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Weird injuries that mess up your game

Pulled rib muscle. I got it one day when I gorged myself at an all you can eat Chinese buffet and then imediately went and played a round. Bending over to pick up discs on an engorged stomach will snap your rib muscle like a twig. To make matters worse I tested about 7 new extremely over stable discs that day throwing sidearm. It took exactly four weeks to the day before the pain went away enough to throw. I used Icy hot, Ibuprophen and elastic wraps to speed recovery.
I was helping a friend move, and had a couch dropped on me. I felt fine at the time, and went and played a round that evening. My back felt a little sore when I went to bed, but nothing major. I woke up in the morning, and my back hurt so badly that I couldn't sit up or get out of bed. I spent the next two days in bed, and the next three weeks not playing because I couldn't do anything that used my back muscles without it hurting badly. I figure I did something to my back trying to catch the couch, then the golfing twisted it and put strain on it enough to turn it into a real problem.
In TKD I was kind of the throwing dummy that day, where the instructor used me to show others different defensive throws. Needless to say that can be hard on the body, even on pads. I was a bit sore, then after that I went to soccer practice. A few slide tackles and when I woke up in the morning my back and shoulder hurt. Turned out I had dislocated two ribs and my shoulder (throwing arm). That killed my activities, all three, for a week or two.
I was playing Beaver Ranch in CO and i tweaked my right ass cheek pretty bad yesterday and its F-ing up my world right now
well i moved my washer and dryer into my new apartment yesterday on my own and f'd up my back pretty well....cant hardly move....didnt go play today, prolly wont play tomorow :(
I was thrown from a vehicle years ago. Went right thru a sunroof of a van during a wreck.

My right side was schmooshed. I had a bruise / blood blister from my ribs to my knee on my right side. The only bone I broke was my clavicle.

Doctors told me I would likely never participate in sports and have trouble walking.

I went on to race windsurfers professionally and crush many folks I have competed against in this leisure activity know as DG not to mention city league softball and basketball for years.

Never say die.

Additionally, I nearly ripped my thumb off my hand throwing a tomahawk during a tourney.
I was in the schule and was attempting a firmly thrown tomahawk and my thumb struck a stub on a cedar tree. (sawed off branch)

It was a compound dislocation. The thumbnail section of my throwing hand was bent 90 degrees the WRONG WAY, and had split the skin and was bleeding like a stuck pig.

That was the only tourney ever I DNF... but I threw left handed on the CTPs at the end of the tourney.

Never let anyone tell you that you cannot unless you just are sheeplike.
Step up. Adapt. Overcome. Make it happen. Don't whine, do.

Remember, pain don't hurt... that is just your brain talking to you.
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Blew up my right hand with a small bomb. Shattered my thumb and cut up my hand decently.

Tried to play a couple days later with frankly very poor results. A few weeks afterwards, realizing my hand wasn't just bruised as I had hoped, finally went to the ER and argued with the doctor who thought my purple and 200% regular size hand didn't need an xray and was just bruised. Eventually xray said my thumb was shattered and the ligaments in there were unattatched.

Reconstructive surgery, a permanent pin, a few months of physical rehab, and 90% mobility left in my thumb later, I was back with my discs.
Blew up my right hand with a small bomb. Shattered my thumb and cut up my hand decently.

Tried to play a couple days later with frankly very poor results. A few weeks afterwards, realizing my hand wasn't just bruised as I had hoped, finally went to the ER and argued with the doctor who thought my purple and 200% regular size hand didn't need an xray and was just bruised. Eventually xray said my thumb was shattered and the ligaments in there were unattatched.

Reconstructive surgery, a permanent pin, a few months of physical rehab, and 90% mobility left in my thumb later, I was back with my discs.

doesnt male pride just suck sometimes?
indeed it does. My father-in-law is the classic example himself. Recently had to have one of his ankles completely fused. It was so wrecked when he finally saw a doctor that the doc seriously asked him how the hell he was able to walk in.
Blew up my right hand with a small bomb. Shattered my thumb and cut up my hand decently.

Tried to play a couple days later with frankly very poor results. A few weeks afterwards, realizing my hand wasn't just bruised as I had hoped, finally went to the ER and argued with the doctor who thought my purple and 200% regular size hand didn't need an xray and was just bruised. Eventually xray said my thumb was shattered and the ligaments in there were unattatched.

