Lace as well although I hope Steve and his team come up with something more original than "O-Lace" for the name. I hope the disc is a cross between an Ape and an Xcaliber. That would be legendary.

How about Lasso? Or maybe Escape?
O-Lace reminds me of Colace, a drug used for treating constipation. :\
O-Lace reminds me of Colace, a drug used for treating constipation. :\
O-Lace reminds me of


I like Tread and it fits the brand. I'm wracking my brain trying to come up with something better...I thought Shear might be good because an O-Lacw would fight wind, wind shear off a mountain...but it doesn't really roll of the tongue.
I'm going with Aglet. It's the hole the lace goes through. Thanks to Phineas and Ferb for teaching me that one.

You need to watch more Phineas. Remember the song, "....we never forget, the end of a shoelace is called the...(aglet)."

The aglet is the little plastic piece. :)