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Columbus, GA

Dinglewood Disc Golf

2.635(based on 8 reviews)
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Dinglewood Disc Golf reviews

17 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 10.7 years 694 played 671 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Don't Eat The Berries 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 17, 2019 Played the course:once


(1.766 Rating) Dinglewood is an older park style course with a couple good shots.
- TEES - Well... at least the tees are nice. 5 foot by 10 foot and concrete with a fair amount of tee shading.
- ELEVATION - Some nice elevation and 6 holes have at least ten feet of grade change in them. Hole (9) is a nice 40 to 45 foot down shot off the top of a bluff.
- BEGINNER FRIENDLY - Other than maybe hole (1), this will be a nice beginners course. Limited overgrowth, only one water hazard and no heavily wooded shots. The hole lengths are Novice to Rec level which gives something newer players to strive towards.
- QUICK PLAY - I played solo in under 30 minutes. Figure an hour for a four some.


Lacks excellence in all the key areas.
- CHARACTER - Overall the park and course feels a bit run down. The basics are adequate. Decent Chainstar baskets, concrete tees and simple tee signs adhered to all but one tee pad. Hole (1) had a new slab poured. Beyond these core items, there is really nothing else. There is no course map posted on site. There is no picnic shelter, no multi tees and no practice basket. One alternate basket placement on hole (1) and I think one tee may have had a bench.
- LACK OF CHALLENGE - Lower Recreational challenges at best. I thought I played well and shot 4 down as a 900ish rated player. The course requires mild power off the tee and also modest technical skills. Rec players should be able to birdie most of them in a few rounds. Advanced players should average 6 to 7 down.
- NAVIGATION - Doable but not the easiest. No course map on site and the tee signs do not have next tee direction. Tee are hard to spot too as the signs are adhered to the pads as noted above. (9) is especially hard to spot, and I likely would have missed it, had I not strolled over to it after I finished hole (4).
- UNIQUENESS - About average for a nine holes, but subpar overall. Minimal distance variation. Every shot is light to moderately wooded and overall the course has a slight monotonous feel. I did like the big downhill shot on (9) to finish it off.
- NATURAL BEAUTY - From far away, I would have concluded a better than average looking park. However while on the course, I did not find this to be true. Trash along the river. A pile of trash on the pathway between (4) and (5). An overall subtle lack of upkeep. On the flipside, Some monster 5 foot wide trees to peak my interest.
- PARKING - A pitted gravel parking lot. I subtract very little for this, like .02 points.
- SPACING - The fairways felt a little cramped. I'd keep my head on swivel if there were multiply groups playing. I personally threw down (8s) fairway on (9), as it was the best attack angle.
- TRASH - I saw an excess amount of trash on this course. I didn't see any transients while out on the course, but I would not be surprised if there was an encampment.

Other Thoughts:

A quick easy bag for those trying to rack up courses. For everyone else, this won't be the go to stop unless they live in the neighborhood. I wasn't expecting much, so I wasn't disappointed. I enjoyed it for what is was. I'd give it a 1.75 if I were allowed to do so.
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8 0
Mr. Butlertron
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.6 years 675 played 131 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Shady Hills 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 13, 2018 Played the course:once


- free to play, plenty of parking
- concrete tees with signs embedded in the pad
- detailed tee signs, listed distances and basket directions
- hilly landscape with lots of trees that features inclining and declining fairways
- hard to lose a disc, cleanly landscaped fairways
- a fun mix of distances, and right/left favorable fairways
- not necessarily a pitch and putt 9 hole course
- trash cans
- lots of shade
- beginner friendly


- too many traversing fairways
- I couldn't figure out where to tee off for #9
- no bathrooms, benches
- no multiple tees, only one hole with multiple pins
- no practice basket

Other Thoughts:

Dinglewood is a hilly 9 hole course that works itself clockwise up and traverses throughout the landscape. I am unfamiliar with the type of baskets, but they caught decently, had numbers on them, and where visibly noticable with their red coloring. The tees were concrete and had the fairway information on placards mounted to the back side of the pads. A couple pads were uneven or cracked due to settling, which is probably inevitable with the landscape given. The only one that confused me was #9. My guess is that the tee off was reassigned by the looks of the pad and where the actual basket was located.

The course was a lot of fun. There were big trees to shot shape around and unaobstructed fairways lanes to the baskets. The fairways were typically under 300 feet and the canopy was rarely an issue. All the holes could be birdied, given the right amount of touch.

My complaints about the course are few, mostly having to do with the layout. The baskets didn't appear to have sleeves and were firmly cemented into the ground. This combined with the lack of descending fairways was disappointing. IMO, a hilly course with barely any downhill drives isn't meeting it's full potential. Multiple pins could right that wrong, but only hole #1 had them. It was a flat fairway and they were both very similar. Caution: bums could be living in the nearby woods surrounding the top of the course.