Reconstructive surgery, a permanent pin, a few months of physical rehab, and 90% mobility left in my thumb later, I was back with my discs.

I've got one along those lines. A friend of mine (chemistry major) at Iowa state wanted me to help him make rocket fuel. We got a few done and then he wanted to add rust (a catalyst) to the mix for a faster burn. Well he got a bit too impatient, didn't want to wait for it to dry so he left it in the pan longer. As we were scooping it out to put it in the homemade rocket the fuel caught fire and all 100 grams of it burned in milliseconds. The flash was so fast, hot, and big that both our hands, my right arm, and his face had burns on it. We just soaked in cold water (not ice water) for a few hours until my mom came home and finally forced us to go to the hospital. Found out we had extensive 2nd degree burns all over our hands, a shot of morphine and a bottle of hydrocodone fixed the pain pretty good. We both had "mittens" on for the next two days, and bandages for at least a month after. Did I mention this was the start of my spring break?

Another to add to the list of "male pride"...
Hall of Fame material

Pulled rib muscle. I got it one day when I gorged myself at an all you can eat Chinese buffet and then imediately went and played a round. Bending over to pick up discs on an engorged stomach will snap your rib muscle like a twig. To make matters worse I tested about 7 new extremely over stable discs that day throwing sidearm. It took exactly four weeks to the day before the pain went away enough to throw. I used Icy hot, Ibuprophen and elastic wraps to speed recovery.
That story is awesome!
Just tonight I recieved a deep cut on my index finger. It is exactly were I pinch down with my thumb. I really upset because I wanted to play this week at some nice courses. I figured a bandaid will probably cause some wierd throws. I think I might even put a little finger condom on. Idk if it reopens I just want to PLAY!!
Just tonight I recieved a deep cut on my index finger. It is exactly were I pinch down with my thumb. I really upset because I wanted to play this week at some nice courses. I figured a bandaid will probably cause some wierd throws. I think I might even put a little finger condom on. Idk if it reopens I just want to PLAY!!

I hate those annoying little cuts. You seem like a wuss when you let them bother you but they really do change the way you throw.
I hate those annoying little cuts. You seem like a wuss when you let them bother you but they really do change the way you throw.

haha a wish I had a little cut. This thing is deeeep. I got it from putting down cases of beer at work and the bartender was moving this sheet metal MLB sign that fell. The metal edge tore into my finger and it was gushing blood. I wanted to cry. Not from the pain, but from knowing this is going to alter my game! lol who knows maybe I'll find a modified grip that I really like.
My foot hurts right now. I hope it doesn't effect me when I plant to x-step. I think I'll be able to work through it... but that's about the worst I've had
i've had mono the last two weeks, i just played a tournament last saturday, and was practicing every other day up to it, lots of ibuprophen and severe fevers and sore muscles at night when i went to bed were the result, the mono hurt my performance in the tournament and i'm still out of it
As an "old" guy, I've actually had some DG injuries over the past 9 years or so I've played. Was in a tourney once, and slighly slipped on the tee as I was throwing sidearm, felt a twinge in my groin but ignored it as just a slight pull or something. Well after resting in between rounds, it REALLY got painful, but played on anyway, getting more sore as the day and 2nd round wore on. On the ride home I was in terrible pain, I guess sitting and just resting made it worse, and it was nearly a 2 hr. drive. When I arrived home, I could litterally not walk, if I tried to walk upright the pain was too intense. My wife had to help me up our steps inside. I just laid on the bed for a few hours and started feeling better, then could walk. I just knew I was going to have to DNF my first tourney. But after a good nights sleep, I felt about 80% and could walk decent, so I went on for the day 2 tourney...and finished...2nd in Masters. On the day 2 ride home the pain was tough again, so I just curled up and went to bed when I got home. On Monday am went I got up to go to work I was hurting again...then I saw the damage as I went to the bathroom. My male parts were swollen 3x the normal size, and a puple/blackish color. So I called in to work and went to my Dr. Only to find I TORE my groin and not pulled it. Damn male pride.....I wouldn't stop playing...but hey I was on the lead card.....
I have actually injured myself while playing. I smashed my hand into a tree on a long approach shot, I thought I had a clear shot but I took a larger step and with a full swing I hit my hand on a tree and ruptured the blood vessels and tissue in my hand. I ended up with a severe contusion and couldn't play for roughly 3 weeks.