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7 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.3 years 104 played 61 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 11, 2016 Played the course:once


This is a middle of the road quality 9 hole course in a very convenient location that is fun, easy and quick to play without a whole lot of challenge. If I lived nearby I would be here quite a bit. The course starts and ends at the parking lot without any baskets or real amenities along the way. The tees and baskets are good. One of the things that stood out to me was the use of rocks as "next tee" markers where if you looked close enough near some of the baskets you would see rocks with a white arrow painted on them to point to the next tee. That was welcome on 2 or 3 holes where the next tee would not have been readily apparent. But as you can guess after one time through you would have this course figured out. I loved the elevation, which added a bit of challenge...especially finishing out on 9 with a longer downhill shot toward the parking lot. I couldn't see that basket from the tee so I shot too far to the right. The course didn't have anyone else on it. I don't know if that is typical or not but it didn't leave you waiting on others.

All in all, a fun course that I would play again if I were ever near by.


Short...very short. Other than that, what you see is what you get. It could use some good signage but the course is what it is...it isn't meant to be a high caliber course. This would be a great beginner/learner course for people new to the sport. No real OB, mandos or anything to make extra challenge of the shorter course but that is fine too.

Other Thoughts:

I would love to play a safari round out there sometime. I would also love to see the course extend into the unused section of the park for either a few more holes or to lengthen the course a bit (the first would probably be easier to accomplish than the second).
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3 1
Experience: 13.5 years 6 played 3 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Good For A Quick Game 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 9, 2016 Played the course:once


Easy to navigate
Decent markers
Easy to play


No map (though it's not needed)
Last basket is a bit close to the parking lot (risk of hitting cars)

Other Thoughts:

This is a decent little course that won't challenge you much, but it's kind of nice to be able to play on a course that won't cause as much frustration as more challenging courses often do. I can see this getting old kind of fast, but it's good for practicing on. Definitely a good course to take a new player on since there aren't too many trees (but just enough to have some kind of challenge). I like to eat at Midtown Coffee (highly recommended - it's right across the street) so the location of this makes it really convenient to play on and I'll definitely play it again.

Side note: The park had plenty of trash which is unfortunately typical of parks in Columbus, but I did clean up a lot of it so it should be clean for at least a day. :p
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11 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.4 years 388 played 318 reviews
2.50 star(s)

fun city park course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 28, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


-fun layout that has a good variety of shots for 9 holes
-makes great use of the elevation throughout the park
-nice baskets and concrete tees
-permanent 2nd (longer) basket on hole 1
-close to downtown, adequate parking


-lower part of the course gets very soggy
-errant drives can easily end up in other fairways
-very limited space but the holes are designed well within that space

Other Thoughts:

This little 9 hole course plays through a small city park on a big hill with lots of large mature trees. The holes are mostly shorter with a few places to open up a little bit. Hole 1 has an open fairway with a tree line on the right and a creek on the left. A great warm up hole before more trees come into play but you still have to be sure you don't hyzer into the creek. I loved that there was also a permanent longer basket on this hole that is about 150' further down the fairway.

Holes 2 through 4 are shorter but have lots of large trees in play. There are obvious, fair lanes to the basket on each but you need to hit the line, especially on 3. Hole 5 is one of the longer holes and there is a tight gap halfway down the fairway. Hole 6 has a cool left to right lane to hit and hole 7 is a short downhill ace run. Finally 8 and 9 go up and then back down the hill. A fun way to end the round.

The baskets and concrete tees are in great condition and hole number and distance are engraved in the tees. The park is clean and looks like a pretty safe area. I was impressed overall with the design and execution of this course. It's a fun round that is easy to play quickly or spend the afternoon playing multiple rounds. A great option if you don't have the time or perhaps transportation to make it out to Flat Rock Park.

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2 2
Experience: 8.7 years 27 played 8 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Very nice short course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Feb 16, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


Nice layout, good scenery and signage. I loved the down hill drives on #7 and #9. It was tougher than I expected.


Wet on the lower half with any rain. A couple holes #4 and #5 I think there wasn't much of a line to take. It was throw and hope it doesn't hit a tree.

Other Thoughts:

Great job by the designers with the space available.
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5 4
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

very fun course..... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 26, 2015 Played the course:once


You can play this 9-holer at a non-rushed pace in 35 to 45 minutes. While another reviewer focused on how short it is, which is true, there are several holes where even a good player will be tested with accuracy and the ability to move the disc in both directions. After big rains, you can easily divert the wet spots with the exception of the tee shot landing zone on #9. On wet days, If the tee shot on this last hole is long and straight, you will see the low lying, very wet area I'm talking about. To avoid it, you want your tee shot to be long with a tail end hook. Hole #5 is a very solid and challenging par 3. I gave the course a 4.0 - excellent rating because of how well the layout was done with limited land.


None, the designers put a gem of a 9-hole course in the middle of town (near Lakebottom park), but without all the daily pedestrian traffic that you see at Lakebottom.

Other Thoughts:

I look forward to playing this course often. The designers did a GREAT job in the layout. There was no way possible for this to be 18-holes due to the space available, however the way these 9-holes are laid out will make for a lot of enjoyment for all types of players.
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4 3
Experience: 3 played 1 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Beginner Friendly 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 5, 2015 Played the course:once


Good course for beginners, veryyyyy short. Has some different elevations throughout the course but very short.


Can get really muddy after a rain, and the holes are really close together. If you are looking for a challenge you won't find it here.

Other Thoughts:

Beginner friendly, great for practicing midrange and putting.
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